The ties that bind – fate, love and luck ++ Churchills

Long lasting does not always equate to contentment when it comes to marriages and iconic Hollywood pairings, even more than most, can hide private torment behind a red carpet smile. Though a few slide through to be exceptions to the rule.

  Tom Hanks is reputed to have a stable, happy bond with his wife of 33 years Rita Wilson. He’s a Sun Cancer which chimes well with her Scorpio Sun mellowed by Neptune. Both have emotionally changeable Moon Uranus in Leo, so like a varied domestic life and money. His charming Venus in Gemini on his midheaven which falls in her relationship 7th house fits well with her Venus Jupiter in Virgo on her midheaven, which falls in his 1st house – both of them are good at public relations. His Jupiter is conjunct her Pluto which is good for joint enthusiasm and influence.

  She’s not that easy a personality with a Scorpio Sun Neptune square Uranus Moon. But what will make a difference is a composite Sun Jupiter conjunction in their relationship chart squaring onto the Nodes. In relationships Jupiter smooths round rough edges, gives hope through the rougher patches and is mutually supportive. Saturn which brings longevity and the ability to endure together in their case comes from the composite Saturn square Pluto Mercury.

 Goldie Hawn’s near 40 year marriage to Kurt Russell is another listed as rock solid. She’s not an easy temperament with a Scorpio Sun trine Saturn and Mars Pluto in the 8th. But he’s an adaptable Sun Jupiter in Pisces which will help – and both have lucky Jupiter in their 10th so successful careers will have helped to keep their bond afloat. The relationship chart does have an affectionate composite Sun Venus and good communication from a Grand Trine of composite Mercury to Neptune and Mars, focused onto Pluto – so the ties that bind are strong. There is also a composite Yod, as seems to be a pattern in many high-profile iconic matches, of Uranus sextile Saturn inconjunct Sun.

  The renowned Hollywood match to stand the test of time – Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward – had the classic crossover of his Pisces Moon close to her Pisces Sun and his Sun in Aquarius sharing a resonance with her Aquarius Moon though not conjunct. Their relationship chart had a composite Yod of Saturn sextile Venus inconjunct Pluto; as well as a composite New Moon (= more whole when together); and an upbeat composite Mars Jupiter.

Another composite Yod onto Pluto is in the relationship chart of Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. Though it was a stormier affair with a composite Venus square Mars Uranus. Bacall’s Virgo Sun was square his creative/neurotic Neptune opposition Saturn and her Pluto was opposition his Mars (Sun) in Capricorn.

 Yods point to a synergy between the couple which irrevocably – and sometimes surprisingly – changes the course of each of their lives in a radical way, which would otherwise not have happened.

 Liz Taylor and Richard Burton’s tempestuous and impossible on-off relationship – she Pisces with a Scorpio Moon and he Sun Saturn in Scorpio with a Virgo Moon – had a composite Yod of Jupiter sextile Neptune inconjunct Uranus. It also had an explosive, gritty, unfair-treatment composite Saturn Mars conjunction with Mars in a no-compromise square to Uranus.

  Queen Elizabeth’s relationship chart with Prince Philip – she Taurus with a Leo Moon and he Gemini with a Leo Moon – had a Yod onto Uranus from Saturn sextile Neptune and an unfair/one-sided composite Saturn opposition Mars. In normal circumstances it would probably not have survived but given the Royal stricture against divorced, they soldiered on – with separate lives at points. Oddly enough Gunter Sachs study of best relationship sign matches found Taurus/Gemini to be one of the longer lasting for marriages – not what you’d think. But an adaptable with a fixed sign probably helps.

 Queen Victoria and Prince Albert  – she New Moon in Gemini and he Virgo Sun Scorpio Moon – also had a composite Yod in their relationship chart onto Uranus from Sun sextile Mars.

Prince Charles and Diana has – not surprisingly – a composite Yod in their relationship chart – of Pluto sextile Neptune Mars inconjunct Moon, with Neptune Mars in a disruptive square to Uranus.

  Yods don’t always – clearly – bring marital bliss but they have a fated quality of affecting the destiny of each in a profound way.

