Stephen Miller – litmus paper for Trump’s chaotic kick-off

      Stephen Miller, one of Donald Trump’s closest advisers, responsible along with Stephen Bannon for the immigration ban, was born on 23 August 1985 in Santa Monica, California. At high school he railed against multi-culturalism and Spanish-language announcements and urged violent responses to Islamic terrorism. And has spoken out against equal pay for … Read more

Trump v the senior quills defending the constitution – not a walkover *Updated

        The orange volcano spouting ever hotter molten lava about a ‘so called’ federal judge blocking his Muslim immigration ban as unconstitutional poses an interesting question ahead. His Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch is deemed conservative on social policy but he’s a meticulous lawyer who believes that judges must strive “to apply the … Read more

Donald Trump & Jared Kushner – the relationship of the decade

    Democrats are on edge about Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s son-in-law, being taken on board as a top adviser because of concerns over nepotism and conflict of interest from his complex business affairs. Though that’s unlikely to have much impact. He is expected to consult primarily on the Middle East and trade deals and … Read more