William Hurt – amongst Hollywood’s top talent

Actor William Hurt has died aged 71 of cancer after a glittering career marked with four Oscar nominations for Kiss of the Spider Woman, Children of a Lesser God, Broadcast News and Cronenberg’s A History of Violence. Reviewers rave about his nuanced and often dark performances including Body Heat with Katherine Turner. He worked until recently in Marvel movies as well as television dramas like Damages. His image was blighted after Marlee Matlin, his deaf co-star in a Lesser God with whom he had a two year relationship, accused him of drug and physical abuse in the mid 1980s.

 He was born 20 March 1950 and had a final degree Pisces Sun opposition Mars square Uranus so he would be explosive and inclined to flare up.  He also had his Pluto in an emotionally intense opposition to Venus and a pushy opposition to Jupiter. It’s a more revved up chart than I would have expected, so much of it may have been hidden in houses we don’t know without a birth time.

  When his relationship with Marlee Matlin exploded in the mid 1980s his volatile Sun, Mars, Uranus T square had moved to catch tr Pluto conjunct the Solar Arc Mars, which would pump up his aggravation levels; and tr Uranus was square his Solar Arc Venus and Pluto. So his two hair-trigger configurations were being activated. Which isn’t to excuse his behaviour but it pin points where his problems lay.   

His actors’ 15th Harmonic is strong as is his 7H which is described as spiritual number, endowed with a different kind of imagination, often artistic skills. A perfectionist and a seeking soul. Can be sceptical, critical, sarcastic, cold, self-centered, attracted to alcohol/ drugs and occultism.

5 thoughts on “William Hurt – amongst Hollywood’s top talent

  1. Thank you Marjorie. I am not often affected by the passing of celebrities but for the reasons many of the other posters have shared, this actor was special among his generation. I first saw him in the Big Chill. I always had the notion he was careful with his acting choices and I always respected that. RIP, and thanks for all the work.

  2. Seeing “ William Hurt “ here made me think what interesting project is Marjorie highlighting. Alas, the stage is bare…and I recall the time I saw Hurt come out for final curtain bows, completely absent of the character he had “been” for the 90 minutes prior. Two different beings, one body.

    Pleased to feel more awe than sorrow at this news. The fulfillment within his work, the ageless consistency of it, his desire to continue – inside and outside the unpearly gates of Hollywood – is remarkable stuff. Also makes it easier to consider the abuse chapter in a broader context – to pinpoint a problem as Marjorie wrote, and appreciate invisible complexities inside all of us and how alcohol be the baddest actor of all.

    I can’t help but think how the master actor would grin at Marjorie’s descriptors: a chilly perfectionist of mystical self absorption, with the cocky humility to transcend each frame. William Hurt, is that you? In part, at least.

  3. Isn’t Hurt’s sun on the fixed start Scheat? Perhaps that goes a little way towards explaining his remarkable sensitivity and skill as an actor, but also some of his less admirable characteristics.

  4. Gorky Park was possibly the greatest crime novel of the 80’s and his portrayal of the main protagonist in the movie Arcady Renko was pitch perfect. RIP

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