Thailand – under the military jackboot

There’s increasing unrest about the situation in Thailand now labouring under a military junta after a 2014 coup. The US ambassador is in hot water for suggesting that long prison sentences given by military courts to civilians under the law forbidding comments about the Thai monarch were a restriction of freedom of speech.
Now Thailand’s most senior police investigator into human trafficking is seeking political asylum in Australia, saying he fears for his life because influential figures in the Thai government, military and police are implicated in trafficking and want him killed.

Martial law was imposed at 3am on 20 May 2014 which puts controlling Pluto conjunct the MC opposition Jupiter square Mars opposition Uranus Venus – so an explosive, pushily-confident, ruthless administration that will face rolling crises.

General Prayuth Chan-ocha, 21 March 1954, is now running the outfit. He’s a Sun Pisces/Aries with a Libra Moon and a fairly untogether chart with one T square onto Neptune as a focal point; and a wedge of Mars opposition Jupiter which is trine/sextile Pluto.

He’ll have his enthusiasm deflated in late 2016 as tr Saturn is conjunct his Mars and opposition his Jupiter. But it’s 2017/18 which are the real risk times for him with a rolling series of hair-raising Solar Arcs – Solar Arc Uranus square Mars, then Solar Arc Pluto conjunct Neptune and Solar Arc Mars opposition Pluto; plus tr Pluto opposing his Uranus also in 2017/18.

The Thailand 24 June 1932 chart has tr Uranus square its Pluto and conjunct its Uranus through 2016 so a very unstable year.

Mauricio Macri – Agentina’s new president facing uncertain times ahead

A new right wing president, businessman Mauricio Macri, has been sworn in Argentina after the elections which saw the leftist Cristina Kirchner defeated. He has promised to move away from a largely state-controlled economy to a free-market one, easing trade and currency controls; and improving relations with the US. He faces myriad economic problems including high inflation, reckoned to be running at 25%.

Macri, born 8 Feb 1959 at 3.05pm (?) Tandil, Argentina has a dynamic chart with an Aquarius Sun sitting on the focal point of a Fixed T Square to a risk-taking, money-oriented Jupiter in Scorpio opposition Mars in Taurus. That opposition also squares on the other side to Pluto – so quite a powerhouse, ego-centric, determined, enduring, ruthless when necessary. He’s also got a tough Pluto trine Saturn in Capricorn, sextiling onto Neptune. With Neptune in turn in trine to Moon Venus in Pisces so a more sensitive side as well.

He was sworn in at 11.50am 10 Dec 2015 which puts a charming though evasive Neptune on the Pisces Ascendant in an anxiety-prone square to a 10th house Moon Saturn Sagittarius – that looks fairly panic-stricken. There’s an over-expansive Sun square Jupiter so promising more than can deliver. And the explosive Mars in the 8th opposition Uranus square Pluto suggesting major crises around money plus perhaps violence. It’ll be a rocky ride from the start with huge frustrations and some risk next year. And especially in 2017 when the Saturn Neptune square closes; and the Solar Arc Pluto comes exact to Mars Uranus.

His own personal chart has tr Neptune conjunct his Venus and tr Saturn square through 2016 which usually indicates a drop in popularity. And real hardship and problems in 2018/19.

The Bank of Argentina, 28 May 1935, is sagging and sinking through 2016 with the tr Neptune square tr Saturn hitting on the Saturn opposition Neptune. So continuing the 2014/15 slide. With some lift through 2016 but also major upheavals.

The Argentina 25 May 1810 chart has fairly similar influences with the tr Neptune square tr Saturn hitting on the Mars (Sun) opposition Neptune Saturn right through 2016 especially, but also 2017. Again there’s some boosts from a tr Pluto trine Jupiter; but there’s also a jolting Solar Arc Uranus conjunct Sun late 2016/17; and a bubble-bursting Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct Neptune in 2018.

Jeremy Corbyn – airy disregard for reality From: Marjorie. (09 Dec 2015 18:01):
Jeremy Corbyn, the UK Opposition leader, who has the PR sense of a natterjack toad, managed at his staff Christmas party to quote an Albanian communist dictator, whom most of us outside the extreme left (and Stalinist historians) had never heard of, so I looked him up.

Corbyn insists it was humourous – “This year will be harder than last year. On the other hand, it will be easier than next year.” Marginally witty.

Except that Enver Hoxha, 16 October 1908, ruled Albania with an iron fist for 40 years, eliminating opponents with prolific use of the death penalty, imprisonment and despatching their families to remote villages. Under his term Albania was the most isolated and poorest country in Europe and socially backward. His death left it with a legacy of isolation and fear of the outside world.

