Rory McIlroy – a Taurus showing his vulnerabilities

The golf Ryder Cup has been a disaster for Europe with the US team winning by a record margin. Northern Ireland golfer Rory McIlroy unusually broke down in tears afterwards saying he felt he had let his team-mates down. He was out of form over the first two days and suffered heavy defeats in his three matches, but ended on a high note with a victory in the top singles match on Sunday.

  McIlroy, 4 May 1989 Belfast, is a stalwart Sun Taurus opposition Pluto trine/sextile Saturn Neptune Uranus in Capricorn. Although he can be unpredictable with the triple conjunction, he’s normally rock steady.  But his Solar Arc Neptune is now exactly square his Sun and Pluto making for confusion and disappointment. As if that wasn’t enough he also has the tr Uranus square tr Saturn also colliding with his Sun and Pluto – a life-changing phase. Plus he has a couple of undermining Neptune transits in hard aspect to two Jupiter midpoints.

  The Europe captain Padraig Harrington, 31 August 1971 Dublin, a charming Sun Venus in Virgo square Neptune; with a cool Air Grand Trine of Mars in Aquarius trine Uranus trine Saturn in Gemini is not having his best year with his Mars catching the tr Uranus square and tr Saturn conjunction through this year into early 2022. But he’ll pick up from March 2022 in confidence with a potentially successful two years thereafter.

Michel Barnier – Brexit from the inside

Michel Barnier, the dull technocrat who was the EU negotiator for Brexit has pitched his name into the ring as a right-wing hopeful for the French Presidential election next year. He has also just published ‘My Secret Brexit Diary: A Glorious Illusion’ in which he makes clear his view of Brexit as irrational and self-damaging –  “I still don’t understand what the point of it is, even from the perspective of the British national interest,” he writes.

“— every passing day shows that they have not realised the consequences of what is truly at stake here.” There was a failure, according to him, to grasp everything from the economic damage to the implications for Ireland and the Good Friday agreement.

 Even if conclusions are to a degree self-serving it is fascinating if appalling to read his views on how a succession of British ministers and two prime ministers managed to misread the EU and according to one review “ended up with a flawed withdrawal agreement and a deeply disadvantageous future relationship, both of which will cause us major problems for decades to come.”

 He remarks that Boris Johnson never took Northern Ireland seriously, proposing fictional technological solutions for the border; and says Johnson knew absolutely what he was agreeing to when he signed up to a border in the Irish Sea.


Barnier was born 9 January 1951 4.40pm La Tronche, France and has a 7th house Capricorn Sun making him competent as a negotiator and it squares a 4th house Neptune. But what makes his chart unique is a Yod of Sun sextile Midheaven North Node inconjunct Pluto with Pluto opposition an 8th house Mars.  He’s pretty unbudgeable and will have had to learn how to wield power effectively and fairly. He also has Mercury in Capricorn opposition Uranus squaring onto Saturn in Libra – dutiful, hard-working with executive ability.

  The Brexit endgame wasn’t a resounding victory for either side which is reflected in tr Neptune conjunct Barnier’s Pisces Midheaven. But from next March his star will begin to rise with tr Jupiter moving through his career 10th house till mid 2023 which usually accompanies success. He also has a confidence-boosting tr Pluto trine his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint in February/ early March 2022, repeating later in the year and through 2023.  So even if he doesn’t replace Macron or even clinch his nomination, he’ll still be doing well.

Tammy Bakker – turning faith into a cash register

The life of the late Tammy Faye Bakker, a peculiarly American phenomenon – a brassy blonde, over-made-up, money-generating televangelist – has been turned into a bio-pic starring Jessica Chastain. She rose out of poverty, the daughter of Pentecostal preachers to make millions with her first husband Jim, until he fell from grace into prison, convicted on multiple counts of fraud. She divorced him when he was inside and married a contractor who built megachurches, who was later convicted of bankruptcy fraud and landed in jail as well.

  She was born 7 March 1942 3.27 am International Falls, Minnesota, and had a 3rd house sharp-witted Pisces Sun in an expansive, over-confident square to Jupiter in chatty Gemini and trine an intense Scorpio Moon.  Her Moon was on the focal point of a Fixed – and clearly acquisitive – T Square to a 2nd house Venus opposition an 8th house Pluto. Her Moon would design her to interface with the public and her 8th house Pluto would give her influence. She also had Saturn Uranus in Taurus in her 5th giving her an ability to organise ‘entertainment.’ Her Neptune fittingly was in the religious 9th in a creative trine to Uranus and a publicity-seeking trine to Mars.

  Her 8th house Pluto would also arguably attract her to the dark side and to partners who wanted to wield power and money.

