Prince Andrew and David Rowland, the money man


More damning information about Prince Andrew’s financial affairs have surfaced in the Mail, exposing his association with property developer and half-billionaire David Rowland. The allegations are that the prince crossed the line and exploited his trade envoy job to further his and the Rowlands’ private financial interests.

David Rowland, 16 June 1945, is the son of a scrap-metal dealer, who made his first million by 23, moved up in the world and nearly became treasurer of the Tory Party after giving a massive donation but retreated in a hurry when the Mail started asking questions about his background. It is also claimed he paid off chunks of Sarah Ferguson’s debts.

He’s a flexible Sun Mercury and Uranus in Gemini square Jupiter in Virgo – a multi-tasker, overly confident. He has that signature Venus Mars conjunction that runs right through Epstein’s main connections including Prince Andrew. Rowland’s Venus Mars is in Taurus square Pluto and sextile Saturn so staggeringly determined and fairly ruthless when it comes to getting his own way.

His Venus Mars falls in Andrew’s 10th house of career with his Jupiter in Andrew’s 2nd house of personal finances; and his Gemini Sun opposes Andrew’s Jupiter in the speculative 5th. A match designed with money in mind.

Their relationship chart has a slippery composite Sun opposition Neptune and Sun in a controlling trine to Pluto; with an over-hopeful Mercury opposition Jupiter; and an excitable Venus Mars trine Uranus. It is labouring mightily in a swamp of confusion at the moment with tr Pluto square the composite Neptune which can feel devastating; and is under a dark and separating cloud in 2020 with tr Saturn square the Neptune and Sun.

Rowlands’ chart doesn’t indicate a great time for several years ahead with a high-insecurity tr Uranus conjunct the Mars exactly now, repeating in February. His Progressed Mars is also in a car-crash conjunction to his Sun now and then Mercury next year. Plus a confidence-undermining tr Neptune opposition his Jupiter from April for a year; a setback Solar Arc Saturn square his Sun in 2020/21 and Neptune trailing on for another couple of years squaring his Sun.

Don Johnson – zenning into his seventies


Don Johnson, the Miami Vice heartthrob and wild-partying bad- boy, has found inner peace through Buddhism, stopped drink and drugs, settled into a fifth marriage and is experiencing a career resurgence. With notable mentions in Django Unchained and the Book Club, he’s now surfing higher with the Watchmen and Knives Out.

He was born 15 December 1949 10.30pm Cassville, Missouri (astrotheme), into a poor family with teenage parents; and dated Melanie Griffiths, daughter of Tippi Hedren, when she was 14 and he was in his early 20s and just starting to act. He married her twice, producing daughter Dakota; and had two other brief marriages, plus his last in 1999 which has produced three children. As well as multiple liaisons with other starry ladies including Barbra Streisand in the early days.

Birth time being accurate, he has a 4th house Sagittarius Sun trine a 12th house Pluto and square a hard-edged and irritable Mars Saturn in Virgo which would bring frustrations and setbacks. His intensely emotional Scorpio Moon is square a frivolous Venus Jupiter in Aquarius and in a restless trine to Uranus.

Melanie Griffiths, 9 August 1957 11.49pm New York, was a reasonable match from his point of view since her Aquarius Moon is conjunct his Venus Jupiter and her Sun conjunct his Pluto, with her Venus conjunct his Mars Saturn – so she would calm his rougher edges and be under his control but it wouldn’t be a long term runner with her Uranus square his Moon. Their relationship chart is half passionate with a composite Pluto square Venus Jupiter, trine Moon and half a mess with composite Sun, Neptune Saturn square Uranus. Not designed to last. His daughter Dakota, 4 October 1989 2.49pm Austin, Texas, has a Libra Sun Mars on the point of a T Square to the triple conjunction of Uranus, Saturn, Neptune in Capricorn opposition Jupiter – reflecting a father who was a mish mash of positive and scattergun.

He’s in for a run of Neptune transits in opposition to his Saturn first in 2020 and then hitting on his Sun and Mars – so a swampy patch ahead. Though being in the film business may soak up some of it. It’ll be emotionally changeable with tr Uranus square his Venus and Moon this in 2020 as well.


Pic: Peter Kudlacz

London Bridge Attack – fanatical Pisces ++ Anjem Choudary


A former prisoner convicted of terrorism offences out on automatic release wearing an electronic monitor killed two and wounded three yesterday in a knife attack on London Bridge before being restrained by members of the public and then shot dead by police since he appeared to be wearing a suicide vest. He had been attending a conference on prisoner rehabilitation.

