Boris – plagued by Brexit and now breakaways ++

Last week had definite signs of Boris’s government losing the plot altogether as it descended into panic over the new virus strain, scaremongering the electorate on the basis of unsubstantiated research. And Matt Hancock’s idiotic idea about paying people who had positive Covid reactions money that would have cost the Exchequer a sum equivalent to half the Defence Budget was so unhinged it didn’t inspire confidence either. It was smartly dropped.

  Whether this was hysteria breaking out, or a Trumpian style distract-and-deflect tactic as Brexit horror stories started to grow isn’t clear. Though it is becoming obvious that the cross-border EU trade problem isn’t just teething troubles. Not only has €6bn of EU share dealing shifted away from London, the fishing industry is talking in dire terms about bankruptcy. As are businesses who trade in both directions to and from the EU, some of whom are talking about having to set up offices in Europe to survive.   

  Just to cap a perfect week, polls say that Scotland and Northern Ireland want referendums on independence, with Sturgeon saying she’ll hold one whether Westminster approves or not. The economic arguments against any breakaway from the lucrative tax-generating south of England, which effectively foots the bill for the needy regions, is overwhelming. But it may not be a match for sentiment or indeed antipathy to Boris, whose Woosterish uber-English schtick, is a turn-off. Though any unification of Ireland would be a long ways off; and Sturgeon’s chart (see post below) although bullish now is running into the buffers in a couple of years.

 Boris’s Term chart, 13 December 2019 11 am London, was always heading into a swamp – indeed it started with sodden feet – with a dithering, indecisive Sagittarius Sun square Neptune. That Term Sun was not only battered by the December Solar Eclipse but is also about to collect a tr Neptune undermining square from late March onwards running into 2022. The leaden 12th house Saturn, Venus, Pluto conjunction comes exact by Solar Arc later this year, about which there is not a whiff of freedom and merriment, quite the reverse. Plus the 9 degree Sagittarius Midheaven will be pulled this way and that by the May Lunar and December Solar Eclipses this year.

Boris’s personal chart has the exact jolting Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Scorpio Moon now to the minute of a degree. He must be under huge pressure physically, which is one of the Moon areas. He’s still lurching from the December Solar Eclipse opposing his Mercury, Sun, Venus – and the June/December 2021 Eclipses will rattle up his Uranus Pluto and Saturn.

  He has similarities to Trump in terms of the almost psychotic levels of chaos he clearly thrives in, wrecking what lies around him.

  He does have a Water Grand Trine of Saturn in Pisces trine Moon trine North Node in Cancer (conjunct Venus Sun) and that has his South Node in Capricorn as the driving point. Water Grand Trines can live in their own reality bubble and not always connect to what’s going on – and if he defaults to his line-of-least-resistance Capricorn South Node – too much pride, self-righteous, opinionated, opportunistic – then he’ll remain stuck in his childhood patterns.

  Recent polls suggest if he went to election now he’d lose his entire majority and maybe his own seat with an electorate unhappy over his handling of the pandemic and Brexit.

  His relationship chart with the UK doesn’t indicate much of an uptick ahead, quite the reverse, with a disappointing tr Neptune opposition the Mercury Uranus and square Jupiter running now till early 2023. Plus a disastrous, resentful run of tr Pluto trine the Mars/Saturn midpoint and then Saturn through till 2024.

  By which time he’ll have caused the damage and no doubt be off in bunterish fashion to pastures new.

  As if the virus wasn’t scary enough  – having a shambling shower of incompetents supposedly in charge of Everything just puts the tin lid on it.  

Add on: Gordon Brown: UK could become ‘failed state’ without reform.

For once Brown appears to be talking sense and it might be a way out of a break-up. He advocates a federal system with more power for nations and regions

Larry King – success and personal mayhem

Larry King, dubbed by Ted Turner, as “the most famous interviewer in the world” has died aged 87 after an extraordinarily successful career and an equally unforgettable though less happy private life. During a 50 year career he carried out 50,000 TV interviews with the great, the good and the famous of his day. He did little to no research, preferring to approach his guests as a viewer might and was criticised for his soft approach though, like David Frost, he often was effective at drawing out secrets.

