Carole Cadwalldr & Baroness Trumpington – two of a kind

       Two feisty Mars Jupiter Libran women are in the news today. First is Carole Cadwalldr, the Observer/Guardian journalist, who has won the Foreign Press Association media award for her reporting on the links between Cambridge Analytica, the UK’s pro-Brexit campaigners and Donald Trump presidential election team. This on top of several previous awards, … Read more

Donald Trump Jr – a tweet tsunami rushes to his defence

       The heat around Trump Jnr’s 2016 meeting with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer is stoking up his father’s twitter mania. Initially the excuse was the encounter was concerned with the adoption of Russian children but is now openly acknowledged as ‘opposition research’ – digging the dirt on Clinton, all legal  – and unbeknownst to … Read more

Trump mop up – addicted to autocrats, the Russia connection * update

       This is getting to be an edge-of-seat rolling drama, a truth-stranger-than-fiction boxset, hopefully not with an eight season run. Psycho-babble first. Why does Trump go weak at the knees over dictators and gangster leaders? Simple answer – his father Fred Trump, born 11 October 1905, NY. He was a Sun Libra like Putin … Read more