The worst mass shooting in the UK for a decade which left five dead including a young child and the killer’s mother, was fuelled by the misogynist Incel philosophy. Involuntary celibate men are members of hostile online groups who blame women for their sexual failings, hold nihilistic views of life (black pill) – and most hate their mothers. Just before he self-destructed, Jake Davison said on line that he was “bitter and jealous” and that women “treat men with zero respect or even view them as human beings”.
There’s no birth date for Davison but skipping back through the recent high profile Incel mass shooters several Astro-aspects stand out.
Of the seven I looked at 4 are Libra, two Leo and one Scorpio. The majority of them have hard Saturn aspects to their Sun, which suggests damaged self-esteem, a sense they are not good enough. Three out of the seven have Mars in Leo which may be less Incel and more they want to make a splash that attracts attention – and all of them have a sprinkling of other planets in Leo.
There are no birth times unfortunately so Moon aspects are not obvious but don’t seem to be that relevant. Though there are three with possible Moon Pluto hard aspects, a sign of the smothering, over controlling mother.
Libra and Saturn appear to be the standout features.
Wild and wayout are never descriptions applied to Tom Hanks, known as the nicest and sanest man in Hollywood. But his second youngest child, Chet, a wayward provocateur, rapper and anti-vaxx conspiracy theorist, with a cocaine problem and no brakes on his mouth, could not be more different.
Chet was born 4 August 1990 in the middle of the chaotic, wilful, can-be-inspired or the opposite, triple conjunction of Uranus, Neptune, Saturn in Capricorn with a Capricorn Moon. He also has an enraged Mars in Taurus opposition Pluto square his Leo Sun so he will harbour a good deal of anger and frustration.
His Capricorn planets oppose Tom Hanks’ Cancer Sun so it isn’t an easy interface for father though Chet’s Venus in Cancer is conjunct. Chet’s Sun is conjunct Tom’s Leo Moon which is a great connection but not with a Mars opposition Pluto getting in the way. Chet’s seeking-a-cause Aquarius North Node is opposition his father’s Moon and his own Sun, which may point to him trying to mark out his own territory, albeit in a shambolic way.
Tom Hanks said it was trickier for the younger children since they arrived after he had become a star so they had to cope with all the trappings. There’s clearly a good deal of affection between them – with Moon Sun and Sun Venus crossovers. Though there’s also an overdose of defiant, outrageous and rebellious energy determined to rock the boat. In the relationship chart this emerges as an explosive composite Mars opposition Uranus which goes along with starkly different agendas and an unwillingness to compromise.
Pity Chet does not have a birth time since it would help.
The Taliban have over run city after city in Afghanistan with a wholesale collapse of the national security forces and are now within 30 miles of Kabul. The entire country is expected to be under their brutal control within months, if not sooner, which regrettably is reflected in the astrology – see previous post July 6 2021.
The scramble to airlift out embassy staff and vulnerable Afghans who helped the allies has drawn comparisons with the Fall of Saigon in late April 1975 which brought a humiliating end to the failed war in Vietnam.
Both wars were launched on overly impetuous Jupiter aspects – high in confidence, low on realism, slapdash.
The Vietnam War in 1955 launched with Jupiter Pluto conjunct in Leo squaring onto Saturn Venus in Scorpio. Jupiter Pluto can be fanatical and self-assured, as well as arrogant, but is blocked here by reality-check Saturn.
The Afghan War in 2001 was kicked off as a response to 9/11 with a crusading, overly zealous and self-justifying Jupiter opposition Mars, with Jupiter inconjunct Pluto. Saturn was then in a tough tough opposition to Pluto and semi-sextile Jupiter. So again a similar feel of too much Jupiter in conflict with Saturn.
When the Vietnam War ended in a shambles tr Saturn was conjunct the USA 1776 Cancer Sun exactly and square the US Saturn.
This year as the Afghanistan withdrawal leaves chaos in its wake tr Neptune is opposing the USA Neptune and tugging on the failure-ridden square to the US Mars; with tr Saturn conjunct the US South Node, exact this October when the extent of the collapse will be even more starkly obvious. 9/11 occurred with tr Neptune was conjunct the USA South Node which always seemed to me the most significant aspect – a devastating blow to America’s ‘leadership’ Leo North Node.
