Wales – the wrong sort of headlines

Wales is having a bad month with a damning report on a culture of harassment in the left-wing nationalist political party Plaid Cymru leading to the resignation of the leader. Then last night false social media rumours blaming police for the deaths of two teenagers in a crash in Cardiff triggered a riot.  Fireworks and missiles were thrown at police and cars set on fire by scores of masked youths with at least 12 police officers being injured.

   Unemployment may be partly the problem with economic inactivity in Wales, being the second highest of the UK nations and regions at nearly 25%, though the main cause is long-term sickness and disability, not lack of jobs.

   Modern devolved Wales, 31 July 1998, is a New Moon in Scorpio with a tough Saturn trine Pluto, and and attention-seeking Mars opposition Neptune square Venus. It does have tr Pluto conjunct the Neptune exactly now and through 2024 which is confused and devastating; with an explosive, volcanic Solar Arc Mars opposition the Uranus this year – hence this outburst of social violence. Tr Saturn is also in a blocked square to the Pluto and tr Neptune in a financially disappointing conjunction to the Jupiter this year into early 2024 which will lower Welsh self-confidence. Where the drive for radical transformation – or revolution – comes will be towards the end of the decade with tr Pluto opposition the Sun and then conjunct the Uranus.

 Cardiff was granted city status on 28 October 1905 – and although there were many historical precedents of previous Royal charters – this chart will have similarities to what went before. There are hints of rising anger from Solar Arc Mars moving to oppose the Mercury, exact in 2024. And with tr Pluto square the Solar Arc Uranus exactly now which is moving to oppose the Scorpio Sun, there is a hint of an upsurge of rebelliousness and a need for radical change.

  Plaid Cymru, 5 August 1925, holds four of 40 Welsh seats in the UK Parliament, 13 of 60 seats in the Senedd, and 202 of 1,231 principal local authority councillors. A Leo Sun and North Node square Saturn in Scorpio; with Mars Neptune also in Leo and a pushily confident Pluto opposition Jupiter – it is very Fixed, thus enduring though lacking in adaptability. It is in a highly strung year with tr Neptune conjunct the Uranus and may face more revelations from this June onwards as tr Uranus squares the Neptune and then Mars in 2024.

  Nothing much to conclude apart from Wales being blighted by the same unrest as everyone else.  

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