Add On: Another high profile example is Winston and Clementine Churchill who had a 57 year marriage, not always easy, hence her – ‘divorce never, murder frequently’ comment. He was a Sun and Venus in Sagittarius with Moon and Uranus in Leo. She was a Sun, Venus, Mars in Aries opposition Uranus with her Aries planets falling in his 7th house of partnership. A fiery match especially given her Uranus sitting on his Ascendant but they would resonate and she would appreciate adventure and excitement – and also demand space. Her Jupiter in Leo was conjunct his Moon and her Moon was either late Libra, maybe conjunct his Jupiter, or in early Scorpio – both of which would smooth out a few wrinkles. The synastry is noisy but not bad at all. 

  Their relationship chart had an Earthy Grand Trine of Uranus to Neptune to Mars which would help. Plus a power-couple, enthusiastic and supportive Jupiter trine Pluto, maybe involving the Moon. A one-sided, unfair-treatment Mars square Saturn – and he was undoubtedly egregiously self-absorbed. Plus an idealistic/disappointing Sun Venus square Neptune.  

Nowadays it might not have made it through the rough patches since it could have burnt out with too much Fire, but separating was not done lightly back then.

Lucille & Desi – a match made for success

Showbiz marriages are rarely what they appear with a Grand Canyon of a gulf between the public image and the private reality. A case in point being Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz who starred in the phenomenally successful 1950s sit-com I Love Lucy as a happily hitched couple. Off screen it was a tempestuous affair with his drinking, gambling and infidelity taking its toll on suburban bliss.

  Together they launched and ran what became the most successful sit-com of all time with 40 million viewers and a long shelf-life after it stopped production. But the snap crackle and pop that made it happen became too much and they divorced as the show ended. Both went on to remarry but stayed friends.

 Being the Ricardos, a recently released Amazon Prime movie, tells the tale of one turbulent week when the show was running.

Lucille Ball was born 6 August 1911 at 5pm Jamestown, New York, with a messed-up childhood, her father dying when she was three and partly brought up by austere grandparents. She started her career modelling, went into B movies and married Cuban bandleader Desi Arnaz, six years her junior when she was 29. A decade later when her radio show “My Favorite Husband” made the transition to TV, she insisted that Desi be cast as her spouse, considering that they might salvage their marriage if he was working locally, rather than constantly touring with his band.

  He was born 2 March 1917 12.30pm (unverified) Santiago, Cuba.

  Lucille had an intense 8th house Leo Sun, a lucky 10th house Jupiter in money-magnet Scorpio and a 5th house Saturn which all pointed her towards an executive role in the business, running the Desilu studio and other later shows, including Star Trek. Her Sun was square Mars and Saturn in Taurus so she would be tough – and short-tempered; and she also had the generational highly-strung and can-be-fanatical Uranus opposition Neptune. She had her Capricorn Moon on her Ascendant in a possessive opposition to Pluto on the cusp of her 7th – so stormy relationships were hardly a surprise.

  He was a fiery and creative Sun Mars in Pisces widely trine Pluto and Moon in Cancer – so given to emotional extremes himself. His Uranus in a constantly-wandering conjunction to his Venus was opposition her Sun; and worse his Saturn was conjunct her Neptune and opposition her Uranus which would give rise to doubt, suspicion and constant uncertainty; with his Sun Mars in an argumentative opposition to her Mercury.

  One key to their success may have come from his Jupiter in Taurus conjunct Lucille’s North Node.

  Their relationship chart does have a charming, lucky composite Venus trine Mars, sextile Jupiter Uranus. But surprisingly little else.   

Rihanna – struggling to break old patterns

Rihanna, fabulously successful singer, actress, fashion designer, businesswoman, wealthiest female musician, worth $1.7 billion and Ambassador for Barbados, has been flaunting her pregnancy in a series of luridly revealing outfits. Though her sex symbol image which helped thrust her to the top of the music business and fashion pile has not done much to cement a settled emotional life.

  Born 20 February 1988 (maybe 8.50am Astrotheme) Barbados, she grew up with an abusive, alcoholic, crack-cocaine addict father. Her on off relationship with R&B singer Chris Brown ended first time round with accusations of domestic violence, though in later years she returned to him. She also had on off relationship with Canadian rapper Drake and this baby is with rapper ASAP Rocky, who has had a series of assault incidents in the past(see wiki) as has Drake (see wiki). It may be understandable with her childhood that she’s attracted to bad boys – but unless she breaks the chain she’ll never find peace.