There was never going to be an easy answer to Afghanistan and much of the blame attaches to the early decisions of GWB and cronies, but it could turn out to be a blot on Joe Biden’s copy book. Relocating his chart to Kabul puts Saturn on his Ascendant as well as Uranus.
Add On: The Taliban was spawned out of the chaos of the Soviet-Afghan War, proclaiming a Caliphate on April 3rd or 4th 1996 and in power between 1996 and 2001. The proclamation date gives a confident Sun square Jupiter with an emotionally intense Venus opposition Pluto and a cruel/military Mars in Aries conjunct Saturn, in a ruthless trine to Pluto and in an opportunistic, crusading square to Jupiter. Mars Jupiter often uses religious justifications for aggressive actions. The brutal Mars trine Pluto is further emphasised being in a mini-Grand Trine, sextile Uranus.
It’s not that dissimilar to the Al Quaeda chart of 11 August 1988 with a Leo Sun trine Mars in Aries and square Pluto. With Pluto trine Venus, inconjunct Mars and sextile Neptune. Both have Mars at almost the same degree in Aries.
The Taliban chart clashes badly with the Afghan country chart with the Taliban Neptune opposition the Afghan Mars, undermining the country’s assertive drive, causing panic; and the Taliban’s ferocious Mars is square the Afghan Pluto for a destructive, enraging connection.
The relationship chart is bleak with a chained-together and resenting it composite Sun Saturn square Pluto. It is under disillusioning and disappointing Neptune influences this year into early 2022; with feelings running high in 2022/23 with tr Pluto opposition the composite Venus.
Where the Taliban chart runs into trouble, if the start date holds good, will be 2023 when there is a Solar Arc Pluto square the Saturn for deprivation, hardship, financial setbacks. Though even before then with tr Pluto conjunct the Taliban Neptune from early 2022 to late 2023, there will be widespread confusion.
The Afghanistan chart looks road-blocked and threatened in 2022/23 with tr Pluto opposition the Mars but there could be changes come 2024 as tr Uranus square the Sun and tr Pluto approaches a confident-push square to the Jupiter in 2025, though before then picking up the uplifting Jupiter midpoints from 2023 onwards. So paralysis for a couple of years and then maybe more hopeful.
Ben Roberts-Smith, Australia’s most highly decorated former soldier is the subject of a war crimes investigation by the Australian Federal Police over “questions of unlawful conduct concerning (Australia’s) Special Operations Task Group in Afghanistan”. He denies the allegations and is suing various media outlets for defamation in their subsequent reporting. His estranged ex-wife has now emerged to suggest he buried classified material on flash drives in their back drive.
Born 1 November 1978 in Perth, he has a New Moon in Scorpio in a confident square to Jupiter; as well as Uranus, Venus, Mercury, Mars in Scorpio so an emotionally intense stellium of dogged determination. Not a man to take slights and accusations lying down. He has Jupiter in flamboyant Leo trine Neptune, sextile Pluto so super-ambitious, not always realistic. His Neptune is also in a can-be-uncertain square to Saturn in hard-working Virgo.
He isn’t looking too upbeat ahead with a hopes-dashed tr Neptune opposition his Sun/Jupiter midpoint till early 2023 plus a couple of ratchety Sun midpoints catching the tr Uranus square tr Saturn this year; and a trapped, frustrating tr Pluto square his Mars/Node in 2022/23 with more panics in 2023/2024.
I think it was the Egyptians who reckoned the two best signs for military leaders were Scorpio and Leo.
Ron De Santis, Governor of Florida, is on a mask-defying rampage as his state becomes the epicenter of a more transmissible surge of COVID-19 with hospitalizations climbing. Local school boards are refusing to follow his executive order banning mask mandates, despite threats to withhold funding. He was elected governor in 2018 with a 0.4 percent margin of victory. His stance has played well so far to his base but the virus may well be the deciding factor in his 2022 re-election and his hopes of GOP nominee in 2024.
