Angela Lansbury – blessed by the fates

Angela Lansbury, one of the last golden oldies, has died aged 96. She played alongside the legendary stars of the 1940s – Ingrid Bergman, Katharine Hepburn, Judy Garland, Elizabeth Taylor, Frank Sinatra, Paul Newman, Orson Welles, Elvis Presley, Bette Davis and Maggie Smith in classics like Gaslight, National Velvet, Dorian Gray and The Manchurian Candidate. Despite rave reviews and supporting actress nominations she never made it to a lead role and switched to Broadway.   

  Finally aged 59 on her Second Saturn Return she landed Murder She Wrote for TV. Her role as Jessica Fletcher ran for 264 episodes over 12 years, with an audience of 28 million a week, making her the richest woman on TV at one point earning $200k per episode.

  She fostered a wholesome image in the kindly TV detective figure though early directors saw a darker side – she was offered Nurse Ratched in the Cuckoo’s Nest and did excel in Gaslight and The Manchurian Candidate.

  She was born 16 October 1925 at 12.45am London with her father dying young and her mother relocating her in her teens to the US during World War 11. Her sister who had married Peter Ustinov stayed behind. Angela married twice, the first time briefly to another actor, who was thought to be gay and then to another actor/producer for a long marriage that produced two children. Her daughter became entangled with Charles Manson and her son was also on drugs so she moved them to Ireland to clean up.

  Two things are fascinating. One is she was born three days after Margaret Thatcher so had the same super-confident and highly resourceful Jupiter in Capricorn opposition Pluto square Mars in Libra; as well as Maggie’s conscientious, perfectionist Saturn in Scorpio and a Libra Sun to match.

   House positions are different, of course. Angela’s rigid Saturn fell in her 4th house, perhaps an indication of family problems in childhood and beyond. Neptune in entertaining Leo was on her Ascendant for an appealing filmic image; with enthusiastic and money-magnet Jupiter in Capricorn in her performing 5th house.

  Maggie Thatcher in contrast had Saturn on her Ascendant for a determined and formidable persona with her Jupiter opposition Pluto falling across the 3/9th house for confidence in communicating her dogmatic opinions.

  Both of them shared a Yod of Neptune sextile Sun inconjunct Uranus. Such a Uranus can be erratic, contrary and rebellious, independent-spirited and a catalyst for change – can be divisive, disruptive and intolerant. It’s not clear where it showed up in Angela’s life but it was 8th house so it may have been the wild side of her nature that her Saturn in Scorpio kept firmly battened down.

  The other point of Astro-note is when she landed the Murder She Wrote role, which made her fortune and cemented her fame, launched 30 September 1984, when she was 59 years old. She was on her Second Saturn Return and on a Jupiter Return and the Sun was in Libra. Her Solar Arc Midheaven was within orb of the opposition to her Uranus – her birth time is from memory so that aspect could have been exact. That would be typical of a fated turn of events which puts the individual onto a track that is meant and works.

Queen Mother – steely resolve and an ocean of gin

The Singular Wit and Double Measures of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother” is the latest Royal gossip-feste, filled with fun anecdotes about the nation’s granny who had a backbone of pure titanium. Her consumption of industrial quantities of alcohol is the best antidote to medical gloom-mongering about the damaging effects of gin. She tottered on to 101 happily pickled.

  Despite her sweet smile and marshmallow outfits, “she looked everything she was not . . . Behind the veil, she schemed and vacillated, hard as nails,” according to socialite Stephen Tennant, who knew her before she was married. And apparently she possessed “an Olympian ability to hold a grudge”.

 Since her father did not register her birth until six weeks later there has always been a question mark over the data but this one seems to work well enough at 4 August 1900 maybe 12.30 am London.

  She did have a tough start with the blight of the First World War. “I think of my 20 best friends in 1914,” she reminisced, decades later. “Only five came back.” One brother died and three others came back with shell-shock. Despite ‘only’ being an earl’s daughter she was much courted, and according to the Duke of Windsor wanted to marry him. But his mother Mary of Teck decided she would do well for the insecure, stammering and nervy Bertie (King George V1) – and given Queen Mary’s formidable Saturn opposition Pluto square Mars nothing much got in her way.

