Prince Harry – an obsession with himself ++ father issues

Another teddy is hurled out of the Royal pram with the announcement that Prince Harry is to reveal his thoughts on himself in a ghost-written memoir to be published late in 2022. The UK gave a collective sigh of exasperation and boredom. Enough already.

  Wreaking vengeance on everything his 97 year old grandmother has ever stood for raises questions about what his end game is – consciously or unconsciously.

  Parallels have been drawn with the Duke of Windsor who flounced off in the huff in 1936. Like Harry, he was an impulsive and rash Sun square Mars, in his case a Cancer Sun and a short-fused Mars in Aries. Though Harry’s scattergun Virgo Sun and Mars in Sagittarius is equally impetuous.

 They also share a key planet in Scorpio which opposes the UK 8th house Mars – Saturn in Scorpio for Harry and Uranus in Scorpio for the Duke of Windsor. So in marginally different ways they stir/red deeply buried anger in the country. Sakoian & Acker remark about Harry’s Saturn in Scorpio: “If afflicted  — there can be a tendency to scheme and plot. A desire for revenge and an inability to forget past emotional injuries may be present.”

  Sakoian & Acker thoughts on the negative side of the Duke of Windsor’s Uranus in Scorpio: “Powerfully charged emotions. They believe in decisive action – likely to have violent tempers and a fierce determination to bring about change, no matter how destructive.”

  That 8th house Mars on the UK chart is always triggered when there are major disasters and is being rattled around this year by tr Uranus conjunct and tr Saturn square into early 2022; with a Solar Arc Uranus conjunct the UK Mars in 2024 for a considerable setback. The 8th house also rules business finances so there may be financial implications but it also points to deep-seated changes that are being prodded into gear.  

   Harry’s Saturn in Scorpio also sits on the IC of the Queen’s Coronation chart of 2 June 1953 11am and in opposition the Midheaven which make sense of his attempts to chisel away at the foundations of her reign, wittingly or narcissistically unwittingly.

  There’s nothing to suggest that Harry’s relationship with his brother William or his father Prince Charles will settle anytime soon. Indeed with Prince Charles there may even be a more serious rupture come 2023/2024.  Harry’s own chart is careering down a path of catastrophes and disasters through till mid decade.

  It’s not that he lacks talent but he is heading for his nadir at the moment with tr Saturn moving through his less successful First Quadrant and it will be in later years, perhaps after the end of this decade that he will have the chance of getting his act together.  See previous post July 4 2021.

JR Moehringer, the Pulitzer prize winning ghost-writer, 7 December 1964, does appear to have an obsession with daddy issues having been abandoned as a child by his. His ghosted memoir of Andre Agassi focused on his bullying father who forced him to become a tennis champion.

  Moehringer’s chart isn’t dissimilar to Harry’s with a Sagittarius Sun square Uranus, Mars, Pluto in Virgo – if anything it has more father aggro writ large. Moehringer’s relationship chart with Charles is cold, critical, struggle for the upper hand, volatile, disruptive – though there’s nothing much, without a birth time, showing for late next year.  But he’ll start from a standpoint of disliking Prince Charles.

  The risk is that Harry is continuing Diana’s feud to ensure Charles doesn’t become king and Camilla isn’t at his side.

  There’s no publication date apart from late 2022 but around that time the tr Uranus square tr Saturn will hard aspect Charles’ 1st house Pluto in Leo and his Progressed Mars in Aquarius which look like considerable blows. In addition there’s a highly strung, high-anxiety Solar Arc Neptune conjunct his Jupiter and opposition his Uranus exactly. Into early 2023 tr Saturn and tr Uranus both hit on his Scorpio Sun for a jolting and sobering time.

  Harry’s relationship with Camilla which is half friendly with a composite Sun Venus and Moon Jupiter, also has an explosive and hostile composite Mars opposition Uranus Pluto (Saturn) – that last heading downhill over the next three years.  

  To some extent it is Charles’ fault for talking to Jonathan Dimbleby for his biography and making critical comments about his upbringing, which opened the door to confessionals. But he got despatched to Scottish Gordonstoun which was a prison camp compared to plushy Eton to which young Harry was (in my view mistakenly) sent. And one gathers there was more solid info in the book as well.

  Even Harry’s usually supportive cousins Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice look to be backing off – messing with the Queen’s Jubilee really is a serious mistake on his part.

Boris & co – disorganised Yods and grumbles ++ Sajid Javid

Boris Johnson’s chief of staff Dan Rosenfeld is, according to the Times, facing a mutiny from political advisers who feel their views aren’t being taken into account. He is gatekeeping too rigorously and blocking information from the PM.  Though how much Johnson would read/absorb is questionable anyway.

