China’s mission creep in the Pacific rattles Australia

Fears that China is attempting to militarize the Solomon Islands have alarmed Australia despite claims that the recent draft ‘security pact’ would not lead to a Chinese base there. In the past China has established 20 points of military presence in the South China Sea despite telling the USA it would not militarize the region.

  The Solomon Islands, an impoverished nation located 2,000 kilometres (1,200 miles) east of Australia, home to under a million inhabitants, was given independence on 7 July 1976.

As the region’s largest aid donor – Australia last year spent a record 1.7 billion Australian dollars ($1.3bn) in development assistance in the South Pacific, as well as billions more on security, health, logistics and telecommunications in the Solomon Islands and has recently promised more. But Beijing is also showering the region with cash, chunks of which it is suspected go directly into the pockets of the leaders.

   A government adviser said: “ the average person in the street has a positive attitude towards Australians because they are the people who help us while anti-Chinese sentiments are very strong because of destructive Chinese logging and mining fishing practices that have caused massive environmental destruction”.

  The Solomon Islands became independent when there was a Sun Jupiter in Cancer conjunction trine Uranus sextile Mars, and square Pluto.  Ripples of disturbance will emerge in 2023 but it will be 2024 to 2025 which are the testing years with setbacks and hardship.  With two Saturn Pluto solar Arcs then which can have military associations though it  may also be financial shortages.

  Relations with Australia will be upended this year, from early May, on and off into early 2023 with more tensions in 2026. Relations with both China charts, 1912 and 1949, show more obvious signs of significant change and upheaval in 2023 and more so in 2024/25 and on.

  Australia’s relations with China  hint at some ructions this year from later this month for a few weeks and again in early 2023; but the more obvious problems show up in 2023/24/25. It’s not a problem that will go away. Though most of what shows on the Australia chart is financial rather than anything else.

France – needing a steady hand through storms ahead

France is holding presidential elections with the first round on April 10th and a second round on April 24th between the top two.

At present Emmanuel Macron leads the polls with 27.9%; Marine Le Pen 20.2%; Jean Luc Melenchon 15% and Eric Zemmour and Valerie Pecresse around 10%. But polls are notoriously bad gauges for the final vote.

  Whoever wins or loses by far the more interesting question is what is happening in France? The central T square on the 21 September 1792 chart of Pluto in Aquarius opposition Uranus square Mars (Midheaven) in Scorpio is being depressed this year by tr Saturn hard aspects. This is in preparation for the hugely disruptive and jolting tr Uranus hard aspects – conjunct the Pluto, opposition Uranus from mid 2023 onwards into 2024 when it moves on to the ‘shocking’, insecure opposition to the France Mars into 2025. Just to add to the pressures tr Pluto will square the France Saturn in 2023/24, which suggests hardship and a dispiriting slog.

Most countries will be rattled over the next few years but the challenges for change in France will be more severe than most.

  Across this election there will be widespread confusion with tr Pluto square the France Neptune until June (running on and off till late 2023). Over the first round there is a calamitous tr Uranus square the France Mars/Saturn which may be external events/accidents or a sobering result – that may even hint at a repeat of the 2002 first round result when the electorate woke up to the prospect of Marine Le Pen’s father Jean-Marie being within striking distance of the presidency. He was a holocaust denier and far-far-right. In the event Jaques Chirac won on 82 to 18% in the final round.

  Over the second round this time there is a more upbeat tr Uranus opposition the France Mars/Jupiter midpoint. But whoever wins will be faced with a very stressed and turbulent term.

  Emmanuel Macron, 21 December 1977 10.40am Amiens, France, a centrist, won last time against Le Pen (66 to 33%) on a youthful ‘yes we can’ campaign, aided by a scandal which removed one of the other front runners. He’s been boosted recently with the post-pandemic economic recovery and his high profile stance over the Ukraine invasion.

  Tr Pluto is exactly on his Ascendant with tr Saturn moving through his less successful, low profile first quadrant. He will feel an urge to maintain a strong control and have more influence, hence perhaps his chest-beating performance over Ukraine. But tr Saturn does not indicate a fruitful time ahead. It doesn’t mean he won’t win, just that he’ll slide on multiple banana skins and make misjudgements in coming years. But there will be significant upheavals in his life with tr Uranus conjunct his Moon and opposition his Uranus over the second round which might sound like a domestic move.