  She has a friendly 11th house Pisces Sun which sits on the focal point of a talented mini-Grand Trine to a high-vitality and enthusiastic Jupiter in Aries trine Mars in Sagittarius as well as Uranus Saturn in Capricorn. She’s part of the triple conjunction in Capricorn generation who are highly-strung, chaotic and can be tinged with genius (some of them). She also has an upfront Aries Moon conjunct Venus and square Neptune, a legacy from her battered mother, whom she tried to protect.  

  If her birth time is accurate then her Pluto sits in her 7th house of close relationships, so she will tend to become embroiled intense partnerships, which won’t always end well.

  ASAP Rocky, 3 October 1988 NY, doesn’t look any better than previous boyfriends with his Saturn Uranus in Sagittarius conjunct her Mars for an inflammable connection and his Mars in Aries in a combative opposition to his Libra sun hitting on her Aries Moon. Though there will be an initial attraction and affection from their respective Venuses being opposition the other’s Sun.

  Their relationship chart has a volcanic composite Pluto opposition Jupiter square Mars and an autocratic Saturn Uranus conjunction. For a brief moment they could be the power couple supreme but it will end up in a tug of war for the upper hand. And it is set to rock n’ roll through this year with tr Saturn conjunct the Mars now and then tr Uranus picking up the opposition to the Pluto this month, conjunct the Jupiter and square the Mars through the year.

 Her relationship chart with Chris Brown also has a composite power-struggling Jupiter opposition Pluto; and an explosive composite Sun, Mars, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune T Square. It was never going to be a long-term runner.

  Chris Brown and Drake were relatively similar – Chris Brown is a stubborn New Moon Venus in Taurus opposition Pluto, with Mars in a combustible opposition to Uranus. Drake is an even more stubborn and controlling Sun Pluto in Scorpio square Mars. At least ASAP Rocky is a Sun Libra but it still doesn’t look ideal.

   She’s on a high this year with tr Pluto square her Jupiter, exact last month and again August to November; with a few ups, downs and arguments when tr Uranus is opposition her Pluto and square her Mercury in this March/April.

  She looks less cheerful from 2023 onwards with tr Pluto setting up major obstacles in hard aspect to three of her Sun midpoints. With more discouragement in 2024 as tr Neptune squares her Mars for a sense of failure or lack of motivation.  Then tr Neptune moving into Aries in 2025 (along with tr Saturn initially) will begin several years in square to her Capricorn planets.

  Which is an interesting thought. A fair few notables of the moment are early triple conjunction types (born late 1980s) and their lives will undergo a period of considerable disorientation and discontentment in the second half of this decade.

Ukraine – in the shadow of Lunar Eclipses ++ New Moon

The build-up of Russian forces on the border of Ukraine continues, while the US and UK are warning civilians to leave the country and moving embassy staff. The Russians are insisting that the US is panicking about an imminent assault and that they have no intention of invading. The fog of war descends before any outbreak of hostilities.

  It would have to be said that the signs are not obvious for an outright takeover and storming of the borders as there was in 2014 when Putin sliced off the Crimea. See post January 19 2022.

  The best I can do having scoured various relevant charts is that Uranus at 12 degrees mid March to early April resonates across several charts as disruptive, with some keyed up now till mid March.

 The most recent late November 2021 Lunar Eclipse set for Kiev had an explosive Mars in vengeful Scorpio opposition Uranus square Saturn, which would point to military situations from Mars Saturn, and violence from Uranus Mars.  Located to Kiev the Mars is conjunct the Midheaven with Uranus on the IC, which would reflect the beleaguered mood inside the Ukraine at the moment.  And that T Square is being triggered from mid March to late April. Transits to eclipse charts can be illuminating in the months following.

  The Lunar Eclipse for May this year located to Kiev has a heavy-duty, discouraging Saturn conjunct Midheaven on the focal point of a T square to a 12th house Sun opposition Moon; with a trapped Pluto in the 8th. Whatever does or does not happen this week the tensions won’t lift.

  The world leaders strutting their stuff over the crisis, not all for ethically pure motives, are:

Emmanuel Macron, whose Sagittarius Sun relocated to Kiev sits on the Midheaven beside Venus Mercury as he launches a charm offensive to boost his April re-election prospects in France.

