Memory – Mercury or an Earth Water talent

Memory and the ability to recall or re-picture past events is associated with several signs and planet. Mercury and Gemini/Virgo rules short term memory. But Scorpio has a reputation for being the elephant who never forgets, followed closely by Taurus. Cancer, a sentimentalist about the past, also clings on. The Water signs which also includes Pisces are visual and might be expected to have photographic memory abilities.

 In mythology, Mnemosyne was the goddess of memory – the daughter of Uranus and Gaia who mated with Zeus to produce the nine Muses.

Three individuals with extraordinary memories are worth pondering though there are sadly no birth times which might help and no very clear Astro-similarities, though any ideas welcome.

 Stephen Wiltshire, 24 April 1974, an architectural artist and autistic savant, can draw a landscape, buildings; or an entire city after one viewing from a helicopter. He lacked verbal communication skills until he was nine.

  He has a Taurus Sun on the focal point of a Yod inconjunct Pluto and Neptune; with his Pluto square Mars Saturn in Cancer which is turn trines Jupiter in Pisces – with Venus also in Pisces. His Mercury in Aries opposes Uranus.

Laurence Kim Peek, 11 November 1951, Utah, a megasavant with congenital brain abnormalities, and low verbal skills, was the inspiration for Raymond in the Rain Man movie. He had an exceptional memory and could remember the contents of 12,000 books he had read.

 He was Scorpio with his Sun square Pluto and sextile Mars in Virgo and trine Uranus; with his Mercury in Sagittarius trine Jupiter in Aries.

Daniel Tammet, 31 January 1979, Barking, England with an unverified time of 3am, is an English essayist, writer and savant with Asperger’s Syndrome. He does appear to have an exceptional memory though there is a question over whether that is partly due to his training and strategies for remembering or synaesthesia which joins senses not normally connected – to see sounds and hear colours for example. He knows eleven languages and writes so clearly doesn’t lack verbal skills.

  His chart is different from the two above with an Air Sun, Mars, Mercury in Aquarius and Saturn in Virgo.

  Not sure  what conclusions if any to draw.

  I was always intrigued by a story told me years ago by an Army officer who had been seconded to fight with Arab soldiers in the Middle East. He said the illiterate ones could remember highly complex orders on first telling, while the literate ones needed it repeated or written down. Which does suggest that brain changes are involved with education.

  I do have a fairly photographic memory which I might put down to having several planets in the 12th (Pisces natural home) plus a dose of Virgo and Gemini.

Do pitch in.

Black Lives Matter – facing fiscal realities

Black Lives Matter is facing increasing scrutiny over its finances. $90 million has been taken in to date with some disbursed to partner organizations but there appears to be no executive in charge of finances since the co-founder Patrisse Cullors resigned along with the other two co-founders last year. The DoJ is demanding information and a lawyer has been brought in by BLM to untangle what has been going on. Cullors is claiming racism and sexism is behind an expose in the New York magazine about the purchase of a $6 million house, way over market value during her tenure.

  BLM, 13 July 2013, does look to be in serious trouble ahead with the Scorpio Node catching a Nodal Half Return this year which would bring financial wrangles to the fore. But most damaging is the Solar Arc Mars opposing Pluto in 2023/24 which will grind the organization to a halt.

  The chart itself is a curious mix of healing with a Water Grand Trine of Neptune trine Saturn trine a confident Jupiter Mars and revolutionary with a focal point Uranus in Aries with a tendency to internal crises.

  Patrisse Cullors, 20 June 1983 11.25 am Van Nuys, California, is an activist, artist and writer, who resigned from BLM in May last year to pursue other interests. She has an articulate and argumentative Sun Mars in Gemini in her 10th opposition Neptune and trine an unyielding Saturn Pluto in her financial 2nd hose. Her Mercury also in Gemini is on her Midheaven opposition Jupiter Uranus. Certainly a communicator, super-ambitious with her Sun tied into Pluto and Neptune, can be slippery. Her Scorpio Moon is not well integrated in her chart apart from a wide conjunction to Saturn, so she’ll be emotionally disorganized.