Hoxha was a Sun Libra trine Pluto in Gemini; with a harsh T square of Mars opposition Saturn square Uranus. He took over on 24 October 1944 when there was a Sun Mercury Mars in Scorpio square Pluto and trine Saturn – they don’t get much nastier than that.

Corbyn looks like a wimpy geography teacher and clearly can’t control his party but he has sat on platforms with gun-toting terrorist/freedom fighters from the IRA, through Hamas to Hezbollah. He’s clearly drawn to ruthless killers even if he can’t even face David Cameron with any vigour across the despatch box.

He’s got an Airy chart with the Sun and three other planets in Gemini, Jupiter in Aquarius and Neptune in Libra, so a man of ideas, not action. Where his attraction for the unsavoury rambos of this world comes from is his Mars (Moon) in Taurus square Pluto and widely square Saturn. He certainly doesn’t live that out in any direct sense, just likes to be near those who connect with all that dark, destructive energy for him.

Eminem – time for a change

Eminem, the American rapper, record producer, doesn’t do much in the way of publicity but continues to produce music, and has an on off relationship with his twice-married twice divorced ex-wife.

Born 17 Oct 1972 11.04am Kansas City, to a 17 year old mother, he had an unsettled childhood, moving constantly after his father left and has had well-publicised drink and drug problems in adult life.

He’s got a 9th house Venus which is picking up the tr Pluto trine in 2015/16 so a strong possibility of a romance abroad or with someone from a different country.

His life is certainly changing dramatically in 2015/2016 with tr Uranus opposition his Uranus and then his Libra Sun; with more following as tr Pluto squares his Uranus in 2017/18.

Tr Saturn is also now moving below his Ascendant so he’ll want to pull back from an over-busy schedule find more time for personal matters. It won’t finish his career but he’ll certainly be less ambitious than before.

Campbell & Bannatyne – two jungle beasts

Total trivia to get away from global horrors. The UK Celebrity in the Jungle TV show continued to rumble with tensions at the post-finale party. Lady Colin Campbell alleges that entrepreneur Duncan Bannatyne, never a fan of hers, assaulted her which he denies.

She (17 Aug 1949) and he (2 Feb 1949) are frankly much of a muchness. He’s a Sun Mercury Mars in Aquarius opposition Pluto which clashes mightily with her Leo Sun Pluto conjunction and her Mars in Cancer squares his Neptune. So he, while not being altogether a nice man, stood up to her need for control to which she responded by putting him down.

Their relationship chart has a controlling Sun square Pluto – so a fight for the upper hand; an aggravated Moon Mars trine Saturn – instant dislike.

Tony Hadley, Spandau Ballet, 2 June 1960 4.05am London, also didn’t exactly hit it off with the Jamaican aristo. Her Mars in Cancer opposed his Saturn in Capricorn and squared his Mars in Aries; and her Saturn was conjunct his Virgo Moon Pluto – all nasty.

Their relationship chart has a needs-space Sun Uranus conjunction; a disappointing Sun square Neptune; and a hostile Pluto square Mars. Not a recipe for happy camper-mates.

Lady Colin Campbell – melodrama amongst the grubs

Celebrity Jungle has been shining the spotlight on Lady Colin Campbell, the arrogantly toffish loud-mouth who loves to shock. Born 17 August 1949 to a wealthy family in Jamaica, she had a birth defect which labelled her as a boy until she went for corrective surgery in her late teens. Her father was moody with a turbulent temper and her mother was narcissistic and cruel.

A brief early marriage gave her a title which she has hung onto. She’s written various books about the Royals, spilling the beans about Diana’s affairs and casting aspersions about the Queen Mother’s parentage amongst other titbits.

She is a Sun Pluto in Leo with Sun inconjunct Jupiter in Capricorn – a hint of grandiosity and snobbery in there. Her Moon is either late Taurus or Gemini; though more likely Gemini square Saturn in Virgo which would be the cold mother; with Mercury Venus also in Virgo. Plus an excitable, overly impulsive focal point Mars in Cancer in a showbiz square to Neptune opposition North Node in Aries.

Her chart is reasonably similar to Princess Anne’s, born a year later, with the Leo Sun Pluto and Saturn Mercury in Virgo.

She looks less certain than she appears at the moment with tr Neptune opposition her Saturn and tr Pluto square her Neptune. But tr Pluto square her Jupiter/Uranus midpoint till late this month will bring her luck.
Her 2016 looks mixed with a lucky tr Uranus square Jupiter but also tr Pluto opposing her Mars which will be fraught.