Boris Johnson – raking in the loot and largesse

Ominous signs that an undead Boris Johnson may bounce back from his ignominious dismissal last year to joust for high office again are causing ripples of alarm. He’s being punted by the far right ERG, concerned that a ‘leftist’ Rishi Sunak may renege on hard-line Brexit policies.   Since he withdrew, having been able to … Read more

Bolsonaro to Prince Harry – Neptune heads for the rocks

Jair Bolsonaro, the defeated far-right Brazilian president, lurking in Florida is facing calls for his extradition after his supporters stormed the Supreme Federal Court and Congress buildings.   A pro-Trumper and mutual backslapper, he’s described as a populist with fascist tendencies and he’s another of the Jupiter in hard aspect to Neptune types and was … Read more

Kevin McCarthy – Jupiter Neptune misplaced hopes

  The witless, uncharismatic Kevin McCarthy is struggling to gain his party’s votes to replace Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker with the Republican Party in disarray. His problem appears to lie with the Freedom Caucus, the most far-right and conservative bloc of the GOP, despite him having been – and remaining – a fervent pro-Trumper. … Read more

Lab-Lib fortunes – some success but not long term ++ Reform Party

Labour and the Lib Dems, the opposition and third largest of UK parties, both look upbeat in 2023 with smatterings of success in 2024 or 2025 but not good beyond which seems odd given the sinkholes the Conservatives have created for themselves.    The Liberal Democrats, 3 March 1988, have a lucky, confident, successful tr … Read more

Budget botch – Tory harakiri with collateral damage ++ savage criticism

“Britain is staring down the barrel of a self-inflicted economic catastrophe.” “We are now watching the real-time implosion of the governing party.”   As commentators and economists across the globe look on  aghast and EU leaders permit themselves a sour smile of schadenfreude, UK voters stand frozen as yet another thunderbolt descends after Brexit, Ukraine, … Read more

UK budget – to those that hath shall be given ++ reactions

A shock-and-awe, tax-cutting budget from new Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng may have favoured the wealthy but it has seriously spooked the markets and sent the pound plummeting. Even the Financial Times describes it as a ‘gamble with economic stability’ with tax cuts amounting to 2% of GDP and no concern for the impact on public finance … Read more

King Charles – juggling complicated relationships ++ Macron and backstabbing Andrew

The third Carolean era begins on a high note with respect for the late Queen and her glorious send off touching the heart of even the most ardent republican. But whether Charles, basking in her glow and without a guiding hand from an experienced and esteemed prime minister as she had, will glide easily into … Read more

Liz Truss & Joe Biden – not singing in tune ++ UK economic woes

     Liz Truss hot-footing it to the USA has made the surprising admission that a UK-US trade deal, seen as one of the biggest prizes of Brexit, essential to boost UK growth, is not likely in the next few years. The Northern Ireland Protocol is one stumbling block with some Democrats warning there can be … Read more

Martin Lewis – talking money sense to paralysed politicians

UK Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis has condemned the government for acting like “zombies” over the energy crisis, as he warned of the “cataclysmic” rise in bills, which are likely to more than double by January. Plus inflation sending food prices up, mortgages and rent rising. All the while BJ  skips off on holiday after … Read more