Lincoln Project – democracy and decency

The Lincoln Project is a rebel Republican action committee formed to prevent the re-election of Trump, defeat his supporters in the Senate and they recently announced their endorsement of Joe Biden. Founder members include George Conway, Rick Wilson, Steve Schmidt and Jennifer Horn. There are rivers of venom to flow before November and many imponderables … Read more

The Murdoch dynasty – Saturn and his children

            The Greek drama that is the Murdoch Family has encountered another plot twist with the resignation of James Murdoch, younger son of Rupert Murdoch, from the board of News Corporation, citing “disagreements over editorial content”. He has previously criticised News Corp outlets for climate change coverage, especially over the Australian wildfires … Read more

Russia’s playground – Boris and before, mainly complicit

  The Russia Report, much delayed by No 10, highlighted a complacent establishment turning a blind eye to any potential Kremlin interference in recent elections. It pointed out the US intelligence agencies produced a report into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election within two months of the vote. Other European countries, including France and … Read more