  Princess Marina who married the Duke of Kent treated the Queen Mother with contempt as a “common little Scotch tart”. And she went on to have a legendary rift with Wallis Simpson who had been equally scathing about her.

  She believed in ghosts and requested exorcisms right up to her death. Her household was notorious for not only the lavish entertaining but the largely homosexual servants she employed and had a friendly relationship with. Some of the stories that emerged were wild.

  One odd rumour in this book was that she once told friends she had burnt documentary evidence of Queen Victoria not only having an affair with her Scottish servant John Brown, but also secretly married him.

  On this birth date she was a Sun Leo which fits her flamboyant outfits and sociable temperament. She had a hard-edged Mars in Gemini conjunct Neptune on one side and Pluto on the other opposition Saturn. Mars Saturn would connect to her experiences in the war which would stiffen her spine and toughen her. Mars Pluto is determined, ruthless and vengeful as indeed is her Scorpio Moon. Saturn opposition Neptune would contribute to her other-worldly ghost-sighting interests.

  The Duke of Windsor would have been a reasonable fit with her since his Cancer Sun was conjunct her Venus; his Jupiter was conjunct her Pluto and her Jupiter was conjunct her Midheaven. They would have made a formidable pair on the throne.

 Bertie (King George)  did have his Sagittarius Sun on her Descendant for a good partnership and her Saturn in the 7th always indicated a husband who would involve hard work. His Jupiter was conjunct her Sun which was fortunate and like her he had a Scorpio Moon. But it was a stressful relationship with a composite Saturn opposition Mars square Pluto – so she’d have to suppress a good deal of who she was to make it work. Though as a ‘war’ partnership it did clearly bear dividends.

  Wallis Simpson had her Gemini Sun and Venus conjunct the QM’s Neptune and Mars with Pluto hovering close by for a decades-long feud with Wallis’s Saturn Uranus in Scorpio maybe conjunct the QM’s Moon. Their relationship chart was explosive.

  What fun.  It puts the present storm in a teacup into perspective.

Ukraine – Surovikin’s scorched earth reprisals

A vengeful retaliation on Ukraine for blowing up Putin’s gateway bridge to Crimea unleashed a hail of missiles on major cities, striking children’s playgrounds and public parks. What was described as a terrorist act left at least 14 killed and nearly 100 wounded, and cut electricity and water in much of the country.

 It came less than 48 hours after Putin appointed a notoriously brutal military commander Sergei Surovikin known as General Armageddon.  He is the first overall commander for the war, giving him total control. He  oversaw the destruction of Aleppo in 2016 and human rights groups accused him of using banned cluster munitions and incendiary weapons. 600 civilians were killed, including dozens of children. He also took part in the savage war in Chechnya and earned his nickname for “his ability to act unconventionally and cruelly.” He now appears to have been given carte blanche to act as he sees fit in Ukraine.

  Unlike Aleppo, Ukraine does have a missile defence system, with Germany belatedly sending their contribution.  

 Surovikin, 11 October 1966 in Siberia (qiki), is a Sun and Venus in Libra with Uranus Pluto in Virgo opposition Saturn and sextile/trine Neptune. His Mars in final degree Leo isn’t well integrated in his chart and if unaspected would tend to make him uncompromising and unrestrained. Houses from a birth time would make all the difference. His 9th and 18th harmonic highlight the destructive, brutal Mars Pluto combo.

  His fortunes ahead are mixed with lucky breaks from a Jupiter midpoint this December to mid March but he’s also got a raft of undermining Neptune transits especially to his Saturn which will sag badly from February onwards.

  The Ukraine 1991 chart never looked that cheerful ahead given that their army was and is making courageous progress. Tr Uranus will upend the 10th house Pluto from November 13th onwards, on and off into early 2023; with a panicky, undermining tr Neptune opposition their Mars right through till early 2024.  