  He had suffered multiple medical problems in recent years – diabetes, heart attacks, early-stage lung cancer, and a stroke.

  He was born 19 November 1933 at 10.38am Brooklyn, NY and had a chequered start to his career with a serious gambling problem, mounting debts, even a grand larceny charge against him for allegedly stealing money from an industrialist Louis E. Wolfson. It was dropped because the statute of limitations had expired, but he continued to face problems over bad checks and debts, eventually filing for bankruptcy. In his early forties having hit rock bottom he slowly rebuilt his career.

  His marital life was a conveyor belt of constant change, producing various children and by the time he died he was on to number eight wife who was divorcing him.

   A Sun Mercury in Scorpio trine an intense Pluto in his 7th house of relationships gave him determination and a persuasive streak. Though he’d also end up in power struggles in his close relationships, which added to his Pluto being in a constantly-churning square to Uranus wouldn’t make for marital serenity or longevity.  He also had Neptune in his 8th – good for creating a super-star aura – bad for commitment. His Sun/Moon midpoint, the marriage significator was square Neptune which would double up on his emotional slipperiness when it came to dedication. His colourful Sagittarius Moon in his hidden 12th was conjunct Mars, giving him anger issues with women as well; with his Moon trine Uranus and inconjunct Pluto. Not an easy domestic life or relationship with his mother who had to bring up two children after his father died when he was nine.

  His leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17th harmonic was heavily aspected; as was his ‘obsessive dream’ and enduring 11H.

  Unlucky in love/gambling and stratospherically fortunate in career terms. What a strange life.

Russia – trouble brewing

Alexei Navalny’s suicidally courageous return to Russia after recovering from an attempted assassination by poisoning brought tens of thousands of his supporters out onto the streets in unsanctioned demonstrations. They were adding their voices and feet to his protests against high level political corruption, spotlighted in a YouTube film, released a few days ago and viewed 50 million times, about Putin palace on the Black Sea. This allegedly cost $1.4 billion paid for by oligarchs for the Kremlin leader. It includes an indoor ice-hockey rink, casino, vineyard and pole-dancing stage. These were probably the largest demos against Putin since 2011 when anger about a rigged election spilled out onto the streets.

  For Navalny, see post 19 January below.

  Putin’s latest 4th Term residency chart, 7 May 2018 11.05 am Moscow hinted at a super indulgent run ahead with a Taurus Sun opposition Jupiter, but also a catastrophic, disruptive, violent, crises-ridden one with rebellious, unpredictable Uranus on the Midheaven trine a ruthless and brutal Mars Pluto. Tr Pluto is moving to conjunct the Mars from late next month one and off till late 2022, which will be frustrating, trapped and scary for his rule with the potential for violent over-reactions. The greatest instability will come in 2023/24 when tr Pluto squares the Uranus which often accompanies the collapse of an administration or the overthrow.

  Putin’s birth date is uncertain and there is a plethora of charts for Russia around the collapse of the USSR in 1991. The 8 November 1917 2.12am chart (Nick Campion) is a workable chart for tracking events. Putin came to presidential prominence on the Uranus Return and it has moved a full quarter to the square over the next two years. This February also has a highly-strung, confused tr Uranus square Neptune and the high-tension, jolting square to the Russia Saturn in Leo picking up mid this year and running into 2022, before the tr Uranus square Uranus comes exact in 2023. The Solar Arc Saturn squares the Moon (the populace) at the moment for an unhappy electorate; with indications from Solar Arcs to the Mars of anger and violence in 2023/24.  

  Upheavals are also flagged up on the Russia 28 March 1462, with the Pluto in line for a transiting Uranus hard aspect in 2023/24, as it was at the time of the 1917 Revolution.

   I can’t say that either of the later 1991 charts ever say much to me and on rootling around discover Zip Dobyns thought that Gorbachev’s resignation chart of 24 August 1991 9.32pm made more sense for modern Russia since it worked against events.  Which at the end of the day is the only thing that matters.  It indicates major aggravation over the next two years with again 2023/24 being flagged up as combustible times when resentment was likely to spill over.  