  This is only a passing piece since the national embarrassment of the shambles of an incompetent and worse an amoral government has to come to a head at some point. But in the context of Yods and disorganisation, Dan Rosenfeld, 2 May 1977, has a central Yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct a Taurus Sun. In this he fits the out-of-step feel of the Boris Admin chart, 13 December 2019 11am which has Uranus sextile Moon inconjunct Mercury – and that one is on the money.

 A Mercury focal point scatters in all directions leaving loose ends around and there is a difficulty in assembling thoughts or communicating them in a clear and simple way. There was a delicious Andy Davey cartoon this morning which I shouldn’t reproduce  – but why not? It is blissfully apt for the dog’s breakfast of Covid rules laid down. Tierney remarks of such a Mercury: “may tend to combine too many concepts in a haphazard, disjointed way and fail to establish coherency.”

  A focal point Sun on the other hand can abuse personal will and authority.  It’s the too little ego, too much ego conundrum. Interestingly Johnson’s Jupiter is conjunct Rosenfeld’s Sun so he will support his chief of staff’s tendency to shut out other viewpoints.

  Their relationship chart also has a composite Yod of Uranus sextile Neptune inconjunct Mars so together they’ll be self-willed, slap dash and impetuous.

  Of note in the immediate future. Boris’s personal chart has his Progressed Moon opposing his afflicted/emphasised natal Mars building up now and exact in August and his Progressed Moon will then in coming months wade round in hard aspect to his Saturn and Uranus Pluto which will make for a bone-shaking ride.

  The Admin chart has a run of Neptune squares to the Solar Arc Sun and the Sagittarius Sun from late July to next spring which will lead to a general feel of slipping and sliding downhill with confusion, muddles and evasions. And the Solar Arc Saturn is moving to close the conjunction to the 12th house Venus Pluto to exact within seven months, which might rub the shine off Boris’s beyond mystifying popularity.  

Sajid Javid, who was handed the poisoned chalice of the Health Department after Matt Hancock fell on his sword was born 5 December 1969 and has a Saturnine Yod (see post Renee Zellweger below).

  He’s a Sun Sagittarius; with Venus in Sagittarius sextile Uranus inconjunct Saturn in Taurus.  He’s understandably jittered and jangled this year courtesy of two highly-strung, over-hopeful midpoints being tossed around; plus the Eclipses throwing crises in his path into early 2022. But he’ll get into a more confident stride from early 2022 with tr Pluto square his Jupiter on and off till late 2023. His high expectations won’t bear fruit since he runs into disappointments in 2022, disasters in 2023 and a total road block in 2024 with his Solar Arc Pluto square his Mars.

Katie Hopkins – running out of outlets

The ranting, rancid, far right-wing Katie Hopkins has been booted out by yet another media outlet. She has been dumped as a cast member of Australia’s Big Brother VIP after describing Covid-19 lockdowns as “the greatest hoax in human history” and joking about breaching quarantine rules. Last year she had her Twitter account with 1.1m followers permanently suspended for violating the platform’s “hateful conduct” policy. Prior to that she was repeatedly retweeted by Donald Trump. She has previously compared migrants to cockroaches, claimed the photograph of a dead Syrian boy lying on a beach that sparked a wave of compassion across Europe was staged, and said dementia patients should not “block” hospital beds.

  I’d forgotten quite how stark her chart is. Born 13 February 1975, she has an Aquarius Sun (shades of Sarah Palin); with a ‘charitable’ Jupiter Moon in Pisces that has clearly been mislaid. What fuels her bile and venom is Mars in Capricorn opposition Saturn square Pluto. Mars Saturn attracted her to the military but her epilepsy prevented her from taking up a gun-toting career. It tends to make for short-tempered, hard-edged individuals and tied into a focal point control-freak Pluto it is as far from sentimental as you can get. Palin has a Sun conjunct Mars Saturn.

  Tr Neptune is opposing her Jupiter this year and next which will dent her high hopes. This December’s Solar Eclipse will conjunct her Neptune in a probably vain attempt to get her to pursue a more spiritual path. Mishandled it brings more self-deceit.

  Marjorie Taylor Greene also has Jupiter in Pisces – clearly compassion got lost along the way and they home in on its guru-chasing tendencies, elevating Trump to the Great Almighty.

