Finland & Sweden – considering their options

The unintended consequence of Putin’s ill-judged and barbaric attack on Ukraine has been to unify the EU and strengthen NATO. Finland and Sweden, both EU members, are now inclining towards NATO membership in the face of naked aggression from the east. Both are in the EU and already Enhanced Opportunity Partners in NATO. Because of … Read more

Eclipses 2022 – highlighting the hot spots

There will be clues in the 2022 eclipses about which countries are likely to be in the spotlight of global events. Last November’s Lunar Eclipse, in effect for the six months after, had an explosive, vindictive, military Mars in Scorpio opposition Uranus square Saturn. Mars fell across the Midheaven located to Ukraine; the Full Moon … Read more

Nuclear damage – meant and mischance

The Russian attack on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine, Europe’s largest, caused fears of a Fukushima-style meltdown. Flames were eventually doused but it sent shivers of fear through Europe, with President Zelensky accusing Putin of resorting to ‘nuclear terror’.  The Fukushima disaster on 11 March 2011 2.46pm occurred as a result of an … Read more

The Holy Blood Holy Grail -mystical, magical and much debunked

The last remaining and leading author of The Holy Blood Holy Grail, the controversial proponent of the theory that Jesus survived the crucifixion, married Mary Magdalene and their descendants lived on in southern France founding a secret monarchical bloodline connected to the Knights Templar, has died. Henry Lincoln, a former actor and scriptwriter of the … Read more

Volodymyr Zelensky – cometh the hour

Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukraine president, has exceeded expectations by standing  courageously against the Russian onslaught. A former comedian and actor, he did not seem a natural war-time leader but in an impassioned and defiant video he said: “ ‘I am here. We will not lay down any weapons. We will defend our state, because our … Read more

Putin keen to redraw borders and unravel the EU

The declaration to invade Ukraine was made at 9pm  in Moscow by Putin last night.    That puts a less-than-practical Neptune in the 6th house which rules armed forces, though there’s also a lucky Sun Jupiter conjunction. Unpredictable Uranus is in the 8th house of finances and costs; the high-risk Mars Pluto Mercury conjunction is … Read more

Ukraine – echoes of Stalin’s lies

Ukraine’s rich and turbulent history stretches back into the beginnings of human civilization. During the 10th and 11th centuries, it became the largest and most powerful state in Europe and was, contrary to Putin’s claims, the precursor to Russia rather than the other way round. But because of its central location it has been invaded … Read more

Putin – a desperate attempt to leave a legacy

Putin has wrong-footed Western leaders hoping to build political capital by brokering a retreat of Russian forces from Ukraine. He has ordered troops into two rebel-held regions in eastern Ukraine, after recognising them as independent states. In doing so he appears to have ridden roughshod over his own advisers and ignored China’s reservations about destabilizing … Read more