His wife Brigitte, much involved in his politics, 13 April 1953 3pm Amiens, France, has a car-crash setback (metaphorically speaking) exact now with her Solar Arc Mars square her Saturn.

Marine Le Pen, 5 August 1968 11.20am Neuilly sur Seine, has attempted to detoxify her party’s far-right image and does appeal to a section of working class voters. Her polling has improved in recent weeks. Her Leo Sun is being pressured, first by a tr Uranus square over the first round and also by a blocked Solar Arc Pluto square – the first could change her lifestyle, the second influence bring a setback. She has mildly upbeat midpoints through May and on.

Jean-Luc Melenchon, 19 August 1951 8.20 am Tangier, Morocco, a left-wing veteran is campaigning to lower the retirement age and welcome immigrants which won’t go down well though his polling figures have improved in recent weeks.  He does have one upbeat Jupiter midpoint running till June alongside unsettling and over-stressed midpoints over the first round which will prompt him to adjust to new circumstances; with some uplift through May.

Eric Zemmour, 31 August 1958 6.45 am, Montreuil, France, anti-immigration and recently convicted of hate speech, was second in polling months back but his pro-Putin stance has damaged his chances. He won’t let it stop him since he has tr Pluto square his Jupiter through till June which will power up his confidence though tr Pluto is also square his Sun/Saturn midpoint at the same time which suggests slow to no progress.

 Valerie Pecresse, 14 July 1967 12.10am Neuilly Sur Seine, centre-right, self-described as two-thirds Angela Merkel and one-third Margaret Thatcher, she takes a hard line on immigration, wants to slash public spending and fight sexual harassment. She has recently lost out to Le Pen/Zemmour in the polls. In general she’s having a frustrating less than productive year with tr Pluto square her Mars on and off.

  The usual contradictory hotch potch of influences for the candidates. The only two with Jupiterian luck are Melenchon and Zemmour who don’t look likely. So it may reflect their self-confidence more than the result.

  But France and Macron are the interesting charts – with Uranus sending out shock waves to both – for France the revolutionary Pluto opposition Uranus being on red alert ahead. And Macron’s Moon opposition Uranus being tossed around over the second round.  

US$$ supremacy fading as globalisation cracks

A more fragmented international monetary system may emerge from the unprecedented financial sanctions imposed on Russia after the Ukraine invasion which threatens to dilute the dominance of the US dollar, according to an IMF official. The dollar’s share of international reserves had fallen from 70 per cent to 60 per cent over the past two decades and may fall further.

 Mark Annand writes: “Unable to access the Visa payment system, Russian banks have already switched to the Chinese equivalent UnionPay, Saudi Arabia has commenced a parallel oil market benchmarked in Chinese Yuan, India the world’s second largest petroleum importer is dealing direct with Moscow and Iran on semi-opaque hybrid currency trade barter terms.

  Macro-economics is not my area and currency astrology charts are difficult to source, more so to analyze. But it will be one part of the global jigsaw as the tectonic plates shift in 2023 to 2026, with all four outer planets moving sign. Nothing will happen overnight and the dollar is likely to remain the dominant currency for years ahead, though weakened. But it will effectively end an era that has been in place for more than half a century.  Part of the astrological narrative will also be connected to the USA Pluto Return.

 The other factor is the end of the globalisation that has been in place for three decades. Suddenly companies are wakening up to supply chain problems and dangers if, for example, China were to invade Taiwan, which supplies 53 per cent of the global semi-conductors and 92 per cent for advanced chips. Entire industries would grind to a halt if Taiwan collapsed. Suddenly alternatives to all manner of basics such as lithium, nickel and cobalt are being sought, never mind oil and gas, and wheat/fertilisers.

   The US Federal Reserve Bank chart will be a partial guide to the US dollar though having plotted previous dollar highs (Feb 1985, March 2002) and lows (Aug 78, May 95, and May 2011) there wasn’t much that was illuminating – though these were standard currency fluctuations not global trends.

  The Fed Res opened for business on 16 November 1914 9am Washington, DC, and was certainly stressed after the 2008 crash when tr Pluto moved into Capricorn and opposed the Fed Res Saturn Pluto conjunction in Cancer. As tr Pluto moves into Aquarius it will oppose the 8th house Neptune in 2023/24 which will induce major panics and havoc – much as is flagged up on other central bank charts elsewhere. See previous post 10 September 2021: Pluto in Aquarius sending shock waves through central banks.