Usman Khan, 10 March 1991 (police notice) was a Sun Pisces in an excitable square to Mars in Gemini, trine Pluto and sextile a highly-strung and can-be-fanatical Uranus Neptune in Capricorn. He had two strained Yods – Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Mars and Mars sextile Venus inconjunct Pluto – so he would have problems handling anger and power issues. He also had a see-saw Jupiter opposition Saturn. Pisces is a sign often found with Islamic terrorists.

The attack began at 13:58 GMT putting Venus in Capricorn and Jupiter in final degree Sagittarius straddling a Capricorn Midheaven with Saturn Pluto in Capricorn conjunct the Moon in the 10th – designed for maximum visibility. The explosive Mars in Scorpio was still in orb opposing Uranus.

Jupiter is headlined being on the midheaven – which is often the case with disasters or atrocities and several Jupiter midpoints were keyed up, most notably the Sun sitting on the Jupiter/Pluto. No doubt pointing to the confidence needed on the part of the perpetrator to execute the act.

On his own chart he had tr Uranus conjunct the Sun/Mars midpoint which would bring a fit of impulsive over-excitability, as would the high-tension tr Uranus square his Saturn; and his Solar Arc Mars was in a publicity-attracting and also panicky opposition to his Neptune.

Khan appears to have been a “student” of convicted hate preacher, Anjem Choudary and an integral member of his inner circle. Supporters of Choudary’s proscribed terror group, al-Muhajiroun, carried out atrocities including the London Bridge attack, 7/7 London bombings, and the murder of Lee Rigby, while others have fought for Isis, al-Qaeda and the Taliban abroad. Choudary was released on licence in October after serving five-and-a-half years in prison for encouraging Muslims to join ISIS.

Another of the group who were imprisoned along with Khan in 2012 for plotting to form an al-Qaeda-inspired network to carry out attacks on the London Stock Exchange, the American Embassy and the home of Boris Johnson, then Mayor of London, has reoffended since his release in 2017. He was found guilty of plotting an attack on police and military targets.

Choudary, born 18 January 1967, is a Sun Mercury in Capricorn in an expansive and over-confident opposition to Jupiter square Mars in Libra (opposition an Aries Moon). His Capricorn Sun is conjunct Khan’s North Node – suggesting he took on a paternal role in Khan’s life; with Choudary’s revolutionary Uranus Pluto in Virgo opposes Khan’s Pisces Sun. Their relationship chart has an explosive composite Sun opposition Mars square Uranus, tied into a megalomaniac Pluto and Neptune.

Choudary looks seriously aggravated and trapped at the moment with tr Pluto square his Mars. His Sun, Jupiter, Mars T Square has moved by Solar Arc to clash with his other major configuration of Uranus Pluto opposition Saturn over the next several years. This usually denotes a significant life crisis. He will have some upbeat moments (regrettably) in 2020/21 but they will be short lived. Tr Neptune will be undermining his power, influence and rebellious credentials as well as it wends in hard aspect to his Pluto, Uranus, Saturn.

I can’t imagine France being as lenient towards axe-wielding madmen. Lifetime incarceration doesn’t sit comfortably with liberal inclinations and is very expensive but letting the malign roam the streets is not the answer either.

Andrew Neil – a scary clash ** +Andrew Marr

Boris the Brave is ducking a confrontation with TV inquisitor-in-chief Andrew Neil (for now). This comes a few days after Jeremy Corbyn was reduced to mincemeat in a train-wreck appearance in which he failed to apologise for anti-Semitism within Labour, and got in a tangle over the financing of pensions and other benefits.

Andrew Neil, 21 May 1949 9.45am Paisley, Scotland, was born only five days before Corbyn, so has the same heavyweight Mars in Taurus square Pluto. Neil also has the additional heft of a Taurus Sun square Saturn in Leo; while Corbyn’s slippery Gemini Sun trines an evasive/idealistic Neptune.

Their relationship chart has a defensive Sun Saturn square as well as the fight-to-the-death composite Mars square Pluto – so no surprises that ended in a knock out.

Boris’s relationship with Neil isn’t exactly a match of minds and hearts either. Boris’s head-in-the-clouds is square Neil’s uber-determined Pluto for a power struggle; with Boris’s afflicted Mars square Neil’s Saturn for a bad-tempered chemistry; and Neil’s Uranus conjunct Boris’s Sun Venus suggesting differing agendas and an ability on Neil’s part to throw a Uranian firecracker in to ruffle Boris’s charm and get under his skin. Boris’s chaotic Saturn opposition Uranus Pluto also squares Neil’s Venus in Gemini for an emotionally dampening and irritating effect.

