Leo Varadkar – charm, optimism, a hope for progress, impractical


Leo Varadkar has become Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of the Republic of Ireland – around 3.30pm 14 June 2017 in Dublin. And ran into early criticism when he failed to make radical changes in the cabinet. Though he confirmed there will be a referendum on abortion next year. This week the UN Human Rights Committee ruled for the second time that Ireland’s abortion laws currently violate women’s human rights.

His Term chart has an optimistic, fair-minded Jupiter on a Libra Ascendant in an Air Grand Trine to a tolerant Aquarius Moon trine Mercury in Gemini – so certainly communicative. Though possibly veering towards dreams and illusions with Jupiter also quincunx Neptune. There is a divisive Uranus in the 7th suggesting neighbourly relationships may get tricky. Plus a Fire Grand Trine of Node trine Saturn trine Uranus, formed into a Kite by Saturn opposition Sun – so a Fire Air chart, lots of hot air and high inspiration, maybe not enough grounding and practicality.

It certainly looks a rocky ride ahead with not much of a honeymoon period as tr Uranus squares his Sun Mars and tr Neptune opposes his Saturn. [See post June 3 2017].

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