  She’s not doing well ahead with a panicky tr Neptune square her Mars from the middle of this month on and off, picking up the square to the Sun/Mars midpoint in 2023 and then her Sun in 2024 – so a long slide of undermining circumstances and disappointment. Plus heavy financial pressure with tr Pluto square her 2nd house Pluto (2021/22) and Saturn (2022/23).

A tragedy that so many gave with good intentions and there wasn’t the organization in place to manage the donations sensibly and transparently.

See previous posts – on Cullors 13 April 2021 and BLM 30 August 2020

Kourtney & Travis – a Mars Saturn car-crash match ++ mother Kris

Just when you think the Kardashians can’t sink any closer to the trash bin, they do. On the eve of the launch of a new show, Kourtney totters off after the Grammys, not entirely sober off, to an Elvis impersonator wedding chapel in Las Vegas to marry much-tattooed superstar drummer Travis Barker. Except they didn’t have a licence so it isn’t real. Despite the gulf between a Palm Beach flash feste and a Sin City dive there are intriguing astro-similarities between the weddings/marriages and relationships of the them and the Brooklyn/Nicola pairing.

 The wedding chart has the not-quite-real Jupiter Neptune conjunction and the aggravated, hard-edged Mars Saturn conjunction. The relationship chart between Kourtney and her fiancée as is/was Travis Barker has a central composite Mars square Saturn tied into the composite Moon and widely to the Sun; as well as an over-hopeful Jupiter opposition Neptune.

  They are both difficult personalities. She, 18 April 1979 3am Los Angeles has a financially-oriented 2nd house Aries Sun trine Neptune, opposition an 8th house Pluto and square Jupiter – pushily confident, intense but stuck in a life she doesn’t understand and often can’t control. Her Capricorn Moon squares onto Pluto and Mars in Aries which will add to her emotional stress and with Saturn on her Descendant she won’t find close relationships come without hard work and karma.  Her last beau, Scott Disick, with whom she had three children and a nearly-Las Vegas Elvis wedding, parted company after ten years. She has never technically married anyone.

  Her musician squeeze, Travis Barker, 14 November 1975 8.59pm Fontana, CA, has previously had two extremely brief marriages. He’s a Scorpio with an Aries Moon conjunct Jupiter opposition Pluto square Mars trine Saturn – which is one hot emotional mess as well.  His mother died of an auto-immune disease before he entered high school and he was a stoner through his teenage years.

  An Aries and a Scorpio are not intuitively a good mix and her Uranus is conjunct his Sun which is certainly not a recipe for a contented 24/7 love-in.  Both have heavily stressed Moons tied into Mars, Saturn and Pluto which doesn’t augur well either. Both have huge mother issues, whereas Brooklyn/Nicola have father issues. Hmm.

  If this was supposed to be a distraction from the black horror elsewhere in the news it has only succeeded in depressing me further. I suppose it could be seen as a live-action agony aunt situation. Real life as it is lived by washed up celebs and weirdos.  

Add On: The dynamic between Kourtney and mother Kris Jenner, 5 November 1955 6.42am San Diego, is tricky to put it mildly. Kris has a Sun, Saturn and Venus in Scorpio which clash with Kourtney’s rebellious Uranus; and Kris’s Mars is conjunct Kourtney’s 8th house Pluto which will arouse deep-seated anger; with Kris’s slippery Mercury Neptune also in Kourtney’s 8th opposite her Aries Sun.

  Their relationship chart has – surprise surprise – an angry, hard-edged, one-sided and unfair, emotionally cold composite Mars square Moon Saturn. With a complicated Venus trine Uranus Pluto sextile Neptune – emotional ambivalence writ large, illusions, hopes and possessiveness.