Their relationship chart has a hostile composite Mars square Pluto and a resentful Saturn square Pluto. It’s under pressure at the moment from tr Pluto opposition the Sun/Pluto midpoint; and sagging from mid December onwards.

Neil and Sturgeon are a confused combo with her Neptune opposing his Taurus Sun so he’ll find her evasive. Their relationship chart has a competitive, argumentative composite Sun Mars. But it’s nothing like as tricky as with the two main leaders.

An interview with Jo Swinson, the Lib Dem leader, is still to come. Her Aquarius Sun opposes Neil’s Pluto and squares his Mars which doesn’t sound an easy-going meet; with her Mars in Virgo square his Mercury and her Saturn in Virgo square his Uranus for tense outbursts. Their relationship chart has a heated and argumentative composite Sun square Mars; and a gritty Mars sextile Uranus Saturn Pluto. Any discussions between them will be mega-intense with tr Pluto square their composite Mercury till mid December.

Nigel Farage, for what its worth, since he’s only a bit player in all this, isn’t a great fit since each will regard the other as grandstanding; and they won’t be comfortable in each other’s space with a composite square Uranus in their relationship chart. They’re on a rocky road right through till next spring and beyond.

** Update: If Boris thought Andrew Marr would be a softer touch than Andrew Neil he was rudely awakened this morning on Marr’s Sunday morning TV show after a fiery clash in which Marr accused him of ‘chuntering’ (to talk in a low inarticulate way, ie. rambling on tediously about nothing much). And Boris objected to being interrupted.

Marr, 31 July 1959, is a Sun Leo with a Gemini Moon and a ferociously determined Mars Pluto in Virgo which is conjunct Boris’s Uranus Pluto opposition his Saturn and square his Mars for a very tetchy interface; and Marr’s Uranus squares onto Boris’s Jupiter opposition Neptune for another clash of agendas.

Their relationship chart has a competitive and argumentative composite Sun, Mars, Mercury and a cool, suspicious Venus opposition Saturn square Neptune. Tr Saturn is opposition the composite Sun Mercury exactly now and moving to oppose the Mars in December for more fireworks; with tr Uranus in a high-tension square to the composite Saturn.

Ooh what fun.

Gary Rhodes – a tragic fall


Gary Rhodes, the TV chef, died suddenly in Dubai while shooting a new TV cooking series after a fall which caused a subdural haematoma – bleeding on the brain. Prior to this he had been fit and healthy.

Born 22 April 1960 in London he started cooking for his family aged 13; became head chef at a Taunton hotel, where he retained its Michelin star at the age of 26; launched several London restaurants and opened his first overseas venture in 2004. He presented TV shows including MasterChef, MasterChef USA and his own series, Rhodes Around Britain; and also had his own line of cookware and bread mixes. Since 2007 he had been resident in Dubai with his wife and two children.

He was an indulgent Sun Taurus in an Earth Grand Trine to Pluto in Virgo and Jupiter in Capricorn – practical, good business head, a money-magnet, confident; and that was formed into an even more talented Kite by Sun opposition a creative Neptune.  He also had a Yod of Mars in Pisces sextile a hard-working Saturn in Capricorn inconjunct Uranus which would make him a trailblazer.

What a tragedy for a slip that sounded so simple. It’s not often that the chart shows clearly a moment of passing but in his case tr Neptune was conjunct his Mars which was also conjunct his Solar Arc Saturn exactly – which is highly confusing and accident-prone. He was on his Second Saturn Return; and tr Saturn had just passed over the opposition to his Venus by a few days.

Pluto in Capricorn driving protests: Algeria for one

A groundswell of popular anti-government demonstrations in the Middle East – Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Sudan, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia even Iran – suggests the Arab Spring of 2011 isn’t over. South America is also rife with unrest in Chile, Ecuador, Argentina. The connecting thread is resentment against incompetent or corrupt governments whose policies have led to economic collapse, social woes and repression.

The initial Arab Spring uprisings coincided with the revolutionary tr Uranus square tr Pluto which has now moved on. But Pluto in Capricorn is still in place till 2023/24, part of whose purpose is to collapse outworn governmental systems, clear the decks and replace them eventually with better. The tr Saturn Pluto conjunction tends to be repressive but it may be that Pluto in Capricorn is refusing to be totally tramped under foot and will push on regardless.