  This year the Fed Res chart is beset by tr Saturn square the Scorpio Sun, having moved over the downbeat conjunction to Jupiter. The Eclipses will impact the Sun, Moon, Mercury in Scorpio which will tug on the 8th house Neptune – so it will be on a bumpy road, heading into more challenges over the next several years.

  I must say when I researched and wrote the previous September 2021 post on shock waves through central banks it wasn’t too clear what black swan event would paddle in to cause it – but the jigsaw is beginning to fall into place, sadly providing a none-too-cheerful a picture in the short term.

Bruce Willis – sadness at his bowing out

Bruce Willis, the Die Hard star, once the world’s highest paid actor, is stepping back from his career after revealing he suffers from aphasia, which creates problems with speaking and thinking. It is sometimes an after effect of a stroke though in his case it is described in the media as a degenerative brain condition. There has been speculation in recent years about his ability to remember lines and perform.

  Many of his recent roles have been in straight to video releases earning him his own category in the Razzies – see previous post: February 10 2022.

  Born 19 March 1955 6.32pm Idar-Oberstein, Germany, he does have a complex, lucky, talented and enduring chart with a creative Water Grand Trine of a Pisces Sun trine Jupiter Uranus in Cancer trine Saturn. His Saturn opposes an 8th house Mars square Venus opposition Pluto making a formidably stubborn Fixed Grand Cross.

   There have been indications on his chart in recent years of upsets and devastation with his Solar Arc Saturn opposition his Uranus and his Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Neptune three years ago – they would cause consternation. Plus his Progressed Mars was square his Sun around the same time which usually brings a shocking collision of sorts. That may have been when the reality set in,

  None of these above would necessarily have pointed to health issues. Though admittedly Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Neptune two and a half years ago would accompany great confusion.  That continues this year and next with tr Pluto square his Neptune.

  When two major configurations in a chart collide by Solar Arc it always accompanies a life-changing period of crisis.

  Tr Saturn is heading for his 6th house of health at the end of this year for a two year  stay; and the tr Saturn square tr Uranus is also starting a three year rocky road round his Fixed Grand Cross.

  Great shame.  His movies aren’t quite my genre but he appears to be exceptionally well thought of.

Prince Andrew – the Queen’s Achilles heel

The Queen rarely makes a misjudgment when it comes to protecting the survival of the monarchy. Allowing Prince Andrew to accompany her to Prince Philip’s memorial and effectively take centre stage was one. Evidently he insisted on travelling with her by car since he lives close and given she was using a side entrance to avoid a long walk that might have seemed a way of sliding him in away from the other Royals and guests. But it was assumed the dean would walk with her from the door. Brass-necked as ever, Andrew, who appears to lack shame, humility or common sense, continued by her side to the front.

  Officials are now shuddering in horror at the prospect of mission creep as Andrew is clearly refusing to accept his public life is over or grasping how his presence damages the monarchy.

  What was always strange and unnerving about his chart was the strong presence of undeserved Jupiterian confidence and good luck over the next three years, admittedly alongside a good many setbacks, losses and frustration.

  Exactly as of now he has his Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Pisces Sun; and 2023 to 2025 he has two strong Jupiter midpoints giving him a boost.

  On the negative side he has tr Pluto conjunct his Mars Venus in Capricorn now, on and off till late 2023, which will be trapped, scary and infuriating. Plus a calamitous tr Uranus opposition is Mars/Pluto and two other midpoints late May to mid June, November and March 2023.  By 2023 tr Saturn in Pisces will make a discouraging conjunction to his Sun and a blocked opposition to his Pluto on and off all year; with tr Saturn through his 8th early 2023 to 2025 which will throw him back on his own resources and he will feel under-supported.

  His Progressed Moon is also moving through his 8th house from a few months back staying till late 2023 which is discouraging, hidden, challenging, a time often of emotional turmoil. Plus Solar Arc Saturn conjunct his 8th house Mercury in six months and Progressed Mars also conjunct his Mercury two years hence – which may bring more secrets, financial and emotional, out into the open.