Renee Zellweger – a trying life despite success

Actress Rene Zellweger, three decades into a super-successful career, festooned with awards – Oscars, Golden Globes, Baftas and Screen Actors Guild – still has to find a settled relationship. She’s flitted from short-lived liaisons to Jim Carrey, a brief marriage, and thence on to various ports of call but never stopping for long. She is now much puffed as being in a hopeful hook up with Ant Anstead, a twice divorced Brit TV presenter.

  What is noteworthy about her chart is it features one of the most difficult Yods onto a focal point Saturn from a Neptune sextile Jupiter Uranus (Pluto). Initially it produces all the Saturnine downsides of uncertainty, low confidence, self-defeating attitudes.  A considerable degree of inner strength is needed to make it work, which involves the Saturnine virtues of self-discipline, endurance over time and steadiness of purpose. Along with it goes a sense of frustration and personal failure. The first Saturn Return at 29 or just after is usually when a significant turning point comes and that’s when she landed the Bridget Jones role that shot her to stardom.

  Others born around that time who share the same Saturnine Yod in forced-to-be-self-reliant Aries are: Jennifer Aniston, Beau Biden, Chaz Bono, Beau Biden, Alexander McQueen (fashion designer), Cory Booker, Dan Aronovsky (surreal, melodramatic, psychological horror film director), Pauley Perrette (former NCIS oddball), Andrew Breitbart (right wing media founder), Bobby Brown (Whitney Houston ex-husband). Quite a few of those have had more obvious struggles than most despite being successful.

  What makes it trickier for Renee Zellweger is that her Saturn conjunct a Taurus Sun falls in her 8th house so she will be ambivalent about close relationships – wanting them intensely and yet putting up barriers.

  Ant Anstead, 28 March 1979, Plymouth, England, has several astro-plus points where she is concerned with his New Moon in Aries conjunct her Venus in Aries and his Jupiter in Cancer square her Saturn so he’ll lift some of her tendency to gloom. But his Mars in Pisces in her 7th opposition her Pluto isn’t so great – argumentative and a fight for control.

  The relationship chart has a needs-space composite Sun opposition Uranus and a supportive, enthusiastic Sun trine Jupiter – in certain circumstances, which won’t include 24/7 closeness, it could work for a while.  Though it’ll rock on its axis later this year with tr Pluto square the composite Uranus.

  She will have a tricky few years towards and across mid decade with tr Pluto square her Saturn in 2023/23 which will be heavy going. And she has tr Neptune square her Sun/Moon midpoint at the same time. Followed by tr Pluto square her Sun in 2025/2026. But for all that she’s in a reasonable place on the career front with Saturn moving upwards in her chart and Pluto strengthening her reputation until later this decade.

Floods in N Europe – pointed up by the Lunar Eclipse ++ China also

Floods in northern Europe have caused at least 120 deaths with 1300 missing in Germany which has caught the worst of it, with rainfall heavier than seen for a century.

  The recent Lunar Eclipse of late May, still in effect, had the Sagittarius/Gemini Full Moon sitting across the Midheaven/IC axis located to the affected region; with the June Solar Eclipse having the North Node conjunct the MC. So it was a key location for the recent Eclipses which both also had the destructive Mars opposition Pluto in place. This week the transiting Cancer Sun was triggering both the Eclipse Mars and Pluto; with the transiting Yod focal point Venus Mars also tugging at the Eclipse Pluto (see post below).

  I don’t know whether it is a coincidence but modern Canada which recently suffered the worst heatwave in over 80 years came into being only four years before Germany. Both have Pluto in Taurus, in the case of Germany in the 8th, and for Canada opposition Saturn in Scorpio – and those Plutos will be heavily unsettled by tr Uranus conjunct Pluto from mid 2022 onwards for a year.

  Major natural disasters sometimes precede seismic or significant changes in a country’s destiny not caused by the catastrophe but happening on a parallel track.

  Germany is certainly in the midst of a phase of tremendous upheaval and disruption with tr Pluto opposition the 10th house Uranus exactly now, returning this December; and then tr Uranus hitting the Pluto which will erupt deep-seated energies – as indeed happened through the 1930s. It won’t be the same this time round but won’t pass without leaving a profound mark on the country.

Canada Heatwave see post June 30 2021  

Add On: July 21 2021

China has also been overwhelmed with a year’s worth of rain falling in three days, bursting rivers, overwhelming dams and sparking landslides. Water flooded underground railway tunnels leaving passengers trapped in rising waters and 200,000 people have been evacuated with more dams threatening to give way.

  The recent Gemini Solar Eclipse had Neptune conjunct the IC located to Zhengzhou where deaths are mounting, with the North Node on the Descendant. The Mars opposition is 8/2nd house – usually houses are not supposed to be relevant for eclipses but disasters do tend to have 8th house planets which make sense.  The recent Lunar Eclipse has the Full Moon sitting almost exactly on the Ascendant/Descendant axis.

