Marilyn Manson – stage depravity gets real

Marilyn Manson, the singer with a deliberately cultivated weirdo-creepy image, now sinking under a deluge of abuse allegations, has been described by Le Monde as the American nightmare. He chose his stage name to resonate with the infamous Manson killing cult, and hasn’t deviated from flaunting depravity in decades. He’s been accused by actress Evan Rachel Wood of Westworld fame of grooming her as a teenager and then going on to abuse her for years. “I was brainwashed and manipulated into submission,” she wrote on Instagram. Manson has denied the claims, but has been dropped by his manager, record label and talent agency. His two wives (one former) have refused to be drawn into commenting.

  He was born 5 January 1969 8.05pm Canton, Ohio, and has a Capricorn Sun in the performing 5th house. His Moon in Leo hidden in the 10th is not well-aspected being opposition Mercury and square a vengeful walk-on-the-dark-side Mars in Scorpio. He will have problems with women, for sure – a reservoir of dark anger in there.

  Evan Rachel Wood, 7 September 1987 1.24am Raleigh, NC, also has a tricky Moon – in her case in Pisces trine Pluto and opposition Mars; with her Mars conjunct her Sun and both square Saturn (Uranus) so she would be used to difficult relationships in childhood which would have blunted her antennae for danger and risk.  Manson’s Mars in Scorpio is conjunct her 5th house Pluto, which explains a good deal and she may initially have been attracted by his celebrity as well as the frisson of excitement he brought.  Their relationship chart has a high-tension, cold and erratic composite Moon opposition Uranus Sun square Saturn; plus a power-struggling Jupiter square Pluto.

  His first wife burlesque dancer and actress Dita von Teese, who has appeared in adult as well as mainstream films, some fetish soft-pornography, was born 28 September 1972 in Michigan. She left the marriage after seven years claiming drugs and infidelity were the cause of the split. She has a Libra Sun which is conjunct Manson’s Jupiter Uranus for a spark of adventure. More pointedly she has a volcanic Mars Pluto Sun conjunction hinting at a dominating father who was reportedly the raison d’etre for her fascination for lingerie, having seen it in his Playboy magazines when she was young. That volcanic collection are conjunct Manson’s South Node and Pluto, so she would hook into his shadowy streak.

  His present wife Lindsay Usich, a photographer, 2 October 1984, like Dita is a Sun Libra and her sensual and passionate Pluto Venus in Scorpio are conjunct Manson’s Mars for another intense connection. Her Mars Neptune in Sagittarius also squares his Pluto, so it will be a high-octane and controlling combo.  Both wives’ relationship charts with him have composite Sun Jupiters for largesse and good feelings and no indications of major aggravation. So either they didn’t/don’t care about his behaviour since it fits their pattern and preferences, or he treats them differently.

  His career looks like taking a sharp change of direction with tr Uranus conjunct his Taurus Midheaven with tr Saturn square within weeks and running throughout this year. And there’ll be serious emotional disruptions or agitated women as well with his Leo Moon also in the line of fire of tr Uranus and tr Saturn this year.  Plus a car-crash setback from tr Pluto conjunct his Mars/Saturn midpoint from late this month, on and off for two years. So the avalanche may continue to bury him.   

Royal interference or no big deal?

The shock-horror Guardian story that the Queen has interfered in parliamentary legislation where it affects her personal interests is difficult to gauge. Royal consent has been a formality for centuries and may just be a historical anachronism which has had little tangible effect. A constitutional expert said: ‘it is misleading to describe it as a veto. If consent were refused, parliament would be free to carry on legislating without it, if it chose to.’ Though it clearly adds fuel to the Republican  fire.

   Given the Queen’s age it’s difficult to extrapolate which astro-influences refer to this specific issue. She does have tr Saturn now well into her First House and lower-profile First Quadrant, so she will be either volunteering (or be forced) to do less in coming years. Three of her Midheaven midpoints will be undermined or jangled this year so she will be contemplating changes of direction anyway.  The tr Uranus square tr Saturn will hard aspect her Leo Moon from next month onwards till early 2021, which may be family upsets or concern about Prince Phillip, given her Moon is in the 7th house of partnerships.