  His closeness to the Queen has always been a mystery but he plays the connection for all its worth, visiting her frequently since he knows she’s his lifeline.  The Queen’s Taurus Sun is conjunct his Midheaven and his Moon is conjunct her MC; her Moon is conjunct his Ascendant and his Venus Mars sits just below her Ascendant – so there are strong connections. But her Saturn is conjunct his Moon and his wayward Uranus hits her stalwartly conscientious Fixed T Square hinting at problems lurking. Their relationship chart is highly Neptunian with a composite  Sun opposition Neptune Moon so riddled with illusions and delusions. Tr Uranus opposition his Scorpio Moon in 2024 may cut some of the ties that bind.

  Prince Charles’ relationship with him is full of sibling rivalry and competitiveness with a composite Sun Mars conjunction and a oneupmanship Jupiter Pluto.  But it is Prince William who truly dislikes him and will probably call the shots moving ahead.

  Their relationship chart has a hostile, suspicious, unsupportive composite Mars, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter sextile Pluto inconjunct the composite Sun on the point of a Yod. That will catch all of the changeover outer planets in the next few years. Tr Pluto in Aquarius will square the composite Sun in 2023/24; tr Neptune will conjunct the composite Venus and opposition Pluto in 2024/25. And the tr Saturn Neptune in Aries as well as tr Uranus in Gemini will all rattle that irreconcilable Saturn, Neptune, Mars through till 2027.

  Princess Anne doesn’t look too enamoured of Andrew either over the next three years so she may pitch in a few pithy thoughts.

  I suppose we should all be used to galloping narcissists by now who feel no shame and never admit guilt since it is a signature of the age. And I am fascinated, having caught up belatedly with his teddy bear fetish which extended well into adult life, about what that represents – apart from the obvious, of an individual of stunted emotional development who never grew up. Which would fit the sex offender profile. His Venus Mars does have a questionable side in terms of sexual behaviour and in Capricorn can be arrogant. His pleasure (and money) seeking 9th Harmonic is marked and hard-hearted; as is his troubled 18H.

  Andrew’s Pluto opposition Sun plus a Scorpio Moon will make it difficult for him to let go. His overly-dependent Virgo Node in the bullish 2nd house will make him desperate and obdurate but his only road to salvation is a complete rebirth, sloughing off the old persona and making his own way without relying on the efforts of others. Which on present evidence appears more than unlikely.

What a tragedy for the Queen given how she sacrificed her life to duty but in her declining years is allowing sentiment to unpick her decades of service. He should be banished to the Castle of Mey or further north (sorry Scotland).

Ukraine stuck in the middle of an old feud

Hope springs eternal as wars break out with a general expectation that the mayhem and carnage will all blow over quickly as one side faces facts and withdraws. In reality, conflicts usually drag on into a prolonged state of “violent stalemate”.

  The Ukrainians are fighting for their lives and freedom.

“The goal of western capitals – is – to ensure that armed aggression ends in failure, without precipitating a wider war.” (William Hague) 

Russia is trying to restore old glories and fighting against an old Cold War enemy (the USA) whom they perceive as encroaching on their borders. Given the mindset of those close to Putin (see Patrushev below) it seems unlikely that Russia will admit defeat and meekly go home to nurse their humiliation.

  The relationship charts between Ukraine and Russia 1990 point to more obvious disturbance late this April to mid June with a long drawn out struggle till late 2023. The Ukraine/Russia 1917 chart describes jolts late April and major upheavals in relations in 2023/24.

  The USA relationship charts with Russia are most fraught in the time ahead, more so than the EU or UK. The USA/Russia 1917 relationship chart is trapped, high-risk, acutely frustrated and angry through 2022/23. The USA/Russia 1990 relationship chart is nerve-stretched this year with shocks and over-reaction from late April, repeating in January 2023.

 The man closest to Putin now and over the past two decades, head of Russia’s security council and the FSB,  a “hawk’s hawk”, Nikolai Patrushev, a career intelligence officer, has known Putin since the 1970s, when the two men worked together in the Leningrad KGB. He believes that western powers are seeking to destroy Russia and has called Ukraine a “protectorate” of the west. He has warned that Russia would hold the U.S. accountable for all its troubles. For him the main adversary of his formative career never went away.

