Singapore – pluses and minuses ahead

Singapore like everywhere else is in a panic over the economic hit from the virus. Tourism, international trade, travel, construction and offshore engineering sectors (migrant workers) are all experiencing a sharp downturn. But there are also areas of expansion – in electronics and precision engineering, biomedical manufacturing as well as finance and insurance, with a strong demand for digital payment processing services, as well as IT and digital solutions. So not all negative.

   The Singapore 9 August 1965 10 am chart is trapped till late this November; and experiencing financial disappointment in 2021; and some high-tension upheavals in 2022/23 over the economy and future plans.  There is also tr Uranus moving into the 8th house of international and business finances exactly now and staying there till late decade – much like the UK and EU/Germany. So everyone in the same boat.

  The Singapore 6 February 1819 6pm chart – if accurate – is slipping and sliding uncertainly ahead for three years but picking up confidence and attracting success by 2023 onwards.

  The Bank of Singapore, 1 January 1971, isn’t anywhere near as challenged as it was in 2015 when there was a slowdown. But will be facing a shock or two in 2022/23; and financial angst in 2024.

  Not great but survivable.

SCOTUS pick – risk of a reverse

There is concern that a right-wing, religiously-oriented replacement for Ruth Ginsberg could upset Roe v Wade and Obamacare.

  Roe v Wade was signed 22 January 1973 at 10 am Washington, DC which gives a stalwart Aquarius Sun trine Pluto sextile Neptune in Sagittarius; with an optimistic Uranus square Jupiter Mercury; and a destructive Mars opposition Saturn. There are tremors of an upheaval this year until late December though nothing would be decided that quickly. Though an anti-abortion choice for SCOTUS might send shivers of fear through the chart. Where the major debate comes is 2023/24 with tr Pluto conjunct the Mercury with a seriously rattled and insecure Solar Arc Uranus conjunct Mars in 2024/25. Tr Pluto will also be conjunct the Sun in 2024 so that looks the most challenging time.

   Obamacare was signed in on 23 March 2010 at 11.56 am Washington, DC, and is a Sun Aries opposition Saturn in fair-minded Libra, trine Mars in Leo; with an emotionally intense and nurturing Cancer Moon on the Ascendant opposition Pluto square Sun Mercury.

  There’s a lucky, relief-bringing Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct the Uranus in 2021; although there’s also a directionless tr Neptune conjunct the Solar Arc Midheaven next year as well. A major pressure point could be 2022 when the Moon opposition Pluto connects with the 7th house North Node – which will test its mettle. 2023 will be nerve-stretched with tr Neptune conjunct the Uranus 

 Just when you think the USA can’t sink any lower. Sigh.  Why any sane, civilized country is still angst-ing about either abortion or universal health care is beyond my understanding. A true-believer Roman Catholic shamefully shoehorned onto the Supreme Court who might upset both would be a travesty – all the more so since initiated by a man with the moral calibre of termite.  

Breonna Taylor – home was a dangerous place

Anger has erupted in Louisville, Kentucky which is under a state of emergency after a grand jury decision not to charge any police officers over the killing of Breonna Taylor. A black hospital worker, she was shot multiple times as three officers raided her home on 13 March without knocking and her boyfriend thinking they were being attacked fired his gun. One officer has been charged with “wanton endangerment”

Cases of killings of unarmed black people by police have fuelled anger across the US and beyond, triggered especially by the death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis in May.

  Louisville, 1 May 1780, has a Taurus Sun in a controlling square to Pluto with a North Node in Taurus conjunct the destructive Fixed star Algol; and a hard-edged Mars opposition Saturn. 

  Breonna Taylor, 5 June 1990, was a Sun Gemini, maybe Moon Sagittarius, Mars in Leo and Jupiter in Libra – so some chart placings similar to Trump. But more significantly she had Pluto in Scorpio in a high-risk and trapped square to Mars in Scorpio. Ebertin ascribes one meaning of ‘the misfortune of having to suffer violent assaults’ to it.  And her Pluto was almost exactly conjunct the Louisville South Node opposition Algol, tying her into the negative, unevolved and fearful energies of her place of birth. Her Saturn in regretful Pisces was also square the Louisville afflicted Mars. Not a good connection.

   When she was killed tr Saturn was exactly conjunct the Louisville Solar Arc Mars, the classic astro-signature for murder or assassination.

  Whatever the outcome instantly, 2021 looks agitated for Louisville with the Taurus Sun in the line of fire of the economically challenging tr Uranus square tr Saturn all year; and a devastating Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the Neptune; and a highly-strung and anxious tr Neptune opposition Uranus.   