  What may be relevant is her Coronation chart of 2 June 1953, which kicked off at 11am though the oath would come later than that. What is notable is that the Aquarius Moon on this is at the same degree as her Moon, so some upsets are to be expected this year.  More significantly there’s an undermining tr Neptune square the Mars Mercury from late this April, on and off till January 2023.

  The last time tr Neptune was in hard aspect to the Coronation Mars Mercury was in 1980 over the engagement and marriage of Prince Charles and Diana – maybe panicky premonitions of a disaster to come?  Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone, last surviving granddaughter of Victoria also died.  Oddly enough tr Uranus square the Coronation Mars in 1986 oversaw the engagement and marriage of Prince Andrew to Fergie, and the death of the Duchess of Windsor.  So it has definitely mixed effects.

  Prince Charles isn’t looking too confident or upbeat this year with tr Neptune square his 5th house (of children) Mars, though that could in part be the increasingly odd behaviour of the wayward Prince Harry. 2022 will be a year of considerable setbacks with his Solar Arc Mars opposition his 2nd house Saturn, which could come with significant financial implications. Tr Uranus moving through his career 10th house will square his Pluto in 2022 as well for an upheaval or a distinct life change. One wouldn’t wish anyone away but he may find his outlook changes when his father dies. The Queen cheered up enormously though no one ever admitted it after the Queen Mother ambled off to boss the angels.

Mary Wilson – an iconic talent with a gritty life + Tom Jones, Diana Ross

Singer Mary Wilson, a founding member of the Supremes, the most successful Motown act of the 1960s and best charting female group in US history, has died suddenly. Two days ago she announced on YouTube she was intending to release new solo material so it was unexpected.

  Born 6 March 1944 10.11 am Greenville, Mississippi, she was sent to live with relatives whom she thought were her parents when she was three and pulled away from them aged nine when her mother reclaimed her. She had a musical 11th house Sun and Mercury in Pisces in square to Mars Saturn in Gemini, so she didn’t have it easy either in childhood or later, despite her success. She also had an emphasised Moon Pluto North Node in her 4th on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine to a musical Neptune in the performing 5th in a creative and inspirational trine to Uranus. Such a strong Pluto would contribute towards her ability to have an influence on society. She also had a superficially charming Jupiter opposition a 10th house Venus in Aquarius giving her an ability to turn on the smiles for the cameras and on stage.

  She was married for six years to the Supremes road manager and had three children, one of whom died in his teens in a road accident in which she was also injured.

  What is slightly spooky was the points when her natal Mars Saturn was triggered. Aged three she was sent away from home and at that point her Sun had moved by Solar Arc to square her Mars Saturn. When her sixteen year old son was killed in 1994, her Mars Saturn had moved by Solar Arc to conjunct her Moon. And now at her sudden death, her Solar Arc Mars Saturn was exactly square her Uranus (within a few minutes of a degree) and tr Neptune was exactly square her Mars Saturn.

  A talented, vibrant woman, she had her crosses to bear. 

Add On: Her love life was evidently riotous with affairs with Steve McQueen, Sir David Frost, film producer David (now Lord) Puttnam and Tom Jones. Tom Jones, 7 June 1970, she evidently said was ‘the one’ despite his Gemini Sun being conjunct her Mars Saturn; though his emotional and exuberant Venus Mars in Cancer trine her Sun would help. Their relationship chart did have an affectionate composite Sun Venus conjunction in a passionate square to Pluto and sextile a sparky Mars.  His wife according to reports ended the liaison.

  She had a famously tricky relationship with Diana Ross, lead singer with the Supremes who then went solo. Ross, born only three weeks later on 26 March 1944 11.48 am in Detroit, had the same ratchety Mars Saturn conjunction, which translated in the relationship chart into a composite Moon, Mars, Saturn – so an emotional conflict zone.

France – not escaping the turbulence + Macron, Le Pen

(Napoleon 111)

France along with everywhere else is struggling with the social and economic travails of the pandemic with the financial hangover likely to cast a pall over the next few years.

