Germany is heading into a radically different political landscape ahead as Angela Merkel’s conservative bloc slumped to its worst ever defeat and the centre-left Social Democrats claimed a narrow victory. This would fit with tr Pluto opposing the German’s 10th house Uranus this year prompting a significant change of direction.
But there will still be months of wrangling ahead to form a coalition government with third and fourth parties, the Greens and the pro-business FDP, who do not agree across a range of issues. In 2017 after a close German election it took six months; the Netherlands is still wrangling over its government after March elections and Belgium saw negotiations dragging on for 541 days in 2010.
Olaf Scholz has been congratulated by Merkel and looks the most likely to be the next Chancellor. I wrote him off initially since his Gemini Sun opposition Saturn had the undermining tr Neptune square earlier this year, which returns mid February to mid March 2022 and again in November/December 2022. What would buoy him up is his Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Saturn and opposition his Sun and that could cast a ray of sunshine over coming months. But he’s still heading into calamity country from October 5th to 30th with tr Uranus hitting his Sun/Mars and Mars/Saturn midpoints, repeating in early 2022. This December also looks a touch rattled with tr Saturn opposition his Uranus; with 2022 being a year of slog and plans not working out. Though that could be his first year in power discovering that he’s taken on a load of problems.
His chart does have some positive crossovers with Germany since his Gemini Sun is conjunct the Germany Jupiter – and his Venus in Taurus and Moon are conjunct the Germany 8th house Pluto. Those latter planets are being rattled up by the tr Uranus conjunction in 2022/23 – so he may be the man for the moment – as something profound and deep-rooted stirs in the German psyche. The tectonic plates will shift.
But the relationship chart is a good deal less successful than Merkel’s with Germany. In his case there’s a hostile, power-struggling Mars Pluto conjunction with Mars opposition Saturn square Sun which looks anything but progressive and popular.
Merkel will stay on as chancellor until a new government is formed and she looks under pressure with tr Pluto opposition her Sun till late November.