  He sees the FSB security officers as “the new nobility” tasked with governing Russia in the spirit of self-sacrifice and for the sake of the country’s greater glory. He has stressed that Russia is the main antagonist to the Western liberal world order and warned that Russia would leave nothing off the table when pushing for its geopolitical interests abroad. Analysts believe that the culmination of his decades-long agitation against the Western world is Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine. Recently he has ramped up his anti-American conspiracy theories to provide justification, asserting that the U.S. was conducting covert biowarfare against the citizens of the former Soviet republics. He blamed the pandemic on Western laboratories, some of which operated in Ukraine, and said their work had to be stopped no matter what the cost. He also appears to regard renewable energy policies as an attack on Russia’s oil and gas.

  Russia’s foreign intelligence chief Naryshkin in early March just after the invasion began echoed his sentiments saying, “The West does not only want to encircle Russia with a new Iron Curtain but to destroy it completely.” This has evidently become the core belief among Putin’s KGB cohort in the Kremlin. They believe they are fighting for their survival. Against that level of paranoia there doesn’t seem much room for negotiation and compromise.

 Patrushev, 11 July 1951, St Petersburg, is a confident, ego-centric and rebellious Sun Uranus in Cancer on the point of a resourceful Jupiter in Aries opposition Neptune – super-confident, not always realistic. His Uranus is also in a volatile conjunction to Mars so he dislikes interference.  His Pluto is trine Jupiter adding to his luck and self-assurance.

  His Mars is conjunct the Russia 1917 10th house controlling Pluto so he will connect in a ruthless way with the ruling elite; and his Pluto squares the Russia 1917 Sun opposition Uranus conjunct Saturn, which all adds up to an urge to drive Russia’s revolutionary spirit onwards with his hand on the tiller.

  His Pluto sits on the Ascendant of the Russia 1990 chart as he attempts to shape its image for the world at large with his Sun conjunct the country’s Jupiter boosting morale. A dictatorial cheer leader. On both relationship charts with Russia he looks to be driving momentum forward in 2023/24, upping the emotional temperature and radically changing his role vis a vis the country’s direction – though with trickster Uranus being involved there’s no way of tell whether that will be elevation or ultimate calamity for him.

  On his own chart there will be a significant shift from late this April for three weeks; disasters late May to mid June, repeating on and off till April 2023. Later this year August to November he has a curious mix of high-risk/aggravation mixed with good luck/relief. From early 2023 to late 2024 he also picks up more upbeat influences though also a Uranus Pluto midpoint hinting at the collapse of an old order. There’s also a high degree of uncertainty in 2023/24. So not undiluted catastrophe though it’ll be a rocky road.

Finland – long memories aid crisis readiness

Finland is on alert and prepared for the Ukraine conflict to spread. “The threat of war in Europe has not hit us as a surprise,” according to Tytti Tuppurainen, Finland’s EU minister. “We have prepared our society, and have been training for this situation ever since the second world war.”

  Finland has a 1,340km border with Russia, and a brutal history of conflict with their Soviet neighbour. What has dominated their thinking and planning over recent decades was the Winter War of 1939-40, when Stalin’s forces invaded and stole a chunk of its territory. This was followed by the Continuation War of 1941/44 when Finland allied with Nazi Germany against Russia to recapture the stolen territory. During both conflicts, Soviet Army losses were heavy and far outweighed their opponents’ death toll.

 In recent years it has been standard to stockpile supplies, with at least six months of all major fuels and grains, and imported drugs held in reserve. Civilian defences requires all buildings above a certain size have to have their own bomb shelters, and underground car parks, ice rinks, and swimming pools can easily be converted into evacuation centres.

   The military, one of the biggest in Europe relative to its size has a third of the adult population as reservists. Helsinki has maintained strong defence spending even as others cut in the 1990s and 2000s. Detailed planning is in place for how to handle an invasion, including the deployment of fighter jets to remote roads around the country, the laying of mines in key shipping lanes, and the preparation of land defences such as blowing up bridges.

   Since the modern Finland chart of 6 December 1917 is only a month after the Russia revolutionary 8 November chart, it’s hardly surprising that events which hit one resonate on the other. Tr Uranus getting to 14 degrees Taurus this April 22nd to May 10th, repeating in January 2023, which shakes up the Russia Scorpio Sun square Saturn, will also create jolting tensions for Finland with its Saturn also at 14 Leo. There’ll be more upsets as tr Uranus is trine the Finland Mars in Virgo from mid June on and off into 2023. Two of Finland’s Uranus midpoints are catching tr Pluto hard aspects which suggests disruptions, upheavals and forced changes in 2022/23; along with tr Uranus square the Uranus on both charts in 2023. With acute frustrations for Finland in 2023/2024 from Pluto on a Mars midpoint and Solar Arc Mars opposition the Finland Pluto.

