Martha Stewart – never say never catches the spotlight

Martha Stewart, home lifestyle guru, has defied the doomsayers yet again by appearing in a swimsuit photoshoot for Sports Illustrated at 81. She rose to dizzy heights as a  businesswoman, writer, and television personality focusing on home and and hospitality, before ending up in prison for five months in 2004 for securities fraud and obstruction of justice. Once out, against the odds, she staged a comeback campaign and got her business profitable again and returned to daytime television with The Martha Stewart Show.

  She was born 3 August 1941 1.33 pm Jersey City, New Jersey, and is a determined Sun Pluto in Leo with her Sun trine Mars in Aries in her hard-working 6th house and her Mars is trine an upbeat Sagittarius Moon. She also has the heavyweight and stubborn/enduring Saturn Uranus in Taurus of that period in a creative trine to Neptune North Node in Virgo sextile Mercury in Cancer. Planets in all three Fire signs will give her an attention-seeking and entrepreneurial tilt. Lucky Jupiter in her financial 8th will give her a Midas touch. A full 9th house will boost her communication and book-publishing skills.

  When she ended upon the wrong side of the law her Solar Arc Neptune had moved to oppose her Saturn for high uncertainty with tr Neptune in an undermining opposition to her Sun.  But tr Jupiter conjunct her Solar Arc Pluto hinted she was by no means devastated and in the two years following her Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct her Midheaven meant she was back in the public eye and pushing on with good results.

   At the moment she has tr Uranus just over the square to her Midheaven at 18 degrees Leo so her new venture into modelling for primetimers may lead on to other things; with her Solar Arc Uranus just across her Midheaven hinting at changes of direction as well. Financially she’ll have a few anxieties this year with tr Neptune square her 2nd house Moon; and not all on the relationship front will be plain sailing with tr Uranus conjunct her 7th house Saturn Uranus in 2024/25. But with her advancing years she may not be so concerned.

She looks good for her ninth decade.

  Her strongest harmonic is her 17th – with a Sun, Pluto and Venus Jupiter trine, making a success out of good design; and a hard-working and communicative Sun, Saturn, Mercury T Square.

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