Brexit – ‘criminally irresponsible’ government

  Launching a government on an exact Full Moon in Sagittarius/Gemini squaring onto Neptune in Pisces, as Theresa May’s did, was never going to lead to constructive progress. The list of attributes to such a focal point Neptune is not heartening – disorganised, credulous, gullible, chameleon-like, misleading (intentionally and otherwise), lacking willpower, disliking meeting obstacles … Read more

Britain adrift without a compass or a helmsman

The US isn’t the only polarised country with a rudderless ship of state. The poor Brits are getting increasingly perplexed watching a motionless government murmuring hopeful platitudes about Brexit while the doomsayers are getting louder. The UK’s spending watchdog has warned the post-Brexit IT system for customs is heading for a “horror show” that could … Read more