  Scientologist Ron Hubbard’s thought that the best way to make a million was to invent a religion had more than a smidgeon of truth in it where the USA is concerned anyway.

UK – grim reminders of the 1970s ++ Boris/Tories/UK

A surge in energy prices and shortage of gas is causing anxiety to spike along with bills across Europe. The UK appears to be harder hit than most with a perfect storm of energy companies going bankrupt as well as petrol stations closing and supermarkets going bare-shelved because of a shortage of lorry drivers. There is evidence of similar shortages across Europe, but the UK has been among the worst hit because of Brexit as well as the pandemic. Inflation in the U.K. jumped by 3.2 percent in August the largest rise in almost a quarter of a century. EU inflation was 3%.

   Parallels are being drawn with the 1970s when a three-day week was imposed on 1 January 1974 to conserve electricity after industrial action by coal miners and railway workers. It was followed by an election when Tory Ted Heath had to hand over to a minority Labour Harold Wilson government.

  There are not too many similarities to that 1974 period which occurred when Saturn in Cancer squared Pluto in Libra, redolent of hardship. But there are in what followed two years later when Wilson’s replacement James Callaghan had to go cap in hand to the IMF, for the largest loan ever to have been requested, to shore up a balance of payments/currency crisis.

  Through the mid1970s there was a global recession, an oil crisis in 1973 and UK inflation by 1975 was running at 26%. It was eventually brought down to single figures by 1978 – and in 1979 Margaret Thatcher swept to power on the slogan ‘Labour is not working.’

    During the mid 1970s on the UK chart the Solar Arc Neptune was conjunct the 8th house Mars in Taurus which would bring major uncertainty and panic and the economically-challenging tr Saturn in Leo square tr Uranus in Scorpio was hitting the UK’s financial planets; in particular tr Uranus was opposing the 8th house Mars. So a triple whammy of the wrong variety.

  The astro-pressure on the UK 8th house economic Mars was always going to be a major headache over the next few years. Tr Saturn in Aquarius will be exactly square in the first half of this December before moving on with tr Uranus to hard aspect the UK 2nd house financial Neptune and ‘speculation’ Venus in early 2022 and retrograding through the year. And worse the Solar Arc Uranus will conjunct the Mars by late 2024.

  Below a rerun of a previous post: May 14 2020.

Cataclysmic descriptions about the economic damage caused by the virus lockdown are difficult to gauge since no one knows whether it’ll be a V-shaped dip with quick recovery or an L-shaped slog. The more dramatic couch it in terms of a historic first in direness. Though parallels are being drawn with the 1976 humiliation for the UK when it was forced to go cap in hand to the IMF for a loan. PM James Callaghan said: “We used to think you could spend your way out of a recession and increase employment by cutting taxes and boosting government spending. I tell you in all candour, that option no longer exists.”  What followed was a reduction in government spending, tax increases and rises in interest rates. The economy did recover and it was paid back within three years but it ultimately paved the way for Margaret Thatcher’s 1979 victory.

  The IMF Bailout came in December 1976 when tr Uranus was in early Scorpio and squaring Saturn in Leo, in the months running in and after.   Tr Uranus in hard aspect to tr Saturn is traditionally associated with economic recessions and another such turns up in 2021 with tr Uranus half a cycle on in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius.

  On the UK chart around the time of the bailout tr Uranus was poised to oppose the 8th house financial Mars by January 1977 with tr Saturn in square. This time round tr Uranus will conjunct that UK Mars with tr Saturn in square in 2021 – so very similar.   The Solar Arcs were marginally more damaging in 1976/77 with Solar Arc Saturn conjunct the financial Venus with tr Saturn in opposition to the UK Venus; and tr Uranus square the Solar Arc Venus.

  But it’ll still be a very rocky ride ahead economically for the UK with the tr Uranus square tr Saturn hitting on the financial planets badly in 2021 with more disappointment by 2023 with the Solar Arc Sun square the 2nd house Venus; and more shocks in 2025 when the Solar Arc Uranus is conjunct the Mars. Tr Uranus doesn’t clear the 8th house of international trade till 2027 so it’ll be a bumpy ride ahead.

  The Bank of England chart, 27 July 1694 JC, with its natal Sun Jupiter in Leo and Solar Arc Uranus in Taurus will catch the tr Saturn square tr Uranus next year for high-stress challenges. With 2023/2024/25 keying up as high-anxiety phases as well.

  An IMF bailout hardly seems likely since they haven’t the money to prop up the world, but similar cutbacks and shocks look unavoidable.

ADD ON: See previous post: UK and Boris – a folie a deux ++ Tory Party 2023 turmoil4th September 2021.