  Her previous partner Scott Disick, 26 May 1983, has a Sun Mars in Gemini opposition Jupiter Uranus which square onto Kourtney’s Saturn and his Saturn Pluto in Libra square oppose her Aries Sun. I’m surprised it lasted ten years, even if it was on off, on off.  

Some parental patterns are almost impossible to unpick.

Brooklyn & Nicola wedding – splashing the cash ++ father David ++ MILs ++ wedding chart

The ultra-rich play on heedless of a cruel world well below their gaze. A billionaire’s daughter marrying a multi-millionaire footballer’s son this Saturday in Palm Beach is a HELLO dream of obscene consumption. Actress Nicola Peltz with a financier father is getting hitched at the parental 44,000 square foot $100 million oceanfront home to Brooklyn Beckham in what is described as a ‘Miami society meets British celebrity’ £3 million wedding. His parents Victoria and David Beckham have a $24 million penthouse nearby.

   The wedding chart has an illusory, over-hopeful (high finance) Jupiter Neptune conjunction; and an aggravated Saturn Mars conjunction so tempers will flare for the event itself. But more significantly it describes one theme for the marriage ahead.

 Wedding charts typically echo the pattern of the relationship chart and sure enough it is dominated by a Mars opposition Saturn. There will certainly be an affectionate bond from a composite Sun Venus and good luck from a Jupiter Uranus conjunction but the harsh one sided Mars Saturn will dominate. It usually suggests one partner has to sacrifice a great deal for the relationship to work. In ‘normal’ circumstances it can indicate a relationship for example with a downtrodden wife who has to do as she is told. That’s hardly likely here but there will be chains that bind and ropes that chafe over time.

  Both of them in different ways have grown up in families where they would not always feel in control. Brooklyn, 4 March 1999 7.48pm London,  has a Pisces Sun square Pluto, trine Mars suggesting he experienced a powerful father and he would not always feel he was free to make his own choices.

  Equally Nicola, 9 January 1995 (no birth time) New York, has her Mars opposition Saturn square Pluto, Venus, Jupiter so would experience her father as a driving force of considerable magnitude with no chance of altering his decisions. Nelson Peltz a Sun Jupiter in Cancer has a bulldozing Mars Pluto sextile Saturn Uranus.

  Two adults from relatively similar backgrounds can have an accord since they recognise each other’s problems but over time one usually emerges to take on the parent’s insistence on getting their own way. It’s the old submit-dominate battle.

  He’s a Pisces as befits a photographer with a no-compromise, can-be-explosive Mars in money-minded Scorpio in the 2nd square an emotionally changeable 5th house Uranus. He does have an ultra-charming Venus Jupiter in Aries on his Descendant in a persuasive trine to Pluto and a ‘leadership’ Leo North Node so he will make his way in the world successfully.

  She is a Sun Capricorn conjunct a highly strung Neptune Uranus so will be fairly high maintenance and unpredictable. Her stressed Mars will tend to make her hyper-active and impatient. Her Saturn is conjunct his Sun and his Saturn is conjunct her Moon (Taurus or late Aries).  Both have Venus in a Fire sign which will give them similar tastes. Her North Node in Scorpio is conjunct his Mars so money and sex will be driving forces.

  An amble down on irrelevant path in these troubled times. See previous post July 12 2020.

Add On: Brooklyn’s relationship with his father David Beckham is a sight to behold. David’s Taurus Sun falls in Brooklyn’s 8th opposition his 2nd house Mars; and David’s Mars is conjunct Brooklyn’s Sun so there will be a competitive and argumentative edge, especially when it comes to generating money. David’s Saturn square Pluto falls on Brooklyn’s Midheaven and Ascendant, so papa’s need-to-achieve-and-control will be a crucial factor in their relationship.

Their relationship chart has two fated Yods onto Pluto (= power struggling and ambitious for influence) and Saturn (= status).