  It’s difficult to see where a solution will come since Ukraine won’t budge on giving away territory and Putin is getting increasingly erratic and desperate to shore up his legacy and clearly has no scruples about inflicting a scorched earth policy .   

Kanye West – wild smears backfire ++ Carlson & KimK

 The tiresome, attention-grabbing and mystifyingly successful Kanye West has been locked out of his Instagram and Twitter accounts over antisemitic posts and has also drawn criticism for donning a ‘white lives matter’ T-shirt – a slogan promoted by white supremacists – during Paris fashion week. He told Fox News host Tucker Carlson he thought the shirt was “funny” and “the obvious thing to do”.

  He has spoken of his mental health problems but being a provocateur is clearly a deliberate policy and good for his brand in keeping him in the headlines.

  Born 8 June 1977 in Atlanta, Georgia, maybe 8.45am, he’s a scattered Sun Jupiter in Gemini opposition Neptune square a Pisces Moon, making him less than realistic, contradictory, emotionally on a hair-trigger, touchy and over-reactive. What will ramp him up even more than usual is this month’s Scorpio Solar Eclipse which opposes his Mars Venus conjunction in Taurus.

 Mars opposed by an Eclipse triggers arguments and a combative mood so conflicts will be stirred up. An Eclipse opposition Venus will bring a feeling that he isn’t as loved any more. What is demanded but will be in short supply are tolerance, compromise and calm. Tr Pluto is also trine his Mercury in Taurus now until early December which tends to accompany dogmatic arguments and that will magnify through the next 18 months as his Solar Arc Pluto approaches the opposition to his Mercury.

 Sadly he’s unlikely to stay muffled for long.

  Tucker Carlson, 16 May 1969 10.07am San Francisco, is also in the line of fire of the Solar Eclipse which falls opposite his Saturn in Taurus, which could just coincide with a period of extremely hard work with the Midterms approaching. He’s on a confident roll until early this December with tr Pluto trine his Jupiter. His 2023 is littered with disappointments and banana skins and his 2024 is worse.

Kim Kardashian, 21 October 1980 10.46 am Los Angeles, mother of West’s four children – North West, Chicago West, Psalm West, Saint West – now divorced but still in his orbit is on a business high with tr Pluto trine her Jupiter Midheaven until late 2023 although she’s also labouring under tr Pluto square her Libra Sun at the same time. Her relationship with West which has a quarrelsome and impatient composite Sun opposition Mars square Uranus is moving through an exceptionally disruptive, not to say explosive period, sparking a flare-up this November, and worse from May 2023 onwards into 2024. She’s running into considerable headaches and setbacks in late 2024 into 2025, which may not be West connected but more career-related.    

See previous Kardashian post 15 March 2022.

Scotland – undecided and divided ++ Trussophobia

All the indications are that the push for Scottish independence has stalled despite Nicola Sturgeon’s stalwart protestations about the next Westminster election being a ‘de facto referendum’ if she is not allowed one beforehand. The SNP has never won more than 50% of the vote even in their heyday so even this is wild hope is unlikely to succeed. And while the Tories have crashed in Scotland, Labour support has surged – a Labour win down south would leave the SNP powerless. Recent polls showed, for the first time, that Labour Opposition leader Keir Starmer has a higher net positive rating in Scotland than Sturgeon.

  What is intriguing in this context is that the chart for the Scotland England Union of 1 May 1707 is showing signs of upheaval and disruption from late May 2023 onwards on and off till April 2024 with tr Uranus conjunct the Taurus Sun and square Pluto Jupiter in Leo. It is a robust, tied together enduring entity and has been through a good many stormy phases in the past, including the 1930s the last time tr Uranus was in Taurus, when the Scottish National Party was formed. But it isn’t clear what could be expected this time round.

 There’s no real indication that voters are persuaded the risks of independence are outweighed by the risks of Union, nor any signs that Sturgeon is making much progress over the next two years.