 Boris Johnson located to Kiev has his Scorpio Moon exactly conjunct the Midheaven as he attempts to regain public approval and distract from myriad domestic scandals.

Joe Biden has his bulldozer Mars in Scorpio close to his Descendant located to Moscow. Give that it is in a do-or-die square to Pluto and resonates also in Ukraine, this won’t be an easy situation for him to handle. Having scuttled away from Afghanistan, the last thing the USA public want is another open-ended foreign military intervention.

Putin’s 4th Term chart is also ramped up by the approaching brutal/ruthless Mars Pluto conjunction in late Capricorn, exact on March 3rd. The New Moon on March 2nd has a Pisces stellium of New Moon conjunct Jupiter and Neptune which falls in the 8th house of Putin’s Administration chart close to its Neptune – which might arguably suggest he’s drawn by a delusion/illusion into a serious miscalulation.

See also 13th April 2021: Ukraine – pawn in a larger power game

Joe Biden – the astro-timeline ahead ++ Midterms ++ Eclipses

Joe Biden’s term of office has neither been as explosive as was feared from the challenging Inauguration chart nor as progressive as Democrats would have wished. Errant senators have blocked landmark legislation and the messy Afghanistan withdrawal was damaging to his reputation. But the worst may yet be – almost certainly will be – to come.

  The red flags on the Term chart, 20 January 2021 11.48 am, Washington, were the Uranus Mars conjunction square Saturn, Jupiter, Sun in Aquarius. Uranus Mars tends to be argumentative with a defiant no-compromise stance, and can amount at times to violence. Which might well be indicated by the square to Saturn, with a military as well as a revolutionary leaning. Jupiter in the middle will soften the effect marginally though it could also point to overly ambitious plans coming adrift.

  When these combustible planets come to exact aspect by Solar Arc will be September 2023 onwards, peaking around New Year into January 2024. Even before then the pressure will be ramping up from tr Pluto conjunct the Term Sun from March 2023, on and off till late 2024; at the same time as tr Pluto is conjunct the Saturn/Pluto midpoint which could be grim world events or economic hardship.

  From March/April 2024 there are several less than encouraging influences – a depressing/deprived mood from tr Pluto conjunct the Sun/Saturn midpoint running on into 2025; plus panicky muddled Neptunian communication snafus and confused misjudgments.  Over the coming mid terms this November the term chart has a couple of undermining Neptune conjunctions to two Jupiter midpoints which will be less than celebratory.

  Biden’s own chart has some luck this year but running alongside that is a calamitous tr Neptune opposition his Mars/Pluto midpoint picking up mid this April to mid May, repeating August to mid September, and again Feb/March and Nov/Dec 2023 which will lower his energy and morale. Plus the Eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio in 2022 and the Lunar Eclipses in 2023 will all be rattling up his Scorpio planets and Pluto for a series of potentially life-changing crises.

   From early 2023 to late 2024 he has tr Pluto square his Sun/Neptune midpoint bringing confusion, indecision and muddled thinking. Tr Pluto will square his Moon from late March 2024 on and off till late 2025, which can accompany family pressures or even health issues. Plus he has a catastrophic-setback tr Uranus square his Mars/Saturn midpoint from July 2024, running on through October and again in early 2025.  Tr Uranus is also opposing his Sun from August 2024 onwards hinting at a radical change.

  He has an extremely stalwart chart with four Scorpio planets and Pluto in Leo as well as a Taurus Moon ; and the White House is never a walk in the park with constant crises piling on top of one another. But he does look exceptionally stressed and some of the above could indicate health issues.

    There is a good deal of affection for him in the US. And with Mitch McConnell’s intervention the senior Republicans along with Pence may just be about to bust Trump’s bubble. So all is not gloom, doom and misery but his astrology is not upbeat whichever way you slice it.  

ADD ON: At the Midterms this November Joe Biden’s personal chart has pluses and minuses with a smattering of mild, upbeat Jupiterian influences in place; as well as a self-deceptive, confused and Mercury/Neptune. And tr Saturn squares his Pluto/Node which suggests relationships separating abruptly  and general stuckness.

Kamala Harris, who is labouring against major challenges in 2022 and 2023 with tr Pluto square her Libra Sun looks irritable and frustrated with tr Pluto hitting two Mars midpoints. And tr Pluto square her Saturn Node midpoint which tends to be distressed/depressed, grieving. And highly strung/anxious.