  I’d hazard a guess that junior might in his deeper unconscious be determined to outdo his father.  He’s less competitive with his mother though their relationship chart does have the signature composite Mars square Saturn as well as a Yod of Mars sextile Pluto inconjunct Sun Mercury – so quite a minefield of subterranean undercurrents.

Add On: Nicola’s mother Claudia Peltz, Nelson’s third wife, is described as a “titanium socialite” and a perfectionist. Born 12 March 1955 (net sources) she is a Sun Pisces trine a lucky Uranus Jupiter in Cancer; with a rock-solid Saturn in Scorpio square Pluto; and a Scorpio Moon which is probably opposition Mars in Taurus. Relations with Victoria, the other mother, will be a mix of sugary sweet and aggravated as Vic’s Venus Jupiter in Pisces will make superficially nice overtures but her snippy Mars Saturn in Gemini squaring Claudia’s Sun will make for a few uncomfortable moments. Their relationship chart reflects an icing sugar coating over a thoroughly uncomfortable and irritable chemistry.

  If Claudia’s birth date is accurate her relationship with daughter Nicola is hair-raisingly stressed with a composite Mars opposition Saturn Venus square Pluto. Nicola’s maybe Taurus Moon may be trine Mars and may be conjunct Claudia’s Mars as well.  

  New mother-in-law Victoria’s relationship with Nicola isn’t much better which given that Nicola’s Uranus Neptune in Capricorn square Vic’s Aries Sun isn’t surprising. The relationship chart is grim with a composite Saturn opposition Pluto square Mars – chained-together, resentful and impatient.

  The bridal billionaire father Nelson, 24 June 1942, “a self-made man with a fearsome reputation as a tough-minded corporate raider” is known as street smart and not a Harvard type.  He has a lucky Sun Jupiter in Cancer and a bulldozer Mars Pluto in Leo.

  His relationship charts with everyone in sight including his wife, daughter and prospective in-laws have stressed composite Pluto Sun aspects. He’s a man who likes to be in charge.

  Your normal family wedding tensions multiplied by several thousand.

 Add On: Just to round off the OTT Wedding of the moment the “I dos” were voiced between 6pm and 6.30pm in Palm Beach.  In addition to the delusional/over-hopeful Jupiter Neptune conjunction and the hard-edged Mars Saturn conjunction as above, there’s a Cancer Moon opposition Pluto square Mercury and Sun.  Sun and Moon tied into Pluto – hmm, certainly fits two dynastic and controlling families bearing down on the relationship.

Oddly enough now that I look, the Harry Meghan wedding also had an emphasised/afflicted Cancer Moon opposition Pluto.  Families!

Vitali & Wladimir Klitschko – punching above their weight for Ukraine ++ father

Vitali Klitschko, Mayor of Kiev, is a former professional boxer as is his brother Wladimir, both top sportsmen in their day during the “Klitschko era”, now fighting for their country.

 Vitali, born 19 July 1971 in Kyrgyzstan, is a charming Sun Venus in Cancer with his Sun in a powerfully confident mini-Grand Trine sextile Pluto and trine Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune. His Jupiter is further emphasized being on the focal point of a Fixed T square of Mercury in Leo opposition Mars in Aquarius – he’s lucky, argumentative, acquisitive and doesn’t budge.

  This year is a mix of negativity from tr Saturn in hard aspect to his Fixed T Square; plus devastating confusion from Neptune midpoints and added aggravation from a Mars midpoint from July onwards. But he’s keeping buoyant all the same, pushing confidently ahead through February to mid March, late June through till after New Year. 2023/2024 look tough going, discouraging, confused and jolting with tr Uranus hitting on his Mercury and Mars but there will be some uplift in 2024 and more luck and progress from 2025 onwards, alongside setbacks and nervy challenges. Even if Putin took a brain storm and withdrew, the chaos left behind will take years if not a decade plus to put right with international help.