He’s in an oddly mixed year with an undermining tr Neptune opposing his Virgo Sun till early 2022 and tr Neptune also taking the shine off his lucky Jupiter/Uranus midpoint as well in 2021/2022. He looks panicked and confused this December and trapped in an enraging situation from early 2022 on and off till late year with tr Pluto square his Mars – and that is exact across the November elections. But he’ll be in ranting and raving form all the same and by 2024 he picks up a confident tr Pluto square his Jupiter, so whatever happens he won’t be down and out.
Democrat Charlie Cridst may be the best hope against him but his Astro isn’t looking too cheerful ahead.
Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas, is facing the same problem with hospitalizations soaring on the back of his stalwartly anti-mask stance. He’s in a guddle and a muddle this year with an undermining tr Neptune opposing his Mars/Uranus midpoint (2022 as well) and the tr Saturn square tr Uranus colliding with his Uranus, and Sun/Mars and Sun/Neptune midpoints until early 2022. But thereafter he looks more upbeat and confident in January and again August to early December 2022 with tr Pluto energising two of his Jupiter midpoints. Not all of his plans will work out but he looks fairly buoyant. Where he hits the skids is in 2025/2026 with tr Pluto square his Mars and Neptune in Scorpio.
Argentinian Lionel Messi, regarded as one of the best football players of all time, has left Barcelona FC where he has spent his entire super-successful career, amidst much regret and tears after contract negotiations failed. He has moved to Paris St Germain. Last year he wanted to leave Barcelona and this year he had changed his mind but it didn’t work out.
He was born 24 June 1987 in Rosario, Argentina and his birth time appears to have moved from 6am to 5.20pm (from memory), so should be regarded as iffy. He’s a Sun Cancer trine Pluto and opposition Neptune in Capricorn; with Jupiter in upfront Aries in an adventurous trine to Uranus Saturn, and in a risk-taking square to his Mars in Cancer.
He’s looking buoyant this year with tr Pluto square his Jupiter this December but his chart is a touch swampy and uncertain from April 2022 onwards with tr Neptune square his Uranus and opposing his Sun/Saturn, on and off into 2023, which isn’t too exciting either.
A Sun Cancerian won’t be too happy about leaving what has effectively been his home for two decades.
See previous post below, written with the 6am birth time.
Post Aug 27 2020
Lionel Messi, reputed to be the best football player of all time, has shocked fans by announcing he wants to leave Barcelona after 20 seasons at Barcelona. At 32 he is nearing retiring age but everyone thought he would see his days out in the place he called home. The club’s performance has been deteriorating in the past five years so it’s assumed he wanted one last shot at greatness before hanging up his boots. There’ll be a vicious legal wrangle before he goes and it’s not clear he’ll be able to reverse out of his contract.
Born 24 June 1987 6am Rosario, Argentina, he’s a Sun Cancer in the financial 2nd house opposition a mesmerising 8th house Neptune square North Node in Aries. His ambitious Mars Mercury in Cancer are also in his financial 2nd house in a risk-taking square to Jupiter. He has a confidently enthusiastic Jupiter in Aries in an adventurous trine to Uranus and a well-balanced trine to Saturn.
He has had tax authority problems with fraud charges being laid which he blamed on his father who handled his business affairs. That is interesting in terms of his 8th house Neptune, which Sean Connery also has – and his wife Micheline was embroiled in a major Spanish tax tangle recently over the sale of a house. The 8th house rules joint and business finances and Neptune there can indicate evasiveness where authority figures are concerned. Which being Neptune usually comes out into the open at some point.
Messi does have tr Pluto opposition his Mars trailing on from last year until late this November which is acutely frustrating so he won’t have been contented. Especially with tr Pluto still moving through his trapped 8th house where it has been for the past decade or so. And tr Saturn has also been moving through his 8th since late 2017 which won’t have improved his spirits either. I wouldn’t be surprised if there hadn’t been more financial headaches although the main tax charges were theoretically tied up in 2016.
