France – needing a steady hand on the tiller ahead + Jupiter Neptune

The France presidential elections due in April 2022 are hotting up with the four front runners spotlighted – Emmanuel Macron, the centrist president, centre-right Valerie Pecresse, far-right Eric Zemmour and equally far-right Marine Le Pen. What’s clear from the France chart is that there will be widespread confusion, turbulence and upset which may not all … Read more

Chris Cuomo – brothers under siege

Chris Cuomo has been fired by CNN for defending his brother former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo from sexual harassment allegations. It transpires he had taken a much more active role than previously thought in strategizing a response, which then triggered an allegation of “serious sexual misconduct” against him as well.  Andrew Cuomo resigned last August … Read more

Mars Pluto – turning fear into courage

  The mind-numbing details about the life and death of six year Arthur Labinjo-Hughes, beaten, starved and tortured by his stepmother and father, have a ring of sickening familiarity. Both the perpetrators now face long prison sentences for murder and manslaughter respectively and social services are being hauled over the coals for their incompetence. Previous … Read more

Saturn Neptune – at best pragmatism plus vision

Saturn Neptune conjunctions come round roughly three times a century – in 1989 in Capricorn, in 1953 in Libra and in 1917/18 in Leo. The next one falls in Aries in 2025/26.   Historically they have been associated with the fight for womens’ and workers’ rights, epidemics, religious events and collapsing empires. From The Astrological … Read more

Priti Patel – under water and under attack

Priti Patel, the UK Home Secretary, is having a worse month than usual, being brickbatted for not getting on top of migrants crossing the channel and is now facing serious questions about her department’s handling of Windrush compensation. Just 5% of the victims formerly from the Caribbean who were mistakenly written off as illegal immigrants … Read more