Cohen – Trump’s Ray Donovan up against the heavy squad

       An “extremely rare” search warrant, requiring a considerable burden of proof, was issued for the offices and records of Michael Cohen, Trump’s longtime fixer and attorney. “It’s a tactic generally used against organized crime, against very serious, very serious criminals and lawyers who are operating outside of the protections of the law.” — … Read more

Trump-mania reaching new heights – mad. devious or both

      Donald Trump is either descending into paranoid psychosis or he’s up to his usual game of diversionary tactics to render reality irrelevant; plus his narcissistic urge to keep attention focussed on him. Although his return in private to obsessive conspiracy theories about Obama’s birth certificate, Hillary not winning the popular vote and it … Read more

Donald Trump – addicted to stoking flames

    Just as everyone sags back punch-drunk from seven months of Trump-mania, he stirs the cauldron and pours boiling oil over already inflammatory situations. His generals have clearly reckoned there’s little point in restraining his acid-rain twitter stream, but he runs the risk of tipping Kim Jong Un into a major miscalculation. What will … Read more