Priti Patel, the UK Home Secretary, is having a worse month than usual, being brickbatted for not getting on top of migrants crossing the channel and is now facing serious questions about her department’s handling of Windrush compensation. Just 5% of the victims formerly from the Caribbean who were mistakenly written off as illegal immigrants have received any recompense and some have died in the interim. No doubt she’ll blame her civil servants which is her typical response. The media have her written off as one of the least able of Boris’s right-wing, anti-Eu lieutenants which is saying something.
Matthew Parris said of her in the Times: “Priti Patel’s record of abusive and undisciplined behaviour is as long as your arm, the people who ought to know this know it, and she should never have been allowed anywhere near a ministerial red box.” She was forced to resign from Theresa May’s cabinet for unauthorised meetings with Israeli politicians and officials; and more recently faced bullying allegations from senior staff, which were found to have breached the ministerial code again. Boris refused to take action against her. And on she marched.
She was born 29 March 1972 in London and has a forcefully confident, pushy and super-resourceful chart with her Aries Sun and Mercury opposition Pluto (Moon) Uranus in Libra square Jupiter in Capricorn.
There are slight chart similarities to Tiger Woods who has Jupiter in Aries opposition Pluto square a Capricorn Sun but he channels his driving obsession to win at all costs into competitive sport.
She also has a (Boris special) scattered, argumentative Mars Saturn in Gemini opposition Neptune making her short-tempered, hard-edged, suspicious.
Last week she had the Lunar Eclipse conjunct her Venus in Taurus and Algo and also triggering her Solar Arc Sun in late Taurus.
Her relationship chart with Boris is riddled with illusion, delusion and deceit with a composite Sun opposition Neptune – which has a separating tr Saturn square from late February 2022 and continue throughout the year. This New Year through to February looks riddled with yet more crises and it won’t let up thereafter. So they won’t rub happily along together, for sure.
There is also a ‘karmic’ composite yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Saturn suggesting their fates are intertwined for good or for ill.
Her own chart (without a definite birth time though 6.30 to 6.48am is floating about) isn’t showing much strain until 2023/24 – but with a chart axis there might be midheaven challenges which we don’t know.
Could the Moon conjunct the South Node in the 3rd house mean that she may get the upper hand in their conversations? I get the feeling that BoJo is a sucker for allowing women to get the better of him and then takes it out on men. He doesn’t have that many male friends and comes across as a weak man.
Marjorie, this isn’t a comment about your posts today – as good as they are. I wondered if, when you have the time you could look into the destructive and long-term effects on the health of those who happen to have an inflicted Neptune in the 8th house. I am one of these, and my sun and Neptune are conjunct in the 8th in Virgo (born 1941).
Thank you
I’m not sure I would associate Neptune in the 8th with health problems necessarily. Though admittedly Franklin D Roosevelt who had polio had Neptune along with Saturn Jupiter in his 8th and also an afflicted Mercury in his 6th. I would tend to look elsewhere I must admit.
Thanks for your reply, Marjorie.
Looking at the Johnson/ Patel relationship chart I see that the Mercury Sun is going to be hit by transiting uranus next year which will be interesting, providing excess energy to their workings.
An unnamed civil servant recently described her as “ a moron”. Mars/Saturn opp Neptune is a predisposition for deception. Her 12 meetings with Israeli govt officials while “ on holiday” and for which she was then sacked, was about how she could secretly funnel millions in govt overseas Aid funds for which she was then responsible, into the sweaty maw of the Israeli govt., is a testament to her sense of duty and probity. What was in it for her is unknown, but a quid pro quo there would certainly have been. A thick, craven, dishonest thug as our Home Secretary….