  When the Winter War took place tr Uranus was a 19 Taurus which it gets back to in 2023; and through the Continuation War tr Pluto in Leo was conjunct the Finland and Russia Neptune at 6 Leo – of which there is similar in 2026/27 – which doesn’t mean another war but it will bring confusion and maybe devastation. On occasion Pluto in hard aspect to Neptune accompanies natural disasters like major earthquakes/volcanoes etc.

  The relationship charts between Finland and modern Russia, 12 June 1990 9.45am, indicate disappointment through 2022/23 with tr Neptune conjunct the composite Venus and square Jupiter and then Mars. And there will be turbulence and disruption in 2023/24 with a major shift in diplomatic relations as tr Pluto is conjunct the composite Uranus.

  Whatever transpires it won’t settle quickly. The curse of geography.

  But all power to the Finns who unlike the West won’t be caught by surprise. (behind a paywall)

Chris Rock v the Smiths – not feeling the love ++ Will/Jada match ++ Will resigns

An unscripted joke in bad taste which earned a hard slap across the face rescued an inconsequential Academy Awards from oblivion. In the headlines for all the wrong reasons last night’s Oscars has become a battle ground of argument between those who think Will Smith’s defence of his wife was heroic and those who condemned him for over-reacting to host comedian Chris Rock’s off-colour jibe.

  Rock who appears to have form on disliking Jada Smith, joked about her hairless state (due to an auto-immune alpoecia). Smith then galloped to her defence before later collecting Best Actor for King Richard about Venus and Serena Williams’ father.

 Richard Madeley, a UK morning show presenter said in his long career that Rock was the most unpleasant celebrity he’d met. ‘He was the most unpleasant, rude, aggressive, unlikeable human being I’ve ever interviewed on camera, without question.’ 

  Rock, born 7 February 1965 10am Andrews, SC, has a confident, ego-centric Aquarius Sun on the point of a T Square to an ever-optimistic Jupiter opposition Neptune. He also has a powerful collection of Uranus, Pluto and Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter which will give him confidence but will be volatile.

   His Aries Moon sits below his Ascendant and is unaspected except for a quincunx to Mars, and an out-of-sign square to Venus, which will make him scratchy in relationship to women.  A sparsely aspected Moon can make for a sense of disconnection and immaturity. A not-well integrated Mercury can be hyperactive and one-track minded but again will lack a sense of real connection.

 Where he and the Smiths clash is his Mars in Virgo which is conjunct Jada Smith’s 10th house controlling and influential Sun Pluto in Virgo; and Will Smith’s Uranus Pluto in Virgo.

  Rock’s relationship chart with Will Smith is an explosive cache waiting to ignite with a composite Mars, Pluto, Uranus in Virgo square Venus, Mercury, and Sun.

  With Jada, there’s a fated Yod of Pluto Uranus sextile Neptune Mercury inconjunct Saturn so there are obviously undertones of drawn-together-for-a-reason chemistry. Plus a competitive, argumentative composite Sun Mars conjunction.

  All a typhoon in a teacup of no account.

And in an entertainment business that thrives and banks richly on violence, getting vaporous over a slap is a touch tiresome and sanctimonious. I doubt it will affect any of them too badly though they all have undermining Neptune transits in opposition to their Virgo stelliums in the next two/three years so there will be some slipping and sliding.


Add ON: Will Smith and his wife Jada Pinkett Smith have been together since 1994 with two children and a recent tendency to overshare in public – often misleadingly about their open or otherwise marriage.

They live in a 27,000 square feet Malibu house that sits on 100 acres.

  There are good connections between them with her Venus conjunct his Libra Sun and his Jupiter conjunct her Virgo Moon; as well as less helpful ones given that both have fairly turbulent temperaments from the Uranus Pluto of that period.

  Their relationship chart is exceptionally close – not necessarily bound by affection – but by unconscious ties. The possessive composite Sun Pluto conjunction sits in the composite 8th house along with five other planets. Sun Pluto on its own makes for a transformational though not easy, bound-by-fate connection. The Venus Moon Jupiter conjunction will smooth round rough edges and give mutual support.  Seven planets in the 8th will bind them together in ways they don’t understand. The composite Mars Neptune is OK-ish for showbusiness and a publicity-attracting duo but it suggests an underlying ego clash with each rooting for their own and not their partner’s success. And the Mars opposition Saturn hints at unfairness.

