Mike Pence – playing his cards close

Mike Pence is looking remarkably chipper over the election and inauguration. He will have some sticky moments before then with a disruptive, explosive, insecure tr Uranus square his Mars from this weekend to early March, when his relationship with Trump looks in turmoil. And his connection with Trump moves into undermining, swampy territory from late … Read more

Palestine Peace Plan – dismissed as a bad joke

  The long awaited, much trumpeted Trump/Kushner Palestine Peace Plan has been roundly condemned on virtually all sides – ‘Trump and Netanyahu have made Mideast peace an even more distant prospect’. ‘Nothing more than a deal between con artists trying to escape their legal problems.’ (Netanyahu facing corruption charges ditto Trump.) ‘ The most deranged, … Read more

John Bolton – threatening to blow up the impeachment trial

  John Bolton’s book disclosure that the president tied military aid to Ukraine to investigations of Democrats, undercutting Trump’s denial defence, has been described as a “bombshell with political shrapnel going in all directions.” Before it was leaked, the Senate impeachment trial was speeding to an acquittal. Now Trump lawyers and Senate Republicans are preparing … Read more

Early 2020s – change comes in mysterious ways

This is a thinking-on-paper ramble without a clear astrological context at the debut but hopefully one might emerge. The general tenor of debate in society (western) is bileful, contemptuous, over-heated, polarised and permeated with outraged disbelief that any other viewpoint could have even partial validity. No middle ground, no capacity for complex thinking. Each group … Read more

William Barr – a religious zealot as well as dishonest

“The worst form of injustice is pretended justice.” Plato. William Barr, Trump’s Attorney General, written off by Nancy Pelosi as “rogue”, a proven liar and obfuscator over the Mueller Report and the FBI and now implicated in the Ukraine dirty dealings leading to impeachment, appears to be a fundamentalist Christian as well. Words fail me. … Read more

Mike Pompeo – lighting the fuse

Mike Pompeo appears to have taken ownership of the Soleimani killing alongside Trump and all matters of defence, as he dominates the airwaves, talking about troop deployments, deterrence and the likelihood of American bombs raining down on Iranian soil. He’s definitely pumped up by the upcoming January 10th Lunar Eclipse at 20 degrees Cancer/Capricorn as … Read more