Paul Manafort – the Ukraine/Russia connection – US election gets even murkier

  An unwelcome distraction for Donald Trump, with polls already falling, is a New York Times story which turns the focus on his campaign manager Paul Manafort’s business dealing with the deposed pro-Russian Ukrainian President Yanukovych. Ukrainian government investigators say Yanukovych ran a corrupt network which looted Ukrainian assets and influenced elections. Manafort’s name appears … Read more

Gary Johnson – mountaineering, marijuana salesman and dull

  Gary Johnson, former Governor of New Mexico and self-made millionaire, is running for President as a Libertarian he did in 2012. The Libertarian Party stands for a radically smaller and less powerful federal government and is pro-abortion rights and same-sex marriage equality. In 2012 he got less than 1% of the vote, but is … Read more

America – Mercury Pluto – corruption and wild right-wingers to the fore

  Whatever did America do to deserve Donald Trump? Nuke them, waterboard them, build a wall on the Mexican border, mass deport immigrants, ban Muslims from the US, persuade Putin to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails and is now inciting the gun lobby to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights (carry guns) into doing what precisely? He … Read more

Pluto in Capricorn – the replay is on with the UK leading the charge

  Contemplating the UK’s about-to-self-destruct-financial -services industry on Brexit, a thought struck me. Pluto moved into Capricorn in 2008 whose purpose is to bring about a complete transformation of the way governments are run and money is handled at a macro-economic level. The Lehman Brothers/sub-prime/banking collapse happened in 2007/08, sending countries globally into a downward … Read more