‘The Conservative Party chart, 10 May 1912 is showing the Spring 2023 as a crisis point. There will be sinking moments and disappointments before then; as well as major calamities flagging up exactly now till mid October and again mid January to mid February 2022. 2022 looks nerve stretched and seriously jangled with the Solar Arc Uranus conjunct the Sun. But 2023 is the significant juncture when it could be derailed when tr Uranus is conjunct the Taurus Sun, followed by tr Uranus conjunct the Saturn at the same time as tr Neptune in an undermining square to Pluto’s power point.

  Boris’s relationship with the Tory Party is sagging badly from May 2022 onwards with tr Neptune square the composite Mars; and then into a disruptive phase from May 2023 with tr Uranus in hard aspect to the composite Mercury opposition Uranus.’

  Boris’s relationship with the UK is showing signs of increasing disappointment and an ebbing-away of good feeling with tr Neptune square the composite Jupiter this year and next until January 2023. There will be great irritation and confusion this December; with angry frustration and a sense of being completely trapped from March 2022 on and off till late 2023. There will be high anxiety in 2022 but it may be the explosions of 2023 as tensions spill out into public reactions that are the trigger for departure.

  I’ve always thought 2022 was when the Brexit economic damage and Covid overspend could no longer be swept under the carpet as at present.

  Not having an effective opposition will give Boris undeserved luck. But by this time next year Keir Starmer’s leadership chart will be passed its make-or-break Solar Arc Saturn conjunct Mars – which means either he’ll be gone or over the hurdle and there will be a more functional block standing up to the Tories.

Donald Trump – double, double, toil and woes

The Trump volcano gives an occasional belch about returning to the political arena but there must be more going on with his finances than is obvious in public given his astrology. The case against the Trump Organization and former CFO Weisselberg in the criminal tax fraud case is expected to hit court in the fall of 2022 but does not include the boss man himself.

  Trump is suing his niece Mary for and the New York Times over a 2018 article detailing allegations that he “participated in dubious tax schemes … including instances of outright fraud” involving money from his father. But litigation is his knee-jerk, distract-and-deflect response when trouble looms.

  His Solar Arc Saturn is exactly conjunct his 2nd house Neptune now which will invoke great uncertainty and paranoia . His Progressed Moon is also poised on the cusp of his financial 2nd house in preparation for a worrisome two-year stint ahead trying to shore up his security.

  Tr Neptune is in an undermining square to his Sagittarius Moon and Gemini Sun through till January 2023 for a lacklustre phase; and picking up several of his midpoints – lowering his confidence and potential for success.

  Tr Pluto is making him feel unloved as well as trapped and frustrated is it opposes his Venus/Saturn midpoint and his Sun/Mars midpoint till late this November and then ramps up his emotional responses in December.   

  His controlling, power-hungry 12th house Pluto is also getting rattled by the tr Saturn square tr Uranus from mid December right through till early February 2022. With worse to come when he hits a towering wall of problems late 2022/early 23 when his Solar Arc is in a catastrophic square to his Pluto at the same time as his Solar Arc Pluto squares his Saturn which will be depressing and tough-going.

Nothing much is going right for him – no doubt more will emerge in time.

Joe Biden – troubles come in droves

Problems are mounting for the Biden Administration over the next two months to add to the calamities of August. His approval ratings are underwater over his handling of the pandemic, Afghanistan, immigration and the economy. And all is not well in his strategy for getting his booster plan through, with September 27 being one moment of truth for its progress.

  The Inauguration chart, has the confidence-denting tr Saturn conjunct Jupiter throughout this month until the 29th and repeating 23 October to November 16. Picking up from September 30 to October 22 is tr Saturn square Mars Uranus which points to setbacks, delays, high levels of insecurity, irritation and tension.

  His personal chart is also under considerable pressure with his do-or-die-determined and prodigiously stubborn Mars in Scorpio square Pluto being battered by tr Saturn square tr Uranus in hard aspect.  Tr Saturn has been opposing his Pluto this month and again late October to mid November. And in many ways more damaging his Mars is being upended by tr Uranus in opposition from 30 October to 24 November.

   He’ll make a confident push to get back on track through December with tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter but it will be a rocky ride especially with the Lunar Eclipse in late November triggering his Sun Venus in Scorpio.

Jair Bolsonaro – hubris will get its comeuppance

Despite smirking smiles at the meet with Boris Johnson in New York and banter about vaccinations, Jair Bolsonaro is not as confident as he appears. His attempt to rabble-rouse the mob in Brazil to bully the country’s Supreme Court into submission appears to have been a failure. He aimed to do ‘a Trump’ and mobilise grassroots supporters to intimidate judges who are investigating himself and cronies for spreading fake news, indulging in anti-democratic actions and are also focusing their attention on his sons.  He is sinking in the polls over the pandemic mishandling and hemmed in politically. Though he’s down, not out at the moment.  