  Nicola Sturgeon, 19 July 1970 3.16pm Irvine, Scotland, has two astrological stumbling blocks. One is tr Pluto opposing her Cancer Sun now till early this December, then moving onto to a trapped, frustrating opposition to her Mars in 2023 to late 2024. That looks like grind-to-a-halt time.   The other is her Saturn in Taurus opposition Neptune square her Leo Midheaven which is catching the downbeat tr Saturn hard aspects at the moment, worsening in early 2023; and even trickier the tr Uranus hard aspects knocking her confidence and pushing her onto a different career/life direction from mid 2023 onwards for two or three years.

 The SNP chart, 7 April 1934, is in an agitated and unstable phase with tr Pluto square the Uranus till early this December and has a violent surge of (probably) misplaced confidence in 2023 with the Solar Arc Pluto conjunct Jupiter and opposition Mars which could well backfire damagingly.

  The Scotland 25 March 1005 AD chart is also showing signs of turbulence with tr Uranus opposition the Pluto at 18 degrees Scorpio (and tr Saturn in square) – that runs into early 2023. Plus tr Pluto is sextile the Uranus.

  There is a definite shift afoot but it is not remotely clear to what end since independence looks less likely than before.

  A wait-and-see scenario.   

 Add On: Sturgeon’s relationship with Liz Truss is even worse than with the previous incumbent. Her relationship chart with Boris Johnson had a chilly composite Sun Mercury square Saturn.  With Truss, she has an active-dislike and aggravated composite Mars Saturn conjunction which is being undermined by tr Neptune in square picking up from next month and worsening through February 2023 till December 2023. No love lost there and there will be immense pressures brought to bear with tr Pluto opposition their composite Sun as well through 2023/24.

  Their synastry is every bit as bad with Truss’s unbending, chilly Saturn in Cancer conjunct NS’s Sun with Truss’s Uranus in square. Truss’s Sun is conjunct NS’s forthright and argumentative Mars. Truss’s bulldozer Mars in Taurus is conjunct NS’s Saturn for maximum impatience and irritation.

  Nicola Sturgeon will not be backwards about venting her spleen, for sure. And on Truss’s present form she’ll have plenty of targets to fire darts at.

Peter Tobin – not a spark of human decency ++ other serial killers

Peter Tobin, the serial killer has died in hospital while serving a life term prison sentence for three murders but was suspected of many more and he had boasted of killing 48. He died without disclosing any further names.

His criminal career started young and he was sent to approved school aged 7, then into borstal, starting with burglary and forgery before moving on to murder. His three wives all gave similar accounts of falling for a charming, well-dressed psychopath who turned violent and displayed a sadistic streak during their marriages. At one point he was thought to be connected to the Glasgow Bible John murders but the police eventually ruled him out.

  He was born 27 August 1946 4.50pm Johnstone, Scotland, the youngest of eight siblings, and had a Sun and Moon in Virgo in his far-travelled 9th house. It was rumoured that he had joined the French Foreign Legion when young but deserted.  He also had Neptune, Mars, Venus, and Jupiter in Libra in his 9th which would be where the superficial charm came from. His Uranus in the 7th on his Descendant would not make stability in close relationships easy.

  What probably was the driving force of his lack of empathy would be Saturn Pluto and Mercury in his 8th house. Saturn in the 8th is fearful of intimacy and Pluto in the 8th is resistant to being dominated. One of his wives said: “The thing he most enjoyed was having power and total control.”

 His Saturn Pluto were also sextile his Neptune Mars for an uncomfortable and perverse mix.

 The Harmonic which usually shows up for serial killers is the 18th and sure enough it is heavily aspected with a T Square, a Grand Trine and significantly a Yod onto Mars inconjunct Saturn sextile Venus. Such a Yod does have overtones of sadism.

  His 9th Harmonic is even starker and more brutal with Pluto opposition Mars square Uranus and a Yod of Neptune sextile Sun inconjunct the Midheaven.

  The 9th and 18th (9X2) are associated with what brings pleasure and while in the past the 9th has been glowingly described in terms of idealism and humanitarian influences, it also has a negative impact for those wo fall prey to their primitive instincts of greed or worse.