 The country has an exceptionally messy time ahead with a devastating and confused tr Pluto square their Neptune in 2022/23 leading into a perfect storm of difficulties in 2023 with a financially-blocked Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the France Venus; tr Pluto in a deprived/tough-conditions square to the Saturn. In 2023/24 as well tr Uranus will shake up the rebellious, disruptive Fixed T Square of Uranus opposition Pluto square Mars in Scorpio.

  That last influence was around for the German Invasion in 1940 but also around in 1856/57 for the reign of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (1852 to 1870) the last monarch of France who modernised the French economy, rebuilt the centre of Paris, with similar projects in other cities, modernized the banking system, expanded and consolidated the railway system, and made the French merchant marine the second largest in the world. He promoted the building of the Suez Canal and established modern agriculture, which ended famines in France and made France an agricultural exporter. His social reforms included giving the right to strike. The first female students were admitted at the Sorbonne and educational opportunities for women were increased. He less helpfully over involved himself in wars overseas.  In general he did a good deal to make France more progressive.  So tr Uranus upending the Fixed T Square isn’t necessarily a disaster. Though clearly from the example of 1940 it can be.

  This time round it will be a wobbly road forward initially with a lacklustre tr Neptune opposition the Virgo Sun in 2024; though there’ll be an upbeat tr Pluto square the Jupiter at the same time.

  What is interesting are the relationship charts between France and the EU/Germany/Italy – and the UK in coming years. There’ll be tensions and outburst from this March onwards, building through 2022, with the worst of the aggravation and potential for splits coming in 2023. That’s when tr Uranus will oppose the composite Suns in the EU and Germany and UK relationship charts. Italy and France are in a state of disruption as well picking up in 2022. It won’t necessarily mean a collapse of the EU but it will be hugely disruptive with rolling upheavals, high tensions and significant differences.

  The ‘living in interesting times’ theme is going to roll on uncomfortably for a few years yet.

Add ON: The next election is April/May 2022 with Marine Le Pen, the far-right, anti-immigration, anti-EU populist, returning to the fray and polling just below Macron.

  Macron has tr Saturn moving through his lower profile, less successful First Quadrant (since December 2020) for several years ahead so not at his luckiest or most motivated. Tr Pluto will be sitting on his Ascendant for the election which comes in two parts, with a run off if there is no outright first round winner. This tends to go against the far right since the country is then faced with concerns about the national image and reverses towards the safer candidate. Macron does have tr Jupiter trine his Midheaven and tr Pluto sextile his Midheaven, both of which are supportive. But he’s also got the sudden change of tr Uranus exactly conjunct his Moon and opposition his Uranus. And Solar Arc Saturn within less than a degree to the conjunction with his Pluto, which is usually stuck.  

Le Pen has tr Saturn conjunct her Solar Arc Moon for a discouraging mood; and later in May a catastrophic tr Saturn opposition her Mars/Pluto midpoint. And thereafter she’s heading for a totally trapped and scary tr Pluto opposition her 10th house Mars from early 2023 for two years.

  There may well be a more palatable third option nearer the time.

Liz Cheney – standing up for what she believes

Congresswoman Liz Cheney, the third most senior Republican in the House, is standing by her vote to impeach Trump. And she has further suggested he be criminally investigated for provoking violence during the 6 January Capitol invasion, specifically for one tweet suggesting an attack on Mike Pence. Last week she survived an attempt to remove her from her leadership position and is defiant in the face of a vote of censure from her Wyoming Republican Party.

   She argues that the GOP will have lost its way if it doesn’t reject Trump’s brand of politics. She was one of just 10 House Republicans who joined Democrats in impeaching Trump for the charge of incitement of insurrection.

  Born 28 July 1966 in Washington, the daughter of George W Bush’s VP Dick Cheney, she practised international law, while immersing herself in state department roles. She’s reckoned a conservative and hawk on foreign policy.

  She has a Sun Mercury in Leo in a sensible trine to Saturn in late Pisces; with a passionately enthusiastic and pro-active Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Cancer trine Neptune, sextile Uranus Pluto in Virgo. A workaholic who’s willing to take risks. She’s very unlike her father – a Sun Aquarius opposition Pluto square Saturn Jupiter in Taurus – who is stubborn to the nth degree, a control freak and materialistic.