  Locations with planets on the Eclipse chart axis are traditionally regarded as crisis zones.

Yods – cogs not quite meshing ++ fated couples (Trump/Kushner)

Yods don’t appear in every birth chart – two planets in sextile which are in quincunx/inconjunct/150 degree aspect to a focal point planet. So it’s worth paying attention when they appear in transit either celestially or in a chart.  The recent Venus Mars conjunction being a case in point – with Neptune sextile Pluto inconjunct Venus Mars.

  The rule of thumb interpretation for a quincunx/yod is – needing adjustment, unsatisfying, energy draining, strained – the planets don’t function well together as a team. So there’s always a left-out feeling as if one planet can’t express itself or only erratically which leads to too much and then too little of the focal point’s nature.

  Yods are not much researched and one theory is that having fast moving planets on the focal point doesn’t count as a Yod but is more a double quincunx. But not everyone agrees.

  In general there is a sense of energies that need to be reassembled or adjusted before there can be progress. Without that there’s a haphazard and disorganised, sometimes passive-aggressive or self-defeating mood.

  Tierney remarks: “The quincunx can be viewed — as a “nagging problem” operating over an extended period of time.”  As opposed to squares and oppositions which bring clear conflict and crises that demand decisive action.

  Obviously this week’s Yod had the faster-moving inner planets Venus and Mars on the focal point – and transiting Yods won’t operate exactly as they do with a more concretised birth chart Yod. But there will almost certainly be the same – not-quite-clicked-into-place and disorganised feel about the mood.

 In an individual chart a Yod usually has to wait for a ‘fated’ event i.e. a chance happening from outside which clicks it into place and what follows is a singular, focused sense of direction. One of the classic examples is Michael Phelps the swimmer who was a disorganised kid with ADHD etc and his parents eventually sent him off aged 7 to swim to soak up his energy.  And the rest is history. His Yod has Mars has a focal point.

There are interesting examples of relationship Yods formed either on synastry – comparing the two charts – or in the composite chart itself. Where they occur one individual will change the destiny of the other in a significant way, sometimes leading to a radical alteration of life’s direction. Their coming together tends to be unexpected and fast-moving rather than a steady development. The Duke of Windsor and Wallis Simpson are one example, Jaqueline Kennedy and Ari Onassis another. In the latter case Onassis’ Uranus was quincunx Jackie’s Sun sextile Jupiter.  Myra Hyndley and Ian Brady, the Moors murderers (child killers) are another example. And Liz Taylor and Richard Burton with Liz providing the focal point planet, so being the main instigator of change.

  The most recent example is Donald Trump and Jared Kushner with two Yods formed in their synastry and a central composite Yod in their relationship chart. They changed each other’s destiny for good or ill.

Paula Rego – driven by dark and dangerous visions

Paula Rego, the Portuguese born painter now in her late eighties is getting rave reviews for her exhibition at the Tate in London.

  One says: “Her narratives have the darkest undercurrents of violence, eroticism, oppression, even incest, and at the same time the look of children’s fables and proverbs.”  Her “deeply ambiguous work goes straight for the subconscious in this mesmerising seven-decade retrospective.” “A stunning achievement.”

  She was born on 26 January 1935 in Lisbon with an anti-fascist father who went to London to work when she was one years old so she was handed over to her grandmother until her parents returned four years later. She was educated latterly in England, attended the Slade Art School and married British painter Victor Willing, who was later diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

  Her chart is challenging to put it mildly. An unaspected Aquarius Sun will give her an aloof, almost unresponsive quality where others are concerned, totally absorbed in her own world. She has a volatile, controlling and high-risk Cardinal T Square of Mars (Moon) in Libra opposition Uranus square Pluto – so will have been aware of anger, danger and domination from early on. Her Pluto is in a confident trine to Jupiter in Scorpio. A cool, emotionally detached, analytical Saturn in Aquarius is conjunct her Mercury Venus, square Jupiter and trine Mars.

  Not an easy personality, for sure, driven by demons. Her relationship with her husband, 15 January 1928, would have been complicated and stressed with his Capricorn Sun opposition her Pluto square her Uranus and Mars; and his Neptune opposing her Saturn.  But the relationship chart does have a mutually supportive composite Sun Jupiter sextile Mars so there would be positive sides to it. Though the composite Venus is conjunct Saturn opposition Pluto and square Uranus – so there would be considerable chafing against the chains that bound them together.  