  It doesn’t mean it will last till eternity though it survived a tempestuous patch from 2007 for a decade after. It will sag over the next couple of years.

Add On: Will Smith has resigned from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences which runs the Oscars with copious apologies for his behaviour. Quite what that means isn’t clear and the decision about whether or not to rescind his recent award for King William hasn’t been made yet.

  He has tr Saturn just across his Midheaven moving through his 10th for two years and his upper quadrant until 2030 which should be a time of consolidating his reputation.  Though he is beset by Neptunian confusion as tr Pluto squares his Sun/Neptune midpoint util late 2023. And tr Neptune opposes his Pluto on one leg of his Yod, which can be disempowering this year into 2023.

  I still think the whole thing has been seriously overblown with faux outrage from the Academy – I know they totted up the murders and corpses, running into hundreds, in Game of Thrones which won multiple BAFTAs and I’m sure the Oscars total over the years won’t be miniscule either. The industry thrives on gun and fist violence – and the audiences lap it up otherwise it wouldn’t be made.

Prince Albert – trouble in paradise

Prince Albert of Monaco is claiming that a shadowy group is seeking to undermine his tiny, ultra-rich country with bogus corruption allegations. The accusations centre on property developments, involving some of his closest allies. Recently he changed five of most senior advisers, in an apparent attempt to counter criticism that he had allowed property companies to take control of his country. He said the allegations surfaced after he tried to introduce more transparency into property dealings.

  Whatever emerges from the fog of claims and denials, he is in possibly the worst year of his reign. His Pisces Sun is sinking under a swampy conjunction from Neptune all year. And worse tr Pluto labouring through his hidden, financial 8th house from last month conjunct his Mars through this year and next – is trapped, scary, high-risk and impossible to avoid – financially and emotionally in crisis. Plus a calamitous tr Uranus opposition his Mars/Pluto midpoint from late April to early May this year and repeating in January 2023. As if that wasn’t enough tr Neptune will move to square his Saturn from late this May, on and off into 2023, which will induce extreme uncertainty if not paranoia.

  Tr Saturn has reached his midheaven this year and will be moving through his 10th until 2026 which for some can be successful and a consolidation of the preparation of previous years. But for others it is when chickens come home to roost and mistakes have to be faced. Saturnine justice.

  His Progressed Moon is also poised to move into his 12th house within months to stay for two years plus which is a time of endings, clearing out old baggage and old attitudes and can be discouraging.

  His marriage, of course, has been in trouble for some time with the sad Princess Charlene away with health problems for a year. French magazines report that she has not moved back into the palace with her husband and children, preferring the calm of a house in the hills.

  Their relationship will not improve with the harsh composite Saturn Mars conjunction in their relationship chart catching the tr Pluto square until late 2024 and Uranian hitches, glitches and jolts right through till 2026.

  It may be that she has already made the split in her mind since her Sun/Moon midpoint has been under assault from the transiting Saturn square tr Uranus last year and this. His Sun/Moon midpoint is catching the tr Saturn conjunction this year and the tr Uranus square next, so he’s lagging slightly behind, as if often the case.

   She’s in an impossible bind since bolting would mean leaving her children behind. They will be his lifeline for the future and he won’t let go. Without heirs Monaco would revert to France.

  His Coronation, 12 July 2005, when he formally took over, brushing aside paternity claims and swearing he’d clean up Monaco’s money-laundering and corruption image, took place with less than auspicious aspects in place. Saturn was conjunct Sun square Mars and Mars was in a can-have-criminal-associations trine to Pluto, with Venus in Leo opposition Neptune.

 The tr Saturn square tr Uranus is jolting the showy, illusory Venus Mercury opposition Neptune this year into 2023; tr Neptune is in a disempowering square to Pluto this year; and tr Pluto is in a discouraging, deprived opposition to Saturn in 2023/24. With his popularity sagging further in 2024 with Solar Arc Saturn conjunct the Venus.

Monaco is a sovereign city state which sits on 2 square kilometres of ground, with under 40,000 inhabitants, many millionaires, there as tax exiles. Claustrophobic and truly depressing.

See previous post Charlene: 19 November 2021