It’ll be easier on him from the New Year with tr Saturn moving out of his 8th and the tr Pluto Mars aspect being finished. But he’s still got tr Neptune trailing along for a couple more years square his Saturn/Uranus midpoint and then his Uranus. But he’ll be energised with tr Pluto square his Jupiter over the New year and on and off through 2021.
Barcelona FC was founded 29 November 1899 and has a lively Sun Uranus in sporting Sagittarius, with Mars Node, Mercury, Saturn, Venus also in Sagittarius and Neptune Pluto in Gemini. Messi’s Jupiter in Aries trines most of the Barcelona Sagittarius planets and the Barca Jupiter in money-magnet Scorpio is trine his Mars Mercury. But there would always have been rough edges with Messi’s Saturn Uranus conjunct the Barca Mars, Mercury, Saturn.
The relationship chart has a friendly, business-like and innovative composite Sun opposition Venus square Uranus Saturn with a go-getting Jupiter trine Mars.
The club is labouring under the same swampy Neptune transits over the next three years as Messi is, so it won’t be a progressive time for them.
Virginia Giuffre has brought a civil suit in the USA against Prince Andrew, alleging she was sexually assaulted by him in London and New York when she was 17. He has consistently denied the claims. The suit claims the prince engaged in sexual acts without her consent, knowing how old she was and “that she was a sex-trafficking victim”.
Whether it goes the distance remains to be seen and most such cases don’t end up going to trial. It could be settled beforehand or be struck out by a judge or the complainant could cease the action. He won’t face criminal exposure but could be on the hook for significant damages if it goes against him.
Legal experts say it comes at an unfortunate time for Prince Andrew with the Ghislaine Maxwell trial due in November and the added pressure could persuade her to cooperate with federal prosecutors and provide more information about the individuals who were in the orbit of Jeffrey Epstein.
What is clear is that both the Prince and Virginia look under considerable pressure and acutely frustrated presumably for different reasons from early 2022 to late 2023. Prince Andrew’s 6th house Mars Venus in Capricorn is under assault from tr Pluto conjunction and her Mars in Cancer at the same degree has the tr Pluto opposition and square her Pluto Saturn. Their charts from the start were chained together in an extremely unhealthy, dangerous way with her Mars square Saturn Pluto keying into his IC and Mars Venus.
Her Leo Sun is also in his 1st just below his Ascendant so she is (and always will be) a significant marker on his image.
Their relationship chart looks logjammed and trapped in 2022/23 so whatever happens with the law suit the aggro will run on.
Neither is looking remotely happy for three years ahead. Though with both having the same Leo Ascendant, they will have tr Jupiter through their 8th in 2022, which could arguably see her on the receiving end of a payout and he maybe inheriting a chunk from Prince Philip.
Andrew’s chart in addition to the Pluto grind through his 6th house of health and work has a ‘shocking’ and upsetting Solar Arc Moon conjunct his Mars mid 2022. He’s looking understandably upset exactly now with tr Uranus square his Sun/Venus midpoint and soon in an insecure square to his Sun/Mars; as well as the damaged-reputation tr Pluto square his Midheaven now till late November.
He does have the odd Jupiter lift ahead from Solar Arcs, Midpoints and houses, so he will be handed an undeserved dollop of luck along the way. But those Pluto transits will be punishing.
See previous post June 8 2020.
As an addendum – his not quite ex-wife Sarah Ferguson is looking deeply unhappy and backed into a corner through this December with tr Pluto square her Mars.
Add On: The Royals will be on edge with yet another scud missile threatening to hole their reputation below the water line. Even the Queen looks less than enamoured of her supposedly favourite son with tr Saturn conjunct their composite Mars exactly now and moving to oppose the composite Pluto for the rest of the month; both of which repeat mid-November to early December, presumably aggravated by the Maxwell trial. A lot of anger and frustration tied up in there. Plus a fair amount of jousting for the upper hand.
Andrew and Charles have famously never got on with a competitive sibling hostility rolling under the surface. At the moment everything is going up in the air between them with tr Pluto opposition the composite Uranus till late November and continuing in a devastating square to the composite Neptune throughout 2022 – and not improving thereafter.
