The torture, murder, suicide melodrama of Puccini’s Tosca, Maria Callas’ signature role, had nothing on the searing unhappiness and maltreatment of her own life. Regaled as the greatest operatic soprano of the 20th Century, she was pimped out by her mother who later blackmailed her into handing over money, was ripped off financially by her husband and latterly, in a harrowing affair with shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis, was violently attacked and drugged for sex, before being publicly dumped for Jackie Kennedy.
She was born 2 December 1923 6am (unverified) New York, but was brought up in Greece after her parents’ marriage failed, an overweight unhappy child who was made to feel ugly and unwanted but still put out to perform as her singing talent became obvious. Her mother during World War 11 worked as a prostitute and tried to pimp her out to Nazi soldiers. When she became successful both parents tried to leech off her. Callas later said: “I am fed up with my parents’ egoism and indifference toward me … I want no more relationship. I hope the newspapers don’t catch on. Then I’ll really curse the moment I had any parents at all.”
She had a mercifully upbeat Sun Jupiter in Sagittarius which would give her an edge of optimism; with her Sun square a 4th house Uranus, a sign of an unstable, constantly changing childhood and adult domestic life. On this birth time she had a 10th house Virgo Moon which fits a public career; but what stands out are a cruel-treatment Mars Saturn conjunction in Libra and a trapped though influential 8th house Pluto, which latter would make her feel circumstances were constantly out of her control.
Onassis, 20 January 1906 10am had his Capricorn Sun square her Mars Saturn so he’d tap into her victim fears. He had a ruthlessly determined Pluto square Mars which collided with her Moon – his power-hungry Pluto squared it and his aggressive Mars was in opposition. And his leadership Leo North Node was conjunct her musical Neptune as he claimed a global superstar prize as befitting his status.
Their relationship chart was truly distressing with a destructive, damaging, dominating and angry composite Sun Mars opposition Pluto; and a fated, leading-to-irrevocable-changes in both lives composite Yod of Mercury Saturn sextile Jupiter inconjunct Neptune.
Even after he moved on to Jackie Kennedy, much to America’s acute horror, he still met Callas secretly in Paris and she died nine years later.
His relationship with Jackie oddly enough did have positive aspects though it never seemed a comfortable match. His Jupiter in indulgent Taurus fell in Jackie’s 7th, his possessive Pluto was in a passionate conjunction to her 8th house Venus though also opposition her Saturn and square her Mars.
Their relationship chart had another of those irrevocably-life-changing Yods onto the composite Sun, for an ego-centric match on both sides, one assumes. There was also a passionate and socially ambitious composite Venus sextile Jupiter, square Pluto and trine Neptune. Not quite what her sophisticated image suggested or her ‘Camelot’ fans wanted, but she had been brought up by a hard-drinking, womanising rogue of a father which may explain part of it. And JFK himself was no saint.