Julia Payette – designed for outer space

Super-talented engineer, scientist and former astronaut, Julia Payette clearly has gaps in her team building skills, having been forced to resign as Canada’s Governor General after a workplace review investigated accusations of harassment of civil servants. It’s the first time a GG has had to leave over a scandal.

   Born 26 October 1963 in Montreal, she’s a Sun Libra with a scientific Saturn in Aquarius; and an intense trio of Scorpio planets – Venus Neptune and uber-determined Mars – and maybe Moon. More significantly she has two Yods, which suit her for a distinctive path in life.  One is Pluto sextile Neptune Venus inconjunct Jupiter, which well handled does give ability as a social spokesman but can have problems with self-aggrandisement and self-righteousness. The other is Jupiter sextile Saturn inconjunct Pluto which again can be influential, though also has problems with wielding power in a modulated way.  

  She’s in a sticky year with a frustrating and trapped tr Pluto conjunct her Solar Arc Mars exactly now and a challenging tr Pluto square her Libra Sun from next month on and off for two years ahead.

  Her Term chart, 2 October 2017, did hint of aggravation and trouble ahead with a highly enthusiastic Mars Venus opposition Neptune, square Saturn and trine Pluto; and an adventurous and opportunistic Uranus opposition Jupiter. That has a potential for muddles, evasions, setbacks and ruthlessness. Her stint was never going to be seamless and serene.

  Her emphasised Jupiter falls in PM Justin Trudeau’s 10th house so he no doubt assumed she was going to burnish his image when he selected her.  

Amanda Gorman – rising to the occasion

Poet Amanda Gorman was the breakout star of Joe Biden’s Inauguration with her poem ‘The Hill We Climb’, written and delivered by her to much acclaim.  

  Born 7 March 1998 in Los Angeles, she had a speech impediment as a child and has an auditory processing disorder which makes her hypersensitive to sound. She was chosen as the youth poet laureate of Los Angeles in 2014, published a poetry book in 2015, won a scholarship to Harvard to study sociology and was named the first national youth poet laureate in 2017. She founded the non-profit One Pen One Page, which runs a youth writing and leadership program.

  She has a Pisces Sun, Mercury and Jupiter spread out through Pisces with a Cancer Moon – creative and emotionally sensitive. Plus another tougher side to her personality with a super-determined Mars in upfront Aries trine Pluto, sextile Neptune, Venus, Uranus in Aquarius, and a forced-to-be-self-reliant Saturn in Aries which is widely trine Pluto and maybe square her Moon.

  She was recommended by Jill Biden and amended her poem after the Capitol assault on January 6th. A bundle of talent who has achieved an amazing amount at a young age.

 Her three emphasised Aquarius planets suit her as a symbol of this Administration and her youth a nod to bridging the generation gap as she saluted an incoming president 56 years older than her.   

Joe Biden takes up the reins

 Joe Biden took the oath as president at 11.48am in Washington this morning. That puts Pluto only one degree away from the Midheaven, which is usually the sign of a controlling administration. It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out. Though heaven knows, he’ll need to take a firm grip to push back on the damage.

   There’s also, as per usual an Aquarius Sun in the 10th, but this year with Saturn Jupiter conjunct and Mercury in Aquarius. At best Jupiter Saturn aims for cautious improvement, a balance between ideals and fiscal common sense. Though in this case the Jupiter Saturn is square an explosive, uncompromising Mars Uranus conjunction in the 12th. Since the disruptions sit mainly in the 12th it might suggest subterranean or underground resistance which could turn violent.

  There’s also an emphasised Neptune in the 11th square the North/South Node axis, which could hint at an indecisiveness about long term plans and lack of commitment in friendly relations; or, since the 11th is the house of parliamentary legislature, confusion (and evasion) amongst the lawmakers.

  Much to ponder and to return to – when I have time – which isn’t at the moment.