  She looks determinedly upbeat through this year and next with tr Pluto opposition her Sun/Jupiter midpoint. Though she’ll run into a few disasters from June/July onwards which will shake her self-assurance – these influences will be around on and off into early 2023. She doesn’t look on top form in 2024 with tr Neptune conjunct her Saturn. Though will bounce back to a resounding success and confidence surge around 2027/2028.

Mario Draghi – mission almost impossible

  Mario Draghi, Italy’s reluctant ‘last hope’ for a unity government to save Italy embroiled in its greatest crisis since the second world war, is edging towards getting preliminary support from two key parties. The announcement that he had been asked brought a reaction of euphoria since he is known as ‘super Mario’, saviour of the euro when head of the EU Central Bank after the crash.  He had been relaxing in semi-retirement, and according to a friend only agreed out of a sense of duty.

  The pandemic has further weakened an economy that has barely grown in real terms for two decades, weighed down by inefficient bureaucracy, poor investment and the euro. In 2020 it suffered a record post-war recession.

   He’ll find the bear pit of Rome’s rancorous politics a minefield more difficult to handle than the ECB. But many believe that no other Italian is capable of commanding the same level of respect. If he fails then yet another election will be called.

  Born 3 September 1947 in Rome, he is a charming and understated Sun, Venus and Mercury in Virgo; with the unyielding Saturn Pluto in Leo with Saturn square Jupiter in Scorpio opposition North Node in Taurus. His Moon is in Aries probably opposition Neptune and square Mars in Cancer, so not short of initiative or drive.

  When he took over the Chair of the ECB in 2011 the tr Pluto square tr Uranus was in place for a rolling series of disruptions throughout his term till 2019.

  This year he looks jangled and on edge with his Solar Arc Mars square his Uranus; and finding his life turned upside down by tr Uranus square his Pluto from June onwards and more so in 2022 with tr Uranus square his Saturn.  He has some catastrophic transits to two Mars midpoints 2022 to 2024 plus a couple of jolting and unstable Solar Arcs. If he does get it together and stay the course it’ll take all his formidable endurance to find any kind of a solution.

  Italy itself looks very stressed till almost mid decade – see previous post January 27 2021.

Gavin Newsom – California’s golden boy no more

Gavin Newsom, sworn in as the replacement for Jerry Brown as Democratic California Governor in 2019 is in trouble. There is increasing pressure for a recall election as he faces a storm of bad news, mainly over his handling of the pandemic, but also about high taxes, homelessness, wildfires and summer blackouts. It’s not clear whether those pushing the threshold of 1.5 million signatures needed for the initial vote will be successful and even after that, it is a complicated process. In 2003 a recall election saw Arnold Schwarzenegger step in as Governor.

  Gavin Newsom, 10 October 1967 5.13 am San Francisco, has a background in a successful winery, restaurant and hotel business and has been in politics for 25 years, becoming the youngest Mayor of San Francisco along the way. He has a Sun Libra on the cusp of his financial 2nd house opposition a self-reliant Saturn in Aries square a Capricorn Moon – hard-working, designed for a pubic career. More significantly he has the innovative and scattered Uranus Pluto in Virgo sitting on his Ascendant in a volatile and super-determined square to Mars opposition his Gemini Midheaven.  Tr Neptune is doing him no favours in 2021 as it returns to the undermining square to his Midheaven and Mars from later this month, which was around last year, bringing a panicky sense of failure. Tr Neptune is then moving to oppose his Pluto; and tr Pluto will trine his Uranus from late this month for upheavals on and off till late 2022 – all of which adds up to a pile of problems none of which he looks like overcoming for some considerable time.

  His Swearing In chart of 7 January 2019 12.07pm isn’t a total disaster but it has a road-blocked Saturn, Sun, Pluto on the Midheaven which doesn’t suggest easy progress; with Saturn square Mars which was guaranteed to bring setbacks.  And an over hopeful Jupiter square Neptune.

