Actress Raquel Welch has died, one of the old Hollywood superstars, brought to fame in One Million Years BC in 1966 which turned her into an instant international sex symbol. Though she always insisted her public image was completely opposite her private personality. She did portray strong female characters which helped break the traditional mould of submissive women in movies.
Born 5 September 1940 2.04pm Chicago, Illinois, with a Bolivian father, she had an enduring, robust and stubborn-to-the-nth degree temperament. Her quick-witted 9th house Sun, Mars, Mercury in Virgo was trine Saturn Jupiter in Taurus in her performing 5th house. Her Uranus was also in her 5th house in a creative trine to Neptune and sextile an 8th house Venus in Cancer. She had a public-career intense Scorpio Moon in the 10th square an influential and subtly controlling 8th house Pluto.
She starred in the title role of Myra Breckenridge (1970), based on the Gore Vidal novel about a transgender woman who has undergone a sex change operation, which was badly reviewed but has since attracted a cult following. It also starred John Huston, Mae West and Farrah Fawcett, and was a notoriously troubled shoot with particularly bad relations between Raquel and Mae. That was hardly surprisingly since Mae West, 17 August 1892 10.30 pm New York, had a prickly, competitive Mars in Aquarius on her Midheaven in a volatile square to Uranus which clashed with Raquel’s controlling Pluto and Saturn Jupiter as well as her Scorpio Moon.
Not that John Huston was much better with Sun, Mars, Mercury in Leo. Or indeed Farah Fawcett with her Mars, Sun and Mercury in Aquarius, and Saturn Pluto in Leo. What a pile up that must have been.
Raquel Welch was married four times – relatively briefly in each case. In addition to film, stage and television work she also launched a successful beauty business.
Her birth year used to be put down as 1938.
I like to think she got away w a numbers swap. Go Rocky!
Attractive woman, not the sex symbol you’d expect. Saw her in Selfridges when she was in her 40’s, promoting some film or other. She was good natured, funny and didn’t take herself too seriously. The crowd was charmed, laughing with her at the idiocy of it all. She was similar somehow to Joan Collins, who I saw at a Sotheby’s exhibition accompanied by Bungalow Bill. Initial impact was of efficient business women rather than actresses, who knew the price of everything – but apparently not very clever in picking husbands! They looked fun.
Here’s Starkman on Welch’s birthtime & zone.
“With 19 events I rectified her chart to 14.04.40 CDT Asc 13Sag02′.
I compared the lunar returns for 11 events and it is beyond any doubt that her birth time was recorded in CDT and not in CST.
For example, on 30 August 2003 she had an accident, broke an arm and had a surgery:
In the lunar return Saturn on MC
In the converse lunar return Mars on MC, Uranus on IC
Transit Mars 90 Asc
For her death:
In the converse lunar return Pluto on IC Saturn on Desc
In the converse solar return Pluto on IC
Not only Venus is conjunct Pluto, helio Venus is exactly square Pluto and Venus
Her epoch is casting for 10 Dec 1939 13.02.56 UT Asc 15Sag41′ :
MC 180 Jupiter, helio Venus 60 Asc, 120 MC, Mars 90 Desc
I always found her incredibly beautiful. Interesting, too, how both Sophia Loren I think she was often compared especially early in the career and she have strong Virgo. I also recently learnt she had a successful wig business. I’d guess this success came from her Mars/ Sun/Mercury trine Saturn/Jupiter in 5th house (Leo and hair).
Isaac Starkman says that Welch’s birth time was recorded in Central Daylight Time and not CST as recorded
by Astrodatabank. Her new Asc is 13Sg02. Starkman used 19 events to rectify her chart.
The next post shows Starkman’s proof of rectification.
Astrodatabank say they have the birth certificate in hand on which it was recorded.
Raquesl Welch, sex symbol. I changed her chart from Koch Houses to Placidus Houses. This moved
her Sun, Merc, Mars from the 9th House to the 8th House and Pluto moved to exactly conjunct the 8th House.
I think this 8th House emphasis better symbolizes her as a sex symbol.
Moon in Scorpio and an accentuated Venus will do it no matter the houses.