Prince William has never taken to his uncle with tensions and suspicions souring their relationship. There could be a significant rupture between them in 2023/24, worsening for the three years following.
His sort-of-ex-wife Sarah is tied to Andrew’s fortunes, since he bales her out financially when she gets in trouble which is very frequently – and that bond will be undermined and jolted significantly in coming years – not parting company but they’ll have a rough ride together.
Barack Obama welcomed in his seventh decade with a 60th birthday party at their waterfront house on Martha’s Vineyard, reputedly scaled down because of covid but still a multi-marquis rollicking bash.
Friends and associates describe him as ‘personally content, politically worried but unfailingly optimistic’ as he travels around doing good works, pushing back against voting right restrictions but trying to avoid getting tangled up in Washington brawls.
His Solar Return has a dynamic Mars on his Ascendant opposition an upbeat Jupiter on his Descendant squaring onto the Midheaven, so he’ll be going full tilt at times over the coming year. But with a hidden 12th house Sun opposition a hard-working 6th house Saturn square a 9th house Uranus he may also be working behind the scenes on reformist schemes. And a lacklustre Moon square Neptune won’t make him energetic at times or committed.
On his transits, this year is a basic slog with tr Pluto conjunct his Saturn with odd moments of panicky failure as tr Neptune opposes his Mars, extending throughout 2022 as well. The erratic, jangled tr Uranus square tr Saturn is also hitting on his Leo Sun, which won’t make it easy to hold to a steady course. But if his birth time is accurate then tr Pluto sextile his Midheaven in 2022/23 will see him in control of his destiny and having more influence.
Tr Pluto moves to square his Jupiter for a confidence and morale boost from early 2023 to late 2024 so he won’t be holding back. Though he doesn’t look too cheerful over the November 2024 period which may not all be election glooms but he’s looking as if he’s had a fender bender.
In general he’s moving from 2023 onwards into a lower profile phase where he’ll want to be less ambitious for a few years.
Much is being made (by the Daily Mail) about the Sussexes not being at the Obama party with the thought that the Obamas would have been upset at the implicit attack on the Queen with whom they got on famously and also were uneasy about Meghan’s obvious follow-in-their-footsteps ambitions. The former is most likely and the Michelle/Meghan relationship was never that cosy with hints of a oneupmanship Jupiter Pluto power play and an explosive Uranus Mars. Michelle’s relationship with Harry is also on the slide this year and next with tr Neptune square the composite Venus.
Barack was always marginally suspicious of Meghan with a composite Saturn Neptune and a competitive Sun Mars in their relationship chart which latter is being rattled in 2021/22.
Actor Kit Harington has been opening up about the pressures of a decade of Game of Thrones fame which sent him into an alcoholic and depression spiral. Two years later he’s emerging, sober, with a new baby and a settled marriage to Rose Leslie also of GoT renown. He’s in an indie film, appearing on Amazon’s Modern Love this week and aiming for Henry V at the Donmar Theatre in London soon.
He was born 26 December 1986 in London, with a Baronet father and a playwright/artist mother whom he credits for his love of acting and who named him after Christopher/Kit Marlowe, the 17th century playwright.
He’s an ambitious and creative though also addictive prone Sun Neptune in Capricorn. His upbeat Mars Jupiter in Pisces is in a can-be-depressing and volatile square to Saturn and Uranus Mercury in Sagittarius. His Jupiter Mars are also in a charming trine to Venus in seductive Scorpio; with Pluto and maybe Moon in Scorpio or Libra. He is a complicated mix of light and shade, great strength and vulnerability.
His chart is pressured at the moment with his Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Saturn and his Solar Arc Sun square his Pluto; and uncertain with tr Neptune square his Mars. He’ll be bouncing with more enthusiasm with a lucky break in about a year’s time with more solid success around 2024/25.
Carrying the weight of the kind of fame which GoT brought is not as easy as it looks. It ran for a decade and was the phenomenon of the era. It launched in 2011 serendipitously as Neptune, planet of fantasy, started its decade plus move through Pisces.