Theresa May – the longest goodbye in history ** + Boris

The never-ending mystery of Theresa May’s leaving date just keeps on trucking. There’s still no definite date but maybe a ‘timetable’ of departure if and when something happens down the road. Not that any of the alternatives are exactly enticing – Boris, Corbyn, Farage – all too depressing to contemplate. The cross-party talks with Corbyn … Read more

Theresa May – dancing to a mystery tune ** Add on

       Theresa May’s inner workings mystify most people. Rock-solid, not a lady for turning, yet she seems to lack a coherent vision that drives her actions, leaving the impression, in Matthew Parris’ memorable phrase, of ‘an enigma without a secret’. Her strongest Harmonic is the 16th – putting the 16H Sun square Uranus Saturn; and … Read more

Theresa May – two off the gangplank, will she follow?

       Theresa May gave a robust speech today in Westminster as David Davis, her Brexit negotiator (in name anyway), and Boris Johnson, her hapless Foreign Secretary, (he might have been pushed) exit stage left. The media are shrieking headlines about shattering blows to a beleaguered PM and an imminent no-confidence vote. But there’s nothing … Read more