Richard Branson – swing high, swing low

Billionaire Sir Richard Branson successfully reached the edge of space on board his Virgin Galactic rocket plane, the vehicle his company has been developing since 2004. He returned safely to Earth just over an hour after leaving the ground and said “I have dreamt of this moment since I was a kid, but honestly nothing can prepare you for the view of Earth from space. The whole thing was just magical.”

The trip makes him the first of the new space tourism pioneers to try out their own vehicles, beating Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and SpaceX’s Elon Musk. Some 600 individuals have already paid deposits for tickets that will cost them up to $250,000 (£180,000). The Russians are also reprising their commercial flights to the ISS and there are even those who want to launch private space stations for people to visit.

For an extra frisson Elon Musk’s SpaceX’s Dragon capsule will have a glass-domed observation deck available for the passengers it’s shuttling to the International Space Station for an eight-day stay at $55 million a piece. Passes belief.

  Branson, 18 July 1950 7am Blackheath, England, is an entrepreneur and innovator, owner of a wide range of companies from records to railways, airlines to telecoms with some resounding failures as well as successes.

  He has a 12th house Cancer Sun conjunct the Fixed star Procyon – he shares his birthday serendipitously with astronaut John Glenn.  Procyon usually suggests wealth and good fortune, though it can also bring great lows as well as highs.  Branson has a determined Pluto on his Ascendant, a publicity attracting Mars Neptune in his 3rd; and adventurous and financially lucky Jupiter in his 8th trine Uranus; and a serious Saturn in his financial 2nd. It’s not entirely clear from his chart why he should have been able to carve such a unique and globally successful career. Though he does have several notable Harmonics – especially global fame 22H; and the innovative 13H.

  He famously has a sticky relationship with Jeff Bezos whose nose will now be out of joint since he was beaten to the post with the first tourist flight.  See previous post Jeff Bezos June 12 2021.

  Bezos is a Sun Mars in Capricorn which opposes and clashes with Branson’s Sun; and both their Saturns are in hard aspect to the other’s Pluto which makes this a battle between heavyweights.

  Their relationship chart has a seriously aggravated composite Saturn Mars square Pluto, trine Uranus which will evoke hostility and frustration if the other wins.

  Branson is in a challenging year with tr Pluto opposing his Sun until this December and earlier this year his Solar Arc Pluto was square his Sun – so he would feel the pressures keenly. He’s aiming for an upbeat Jupiter Return early in 2022 and more success on the business money front through 2022. Tr Pluto is trine his Jupiter/Pluto this year and next plus plus so he’s on a roll. Though it won’t all be plain sailing ahead and there’s a real risk of him allowing his confidence to overstep the bounds of common sense in one area of his plans come 2023.  

Cuba – a surge of popular anger

Cuba is seeing the biggest protests for decades against the Communist government. Cubans have been angered by the collapse of the economy, restrictions on civil liberties and the handling of the pandemic, with record infections in recent days.

  One demonstrator said: “This is the day: we can’t take it anymore. There is no food, there is no medicine, there is no freedom. They do not let us live.”

 The president urged them to defend the 1959 revolution which brought in communism and the police used pepper spray and violence against the marchers.

  Both the Independence 20 May 1902 and the 1 January 1959 charts point to 2022 as the year of major disruption with the Mars in Taurus on both being triggered by tr Uranus conjunct and tr Saturn square. That will unleash a wave of anger. The 1902 chart will be heavily discouraged and suffering deprivation in 2022/23 with tr Pluto conjunct the Saturn; and the Revolutionary 1959 chart shows up 2024 as its nadir.

 Miguel Diaz-Canel, a technocrat, who replaced Raul Castro, was sworn in on 19 April 2018 at 9.30am in Havana. His Term chart has a ruthless, secretive and crises-prone 8th house Mars Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn with an unstable Pluto square Uranus Sun. So it was always going to be an economically troubled and high-risk administration. The Mars Pluto conjunction has moved to exact by Solar Arc now so no surprises that anger has boiled over. 2022/23/24 will be worse with a disruptive tr Pluto square the Uranus which is often when governments topple.

 His personal chart, 20 April 1960, does have a lucky and powerful Earth Grand Trine of Taurus Sun trine Pluto trine Jupiter, formed into a Kite by Sun opposition Neptune. But he also has a strained Yod of Mars sextile Saturn quincunx Uranus in Leo – with his Uranus getting pulled every which way next year by tr Uranus square tr Saturn. That last will shift him onto a different trajectory. 2023/2024 sees tr Pluto square his Sun pulling down old structures in his life and putting him under considerable pressure as well.