Sydney McLaughlin – an Eclipse baby of rare talent

Athletics wunderkind Sydney McLaughlin blew away superlatives when she broke her own world record in the 400-meter hurdles at the World Athletics Championships in Oregon. What is fascinating and not a little sad is that she was born within days of the exceptionally high-stress 1999 Leo Solar Eclipse. Winning was expected of her from an … Read more

Daphne Du Maurier – a haunted imagination

Daphne Du Maurier, the supreme weaver of gothic romantic horror tales, never goes out of fashion, despite being dead for over thirty years. Her most famous Rebecca novel was recently re-created on film as well as lauded for its 80th anniversary, with documentaries and biographers constantly fascinated by Du Maurier’s extraordinary life, talent and temperament. … Read more

Italy & Germany – EU’s early warning signals

Italy and Germany are flagging up as the most immediately troubled of the EU countries, which given that they are the third and first largest economies, is a considerable worry. Though most of the other EU members, like elsewhere globally, are also labouring over the coming years.  On Thursday, the capable Mario Draghi resigned as … Read more

Fall guys for January 6 – anyone but Trump + Giuliani

Who will be thrown to the lions as a useful scapegoat to divert responsibility from Trump for the January 6 Capitol Attack? There is a short list as the select committee investigation uncovers increasingly damaging evidence that the president knew the election had been lost yet still exhorted his fan club to take action.   … Read more

Putin – turning up the heat in threats – security adviser Patrushev uncertain ahead

Putin is ramping up the rhetoric on Ukraine, daring the USA and its allies to try to defeat Russia. He has increasingly cast the war as a battle between Russia and the USA, triggered by  the humiliation of Russia since the 1991 fall of the USSR, and the enlargement of NATO. The reason for the … Read more