Add On: A quick skip round other notorious serial killers:

Peter Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire Ripper, had Saturn and Pluto in the 8th along with Venus and Moon, a 7th house Sun Uranus in Gemini and Jupiter Neptune in the 10th – similar in certain respects to Tobin. His 9th harmonic had Mars trine Pluto.

Ted Bundy had Saturn Pluto conjunct in the 12th with a Sun, Moon, Mars in Sagittarius and three planets in Scorpio.  His 9th harmonic had an exact Mars Pluto conjunction trine Uranus.

Jeffrey Dahmer – Sun Mercury in Gemini in the 8th, Mars in Aries trine Uranus, and Jupiter trine Pluto. His 9th harmonic had Mars Saturn conjunct trine Pluto trine Moon Sun.

Even scarier was Harold Shipman, the doctor who had an estimated 250 victims. He had Mars Saturn conjunct  (the traditional astrology signature for an assassin) in his 6th house of health and work opposition a 12th house Capricorn Sun Venus; With Neptune in the 8th trine a 4th house Moon Uranus in Gemini sextile a 7th house Pluto. Cold and nasty.

  The two Astro-signatures I’d expect to find are Saturn Pluto and Mars Saturn. Certainly an afflicted Mars and often a superficially charming Venus and a confident Jupiter.  

Daily Mail – catching the wrong sort of headlines ++ Online

The Daily Mail is being sued by a group of celebrities, including Prince Harry, Elton John and Baroness Lawrence for what they claim are ‘gross breaches of privacy’. The publishers have responded by calling the claims ‘preposterous smears.’

  The allegations, if true, are of a much more serious variety than recent ‘he said/they said’ and copyright legal spats over Thomas Markle’s letter etc since they involve illegal activity such as homes being bugged, deceptive tactics used to obtain private medical information, bank records and the tapping of live phone calls. And that is also a good deal worse than the voicemail hacking scandals fifteen years ago which closed the News of the World as advertisers pulled out and blighted the Daily Mirror.  

  These current allegations relate to incidents in the early 1990s. If it comes to trial it’s likely to be in court in 2024 at the earliest and could drag the Mail through a ruinously expensive legal minefield for years.

  The Daily Mail was first issued on 4 May 1896 and has an enduring and acquisitive Taurus Sun in an ultra-stubborn and contrary opposition Saturn Uranus in Scorpio; with a ruthless and publicity-attracting Mars square Pluto Neptune.

  It’s certainly taking a celestial hammering at the moment with a Solar Arc Saturn conjunct the Mars which usually accompanies a car-crash setback. The tr Saturn square tr Uranus and the upcoming Lunar Eclipse are all crashing into their Sun, Saturn Uranus making the next few months high stress. Tr Uranus will continue through 2023 to oppose the Uranus with another Lunar Eclipse raising the crisis level in May 2023; into another ‘collision’ type Solar Arc in 2024.

Although their digital footprint is omnipresent, sales of the newspaper are way down.

  Paul Dacre was Mail editor 1992 to 2018, then editor-in-chief of the publishers DMG media. He was nearly foisted in by Boris Johnson as head of Ofcom, the broadcasting regulatory body, until there was a revolt. He’s about to levitate into the House of Lords but would have to give evidence in court if so required. Born 14 November 1948, on the same day as Prince Charles, he’s a determined, controlling and stubborn-to-the-nth degree Scorpio Sun square Pluto which is being rattled by tr Saturn and tr Uranus now and through 2023. Around 2024, or marginally earlier he looks discouraged and stuck with Solar Arc Saturn conjunct his Sun and undermined by tr Neptune square his Jupiter and Uranus in 2025.

  Jonathan Harmsworth, 3 December 1967, direct heir to the founders, an expansive Sun Sagittarius square Jupiter in Virgo, has a tranche of complicated, unsettled transits and solar arcs right through till 2025 – which may not all be the result of this affair but he’s not looking remotely cheerful. With a trapped, scary tr Pluto conjunct his Mars in 2024/25.