  What is a definite plus factor is that the Term Sun is conjunct the super-confident and usually successful Jupiter/Pluto midpoint and conjunct the equally upbeat Jupiter/Midheaven midpoint.

  And bless all who sail in her. What a relief to see the psychotic frenzy flouncing off to Florida.

Alexei Navalny – ignoring risk to follow his dream

Alexei Navalny, the Russian opposition leader and anti-corruption activist, recently recovered from a suspected novichok assassination attempt by Russia’s FSB spy agency, has been detained on his return to Moscow from hospital treatment in Germany. A judge ordered him into custody for 30 days until a parole review that could imprison him for years. His arrest prompted him to call for a mass protest this Saturday.

“There’s nothing these thieves in their bunkers fear more than people on the streets,” Navalny said. He could be sent to a penal colony by the end of the month if a parole board revokes his probation. While the authorities say they will ban the Saturday, analysts believe that the number of protesters on the street could influence whether Navalny is given a stiff prison sentence or set free.

  It’s a high-wire act for Navalny, who seems intent on a martyr’s crown. 

  Born 4 June 1976 at 1.30pm Moscow, he has Sun Venus in Gemini opposition Neptune and trine Pluto which hints at another dimension of Neptune in super-ambitious mode, single-mindedly following a dream. Neptune Pluto in aspect to the Sun appears in the charts of those who are motivated beyond the norm to make a name for themselves and succeed. His Mars is sextile Pluto and square Uranus so he does have courage and a liking for high excitement.

  The Eclipses of the moment and through 2021 will be setting up crises and forks in the road for him; with a fair few undermining moments but he’ll also get lucky breaks from late April onwards interspersed with the downers.  By early 2022, he’ll be firing on all cylinders and pushing ahead with bullish confidence. If he survives unscathed, he’ll not give up.

  His leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17th harmonic is strong though with indications of ruthless determination/brutal suppression; as is his ‘obsessive dream’ 11H.

  His Jupiter, Mercury and Gemini Sun Venus fall in the 10th house of the Russia 8 December 1991 7.45 pm chart so he is crucial to the modern Russia’s direction.

Pic: Evgeniy Isaev 

Vincenzo Mucciolo – soaring ambition undone by cruelty ++ and son

Vincenzo Muccioli was the charismatic leader of a drug rehab community in Italy, curing heroin addiction by offering community support and craft training in a model farm. His followers regarded him as a saviour though he did practice ‘tough love’ on the addict inmates. How tough only became evident after a brutally beaten dead body turned up in 1989, followed by horror stories emerging of the use of electric cattle prods, of inmates forced into freezers, possible suicides and tales of other bodies.

  He was charged over the body as an accessory though he said he had not known of the murder and was given a suspended sentence. A later court action in 1995 threatened him with a 20 year prison sentence. 4 days later he was dead.

  When he started the centre in 1978, he proclaimed himself a medium, identified with Christ and preached a humble life of poverty. By his death, he lived in a luxury villa, in a garden with peacocks and pink flamingos, drove a Mercedes and had a personal staff that included a liveried butler. His son now runs the centre, charging $50k a year and it’s a $50 million business.

A Netflix documentary 5 part series “SanPa: lights and darkness of San Patrignano” relates the tale.

  Muccioli, born 6 January 1934, was a Sun Capricorn opposition Pluto square Jupiter opposition Uranus –  ambitious, controlling, super-confident, an innovator. Not above dispensing with social niceties to get what he wanted with Jupiter Pluto. A Cardinal Grand Cross is bubbling over with initiative, assertive to the nth degree, determined to succeed. But tending to live a life full of revolving crises.

  His nasty streak came from a Mars Saturn in Aquarius, which wouldn’t be above tolerating cruel treatment. His North Node in Aquarius would devote him to a cause.

  His Sun was trine Neptune with his Virgo Moon possibly conjunct Neptune – lending him his ‘spiritual’ aura and slippery tendencies. He also had a couple of quincunxes – Pluto to Venus in Aquarius; and Neptune to Saturn – a curious mix of ascetic and sensual.

