Bong Joon-Ho – Parasite hits the spot

Bong Jong-Ho, the South Korean film director, achieved the first non-English language film Best Picture Academy Award ever at the Oscars last night for Parasite which also took Best Director and Best Original Screenplay. The BBC described it as: “a vicious social satire about two families from different classes in Seoul – one who live in poverty in a semi-basement, and another rich family residing in a large home.”

Bong Joon-Ho, born in Daegu, South Korea on 14 September 1969, comes from a cultured family of designers, writers and academics. Although unknown in the west he came up through a long film training, making his name over the past twenty years with increasingly commercially successful films. His last two movies were entered at Cannes and Parasite last year won the Palme D’Or.

He’s a tough Sun Pluto in Virgo sextile Neptune, opposition a Pisces North Node square Mars in Sagittarius – so a powerhouse of high energy. He has Venus in flashy Leo and Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus and Moon in more equable Libra.

Without a birth time there’s not much of note showing in his chart though the Capricorn planets trining his Sun Pluto may be helping. Tr Jupiter is square his Mercury for a confident lift; and all his midpoints are showing is Neptunian fog – which clearly plugs into his startled reaction to a highly unexpected Hollywood accolade.

Pic: Georges Biard

3 thoughts on “Bong Joon-Ho – Parasite hits the spot

  1. Hi Marj, I got his birth data from your description but thoutht I
    bring your attention to the fact that clicking on his chart it won’t open but displays this error message…..
    …….Sorry the parameters you provided are not valid….
    Speak to Hugh.

  2. Hi Marj, I got his birth data from your description but thoutht I
    bring your attention to the fact that clicking on his chart it won’t open but displays this error message…..
    …….Sorry the parameters you provided are to valid….
    Speak to Hugh.

  3. Virgo Sun? I could have told that based on hearing he kept on apologizing engravers for the work he had to do on the statues (apparently, that’s done in situ). Such a lovely and welcome change to egomaniacs riddling the business.

    Palme d’Or AND Oscar for The Best Picture is also a very rare feat, the last film to accomplish this was “The Pianist”. Definitely a masterpiece, despite Polanski’s well-earned bad reputation (but he is one monster whose behavior has some justification and hope has seeked counceling…). I’ve never been able to watch that movie on one sitting, it’s just too emotionally disturbing. I hope to be able to see “Parasite” soon, too.

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