  He’s not as good a fit with California as Jerry Brown, who was the golden state’s longest running Governor from 2011 to 2019. Brown, 7 April 1938 12.34pm San Francisco, is an Aries Sun with Cancer Moon and a dynamic Mars Uranus in Taurus which trines the CA Virgo Sun.  Newsom’s Uranus Pluto square Mars hits the California Virgo Sun awkwardly – arguably hinting he may be a bringer of crises. His relationship chart with CA has two Yods – one Mars Saturn and the other Mars Pluto; with a more than challenging Neptune opposition Uranus Pluto square Saturn. So maybe he was always destined to lead through a time of rolling disasters – not his fault but he’s landed with the responsibility and will take the brickbats, deserved or otherwise.  

California is in an exceptionally bumpy patch of several years at the moment with tr Pluto moving in square to the Saturn/Pluto and Saturn/Uranus midpoints and then squaring Pluto Uranus in 2023/24. So whether Newsom stays or goes it’ll be a time of rolling challenges.

Keir Starmer – one step up, one step down

 Keir Starmer, the UK Opposition Leader, isn’t having a good week with murmurs surfacing that he is too cautious, a misheard accusation from Boris Johnson that he hotly denied and then had to retract; and leaks about making the Labour Party more Union-Jack friendly and patriotic. All this as the PM is revelling in unexpected popularity over the vaccine coup.

  Born 2 September 1962 (no birth time) Starmer has a talented and well-knit-together chart with a Water Grand Trine of Jupiter in Pisces trine Mars in Cancer trine Neptune, formed into a Kite by Jupiter opposition Sun Pluto in Virgo. He’s not short of confidence or drive, though may be a touch overly controlled with such an emphasised Pluto on top of a Virgo Sun. He’s also got a cool Saturn in Aquarius opposition a leadership North Node in Leo squaring onto Neptune – such a Neptune will make him elusive at times, hesitant to commit.

  Tr Saturn is square his Solar Arc Sun Pluto this month for a few setbacks; though tr Uranus is also sextile his Jupiter and conjunct his Mars/Jupiter for lucky breaks also this month. March looks crisis-ridden with a few disasters around. Late April and May will perhaps see a repeat of mis-speaks with a confused tr Neptune opposition his Mercury/Pluto and that repeats later in the year and into 2022. Not all plain sailing, but politics never is. He does have worrisome influences towards 2024/5 when the next election is due and before.

  His Leadership Term, 4 April 2020 10.45am has a directionless Neptune in the 10th, so won’t always be great at setting out a route map. Though there’s a confident and usually successful Jupiter Pluto in the 7th, indicating persuasive skills and selling an upbeat message.  What’s isn’t easy or helpful is a Mars Saturn conjunction in the 8th square Uranus –  which suggests setbacks, disruptions and unexpected distractions or predicaments, which will come to a head and cause major aggravations in two years’ time when aspects close to exact.

Christopher Plummer – famous for the wrong role

Christopher Plummer, acclaimed for a wide range of standout stage performances as Lear and Iago amongst many others, became a household name because of his role as Captain von Trapp in The Sound of Music alongside Julie Andrews. He loathed the movie and the indelible imprint it made on his image describing it as like being beaten to death by a Hallmark card. He has just died aged 91 after a fall.

  His long career was marked by periods of excessive drinking and boorish behaviour but he staged a late revival in his 80s with an Oscar for Beginners and other creditable movies.

  Born 13 December 1929 in Toronto, Canada, no birth time, he had a fiery and outspoken Sagittarius Sun Mars conjunction; with Venus in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter square Neptune and Venus trine Uranus in Aries. Lively to say the least. His Moon was in heavyweight Taurus conjunct the North Node.

  When The Sound of Music premiered the tr Uranus Pluto in Virgo opposition tr Saturn in Pisces was moving to hard aspect his Sagittarius planets and his Jupiter – for highs and lows. He wasn’t the easiest mix for Julie Andrews with his Uranus falling in her 7th house of relationship and his chilly Saturn in her 4th. Though his Jupiter would smooth over a few rough edges. There is a slight crossover of each of their North Nodes which is probably significant for such an iconic movie – his Moon North Node in Taurus fell in Julie’s 8th opposition her Moon; and his Pluto opposed her North Node.  

  He was married three times, the first two only lasting a few years each, and the third cleaned up his act and survived for 53 years. His third wife Elaine Taylor was a Libra like Julie Andrews – and both ladies had hard Saturn Mars aspects allowing them to put up with difficult men.