  There is nothing totally catastrophic on their charts – at that point anyway – but they are not exactly singing and dancing.

Add On: Eclipses covering the mid terms.

  The Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio on 25 October 2022 on the run up has the New Moon conjunct Venus in the 1st for Washington turning the spotlight on that location. It is in a Saros series which Bernadette Brady describes as ‘ being forceful, and taking power. It has a manic flavour about it.’ This is reinforced by a ruthless and stressed Pluto on the IC inconjunct Mars, and an argumentative Air Grand Trine of Mercury trine Mars trine Saturn in Aquarius in the 4th.

  Saturn is even more magnified on the Lunar Eclipse on November 8th itself falling again in the 4th square the Sun, Mercury, Venus in Scorpio opposition a divisive Moon Uranus. Such a highlighted/afflicted Saturn points to an emotional chill, insensitivity and square Uranus to an oppressive mood. Saturn Uranus can be dictatorial even by those who claim to be progressive. You could argue this either way – Saturn strives to maintain the status quo which is Democratic or it favours the conservative party, the GOP. Whichever the dice lands there will not be great rejoicing in the capital.

  The Lunar Eclipse will rattle up Joe Biden’s Mars and Mercury so he’ll be impatient and argumentative though his communication skills and perhaps even thinking abilities may come under scrutiny.  

Scotland Yard – who polices the police

The political fallout from the sudden resignation of Cressida Dick, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, will be an entertainment in itself but is of secondary importance to Londoners. After a litany of humiliating blunders, deadly mistakes, and evidence of a hair-raisingly sexist and misogynist culture within the force, a line had to be drawn – though as ever years late.

  When Sir Robert Mark was brought in to clean up corruption in the Met in 1972 he evidently remarked his ambition was to ensure the service arrested more criminals than it employed. In the five years of his leadership he put 50 criminal officers before a court, and nearly 500 others were swept out of the organisation. Corruption then went hand in hand with entrenched sexism and racism. Plus ca change.

  The Met was established on 29 September 1829 giving it an attention-demanding (arrogant) and inspirational Fire Grand Trine of Jupiter in Sagittarius trine Saturn in Leo trine Pluto, formed into a Kite by Pluto in a power-hungry, controlling opposition to a Libra Sun. During Mark’s five years as Met Commissioner tr Pluto was poised on the cusp of Libra and moved in conjunction to the Met Sun and opposition Pluto as he exerted formidable pressure to clean out the sewers. Very Plutonic and right on the key opposition in the Kite which is the central plank of the chart – the Met’s backbone.

  Unfortunately there is nothing similar in the near future. This year tr Neptune opposes the Mars for a sense of sinking failure with a few jolts from the tr Saturn square tr Uranus tugging on Saturn on one leg of the Grand Trine. Tr Pluto will square the Mercury in 2023 and then conjunct the Uranus in 2024 for an extended period of heated arguments about the best way forward. There’ll be a ‘shocking collision’ with the Solar Arc Mars opposition the Sun this year, of which this may be part; followed in 2023/24 by a dead-halt Solar Arc Mars conjunct the Pluto. It may get worse before it gets better.  Only by 2027 when tr Pluto is trine the Sun and sextile the Pluto does there look to be much transformational energy being applied.

  The other Astro-point of note is Cressida Dick’s First Term chart, 11 April 2017, which has almost exactly now the Solar Arc Pluto closing the square to Uranus to exact – which is a classic fall-off-perch indicator. Administration charts are way more useful for information and predictions than personal charts. Which is a point to remember given Joe Biden’s alarming inauguration chart, of which more anon.

  Cressida Dick’s personal chart, 16 October 1960, is agitated and jolted this year, sagging badly in 2023/2024; but high-flying in 2025. She’ll no doubt land on her feet (sigh).

  London Mayor Sadiq Khan, 8 October 1970, is now in a tug war with Home Secretary Priti Patel who is insisting he overstepped the bounds of his authority. She classed his behaviour as ‘rude and unprofessional’ which given her past track record is a touch ironic.  Born 29th March 1972, she’s a Sun Aries opposition Pluto square Jupiter; with Sun Mercury opposition Uranus and Pluto trine/sextile Mars Saturn opposition Neptune – not exactly renowned for tact and delicacy.

