“The end is coming for those attempting to disrupt Hong Kong” says a Chinese state-run news agency ominously as Beijing exerts more pressure on the three-month-old political crisis which shows no signs of abating. So far Xi’s regime has tried dispatching gang members to beat up protesters, infiltrating marches with provocateurs, putting pressure on businesses to discipline employees who join the marches, arresting several opposition leaders and pulling more troops into the border area. So far, nothing has worked.
A week ago, more than 200,000 people formed human chains across the territory to reiterate the demand for direct elections. The week before, an estimated 1.7 million — nearly a quarter of the population — turned out. Now a two-day general strike has been called after a weekend of chaos that involved some of the most intense clashes yet seen. The protesters feel their lives are at stake either way — massacre now or slavery later.
As China’s 70th anniversary celebrations on October 1st draw near Xi Jinping will want the problem cleared out of the way, without the international condemnation that another Tiananmen Square crack-down would arouse. And there is a financial consideration, given that 60 percent of foreign investment in the mainland flows through Hong Kong which is not affected by Trump’s tariffs. So he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place – his old style Leninist politics making it well-nigh impossible to accommodate freedom-loving activists but having no obvious way to quell them without blowback.
His Second Term chart 24 October 2017 12.30pm looks suspiciously successful over the celebrations with the Sun Jupiter conjunction moving by Solar Arc to exact within weeks.
Two of the leading young activists arrested and then bailed are Joshua Wong, 13 October 1996 and Agnes Chow, 3 December 1996.
Wong is a Sun Libra in an idealistic though not practical square to Neptune, and an energetic sextile to Mars in Leo; Plus a confident (overly?) Mercury in Libra opposition Saturn in self-reliant Aries square Jupiter. He’s looking confident and enthusiastic at the moment with tr Pluto conjunct his Jupiter/Uranus midpoint but that disappears from mid December; with tr Saturn then in a downbeat square to his Sun before New Year and in a worrisome and uncertain conjunction to his Neptune into early 2020; plus tr Pluto is in a devastating and confusing conjunction to his Neptune from early 2020 to late 2021.
Chow is a Sun Sagittarius on the point of a T Square to Mars opposition Saturn in Aries – so a strong ego, good leadership material with self-discipline and steel in her spine. She’s also got the Uranus Neptune conjunction; with her Jupiter in Capricorn conjunct Neptune and trine Mars, so confident, good at attracting money and publicity, adventurous. She looks encouraged mid November to mid December with tr Pluto conjunct her Jupiter; less so into 2020 and is very downbeat in 2022.
Though both of these are without birth times so there may be aspects to their chart axis before then which aren’t known.
The Hong Kong 1 July 1997 12 am chart is flagging up more distress and calamities mid October to mid December this year and mid February to late March 2020; with huge pressure from tr Pluto conjunct the Solar Arc Midheaven which can suggest loss of reputation and powerlessness; with false hopes dashed – and worse towards 2022/23 with tr Pluto square the Solar Arc Mars and conjunct the natal Neptune which is likely to bring a sense of internal devastation.
See also posts June 12 and July 29 2019.