The Great Ages – the march of progress at a critical point

The Age of Aquarius may be upon us or still to come. The roughly 2000 year long epochal ages are reckoned from the earth’s tilt on its axis, putting a line drawn through the centre of the earth against a different constellation in the heavens. Since the constellations are of varying sizes with no start and finish boundary it is never precisely clear when one Age starts and ends. 2034 has been suggested for the Age of Aquarius but who knows?   

The age of Leo: 10,000–8000bc This is the age of the hunter-gatherer, and the dawn of agriculture, with the cultivation of wild cereals and the end of the last Ice Age. Rock paintings record early man’s need to create a lasting record of his presence.

The age of Cancer: 8000–6000bc Cancer is home, family and tribe-oriented, worshipping the Great Mother and the Moon as the fertility providers. Communities gather into protected settlements.

The age of Gemini: 6000–4000bc Gemini, ruled by Mercury the communication planet. This is the age of the development of writing, starting with cuneiform, pictographs and hieroglyphs. Initially devised for trade and barter, it was increasingly used for administration.

The age of Taurus: 4000–2000bc Taurus, sign of the farmer, coincided with the start of settled agricultural communities. Taurus is associated with culture, comfort and security. Its Venusian aspects are seen most clearly in the Egyptian civilization, which by 3500bc was flourishing along the fertile Nile Delta. The great bull sarcophaguses of ancient Egypt pointto the reverence in which this animal was held.

The age of Aries: 2000bc–ad 0 Aries, the warrior sign, is associated with iron and coincides with the development of metal, which replaced stone and wooden implements. Aries’ entrepreneurial talents were put to good use: trading increased dramatically. Sporting prowess became the greatest achievement in Greek culture. Bronze technology gave way to iron, with an increase in military activity.

The age of Pisces: ad 0–20?? An age of artistic and religious inspiration, with the great messiahs — Christ, Mohammed and Buddha — carrying the vision of mankind. Pisces concerned with individual sacrifice for the greater good is lived out in the Christ myth. The early Jesus cults had the fish as their secret symbol. Buddhism is the passive facet of Pisces, caring, opposed to killing, aspiring to nirvana, a blissful state removed from earthly suffering. Pisces is connected to realms beyond, so revelations from God come directly to the prophets like Mohammed, who bring those revelations to the people. Pisces’ darker side is orgiastic, devouring, savage, impersonal, inhumane.

The age of Aquarius: 20??–4000 Aquarius is the sign of knowledge, scientific breakthroughs and discoveries. Man takes on god-like powers, manipulating the environment and our species. What he does runs against biology, so the old gender-specific categories and cultures will no longer hold. A world that George Orwell and Aldous Huxley uncannily foresaw. Some have spoken of a golden age coming. But Aquarius can be uncompromising in its demand for complete freedom without interference. The old social glue no longer works. What the Prometheus myth, often associated with Aquarius, tells us, however, is that playing with the power of the universe carries with it dangers. There will be a physical price to pay for an over emphasis on the intellect and scientific supremacy. The emotions, the body and the earth, split off from natural roots, may rebel.

Eclipses – challenging Solar, impulsive Lunar + Afghanistan quake & Israel

The upcoming 14th October Solar Eclipse at 21 degrees Libra is in a powerful Saros series described by Bernadette Brady as channelling immense force and anger. Either obstacles will suddenly clear or potential crises will blow up and move quickly through.

  It was around before in:

October 2005: Just weeks after Hurricane Katrina and five days before the Kashmir Earthquake which killed 86,000. With terrorist bombings also weeks before. Pluto was on the IC for the devastating New Orleans hurricane.  Kashmir had Pluto in the 10th and Uranus conjunct the Ascendant.

September 1987: The Great Storm in England with hurricane force winds. With the Hungerford Massacre weeks before as well as mass deaths in Mecca amongst pilgrims.

September 1969: The Stonewall Riots, Chappaquiddick death involving Senator Edward Kennedy and the Manson murder of Sharon Tate came weeks before. In the September Gaddafi comes to power. Lt Wm Calley is charge with My Lai massacre.

 Before that this Saros Series in 1951, 1933, 1915.  In 1933 the Ukrainian genocide by starvation was at its peak.

This month’s Solar Eclipse is peculiarly tricky with the high-risk, overly forceful Mars Pluto square (exact on October 9th) in place with the Libra New Moon square Pluto and on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Uranus sextile Neptune. A Sun focal point can lead to abuse of power and ego-centricity; a Moon to self-defeating, overly emotional reactions. Its path runs across south western USA from Oregon to Texas and then south.

