Middle East sandstorms – losers and winners

      A radioactive boulder having been lobbed into the Middle East causing Ayatollah Khamenei to vow revenge and Trump to counter-threaten further reprisals, the surrounding countries are on tenterhooks. This is just a quick look round certain key charts. Apart from Iran, the two Soleimani allies most affected by his death are Syria’s Bashar … Read more

Iran versus USA – the world holds its breath ++ Add On

    The killing of Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Qds force in a USA strike has shaken analysts who all say it’s impossible to exaggerate the repercussions of this event. Soleimani was ‘more important than the president, spoke to all factions in Iran, had a direct line to the supreme leader and was … Read more

Solar Eclipse – traumatic splits; Lunar Eclipse – sombre mood

The upcoming Capricorn Solar Eclipse on December 26th at 4 degrees is conjunct Jupiter and trine Uranus, leading to optimistic predictions of bountiful rewards. Though Jupiter isn’t always positive in mundane astrology since its expansive tendency will amplify good and ill alike. However in the interests of festive cheer another Jupiterian Solar Eclipse around in … Read more

Iraq – in the eye of the Middle Eastern storm

Iraq, fifteen years on from the aftermath of the catastrophic Bush/Blair invasion, appears to have gone backwards. The initial ‘shock and awe’ attack of 2003 was followed in 2004 by what was ironically described as sovereignty. Since then there have been a series of unstable governments. Recent public protests against political corruption and Iran’s influence … Read more

NATO – internal fractures and ructions

       NATO is having a low-key and uncomfortable 70th birthday non-celebration this year. There are concerns over the USA’s continued support given Trump’s legitimate concerns over other countries not pulling their weight financially. And deeper concerns over Turkey leaning towards Russia. Emmanuel Macron uptight about both of these then let fly about a ‘brain dead’ … Read more

Devin Nunes – rash, brash and self-defeating

Republican congressman Devin Nunes, a fervent Trump supporter and purveyor of conspiracy theories is likely to face an ethics investigation over allegations he met with Shokin, an ex-Ukrainian prosecutor at the centre of the impeachment inquiry according to the top Democrat on the House armed services committee. Democrats claim it is all part of a … Read more