 Wladimir Klitschko, 25 March 1976, was also a heavyweight boxer with multiple championships to his credit like his older brother. He has a creative and healing Water Grand Trine of Venus in Pisces trine Mars in Cancer trine Uranus; with his Mars on the focal point of an aggressive Cardinal T Square to a bulldozing Aries Sun opposition Pluto. He also has Jupiter in Aries square Saturn in Cancer.

  He’s in a tough, unrelenting year with shocks from July onwards. His 2023 is mixed with a confident tr Pluto square Jupiter running into 2024. But also like his brother a discouraging slog; and significant disruptions and risk. He’ll begin to see glimmerings of luck and light from 2024 and for several years thereafter. Though he’ll also have to contend with the tr Neptune Saturn in Aries wending round his powerhouse Sun, Pluto, Mars just after mid decade which will be disorientating.

  It’ll be a long haul.

See post February 26 2022 on Zelensky and 29 March 2022 on Ukraine.

Add ON: Their father Vladimir, a Soviet Air Force Major General who died of cancer as a result of being involved in the Chernobyl clean up, was a stalwart Sun Taurus square Saturn Pluto in Leo with his Mars in Aries trine Saturn Pluto – s a force to be reckoned with and unbudgeable.

Bishop Kirill v Pope Francis – on different spiritual paths

Pope Francis has indicated there is a possibility of him visiting Kiev after he was invited by President Zelensky and Mayor Klitschko. But Vatican sources say it depends to an extent on Bishop Kirill, the Orthodox Patriarch in Moscow, who has been belligerently pro-Putin, justifying the invasion on religious and moral grounds. The two spiritual leaders have been video-calling for a few weeks and there is a hint that there has been a shift in positions. Pope Francis has called the invasion infantile. ”Once again, some potentate, sadly caught up in anachronistic claims of nationalist interests, is provoking and fomenting conflicts, whereas ordinary people sense the need to build a future that, will either be shared, or not be at all.”

  Bishop Kirill, 20 November 1946 St Petersburg, was reportedly a KGB agent in Soviet Russia and has been a prominent supporter of Putin and all his policies. His Scorpio Sun conjunct Venus is catching last November and this May’s Lunar Eclipses for a crisis or two. He also has Jupiter in acquisitive Scorpio, with tales of expensive watches amongst his scandals. He also has a slippery and ruthless Mars in bellicose Sagittarius trine Saturn Pluto in Leo sextile Neptune. Not overflowing with the milk of compassion for sure.

  He has sprinklings of confidence and good news ahead alongside dashed-hopes after August for a few months and car-crash Solar Arcs in 2023/24. His Term chart is boxed in, trapped and infuriated this year and next.

  Pope Francis, 17 December 1936 9pm Buenos Aires, Argentina, has tr Neptune square his 6th house Sagittarius Sun from late this May which will sink his energy and at his age the medical advice will be against such a trip. Though it’s a moot point since he might feel it doesn’t matter what happens to him at this late stage. Relocating his chart to Kiev puts Pluto on the Midheaven which is generally a location that astrologers put a warning danger flag on. It also puts Mars on his Ascendant so it will certainly arouse his anger.

  He and Kirill are polar opposites with Kirill’s obdurate Saturn Pluto opposition the Pope’s Moon Venus in Aquarius; with Kirill’s Uranus opposition the Pope’s Sun North Node – on different paths.

 The Pope’s Election chart 13 March 2013 which has two fated Yods – one onto Jupiter and the other onto Saturn – is in a year of disappointment with tr Neptune conjunct the Sun.

Kirill pic: Kremlinru

Sarah Palin – blast from the past grabs opening

Sarah Palin, the raucous right-winger, former governor of Alaska, has announced she is running for Alaska’s only seat in the US House of Representatives, after the previous incumbent died last month. She was John McCain’s VP running mate in 2008 when the pair lost to Barack Obama and she has since been a vociferous supporter of Trump who has returned the favour. This is her first bid for political office in more than a decade and she will be one of a field of about 40 candidates.

