Boris Johnson – sleaze, leaks, denials – plus ca change ++ Carrie

For a man who infamously uttered the scornful dismissal of business concerns about Brexit – ‘f*** business’ when Foreign Secretary – Boris Johnson has done a sharp U-turn since entering No 10 to cosy up to Tory donors and others in a government that is sinking in accusations about sleaze and favouritism. The latest kerfuffle … Read more

Boris – the class clown as wrecker-in-chief

Boris Johnson is still benefiting in the popularity polls from the vaccine bounce and the unaccountable failure of Keir Starmer, the Opposition leader, to sparkle into gear. This despite his Government chart wilting with the undermining tr Neptune square the Sun since late last month, which suggests there is more uncertainty and dither behind the … Read more

Dominic Cummings – as welcome as Banquo’s ghost

   Dom Cummings, the evil gremlin is back, Dt Strangelove as the devil-in-a-box popped up at a Parliamentary Committee on Science this week, despite having zero scientific credentials in his CV. He was as welcome as Tony Blair sticking his head above the parapet to test whether his unpopularity had receded and ducking before the … Read more

Ireland – peace threatened by blundering politicos

Northern Ireland is feeling the cold and turbulent wind of Brexit more than most with community tensions rising and border staff at ports now withdrawn because of safety fears from paramilitary threats. The Good Friday Agreement so critical to peace could be in jeopardy.   A combination of Boris Johnson’s indifference to the implications of … Read more

Italian politics – the only constant is change ++ Italexit?

Italian politics is back in Circus Maximus mode with Matteo Renzi living up to his youthful nickname “Rottamatore” (the Wrecker), bringing down Giuseppe Conti’s government by pulling out of the ruling coalition. Thereby making himself even less popular than before. Round and round they go, now aiming for the country’s 67th government since the war. … Read more

Boris government – chums in the cookie jar

However much Boris Johnson distances himself from a now-disgraced but once favoured Trump, there has been an eerie syncronicity in both their fortunes since 2016.   Both are Sun Geminis, with Boris having Venus Mercury close by; both have slippery Neptune in their 2nd house of finances; and Trump has his acquisitive Jupiter in the … Read more