Salmond v Sturgeon – a thorny Scottish scrap

The bitter feud between Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon, former and present First Ministers of Scotland, finally erupted into a daggers drawn scenario, which could throw the independence struggle off track. He accused her of repeatedly misleading parliament over the investigation into multiple sexual misconduct allegations against him. If proved she might be forced to … Read more

Suzanne Moore – victim of the madness of the age

  Suzanne Moore, the Guardian columnist, winner of last year’s Orwell Prize for journalism, has resigned over the paper’s lack of support for her when she was attacked by transgender zealots, who threatened her physically and her children. After she wrote a piece in which she said gender was a biological classification, ‘not a feeling’ … Read more

Jupiter Saturn – harbinger of changing times

The Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Aquarius, exact on the solstice this December is significant for several reasons. As an astronomical event it will be rare. Despite these two planets coming together in a conjunction every 20 years, they will be closer visually than at any time in several centuries.     Such astronomical alignments aren’t always … Read more

Dominic Cummings – a less than fond farewell

As Dominic Cummings flounces out of No 10 for the final time – despite his actual office being round the corner and thus less sexy for a photo-op – it’s worth pondering on Matthew Parris’s perceptive and prescient thoughts in The Times from July 2019. ‘Dominic Cummings is the sharp‑tongued recruit who could cut Boris … Read more

No 10 – infighting explodes into the open + Gove

No 10 has become a “nest of vipers” and is falling apart, far worse than the outside world realises, according to a well-placed source. The opposition leader has accused the inner Boris circle of fighting ‘like rats in a sack’. Even allowing for journalistic mischief and political point-scoring, the ousting of the Communications Director and … Read more

UK – the Titanic sails blithely on

‘Tis the time’s plague when madmen lead the blind.” Shakespeare, King Lear. Boris blunders and bungles along making a total bollix of the pandemic response, sparing the odd moment to cast a glance towards the Brexit negotiations. Today he’ll talk directly to the EU President Ursula von Leyen, pushing his standard line of – there’s … Read more