DUP – anti-abortion, LGBT, Climate change with a few creationists

    A government of ‘certainty’ was how Theresa May described her future hoped-for support from the Northern Ireland Democratic Unionist Party. And good luck with that. The DUP are anti-abortion, anti-same-sex marriage, have previously appointed a climate denier as environment minister in Northern Ireland, and have several ‘creationists’ among its senior members. Lord preserve … Read more

UK Election – Lynton Crosby down in the mouth

Where has Theresa May’s Jupiter gone, which should have picked up by now? Completely squashed out by her tr Pluto square her Sun/Neptune midpoint, which Ebertin describes as a ‘tragic deception or illusion’, acute sensitivity, emotional or physical suffering. She’s hurtling ever downwards in polls, popularity and stability ratings. Not that polls have been much … Read more

Emmanuel Macron – from poetry to prose, can his charm work in realpolitik?

    Emmanuel Macron has won the French Presidential election with two-thirds of a low turnout, spurred to an unexpected victory by the embezzlement scandal of Francois Fillon and the anyone-but-Le-Pen vote. He has promised fresh faces from outside politics, an overhaul of the established political system and a new kind morality in political life. … Read more