Algeria is one arena of discord where peaceful ‘hirak’ protestors have called on Algerians to refrain from voting in the December 12th elections because of the rigging of official candidates. Since gaining independence from France in 1962, the country has been run from the shadows by army chiefs, secret services officers, and older politicians. One voter said: “Our ancestors fought the French for independence, and we are fighting the Mafia that has confiscated that same independence.” The army has chosen or approved every single one of Algeria’s presidents since independence. The resignation of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika earlier this year forced by the army in the face of public anger was followed by the appointment of an interim president overseen by the military with the prospect of more of the same after ‘elections.’

The Algeria Independence chart, 3 July 1962. 10.38am Algiers, has a Water Grand Trine of a Cancer Sun trine Neptune trine Jupiter in Pisces, formed into a Kite by Jupiter opposition Pluto and Ascendant. There’s potential there for great success and in an oil and gas-rich country there should be no problem in maintaining a booming economy. But the Algeria Mars is closely conjunct the destructive Fixed star Algol, a hint perhaps of the brutality of the Franco-Algerian War out of which the modern Algeria was born; and there’s a suspicious Saturn opposition North Node in Leo square a slippery Neptune. And with Pluto the driving planet of the central Grand Trine who holds the power will always be an issue.

The recent July Solar Eclipse was exactly conjunct the Algeria Sun brewing up a crisis which is a challenge to change. And that will continue through 2020. There’ll be a highly strung, disruptive mood from July 2020 onwards with tr Uranus square the Saturn and opposition Neptune, with a clash between rigid authoritarians and idealists, with some fanatical overtones in the outbursts that will run on and off into early 2022. There’ll be no quick n’ easy way ahead with a blocked Solar Arc Sun conjunct Pluto in 2021. But the public aggravation won’t subside with tr Pluto opposition the Cancer Moon in 2022/23.

It’s the same rancid story the world over whether in emerging nations or supposedly civilized democracies. A cabal of unaccountable brokers hold the power.

Clives James – multi-talented, sharp-witted and tortured


Clive James –  critic, essayist, poet and novelist and TV performer – has finally died after a decade of parodying his imminently expected passing from leukaemia and emphysema. Described as “a beloved Australian, a supreme entertainer, and a polyvalent literary wizard” who “could put Rambo and Rimbaud in the same sentence, virtually invented TV criticism – and, from his epic poems to his chat show quips, shot an Aussie rocket into the English language.”

He once described Arnold Schwarzenegger as resembling “a large brown condom filled with walnuts”, Frank Sinatra’s hair transplant as looking like “a gorilla’s armpit”, and the tennis player Andrea Jaeger, who was then aged 15 and wore braces on her teeth, as having “a smile like a car crash”.

He was born 7 October 1939 9pm Sydney, Australia, to a serviceman he only saw once as a baby, who was taken prisoner during the fall of Singapore in 1942 and killed in an air crash on his way home three years later, which sent his mother into a nervous breakdown.

He had a Libra Sun and charming Venus in the performing 5th house and there’s no doubt he loved the spotlight and an audience. He had a maverick, rebellious Uranus on his ascendant in a creative trine to Neptune. But what marks his chart out was a formidable Mars in Aquarius in the opinionated 9th in a fearsome opposition to a Cancer Moon and Pluto squaring onto a forced-to-be-self-reliant Saturn in late Aries. Like many acerbic wits he was a deeply troubled soul.

Malta – seamy underside to a sunny paradise


Malta is in turmoil with the future of the prime minister, Joseph Muscat, hanging in the balance after his chief of staff and two ministers stepped down following a series of arrests connected to the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia, a renowned investigative reporter, killed by a car bomb in October 2017. She had been pursuing Maltese connections in the Panama Papers financial expose. Her revelations triggered a snap general election in 2017 and five months later she died.

The European council’s special rapporteur on Malta, Pieter Omtzigt, published a letter in which he urged Muscat to distance himself from proceedings. “The suspicions of Mr Muscat having a personal and political interest in the investigation are too strong for him to be involved with it,” A coalition of press freedom organisations, including Reporters Without Borders and Transparency International, issued a joint statement, saying ““We are concerned that the prime minister, by placing himself at the centre of the investigation, raises the spectre of undue executive interference in the investigation.”

Needless to say everyone denies everything.

The Malta chart, 21 September 1964 12am Valletta, had just started a debilitating five year run of heavy Neptune transits when the Panama Papers came out in 2016 and Galizia was killed a year later. Tr Neptune was opposing first the Malta Mercury, then Uranus and Pluto in Virgo and in 2020 is conjunct the Malta Moon until January 2021 – for a long run of undermining events. At the moment as well tr Uranus is exactly square the Malta Mars in Leo for a shocking surprise and high insecurity – and that repeats in February 2020.