 Ted Verity, present editor, 19 August 1965, is agitated now with tr Uranus opposition his Neptune which catches the Lunar Eclipse and is cornered through 2023/24 with tr Pluto square his Mars.

ADD ON: The Daily Mail online appears to have been launched on 14 May 2004 at 9am which gives a last decan enduring Taurus Sun inconjunct Pluto and square Neptune – determined with stratospheric ambitions. There’s an unkind Mars Saturn in Cancer trine/sextile an adventurous Uranus opposition Jupiter.

 This chart is running into major problems from early 2023 with the Solar Arc Pluto opposing the Saturn; and tr Saturn dampening enthusiasm in a conjunction to the Uranus and Jupiter/Uranus midpoint, followed after mid year by a jangled, destabilising tr Uranus conjunct the Sun. As well as Solar Arc Saturn square the Mercury before this year end. Part of their woes may stem from the cataclysmic shambles of the Tory Party, whose 1912 chart has Sun Saturn in Taurus close to the Mail Online’s Sun.

Canada – standing firm not the best option

Canada is on tenterhooks with their heavy-duty, resistant Saturn in Scorpio opposition Pluto under considerable pressure from destabilising Uranus this month and the upcoming November eclipse.  There are indications of a recession in 2023 with high inflation but the country has been shielded from the Ukraine fall out and nowhere globally is immune from economic pressures.

  Saturn in Scorpio opposition Pluto in Taurus is strong, enduring and ultra-stubborn. What it is exceptionally bad at is giving way and being adaptable, so when the winds of change blow there is a tendency to dig in and refuse to budge until unavoidable events of sufficient magnitude come along that make resistance impossible.

 Tr Uranus will oppose the Canada Saturn from this week, October 11th until early November and again in April 2023,  and conjunct the Canada Pluto this December to mid January and February to mid March. Effectively the whole period from May 2022 till March 2023 is one where that central steely core of Canada is being stress tested. Countries don’t respond at the same speed as individuals to planetary influences so the effects may not be instantaneous. Critical mass needs to build up.

  The Lunar Eclipse on November 8th at 16 degrees Taurus could be critical since it will be a further catalyst for change, adding more pressure. It falls close to the final high-tension Uranus square Saturn aspect which has bedevilled the past eighteen months and could bring further economic wobbles as well as a clash between opposing views. See below for the meaning of Saturn Uranus together. Next May’s Lunar Eclipse is at a similar degree of Scorpio.

  The effects of both the late October Solar Eclipse and the November Lunar Eclipse will resonate in Canada. When the eclipse chart is relocated there, the Solar has a mutinous Pluto close to the IC and the Sun Moon conjunction in the 1st house with an uncompromising and independent-minded Uranus in the 7th. The 8 November Lunar Eclipse sees the Full Moon conjunct Uranus again falling across the 1st/7th houses with Saturn in square close to the IC. Both will be divisive and disruptive, affecting image and cooperative agreements with neighbours as well as sparking internal difference.

  This October Solar Eclipse is in a Saros series associated with force and taking power.

   Justin Trudeau’s Term chart, 26 October 2021, will catch the late October Solar Eclipse which is conjunct the Term Scorpio Sun, triggering a crisis.

  The opposition leader Pierre Poilievre, 3 June 1979, will be on red alert for changes since his Uranus in Scorpio is on the same degree as the Canada Saturn and catching the celestial mayhem – so whatever is happening will have a significant effect on his life. He does have one lucky, successful influence running until early December but thereafter looks less than upbeat through 2023/24.

  Trudeau himself, 25 December 1971 9.27pm Ottawa, will be rattled from October 11th (next week) with tr Uranus opposition his Sun/Pluto midpoint until early this November which Ebertin describes as sudden adjustment to new circumstances. With a high-risk, over-stressed, shocked, all-systems-change mood through the rest of November. All of which repeat in early 2023 which will be a catastrophic, disaster-prone year for him with setbacks and failures stretching for three years after that.

PS. Germany’s 8th house Pluto at 17 degrees will also catch the tr Uranus conjunction from next week and the November Lunar Eclipse, looking ultra-sensitive to significant events with the Lunar Eclipse conjunct Uranus falling close to the IC = domestic upheavals and ruptures.


