At least 99 people have died and nearly 4,000 wounded in protests in Iraq over unemployment, poor public services and corruption in the country. There appears to be no leaders of the uprising but living conditions in many areas are dire as the country struggles to recover after a brutal war against IS, despite having the world’s fourth-largest reserves of oil.
Iraq does appear to be peculiarly sensitive to Saturn Pluto influences – the coup which established the Republic in 1958 happened on the back of a Saturn Pluto square in the run up; and the Iraq attack launched by George Bush and Tony Blair in 2003 happened on the final exact aspect of Saturn opposition Pluto, which also oversaw the Afghanistan War and 9/11.
This time round the tr Saturn Pluto conjunction is trine the Iraq 1921 Jupiter Saturn in Virgo through 2019 to 2021 which suggests there will be little let up from pressure. With challenging Solar Arc Pluto opposition the Iraq Moon and square Venus for intense emotional reactions in 2020/21 along with a jolting Solar Arc Sun square Uranus; and a debilitating tr Neptune opposition Jupiter Saturn 2021 to 2023. With an explosive and can-be-fanatical tr Uranus square the Iraq Mars, Neptune at the same time.
The Iraq Sovereignty 28 June 2004 10.28 am Baghdad looks no more upbeat with an angry, argumentative Solar Arc Mercury conjunct Mars now; a blocked Solar Arc Pluto opposition the Sun in late 2020/21; and major setbacks and accidents in 2022 from Solar Arc Saturn conjunct the Mars.
Baghdad was once the centre of civilization, though with a roller coaster history, rising and falling often during Pluto in Capricorn phases. Such a tragic waste of a special place and a disaster for its poor people. And part of the recent catastrophe a result of the Bush/Blair/Cheney/Rumsfeld misplaced retaliation for 9/11 which had zero to do with Saddam Hussein.