  It looks highly pressured located to Brussels with Pluto conjunct the Midheaven and Uranus conjunct the Ascendant- and also a great deal of activity through the USA.

  The Lunar Eclipse of 28 October has a 5 degree Taurus Moon conjunct Jupiter opposition Sun conjunct Mars which could result in over-the-top actions and comments. Jupiter Mars can be impulsive, opinionated, bombastic, not always ethical, has a tendency to extravagance especially with other people’s money. It lacks the stress of the Solar Eclipse but a yod with a South Node focal point does not suggest progressive reforms.

Located to Adelaide, Australia, it puts Pluto on the IC and the Mars opposition Jupiter closely conjunct the Asc/Desc.  So a significant zone. Wild fires and floods are already causing great concern in that region of Australia with fears of what comes next as summer approaches.

  For Kiev this month’s Lunar Eclipse puts Chiron on the Midheaven which one can only hope  means a chance to heal. It will affect Zelensky’s chart with his Sun Venus in Aquarius opposition Mars in square to the Eclipse.

ADD ON:  The Lunar Eclipse located to Afghanistan has a disruptive Uranus exactly on the Midheaven occurring just before a strong earthquake hit Afghanistan leaving at least 2000 dead.

  For Israel,  the Lunar Eclipse has Chiron Midheaven line running directly through Tel Aviv – the unhealable wound.

The Solar Eclipse has Neptune Midheaven running through Afghanistan and  Saturn Midheaven running through Israel. Usually Lunar Eclipses are more descriptive in location terms.

Princess Martha Louise – a truly 8th house entanglement

Princess Martha Louise of Norway, whose alternative therapy school taught clairvoyance and communication with angels seems determined to marry her shaman fiance Durek Verrett. This despite the hair-raising stories of his life – imprisoned, bisexual, conspiracy theorist, multiple factual claims about his life that don’t check out, as well as comments from previous relationships which describe him as controlling and manipulative. See his wiki page.

  She was born 22 September 1971 5.07 pm Oslo, Norway and has a difficult and challenging chart with a packed 8th house containing a Virgo Sun, Pluto conjunction conjunct Venus in Libra which in turn is conjunct Uranus with her Scorpio Moon also in her 8th.

  Her clairvoyant and occult interests will stem from her 8th house and she will be driven by unconscious forces she does not understand and will not have control over.

Martin Sebastian Moritz in his book Pandora’s Box, The Mysterious 8th House, points to entanglement as being an 8th house phenomenon – as well as it being a gateway to another world.

  Her previous husband Ari Behn, 30 September 1972, father of her three children, who committed suicide in 2019, had his Mars in Virgo conjunct Pluto falling in her 8th as well as his Libra Sun, Mercury, Uranus.

  Durek Verrett, 17 November 1974 11.25 am Sacramento, California, a 10th house Sun, Venus in Scorpio with his ambitious Mars in Scorpio conjunct his Midheaven from the 9th, has his Pluto, Uranus, Mercury, Mars all falling in her 8th.  Such subterranean connections will feel fated and meant but can also be trapped, conflict-ridden and obsessive.

  Her relationship chart with Durek echoes the 8th house theme with the composite Pluto, Mercury, Uranus and Sun as well as Venus all deeply buried there. There is a 10th house Moon Neptune which will be soaked up by their spiritual therapy interests. But what is damaging and destructive is a composite Mars opposition Saturn square Pluto. Mars Saturn is unkind, can be cruel and suggests a relationship where one partner has to grit their teeth and suppress their identity and needs to make it work. And that is before it locks onto the 8th house compulsively controlling Pluto. Tr Neptune will be chiselling away at the Mars opposition Saturn in 2023/24 and opposing the Pluto in 2025/26.

  I never thought this relationship was workable though 8th house individuals can be exceedingly stubborn and impervious to either advice, argument or evidence.

 I’d be interested in any 8th houser’s comments since I don’t have any planets there and it has always been a mystery to me.

US Democrats support right wing takedown of McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy has been removed as House Speaker on a little-used technicality by fellow Republican Matt Gaetz on a personal-spite and attention-grabbing mission. Gaetz is so disliked within the GOP that even Newt Gingrich thinks he should be expelled. The short-sighted Democrats, gleeful about McCarthy’s downfall, hastened his exit by voting with Gaetz, ignoring the possibility they may end up with worse.