  Born 11 February 1964 in Sandpoint, ID, no verified birth time though with a 9.44pm possible, she has a rough-edged and grandiose chart with an angry, unsentimental Sun, Mars, Saturn in Aquarius in a slippery (can be delusional) square to Neptune; plus a Yod onto Jupiter in Aries which is overly-confident, intolerant, tending to self-aggrandize.

  Two things are in her favour – one is Pluto trine her Sun/Jupiter midpoint now till late June which can be successful; and at the election tr Jupiter in Aries is heading to conjunct her Jupiter

 On the downside she’s running into her Second Saturn Return which on its own is not necessarily a hazard, but tr Saturn will conjunct her Aquarius Sun and then Mars through April which will throw up setbacks and obstacles as well as provoking either accidents or bouts of bad temper.  If she did happen to squeak through her 2023 looks alarming with tr Uranus square Sun, Mars, Saturn which will be extra stormy.

  Her relationship chart with Trump which is high stress at the best of times looks aggravated and blocked over the election and beyond. The result won’t make for happy playmates.  

China’s mission creep in the Pacific rattles Australia

Fears that China is attempting to militarize the Solomon Islands have alarmed Australia despite claims that the recent draft ‘security pact’ would not lead to a Chinese base there. In the past China has established 20 points of military presence in the South China Sea despite telling the USA it would not militarize the region.

  The Solomon Islands, an impoverished nation located 2,000 kilometres (1,200 miles) east of Australia, home to under a million inhabitants, was given independence on 7 July 1976.

As the region’s largest aid donor – Australia last year spent a record 1.7 billion Australian dollars ($1.3bn) in development assistance in the South Pacific, as well as billions more on security, health, logistics and telecommunications in the Solomon Islands and has recently promised more. But Beijing is also showering the region with cash, chunks of which it is suspected go directly into the pockets of the leaders.

   A government adviser said: “ the average person in the street has a positive attitude towards Australians because they are the people who help us while anti-Chinese sentiments are very strong because of destructive Chinese logging and mining fishing practices that have caused massive environmental destruction”.

  The Solomon Islands became independent when there was a Sun Jupiter in Cancer conjunction trine Uranus sextile Mars, and square Pluto.  Ripples of disturbance will emerge in 2023 but it will be 2024 to 2025 which are the testing years with setbacks and hardship.  With two Saturn Pluto solar Arcs then which can have military associations though it  may also be financial shortages.

  Relations with Australia will be upended this year, from early May, on and off into early 2023 with more tensions in 2026. Relations with both China charts, 1912 and 1949, show more obvious signs of significant change and upheaval in 2023 and more so in 2024/25 and on.

  Australia’s relations with China  hint at some ructions this year from later this month for a few weeks and again in early 2023; but the more obvious problems show up in 2023/24/25. It’s not a problem that will go away. Though most of what shows on the Australia chart is financial rather than anything else.

France – needing a steady hand through storms ahead

France is holding presidential elections with the first round on April 10th and a second round on April 24th between the top two.

At present Emmanuel Macron leads the polls with 27.9%; Marine Le Pen 20.2%; Jean Luc Melenchon 15% and Eric Zemmour and Valerie Pecresse around 10%. But polls are notoriously bad gauges for the final vote.

  Whoever wins or loses by far the more interesting question is what is happening in France? The central T square on the 21 September 1792 chart of Pluto in Aquarius opposition Uranus square Mars (Midheaven) in Scorpio is being depressed this year by tr Saturn hard aspects. This is in preparation for the hugely disruptive and jolting tr Uranus hard aspects – conjunct the Pluto, opposition Uranus from mid 2023 onwards into 2024 when it moves on to the ‘shocking’, insecure opposition to the France Mars into 2025. Just to add to the pressures tr Pluto will square the France Saturn in 2023/24, which suggests hardship and a dispiriting slog.

