Jared Kushner – managing through gritted teeth

  Jared Kushner, 10 January 1981, husband of Ivanka Trump, has been called Donald Trump, his father-in-law’s de facto campaign manager. He is the eldest son of the billionaire real estate developer Charles Kushner who spent two years in prison for tax evasion, witness tampering, and corruption-related charges, after a bust-up with Charles’ siblings who … Read more

Julian Assange – truth-seeker, wrecker or in for the main chance?

           Who’d have thought Julian Assange would have become the cheer-leader for the alternative right, giving Trump a helping hand by releasing Hillary emails? There are various theories, ranging from 1) he’s mentally disintegrating being stuck in an Ecuador Embassy box room in London; 2) he’s opportunistically hoping for a Trump win since … Read more

USA Presidential Election Debate – Round Three sinking even lower

  The Mars Pluto conjunction’s brutality, hostility and bad-temper is certainly showing its ugliest face and the  conjunction doesn’t come exact until October 19th, so there’ll be more and possibly worse to come. With a couple of Uranus thunderbolts mid month and on the 29th. Re-running part of the August 28th post which was headlined … Read more

Vincent Foster – Hillary’s history being dissected

  Attacks on Hillary Clinton are mounting with Trump finger-pointing at the Clinton Foundation and raising old conspiracy theories about the 1993 death of Vincent Foster, an Arkansas lawyer and Clinton friend, who became Deputy White House counsel to Bill Clinton.  Anti-Clintonites are determined it was  a murder, despite five investigations  categorically saying it was suicide. … Read more

Stephen Bannon – punches his weight

  Stephen Bannon, the aggressive roustabout brought in as the new CEO of Trump’s campaign was born 27 Nov 1953 in Norfolk, Virginia and has been a naval officer, investment banker (Goldman Sachs), minor Hollywood player, and political impresario. He described himself last year as coming from “a blue-collar, Irish Catholic, pro-Kennedy, pro-union family of Democrats.” … Read more