 Her relationship chart with Khan is a hotbed of hostility with a composite Pluto trine Saturn, sextile Mars and a differing-agendas Sun square Uranus.

  Sadiq Khan is facing a disastrous year ahead into 2023 with tr Neptune opposition his Mars and then Mars/Pluto conjunction; with a mountainous blockage in 2024. His relationship with Boris Johnson, never cordial at best, is a pressure cooker of resentment and bile from this month on and off into 2023 with tr Pluto opposition the composite Mars.

For previous Cressida Dick/Met Police posts see : March 15 2021; and January 8022.

Bruce Willis – hits and misses in a long career

Bruce Willis has the distinction of a special category all to himself at the Razzies, the anti-Oscar awards – “Worst Performance by Bruce Willis in a 2021 Movie”. In a career replete with a Golden Globe, primetime Emmys and People Choice awards, he appears to have given up quality work over the last decade, appearing in B-action, direct-to-streaming thrillers that pay for minimal work from him. His name gives them bankability but for the mainstream they sink without trace. This last year he made an astonishing 8 such.  

 One film critic mourns the passing of his great roles in Pulp Fiction and Moonrise Kingdom amongst others and hopes he won’t spend ‘the rest of his career in well-paid obscurity.’

  He was born 19 March 1955 6.32pm Idar-Oberstein, Germany with an American soldier father and German mother. He grew up with a stutter which acting on stage brought under control. Moonlighting with Cybill Shepherd was his breakthrough role when he hit 30 and his blockbuster Die-Hards cemented his top stardom.

  What is pertinent to his recent lacklustre career is tr Saturn moving through his low profile first quadrant since 2009 – this coincided with his second marriage and then two more children in 2012/14. Saturn in this phase of life often prompts a rebalancing of priorities with more focus on personal and emotional fulfilment than outer ambitions. It also tends to be less successful so can be a time of treading water.

  He does have a hugely complicated, talented and challenging chart. His 7th house Pisces Sun (a favoured sign for the movie business) is in a creative, not always realistic Water Grand Trine to a lucky Uranus Jupiter in his career 10th house trine Saturn in Scorpio. His Saturn opposes an 8th house Mars squaring onto Venus in Aquarius in his performing 5th house – making him emotionally intense, short-fused, stubborn. He also has a Yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct his Sun – this will, especially in early adult life, have seen him veer between low self-esteem and then too much ego. Find the right track to focus his energies on would be crucial for him.

  His Aquarius Moon also in the performing 5th is square Neptune and sextile his Sun though not heavily aspected otherwise. His Mercury in Pisces in his hard-working 6th is trine his Neptune and just opposition his Pluto, both out of element aspects. Which makes sense of his early stutter which disappeared when he found his destiny (yod).

  He is coming out of his low profile Saturinine dip though tr Neptune square his Midheaven won’t help in 2023 and tr Uranus will shake up his life considerable this year and next; but his Solar Arc Jupiter is moving to conjunct his Ascendant in two years plus (birth time being accurate) and to oppose his Sun by 2025 – both of which might help to lift his credibility as an actor back to former glory.

Leviev & Hendy-Freegard – spinning a web of lies ++ Dexter

Serial conmen appear to have overtaken serial killers as the bad guys of choice for true-crime biopics and documentaries. The Tinder Swindler, Simon Leviev, has a Netflix expose running at the same time as UK ‘Puppet Master’ Robert Hendy-Freegard. Leviev persuaded gullible women he was the son of a billionaire diamond merchant, picking up an estimated £7.4 million in fraudulent loans from them. Hendy-Freegard spun a weird and wondrous tale about being an undercover spy and persuaded his victims they were IRA targets because they knew him. He made off it is reckoned with £1 million from his marks to live out his James Bond fantasy. Both men have served prison sentences for their crimes and Leviev is still wanted for fraud in several countries.

 Leviev was born 27 September 1990 in Israel; and Hendy-Freegard 1 March 1971 in England.

 Leviev is a Sun Libra square Uranus Neptune (Moon) in Capricorn, sextile Jupiter, trine Mars. Venus in Virgo trine Saturn, widely sextile Pluto.

  Hendy-Freegard is a Sun Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter Neptune with a seductive Venus in Capricorn trine Pluto.