  Gaetz, 7 May 1982 Hollywood, Florida, is a Sun Taurus with a self-aggrandising, arrogant yod of Venus sextile Mercury in Gemini inconjunct Jupiter in Scorpio; with Venus in an insensitive opposition to Mars in Libra. His Mars is catching the transiting Pluto trine in 2023/24 which will be blocked and frustrating. Alongside that, he does have a bullish tr Pluto square his Jupiter/Pluto so he won’t disappear down a foxhole without a fight. He’ll zip up in confidence and luck in 2025/26 with tr Pluto square his yod focal point Jupiter but that could bring poor judgement and self-defeating actions through his overwheening confidence. Self-doubt is not in his repertoire.

  He certain dislikes McCarthy with a vengeance with their relationship chart having a composite Sun Mercury opposition Mars square Saturn which will bring extreme aggravation and hostility.

 McCarthy, 26 January 1965 12.40 pm Bakersfield, CA, only emerged as Speaker after multiple rounds, so was never regarded by either side as inspiring. He is a Sun Aquarius with a Boris-Johnson-type scandal-prone Jupiter in Taurus opposition Neptune which is the driving rod of an Earth Grand Trine. Gaetz Taurus Sun is exactly conjunct his Jupiter and opposition his Neptune – bringing about his downfall.

 What next?  ‘It is not clear who in the House G.O.P. can earn the majority of votes needed to win a speaker’s race. Until someone can win 218 votes or more, the House will continue to hold elections in an ongoing speaker’s race. In the meantime, essentially all other action in the House will be halted.

One deadline is looming. The government will shut down in mid-November after the expiration of a temporary funding measure that Congress approved over the weekend. That’s unless Congress can pass all 12 of its yearlong spending bills or another stopgap funding bill — a tall task made even more challenging by the chaos of a speaker’s race.’

Sagrada Familia – Gaudi’s dream finally real

Barcelona’s famously unfinished Sagrada Familia cathedral designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudi is nearing completion, 141 years after the first stone was laid. When the final tower is finished in 2026 it will be the world’s tallest church, at 172.5 metres. Gaudí’s works are individualized not to say eccentric art nouveau in appearance, influenced by his passion for nature and religion.

  The first stone was laid on 9 March 1882 when there was a super-confident Jupiter Pluto in Taurus with Jupiter in a spiritual (over-hopeful) conjunction with Neptune all square Mercury in Aquarius.  A creative Sun Venus in Pisces opposed a maverick, innovative Uranus which in turn was trine the Taurus planets. At the moment tr Uranus is just over the lucky (what a relief) conjunction to the Jupiter and in 2025 the Pluto as the finishing touches are put in place.  

 Gaudi, 25 June 1852 9.30am Reus, Spain, had a Cancer Sun conjunct North Node in a Water Grand Trine to Neptune in Pisces trine Jupiter in Scorpio with his Neptune opposition Mars in earthy Virgo and his Jupiter opposition Saturn – highly creative, lived in his own bubble of fantasy reality and would be healing for others if not himself – and up and down with Jupiter Saturn opposing. He had Pluto, Uranus, Saturn in Taurus in his religious 9th house which made his fixed beliefs central to his life and increasingly an obsession. His 7th house Neptune was also highlighted being on the focal point of a yod to a Libra Moon sextile Venus which would lead him to seek seclusion and an ideal of beauty.

  At the moment his posthumous Solar Arc Jupiter is conjunct his Pluto so wherever he is, he’ll be feeling pleased.

   He never married or had a relationship as far as is known. A complicated and unhappy man with health problems, some self-inflicted because of his odd food fads.  Latterly he lived like a tramp and when killed in a tram accident and taken to the mortuary he was first thought to be a vagrant. Sagrada was only a quarter built at that point.

  I went years ago on a week long Gaudi tour of Barcelona and I would have to confess by the end of it if I never saw another Gaudi building I would not be bothered. Not my taste.

Melania – Lunar Eclipse highlights her priorities

Melania Trump now reportedly in possession of a renegotiated pre-nup (her third) is clearly hedging her bets and protecting her son Barron’s future in case the family supertanker keels over – or maybe it is her payoff for agreeing to stay in situ as the devoted wife should Trump re-enter the White House. Or both.

 She’ll be one to watch through October since the late month Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio catches her Taurus Sun exactly by opposition. Since the Eclipsed Full Moon is also conjunct an exact Jupiter in Taurus opposition Mars in Scorpio, her pre-nup could be an early effect of an opportunistic Jupiter Mars. But it can backfire. She also has an uncertain, worrisome tr Saturn square her Neptune and panicked tr Neptune opposition her Pluto in October. Plus a tormented, obsessive Neptune/Pluto midpoint being triggered as well. 2024 looks blocked, frustrated and powerless with a disaster or two in May. Though tr Pluto square her Jupiter this year and next will give her the confidence to successfully push to protect her position and assets – being a Sun Saturn in Taurus.