In positive vein, this conjunction preserves the best of the old and merges it with the best of the new, but it can be a jolting, jarring transition all the same. Sudden states of tension give way to a release of tension as Saturn’s rigidity is forced to give way under Uranus’s explosive need to be free. The mood is prone to swing between optimism and pessimism.

   This can also be a catastrophe-prone combination, since both planets will, in their negative aspects, lay waste rather than give way. Saturn, the envious patriarch, will destroy rather than hand over power. Uranus will reduce order to anarchy rather than compromise. In their own way both can be highly dictatorial. Saturn the Grim Reaper is often pictured with a curved scythe in hand. Uranus is the thunderbolt, light-giving but earth-shaking.

   In cooperation they can promote a golden age of enlightened justice and constructive scientific advance. Uranus, the sky god, was the bringer of civilization and the initiator of culture; Saturn brings prosperity and material wealth through regulated work and good agriculture. But the balance is tricky to get right.

   In classical mythology, Saturn the son castrates Uranus his father, throwing his genitals into the sea and cutting off his virility forever. But he who lives by the sword dies by the sword: as Saturn destroys the generation before him, so will he in the fullness of time and old age be brought low himself. There is an inevitability around Saturn–Uranus conjunctions, more so even than the other cycles, an inevitability that what is raised up high will be brought low, and vice versa. In the words of the I Ching, the great Chinese book of wisdom, ‘It is the law of heaven to make fullness empty and to make full what is modest.’

   In the myth, the castration of Uranus results in the Furies being let loose to devastate the land; paradoxically it also results in Venus-Aphrodite, the goddess of love, arising out of the ocean, perhaps hinting at the dual nature of Saturn–Uranus, which encompasses both terror and great beauty.

Hunter Biden screw ups – hitting Joe in the heart

A federal investigation into Hunter Biden has concluded there is enough evidence to criminally charge him with tax crimes and lying about his drug use when he bought a handgun in 2018 according to reports. The US attorney in Delaware, a Trump appointee, has not yet decided whether to file criminal charges in the case.

  Biden’s lawyers believe the leak about a possible prosecution was motivated by “frustration inside the FBI over the time it is taking prosecutors to deliberate over this case.”  Hunter Biden confirmed he was under investigation for tax-related issues in 2020. His business dealings and consultancies in Ukraine and China have attracted political scrutiny and questions about the ethics of his connections to foreign businesses given his father’s political influence.

 See previous post June 4 2022.

  What is of key interest astrologically is that the Scorpio Solar Eclipse late this month will oppose Joe Biden’s Taurus Moon in his 5th house of children. The timing is uncanny. Eclipses opposing the Moon usher in a testing few months where personal relationships are concerned, with heavy emotional involvement. Pulling away from old patterns is essential and if not volunteered for tends to be forced on the individual through an external crisis. In 2024/25 tr Pluto will square Joe B’s Moon for a challenging and can-be-anguished time.

 Hunter is clearly a blind spot for Joe. Hunter’s Neptune is conjunct Joe’s Ascendant so he’ll smokescreen his father and with H’s Pluto in Joe’s 10th he’ll control him. But the potential for Hunter to undermine Joe’s image and cause damage in his career is built into their relationship.

  Their relationship chart has Neptunian overtones (shades of the Queen and Andrew); in this case with a composite Sun Venus sextile Neptune trine Pluto.   

  Jill Biden is less persuaded by Hunter with her Pluto opposition his Aquarius Sun and Venus; and her Saturn conjunct his Pluto. Their relationship chart is cool and edgy.

  Hunter, 4 February 1970 no birth time, has the tr Saturn square tr Uranus exactly in hard aspect to is Venus in Aquarius now; with a panicky-failure Solar Arc Mars opposition his Neptune; and a Progressed Mars in a car-crash-collision with his Sun around now as well. Quite an upset with more jolts and jangles through till early 2023 and Neptunian  swamps through 2023 and 2024.