Barbados – into a new era though China dominates

Barbados became a republic at midnight on 30 November after several centuries of being colonised by the British (following the Spanish and Portuguese) in the 17th Century. It gained  independence on 30 November 1966 with the Queen remaining as head of state and she has now been replaced by President Sandra Mason.

  The Republic chart is tough, but well-knit together with an assertive/determined Mars in Scorpio trine Neptune, sextile Pluto Venus in the entertaining 5th. There may be a suspicion of lack of commitment to neighbours and treaties with Neptune in the 7th but it is a nation that will demand attention with Pluto Venus in the 5th. The latter perhaps a pointer to it being a tourist destination with colourful and entertaining festivals. The Libra Moon is trine a hard-working Saturn, sextile the Sagittarius Sun Mercury which will help to give balance. Though the Saturn square Uranus will produce the odd hiccup along the way – in terms of employment (Saturn in 6th, maybe health) and foreign relations which will be unpredictable (Uranus in 9th).  Jupiter in Aquarius in the 6th square Mars suggests a lively, adventurous and at times opportunistic approach.

      China is considered one of Barbados’s closest allies and for decades has been an increasingly important trading and export partner. The China 1912 chart has its controlling Pluto in the Republic’s 10th house so no doubt who will call the shots though the China Jupiter is also conjunct the Barbados Sun suggesting it will be a supportive partner bringing largesse (with strings attached). The China Uranus is conjunct the Barbados Pluto Venus so it will be an agent of significant change for the country.

 Sandra Mason, 17 January 1949, the president was a former lawyer and high court judge and Governor-General since 2017. She is a Sun Capricorn with a formidably determined Mars Mercury in Aquarius opposition Pluto. She’ll be under considerable pressure with tr Pluto conjunct her Sun from early 2022 till late 2023; and tr Saturn square tr Uranus hitting on her Mars from this December, New Year and January and then her Pluto throughout 2022. It will shake even her formidable courage. Not much of a honeymoon.

  Her relationships with both the China 1912 and 1949 charts and with Xi Jinping all have controlling Pluto dominant, so she will be dancing on Beijing’s strings.

   The Barbados Republic chart in relation to China 1949 is also dictatorial and monopolizing with a composite Sun Pluto Mercury in a tussle-for-the-upper-hand Jupiter – it will come under immense strain after mid decade. The Barbados/China 1912 relationship indicates is a high-tension union with some plus points but again one-sided with a tendency to become aggravated over time about the power imbalance.

10 thoughts on “Barbados – into a new era though China dominates

  1. I agree with Laurien that not having the electorate vote in a referendum was ill advised. It makes the Republic look less democratic and more of a dictatorship. How long is the new president expected to hold power before calling for a general election?

  2. Marjorie,

    thank you for writing about this. I see you looked into Barbados President Sandra Mason’s relationship with China (which looks interesting) but I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind writing an add-on to this post with regards to Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley. I was curious to know how Mottley’s astrological relationship looks with China over the next few years too.

    I’m asking about Mia Mottley because I do find it ironic that she presents herself as a strong supporter of environmental conservation and green politics. However, she has also expressed strong support for China – which seems to defeat the purpose since China has an atrocious record with regards to environmental conservation, preservation, protection, remediation, restoration, and revitalization.

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida

  3. Thank you Marjorie for your analysis and interesting comments. Sandra Mason’s Sun in conjunction with Pluto seems quite fated along with the imminent Pluto transit to her natal Sun. I wish them great success, though like others have the concerns regarding the encroachment of China.

  4. Hmm, the Meta connection is interesting, will have to keep an eye on whether Barbados and Meta experience parallel developments! Thanks for pointing that out, GnarlyDude! And thank you, Marjorie, for your great analysis. Glad you think the Barbados chart doesn’t look too bad although I wonder if the fact that they did not hold a referendum on becoming a republic will come back to bite them.

  5. Thanks, Marjorie for confirming the controlling link to China – no surprise, as China is following it’s dictum of ‘slowly, slowly catchee monkey’ over the globe, at times it seems without world powers noticing or doing much about it either.
    This is another break in the final links in the chain with Queen Elizabeth II and the last vestiges of the ‘British Empire’ too

  6. Interesting read, thanks Marjorie – wasn’t aware of the China connection before.

    It occurs to me the new Republic has a similar chart to Zuckerberg’s Meta which comes 24-hrs later (1-Dec). Located in similar timezones, both have mid-Virgo Ascendant and therefore same houses. The only difference is that Libra moon is close to the end of Libra for Meta.

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