  She is not a happy lady from mid November through December 2024 – but that could be ‘quelle horreur’ at being stuck in the goldfish bowl again or the opposite.

 Her relationship chart with Donald has been sagging through this year with tr Neptune square the composite Venus and that runs through 2024 as well. Where it gets to upheaval-time is by 2025 with tr Uranus conjunct the composite Sun. That is when his Sun/Moon midpoint, his marriage significator, is catching the tr Saturn opposition which can be a separating aspect.

  The Trump tribe are worth keeping an eye on since Ivanka has the mid October Libra Solar Eclipse this year hitting her Jupiter, Pluto, Mercury in Libra. All three Trump kids have a run of fairly disastrous midpoints now into early next spring.

 I don’t normally write about Barron since he has been too young but he is now nearing 18. Born 20 March 2006 5.30am New York, he has a 1st house Pisces Sun square a 10th house Pluto which suggests he experiences both parents as controlling or possessive, leaving him with no sense of being able to make his own choices. Tr Neptune is squaring his Pluto this year and conjunct his Sun in 2024/25 for a confusing time ahead, which will be exacerbated by his Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Sun, exactly in six months – which will be quite a turnaround for his life.

   His relationship chart with his father has a mix of lavish affection and fear-inducing domination.

New UK Defence Secy blunders in duplicate

Describing the newly appointed UK Defence Secretary as a “newly minted moron”  Dmitry Medvedev, deputy head of the Russian security council, said if British troops were sent to Ukraine they would be “ruthlessly eliminated”. Shapps had taken it upon himself on the first day of the Tory Conference to grandstand about Brit Army instructors being sent into Ukraine, provoking Rishi Sunak into issuing an embarrassing retraction.

  Shapps, 14 September 1968, took over Defence of which he has zero experience in late August, his fifth cabinet position in the past year. He has been elevated by four out of the past five prime ministers despite a series of scandals. The DM in a scathing piece some years ago said he made up for “lack of talent in braggadocio, vanity and vainglorious self-promotion.” He earned the nickname Duracell Bunny, for his dogged ability to keep going despite countless scandals.

  Having blundered over Ukraine he then proceeded to praise Saudi Arabia on women’s rights!

 The UK is lobbying to sell Saudi Arabia 48 Typhoon fighter jets in a £5 billion deal though Germany could scupper it over  human rights issues and the civil war in Yemen. As one commenter remarked ‘Remember the Golden Rule – whoever has the gold makes the rules.’

  Shapps is a scattered Sun, Jupiter, Uranus Pluto in Virgo with a bombastic Mars in Leo; and a tricky yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Saturn. His life underwent an upheaval when he moved to Defence with tr Pluto trine his Uranus but it will continue to do that for another fifteen months so it will be turbulent and nerve-stretching road ahead. Slightly worrisome is the proliferation of Uranus Neptune aspects by Solar Arc and transit which could suggest a fanatical stubbornness or just extreme worry. But it would not point to good judgement, for sure. Plus a shock come June 2024 as tr Uranus squares his Mars.

   His Defence Term chart, 31 August 2023, has a Water Grand Trine of Jupiter trine Uranus trine Pluto formed into a Kite with Sun opposition Uranus. And Uranus further highlighted being on the focal point of a yod to Saturn sextile Neptune. Water Grand Trines can live in an unrealistic bubble – and an overdose of Uranus can be destabilizing, pointing to an obsession with rocking the boat and upending the status quo. Which is not what Defence needs.

  The UK/Russia 8 November 1991 relationship chart shows considerable stress at the moment with tr Uranus opposition the composite Uranus and that will extend through 2024 with tr Uranus square the composite Mars as well. With disappointment and bad feeling running through till 2025. The UK/Russia 1917 relationship chart also shows aggravation.

  It isn’t that Ukraine should not be supported but a throwing a loose cannon like Shapps into the mix is a considerable mistake.

Peter Brookes – nailing hubris with one biting image

Skewering a politician or a public figure with one freeze-framed image in a cartoon takes a particular set of skills and mindset. Peter Brookes is at the top of the pinnacle, contributing to The Times for three decades, and now at 80 has produced another collection of his latest work entitled Torrid Times.  

  He says that cartoonists are “the permanent opposition”. “In other words whoever’s in power, you administer a good kicking when it’s deserved.” “I’m a columnist, a visual columnist. I have to make an argument in a cartoon that is cut and dried. You don’t have room for much ambiguity.”