  The early years of the commune had tr Pluto moving in hard aspect round his Grand Cross boosting his Jupiterian streak. But it was the triple conjunction in Capricorn which was his undoing from 1990 to 1995.

  His creative, not always well-balanced, 7th harmonic of the spiritual seeker was notable though with overtones of ruthlessness and brutality; as was his breakthrough genius 13H.

Power corrupts, spiritual power more than most. The end justifies the means can be a Capricornian flaw.

Fuller details below:

Add On: The son Andrea Muccioli, 25 September 1964, still runs the centre. In a recent interview about the documentary series he said: “It is fiction pure and simple.”

“Of course there was violence in San Patrignano, we are talking about a war. A war that, however, was won with the power of love”.

For Andrea, his father’s biggest mistake was “wanting to save everyone”.

About the tape secretly recorded by his driver in which Vincenzo says uncomfortable people should be eliminated, Andrea dismisses it with the thought that it was “Bar chatter, that’s what my father was like, he often exceeded his language.”

About the trial: My father was convinced that he could manage everything in his favour thanks to the media power he had. Eventually he fell ill, and depression strangled him. “I have to die for San Patrignano to continue living” he confessed to me”.

  Pa seen through rose-coloured glasses clearly.

  Andrea is a different personality type with only one Cardinal sign, his Libra Sun. He’s mainly Fixed with his Moon Jupiter in indulgent Taurus in a head-in-the-clouds opposition to Neptune square Venus in Leo widely opposition Saturn in Aquarius. Enduring, stubborn, can turn on the charm when need be, acquisitive. Jupiter Neptune can accompany delusional spiritual leanings or an overly optimistic view of life – and in his case involving family with his Moon tied in. He’s lacking his father’s drive and initiative.

   Down in his midpoints there is a starker story with his father’s cruel Mars Saturn conjunction mirrored in Andrea’s Saturn/Mars midpoint being square his Venus and in aspect to his Sun; with his Mars conjunct his Pluto/Node and his Jupiter square his Mars/Pluto. So he’s not unfamiliar with darker impulses himself.

  His relationship chart with his father is very chained together and, under a veneer of affection, is cold with resentment bubbling way below the surface. There’s a composite Sun opposition Venus square Saturn opposition Pluto; with an ‘adventurous’ Mars square Jupiter.

  Andrea’s personal chart isn’t looking too cheerful with a ‘shocking’ Solar Arc Mars conjunct his Sun now and Solar Arc Sun square his Saturn in 2022 throwing up setbacks and discouragement.

Phil Spector – talent and madness

Phil Spector, record producer extraordinaire, a driving force behind the Wall of Sound – the Ronettes, the Crystals, Ike & Tina Turner and worked with the Beatles, Leonard Cohen and the Ramones – has died in a prison care home where he was incarcerated for murder. Another creative talent with significant mental challenges, he had been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and struggled with his psychological state for many years, before shooting a cocktail waitress dead.

   One of his wives related horror stories of her marriage to him as did his children of their treatment(wiki). If true they paint a picture of not just a disturbed man but one who was drowning in his own darkness.

  Born 26 December 1939 at 2.55pm in New York to a first generation immigrant family with his father suiciding at 8, he took up music in his teens, formed a band and had a hit with the Teddy Bears ‘To Know him is to love him.’

  He had an 8th house Capricorn Sun opposition a Cancer Moon square Jupiter in Aries – intense, money-minded, in tune with public taste (Cancer Moon) and super-confident (focal point Jupiter). He also had a showbizzy and head-in-the-clouds Mars in Pisces conjunct Jupiter opposition Neptune which was sextile/trine Venus opposition Pluto.  His Venus opposition Pluto also squared onto a forced-to-be-self-reliant Saturn in Aries opposition a Libra North Node.

  It’s not an exceptionally brutal chart but is certainly conflicted more than most.

  His creative 5th and 7th Harmonics are well aspected. Most notable are his rise-and-fall, self-defeating 10H; and his victim 12H.