  His swearing-in chart, 1 January 2019 4.50pm would suggests early 2022 onwards when tr Pluto squares the Uranus is when his administration will start to rock on its perch. And that extends through 2023 as well.

 His personal chart, 21 March 1955 2.45 pm San Paulo, Brazil, is mired in confusion and devastation from early 2022 to late 2023; with a long run of explosive jolts and jangles which start with tr Uranus conjunct his 10th house Mars from June 2022 onwards and continue on a life-changing ride squaring his Venus and opposing his Saturn in 2023 and then upending his Pluto in 2024. Nothing will be the same after that. 2023 may be the peak of his problems – or the nadir.

See previous post Brazil April 1 2021.

Princess Beatrice baby – a Virgo with a Pisces Moon

Princess Beatrice had her first baby, a girl, on 18th September at 11.42pm in London. It’s her husband Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi’s second child.

  She has a private, home-loving 4th house Virgo Sun opposition a 10th house Neptune so may well follow her mother’s charitable direction. Mars close to her Sun suggests an argumentative or overly busy home life. A Pisces Moon in the 9th along with Jupiter suggests a love of books and foreign travel with the probability of living abroad at some point. She has Pluto in the 7th making for intense close relationships. But she’ll also be ambivalent about her romantic life with a fun-loving and seductive 5th house Venus in Scorpio in a wayward opposition to Uranus and squaring onto a defensive 8th house Saturn. She may settle later than most to a committed partnership.

  The emphasised Saturn in the 8th also points to a significant and not altogether warm-hearted grandparent. She arrives just as Prince Andrew’s woes are mounting which must be giving Princess Beatrice a good deal of concern.

  A crunch point may be coming soon in his legal standoff over the Guiffre lawsuit – with October for him looking insecure and rattled, with more downers into November. The point to watch is mid November to mid December when his relationship with his mother is at an all-time low. December will also be a high-stress and trapped month for his sort-of-ex Sarah Ferguson.

France – amour propre seriously dented

The howls of gallic outrage from Emmanuel Macron over the political humiliation of being excluded from the Aukusa pact with the knock-on economic damage of a cancelled multi-billion submarine contract, are causing wry amusement elsewhere. There was already disquiet in Washington about EU investment agreements with China and the gas pipeline deal with Russia; and there has been continuing resentment about lack of EU financial commitment to NATO. So there’s more than a smidgeon of hypocrisy about the indignation.

  And as Nick Timothy points out in the Telegraph, ‘Aukus is not a “new Nato”. There is no collective security clause, tying Britain into conflict in particular circumstances. The treaty is about capabilities, and pooling expertise that would otherwise have remained secret. If China attacks Taiwan, the treaty would not force Britain to become a belligerent.’

   Joe Biden clashes badly with Macron at an astro-level  – his determined (and ruthless) Mars in Scorpio square Pluto sits on top of Macron’s Uranus in Scorpio square Mars in Leo which is a volcano waiting to blow. But this would not be a decision based on personality issues since Biden gets on just as badly with Boris Johnson, despite all present purrs to the contrary.

   Biden’s relations with the EU will bump along until 2024 when they may blow up into a major disagreement.

  France itself is facing a tough few years ahead – but is hardly alone in that. The Eclipse shift into Taurus/Scorpio from this November’s Lunar will rattle up its revolutionary and vengeful Mars in Scorpio and Midheaven. Repeating with the May 2022 Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. The October 2022 Solar Eclipse in Scorpio will oppose the France Saturn for another sharp reality check and a double dose of problems to resolve.

  2022/23 will also be bedevilled by a devastatingly confused tr Pluto square Neptune. There’s also a financially blocked Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the France Venus after mid 2022.

  In 2023/24 tr Pluto will square the Saturn for hardship, financial cutbacks and a dreary slog; and there’s a lacklustre tr Neptune opposition the Virgo Sun come 2024. By 2025 it’ll start to bounce again in confidence and enthusiasm with tr Pluto square the Jupiter.

  The central bank of France, 18 January 1800, will be under severe pressure in 2022/23 with tr Pluto conjunct the Sun, deconstructing the old and hoping the new arises out of the ashes. There’s an enthusiasm-deflating tr Neptune square the Jupiter right through till early 2023; with high anxiety in 2022 as well from tr Saturn square tr Uranus hitting on the Neptune. Then another dose of panic and possibly misjudgements in 2023/2024 from tr Neptune opposition the Uranus.

  Nearer the time I’ll look at the French elections due April/May 2022 but from memory Xavier Bertrand’s chart looked reasonably hopeful.