  He was born 28 September 1943 Liverpool, England, and is a Sun conjunct Neptune in Libra trine Uranus, sextile Pluto. His Neptune is conjunct Mercury in late Virgo square Saturn with a Mars Uranus conjunct in Gemini.

Libra is concerned with fairness. Moon, Mercury, Venus in writerly Virgo; and Saturn, Mars, Uranus in Gemini – he was designed to communicate. Mars Uranus is unconventional, uncompromising and rebellious, inclined to challenge authority figures and to take the outsider’s view. Uranus trine Neptune is creative and inspired; as is Sun Neptune – and Mercury Neptune thinks and communicates in images. He also had his Saturn square Neptune (and Mercury) making him wish for a fairer society.

  James Gillray, 13 August 1756, the Georgian era caricaturist, went for biting satire as well. His most famous work: The Plumb-pudding in Danger  depicts Napoleon Bonaparte and British PM William Pitt carving up the globe.

  He was a Sun Venus in Leo trine Pluto; with Mercury in Leo conjunct Neptune; and a heavily aspected Uranus which was on the focal point of a yod to Jupiter sextile Sun, square Pluto and in a wide opposition to Mars. With his Neptune opposition Saturn.

  He did have similarities to Brookes – strong Neptune for creative images; strong Uranus for a mischievous twist; and an influential and stinging Pluto.

GB News – the limits of free speech

GB News which is the UK’s right-wing tv answer to Fox – the “home of free speech” – has tripped into another storm of controversy after actor Laurence Fox said of a female journalist on air: “Who would want to shag that?” Dan Wooton, the show’s presenter has also been suspended and decisions will be made soon whether they will survive.

  GB News ratings are up, outstripping Murdoch’s TalkTV but the concern will be about advertisers, notoriously sensitive about public outrage, as well as regulators. GB News attracts a majority male audience, mainly middle-class and older.

  It launched 13 June 2021 8pm and has an angry (infuriated) Pluto opposition Moon Mars in Leo, hence the tendency to veer towards shock jock-types and twitter-type provocateurs. There is a Gemini Sun square Neptune never a good sign in a commercial venture; and a can-be-autocratic Saturn square Uranus. There will be ongoing hassle for three years with tr Pluto opposition the Moon in 2023/24; opposition Mars in 2024/25 and the SA Pluto opposition Moon Mars in 2025/26 which may see it hit the buffers.

  Laurence Fox is a phenomenon all on his own, being the scion of a renowned theatrical family. He had a sound acting career before giving it up to become an opinionator and activist. Born 26 May 1978, London, he is a Sun Gemini with a pushily confident Pluto square Jupiter Venus in Cancer; and a troubled, impatient and hard-edged Saturn Mars in Leo square Uranus which will make him inclined to erupt in a reckless fashion. His Capricorn/Aquarius Moon is not well integrated into his chart barring, maybe, a trine to his Sun, so emotionally distanced.

  His father James Fox, famously gave up a successful acting a career to become an evangelical missionary at one point before latterly returning to the screen. Born 19 May 1939, he is a Sun Taurus in an Earth Grand Trine to Mars trine Neptune; with a truly difficult Mars opposition Pluto square Saturn Venus in Aries, suggesting a dominating and aggravating father.

  James was one of three sons of Robin Fox, 15 July 1913, a celebrated theatrical agent and a notorious womaniser, who fell out with a director who wanted to employ his son since he insisted he could not act and should stay working in a bank. Which explains a good deal of that Mars Pluto Saturn Venus T square in James’ chart.

  All of which suggests there were issues going back at least two generations of problems with masculine anger. Laurence Fox  fits in with most of the American right-wing, loud-mouth presenters who are enraged about authority figures and the establishment – and usually women as well. Instead of projecting it out onto society and politics he might be happier if he resolved his own personal issues.

  Dan Wooton, 2 March 1983, a GB News presenter and Daily Mail contributor, is a Sun Pisces in an adventurous and lucky square to Jupiter Uranus in Sagittarius. But also with a highly stressed Mars in Aries which is conjunct Venus and inconjunct Saturn Pluto.

  Neither Laurence Fox and Wooton, look in a progressive phase with Fox’s Gemini Sun catching the tr Saturn square this year as well as tr Uranus square his Mars Saturn in 2023/24. Wooton is struggling through thick mud this year and the next two or three with tr Pluto square his Pluto and then Saturn and finally tr Neptune square his Mars. He may have one lucky break but it won’t be good thereafter.

  Maybe the new era circa 2026 onwards will not favour the screamers.