Muscat’s 2nd Term chart – after he was re-elected despite corruption allegations (which he denied) – has a slippery Gemini Sun in an exact square to Neptune; and a confidently pushy (over-confident) Jupiter square Pluto. The Term Pluto is about to catch the tr Saturn conjunction for a road block in early December. And the Uranus has moved by Solar Arc to exactly oppose the Moon in a few weeks time for an emotional upheaval and public disquiet.

His own chart, 22 January 1974, makes him a Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter in Aquarius; with his Sun Venus Mercury square an ultra-determined and acquisitive Mars in Taurus and in a super-ambitious and controlling trine to Pluto, sextile Neptune. He also has a Yod of Pluto sextile Neptune onto Mars which will give him issues around controlling an impulsive streak. Tr Uranus is on a roller coaster ride as it squares his Sun over this New Year and then squares Venus and Mercury through 2020; plus tr Neptune will conjunct his Solar Arc Neptune for a slip-and-slide year in 2020. Worse in late 2020/early 2021 he has the ‘car-crash’ Solar Arc Mars conjunct his Saturn for a setback of considerable proportions.

Daphne Caruana Galizia was born, aptly enough, a mere month before Malta became independent on 26 August 1964. She had a Virgo Sun opposition Saturn square a confident Jupiter in late Taurus; with her Sun conjunct Uranus which was in turn conjunct Pluto Mercury all in Virgo – communicative, keen to upset the status quo; she also had a passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars in cancer trine an idealistic Neptune in Scorpio.

At the time she was killed her Solar Arc Mars Venus was exactly conjunct her Uranus; with tr Pluto moving to oppose her Mars within days, with tr Neptune opposition her rebellious Uranus/Pluto midpoint – so a high-risk, insecure and explosive time for her.

See previous posts: OCTOBER 17 2017 and APRIL 21 2018

Prince Charles – a gritty homecoming


Prince Charles has arrived back from his seventeen day tour of New Zealand and the Pacific, which was completely overshadowed by Prince Andrew’s self-created Epstein furore. The Mail would have it he’s set for a showdown with his brother though quite how they know this is unclear. In recent years they have evidently mainly communicated through their households – aide talks to aide. But in this instance a face-to-face may be inevitable given the larger concern about the damage which has been done to the monarchy.

Charles has tr Saturn square his 4th house Venus now till December 1st which will throw a wet blanket over family relationships. Through 2020 Charles has a panicky, undermining tr Neptune square his Mars from late April onwards, on and off till late 2021. And his Solar Return from this month for the year ahead has the bleak Saturn Pluto in his SR domestic 4th. So he’s not doing cartwheels of joy as he moves closer to the throne.

There’s not much indication of changes to his career trajectory instantly. Though his Progressed Moon is moving through his 5th for the next two years which will make him more outgoing. Ironically the Andrew scandal has made him appear in a better light and will boost his popularity.

His relationship with Andrew, twelve years his junior, was never close and probably the coolness between them was exacerbated by the Queen’s obvious fondness for Andrew and Charles’ sense of resentment at being badly treated. Andrew’s Uranus is conjunct Charles’ Pluto which won’t help since the ’free-spirited’ younger brother will heighten Charles’ sense of being trapped by duty. And Andrew’s Sun opposes Charles’ Saturn with Andrew’s Pluto conjunct which is very downbeat. And Andrew’s Mars in an aggravated square to Charles’ 10th house Moon.

Their relationship chart has a competitive, argumentative composite Sun Mars; with a cold composite Moon square Saturn.  It’s already been under pressure last year from tr Saturn conjunct the composite Sun Mars and will be more stressed ahead. There’s a huge disruptive upheaval now till late December, followed by a calamitous five weeks thereafter – clearly fun festivities are off the agenda; with more humps and bumps from late March with a complete turnaround as tr Pluto opposes the composite Uranus – so the Royal foot may be firmly put down. With more and more after mid year with tr Uranus opposition the composite Saturn and into 2021 square the composite Moon. It’s not likely to thaw any time soon. Possibly made worse by the fact that neither Andrew nor his tone deaf family have any idea how to conduct themselves in this kind of a mess.  The intelligent response would be to disappear out of sight and stay under the radar for several years.

Words is that Prince William isn’t a great fan either and his relationship chart with his uncle has a nasty composite Mars, Neptune, Saturn which doesn’t suggest much sympathy coming from that quarter and even less from Kate.