Most countries will be rattled over the next few years but the challenges for change in France will be more severe than most.

  Across this election there will be widespread confusion with tr Pluto square the France Neptune until June (running on and off till late 2023). Over the first round there is a calamitous tr Uranus square the France Mars/Saturn which may be external events/accidents or a sobering result – that may even hint at a repeat of the 2002 first round result when the electorate woke up to the prospect of Marine Le Pen’s father Jean-Marie being within striking distance of the presidency. He was a holocaust denier and far-far-right. In the event Jaques Chirac won on 82 to 18% in the final round.

  Over the second round this time there is a more upbeat tr Uranus opposition the France Mars/Jupiter midpoint. But whoever wins will be faced with a very stressed and turbulent term.

  Emmanuel Macron, 21 December 1977 10.40am Amiens, France, a centrist, won last time against Le Pen (66 to 33%) on a youthful ‘yes we can’ campaign, aided by a scandal which removed one of the other front runners. He’s been boosted recently with the post-pandemic economic recovery and his high profile stance over the Ukraine invasion.

  Tr Pluto is exactly on his Ascendant with tr Saturn moving through his less successful, low profile first quadrant. He will feel an urge to maintain a strong control and have more influence, hence perhaps his chest-beating performance over Ukraine. But tr Saturn does not indicate a fruitful time ahead. It doesn’t mean he won’t win, just that he’ll slide on multiple banana skins and make misjudgements in coming years. But there will be significant upheavals in his life with tr Uranus conjunct his Moon and opposition his Uranus over the second round which might sound like a domestic move.

His wife Brigitte, much involved in his politics, 13 April 1953 3pm Amiens, France, has a car-crash setback (metaphorically speaking) exact now with her Solar Arc Mars square her Saturn.

Marine Le Pen, 5 August 1968 11.20am Neuilly sur Seine, has attempted to detoxify her party’s far-right image and does appeal to a section of working class voters. Her polling has improved in recent weeks. Her Leo Sun is being pressured, first by a tr Uranus square over the first round and also by a blocked Solar Arc Pluto square – the first could change her lifestyle, the second influence bring a setback. She has mildly upbeat midpoints through May and on.

Jean-Luc Melenchon, 19 August 1951 8.20 am Tangier, Morocco, a left-wing veteran is campaigning to lower the retirement age and welcome immigrants which won’t go down well though his polling figures have improved in recent weeks.  He does have one upbeat Jupiter midpoint running till June alongside unsettling and over-stressed midpoints over the first round which will prompt him to adjust to new circumstances; with some uplift through May.

Eric Zemmour, 31 August 1958 6.45 am, Montreuil, France, anti-immigration and recently convicted of hate speech, was second in polling months back but his pro-Putin stance has damaged his chances. He won’t let it stop him since he has tr Pluto square his Jupiter through till June which will power up his confidence though tr Pluto is also square his Sun/Saturn midpoint at the same time which suggests slow to no progress.

 Valerie Pecresse, 14 July 1967 12.10am Neuilly Sur Seine, centre-right, self-described as two-thirds Angela Merkel and one-third Margaret Thatcher, she takes a hard line on immigration, wants to slash public spending and fight sexual harassment. She has recently lost out to Le Pen/Zemmour in the polls. In general she’s having a frustrating less than productive year with tr Pluto square her Mars on and off.

  The usual contradictory hotch potch of influences for the candidates. The only two with Jupiterian luck are Melenchon and Zemmour who don’t look likely. So it may reflect their self-confidence more than the result.

  But France and Macron are the interesting charts – with Uranus sending out shock waves to both – for France the revolutionary Pluto opposition Uranus being on red alert ahead. And Macron’s Moon opposition Uranus being tossed around over the second round.