  The common elements are Sun square Neptune = imaginative and slippery. Sun in aspect to Jupiter = confident (and lucky). Venus in earth sign plus Saturn and/or Pluto – emotionally cool and controlled and persuasive. Both have North Node in Aquarius – presumably in both cases unevolved and sliding back into primitive Leonine excesses. Not that Leo even in lesser mode is given to deceit but it does lust after a gold-plated lifestyle.

  Both have notable 9th Harmonic charts which is often the case for financial frauds. 9th = search for pleasure.

Magician Derren Brown  is born only two days before Hendy-Freegard so has virtually the same chart –  turning his sleight-of-hands talents to better use.

  There are no birth times which is a shame since I’d reckon the Pluto in each chart would be strongly placed. There is a strong element of coercive control in such men.

Add On:

Another ‘charming’ Tinder fraudster who scammed £141,000 from a date, spinning tales being worth £6.8m with Hollywood connections and private jets, has been jailed for four years for fraud. Richard Dexter, 14 February 1983, (Companies House) persuaded his mark, an Indian national living in Dubai, to invest money into a multi-million pound biopharmaceutical technology deal, with the promise of big returns of around £1.8 million.

  He is a Sun trine Pluto sextile Neptune which makes for a stratospherically ambitious temperament. His plausible Venus Mars in Pisces (shades of Jeffrey Epstein) was widely square Neptune; and he had an adventurous and risk-taking Jupiter in Sagittarius.

  Like the two above he had a notable pleasure-seeking 9th Harmonic.

Hunter Biden – a scandal muted for now

Hunter Biden’s Asian and Eastern European business dealings during the 2020 election continue to rumble as a background issue with questions being asked about why the media has not flagged it up as a ticking timebomb. One reason may be that Trump raised the bar for what qualifies as a newsworthy Presidential family scandal and there is a reluctance to go after the Biden family given the tragedies that have endured. Plus certain of the those on the attack have right-wing connections and/or are themselves questionable.

  Fox Nation is currently streaming a four-part series called Who Is Hunter Biden, and author Peter Schweizer’s Red-Handed, just out alleges that the Biden family “received some $31 million from Chinese individuals who are linked to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence.” Schweizer alleges that “Hunter Biden was paying his father’s bills with the foreign money…” Not sure that would pass UK libel laws and Schweitzer in the past has been guilty of errors and his motives are suspicious. But he has also evidently revealed overlooked information in previous investigations. If his allegations were proved true it would be nuclear.

  Joe Biden does have a 5th house Taurus Moon pointing to the important emotional role children have played in his life. A one-year old daughter died along with his wife in a care crash in 1972 which left his two sons injured but alive.  His eldest son Beau died of brain cancer in 2015. So no surprises that he would defend Hunter to the hilt. A 5th house Moon suggests that children are a key source of nurture. However Biden’s Moon will catch the transiting Pluto square from February 2024 on and off for two years so there could be major issues in the run up to the 2024 election focused on family and emotional relationships.

  Hunter Biden, 4 February 1970, no birth time, is a Sun Venus in Aquarius which doesn’t sit too easily with Biden senior’s four Scorpio planets; and he has an impulsive, not well-controlled Mars in Aries opposition Uranus and a see-saw Saturn in Taurus opposition Jupiter.  

He has a shock or collision of sorts in his life from his Solar Arc Sun conjunct his Mars soon and probably into next year opposition his Uranus – very turbulent. Plus his Solar Arc Mars opposition his Neptune soon will bring a panicky sense of failure; with a couple of Neptunian sinkers to midpoints from mid April onwards into 2023, plus other negative odds and ends. In 2024 he has a tough, stuck Solar Arc Saturn square his Pluto.

  His relationship chart with his father is affectionate and locked-together with a composite Sun Venus trine Pluto. This year their connection will be strewn with calamities from mid March onwards with April looking ominous. 2023/24 will increase the pressures they are under as a twosome with worse in 2024/2025. So it could certainly be a red flag to Biden senior’s re-election hopes.

  On the synastry – Hunter’s Pluto and Uranus fall in Joe’s 10th so junior will try to gain influence through his father’s status and career, causing havoc along the way. Oddly enough Hunter’s Saturn is conjunct Joe’s Moon so he will to a degree put up barriers to his father’s need for affectionate support.

  One to watch. Politicians in the past have survived errant relatives but this one may strike too close to the bone.