Russian troops are massing on the Ukrainian border with warnings of a possible invasion. Belarus (a Russian client state) has engineered a migrant crisis on its border with Poland that could spiral into violence with most of the migrants want to get to Germany. And Russia has cut gas supplies to Europe, sending prices soaring with winter looming. The theory is that Putin is testing Western resolve in a world without Angela Merkel. She has long been seen as the only western leader with any influence on Putin and she’ll soon be gone.
Putin’s 4th Term chart, 7 May 2018 11.05am Moscow is brutal and crises-ridden with a Mars Pluto conjunction square Uranus. The Solar Arc Midheaven is conjunct the Uranus now and for several weeks ahead which could suggest a decisive shift of direction. Tr Pluto will conjunct the Mars through 2022 as it has done this year which can be frustratingly trapped or ruthless as he seeks to ride roughshod over obstacles.
Internally Russia is facing a a triple threat of rising coronavirus cases, new lockdown measures and surging inflation, veering towards 8%. The Solar Arc Pluto will conjunct the Mars exactly in 16 months but will be in effect before then which doubles up on the logjammed mood. This could stem from a myriad of problems not all foreign relations – though desperate leaders can make desperate decisions to divert attention from domestic problems. Tr Pluto is also square the 10th house Uranus in 2023/2024 which will be unstable in the extreme.
Alexander Lukashenko, the Belarus President, first installed on 20 July 1994 and sworn in for a 6th term after a disputed election on 23 September 2020. Both these charts are under extreme stress through this December and across 2022. So if he hangs on it’ll be by the skin of his teeth.
Joe Biden’s Mars in Scorpio is close to his Descendant when his chart is relocated to Moscow, so it is a toxic hotspot for him. For Warsaw, Poland he has an indecisive Neptune on his Descendant. He’ll be irked certainly. Whether he takes radical action is less sure.
See previous Post on Ukraine 13 April 2021.