South Africa – counting the cost of corruption + ANC/Algol

   With support for the ruling South Africa ANC party dropping as years of neglect come home to roost with potholed roads, uncollected rubbish, and water and electricity supplies shut off for hours, if not days on end, Monday’s municipal elections will serve as a litmus test of support for President Cyril Ramaphosa. He is … Read more

Meta – an infinite Zuckerburg universe

The Facebook parent platform is changing its name to Meta from 1 December, reflecting the company’s push to build an avatar-filled virtual world known as the metaverse – the “successor to the mobile internet” – where users can shop, game and socialise in a shared virtual space. Zuckerburg hopes to attract 1bn more users and … Read more

Rishi Sunak – keeper of the money tree

Rishi Sunak, the UK Chancellor, despite all media rumours that he and Boris did not see eye to eye has indulged in a lavish budget. It has alarmed ‘small government’ Tories and stirred up criticism for those affected by tax rises, with gloomy prognostications about financial pain to come with inflation, rising mortgage rates and … Read more

David Beckham – well paid for a sportswashing gig

David Beckham is under attack for taking on a multi-million pound ambassadorial role with the Qatar 2022 World Cup. Qatar is an absolute monarchy with an appalling record for human and women’s rights, for mistreating migrant workers, more than 6500 of whom have died since Qatar was granted the World Cup. It punishes homosexuality with … Read more

Poland – discovering EU money comes with ties

Poland’s prime minister – a cross between Boris Johnson and Donald Trump – has been using inflammatory language about ‘guns to head’ and starting a third World War as the EU put its foot down about internal Polish moves to threaten the independence of the judiciary. The stand-off has already delayed approval of Poland’s €36bn … Read more

The De Niros – destroying themselves

At the risk of overkill on Algol there is a pertinent example from the rarefied world of covetous and cosseted celebrities. Robert De Niro has been fighting a bitter divorce battle with his ex-wife Grace Hightower, with both accusing the other of extravagant spending habits. His lawyer described her demands as “rich with indulgences and … Read more