Jeremy Corbyn – the accidental leader



Jeremy Corbyn, UK Opposition Leader, is cementing his popularity after an unexpectedly good election result by turning up at the Grenfell House fire site and comforting residents. Unlike Theresa May who turned up flanked by security and avoided any interaction with victims. She is tone deaf, an emotional robot and very badly advised.

Corbyn’s chart hasn’t been much guidance without a birth time; apart from a frustrating but ultra-determined tr Pluto trine his Mars in Taurus in 2017/18; and some discouraging moments from mid July to early September, and November this year with tr Pluto opposition his Sun/Saturn. And the August Leo Eclipse will conjunct his Saturn, which will thrust heavier responsibilities his way in the months thereafter. For someone who never showed much ambition in terms of high office, maybe he will  have to push himself to step up now to his new found prominence.

What are more informative are his leadership charts, which at least have valid times – 12 September 2015 11.42 am, and 24 September 2016 12.51pm, London. Both charts have lucky, successful Jupiter in the 10th which might be a clue – the 2015 Jupiter is conjunct Moon, and the 2016 conjunct Sun.

In the 2016 chart, which is this run of leadership, the Solar Arc Sun will conjunct Jupiter exactly by early 2018. This suggests his run of high hopes and popularity will rise further in coming months. It doesn’t necessarily mean another election, though it would indicate a great opportunity for him if it happened. [Putin’s Presidency chart from 2012 also has Sun Jupiter in the 10th. That conjunction came exact in late 2016/early 2017 when his star was riding high on the international scene, but has now faded as the influence waned.]

Corbyn will get a significant jolt in December, which shows up on his personal and leadership charts. But it’s only a passing setback.

5 thoughts on “Jeremy Corbyn – the accidental leader

  1. That August eclipse is hitting a lot of party leader’s charts isn’t it? Corbyn, May, Ruth Davidson, Nicola Sturgeon(square Neptune and NN) and Lib Dem leader bookies favourite Jo Swinson’s NN. Plus Macron and Mélenchon in France and Trump’s ascendant. I wonder what’s up?

    I find it fascinating that the person who never particularly had any ambition to be leader looks so much more comfortable than the person who always wanted it. I understand Theresa May has now finally gone to meet the victims. Once the 90 year old Queen had gone to meet them, what could she say?

  2. I always liked Theresa May but beginning to feel that Mars in Pisces and Saturnin Scorpio are not easy bedfellows in her chart. She is wooden and yes, cold. But I still feel Corbyn is false somehow. So giving up on the lot of them.Oh for a decent leader to take us forward! Where’s King Arthur in Britain’s hour of need? 🙂

  3. I always liked Theresa May but beginning to feel that Mars in Pisces and Saturnin Scorpio are not easy bedfellows in her chart. She is wooden and yes, cold. But I still feel Corbyn is false somehow. So giving up on the lot of them.Oh for a decent leader to take us forward! Wheres King Arthur in Britain’s hour of need? 🙂

  4. T May is like Rainman. What is it about her that makes her so cold and inhuman? Is that an emphasised Saturn in Scorpio talking? I suspect people would think more of her if she were to take whatever the mob had to say to her and just show some balls. Pitiful. The sooner we are rid of this grim numpty the better imo.

  5. Thank you, not very encouraging as I personally don’t like Corbyn. He gives me the heebie-jeebies! I have SA/Pr Sun on top of my natal Jupiter right now in 8th house. Well, I don’t really feel it- am about to get divorced but I have a new job which I like,at last. I do, however, feel the high hopes and optimism but not exactly the confidence, nor do I feel more popular. How long does the effects of this aspect last?

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