Sergei Torop – the Second Coming under scrutiny

A Jesus Christ wannabe, formerly a traffic cop, Sergei Torop, has been arrested in Siberia where he has been running a cult for three decades. He claims the truth of his reincarnation came to him in an awakening in 1990 when he took the name Viaasrion. “I am not God. But I am the living word of God the father. Everything that God wants to say, he says through me.”

  He was charged with running an illegal religious organisation which extorted money from followers and subjected them to emotional abuse. An aide, a former boyband drummer was arrested with him. Several thousand followers live in remote hamlets in Siberia, including professionals from Russia and abroad. Followers wear austere clothing and count years starting from 1961, the year of his birth, with Christmas replaced by a feast day on 14 January, his birthday.

 He was born fittingly enough with a Jupiter Saturn conjunction in place, which is the conjunction associated with the birth of Christ. Though his is in Capricorn, whereas the putative Christ chart is in Pisces. Torop also has a Capricorn Sun and Mercury.

  One of the meanings of Jupiter Saturn is hubris – flying too high fuelled by Jupiter’s vision and then being cut down by a hard reality check from Saturn.

  Torop also has a creative, healing though can-de-delusional and detached-from-reality Water Grand Trine of Venus in Pisces trine Mars in Cancer trine Neptune, formed into a Kite by Venus opposition Pluto North Node in Virgo.  He’s certainly talented, a powerful influencer and tied into the zeitgeist.

  He may also have had a focal point Sagittarius Moon squaring onto Venus opposition Pluto which would make him persuasive and designed to work with the public.

   When he had his flash of enlightenment on 18 August 1990 he was on his first Saturn Return and his Solar Arc Sun was opposition his Uranus with the transiting Sun conjunct his Uranus. With his Uranus natally inconjunct his Sun I’d hazard a guess that his birth time would produce an axis which formed a Yod with this quincunx – since this was the point where he clearly got knocked onto his vocational path, however deluded.


Jackie Stallone – way out there, and then some

Jackie Stallone, the mother of actor Sylvester Stallone, politely described as eccentric with a life to match, has died aged 98.

  She was born 29 November 1921 at 2.52am Washington, DC with a lawyer father and was trained along with the rest of the family in gymnastics, weight lifting, and jogging by bodybuilding pioneer Charles Atlas who lived with them for a while. She became a circus trapeze artist in her teens, a hairdresser and a nightclub chorus girl; later opening a women-only gym, Barbella’s; and was a wrestling promoter in the 1980s with the TV series GLOW – the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. She did little for the reputation of astrology by becoming a celebrity psychic in the 1990s, writing books, appearing on TV and claiming to read ‘asses’ by interpreting people’s butts.

  She had an energetic New Moon in Sagittarius in her financial 2nd house in a maverick square to Uranus in the performing 5th house. With an exuberant and super-determined Mars, Jupiter Saturn in Libra square Pluto. Plus an intense and upfront Venus Mercury in Scorpio. Not a lady who did anything by halves or cared if her behaviour raised eyebrows.

   Charles Atlas, 30 October 1892 3am Acri, Italy, would have a strong impression on her with his Neptune Pluto in Gemini opposition her Sagittarius New Moon; and his Scorpio Sun in a free-spirited conjunction with Uranus connecting with her Scorpio planets.

   [What’s intriguing is that Atlas only had one Earth sign in his chart – Venus in Virgo; and her bodybuilding son Sylvester only had one Earth – Mars in Virgo. Arnold Schwarzenegger, another over-muscled type again has only one – Moon in Capricorn. I always find that strange for some reason as if they ought to lean towards the earthy realm.]

   Jackie was most proud and protective of Sylvester, one of her three children. Born 8 July 1946 7.20 pm New York, he has a Cancer Sun that sat on her Midheaven and his Jupiter in Libra was on her Ascendant. His Moon Jupiter is conjunct his Midheaven so she would have a significant effect on his career ambitions.

  He has a tricky chart with his Sun in the 7th and a packed 8th house with Saturn, Mercury, Pluto and Venus there – so very intense, secretive, often feeling trapped, with a strong ancestral legacy – and a film-star’s ability to project an aura.

  A five star, tin-plated whacko she may have been, but she did have an exuberantly bohemian life and a total disregard for sneers and criticism.

Boris – fizz gone phut

A stinker of a week for Boris Johnson saw him accused by the normally supportive right-wing Spectator magazine as presiding over “disorder, debacle, rebellion, U-turn and confusion”. “He’s no longer fit to be prime minister.” Matthew Parris added for good measure: “his zing has well and truly zung. The fun has gone and with it the shine.  And so we end up with this rancid shambles of a government.”  A Times hatchet job yesterday described him as “overburdened, underpaid with ‘misery on his face’.

  Multiple U-turns and self-inflicted crisis – through the pandemic, track and trace, PPE, lockdown confusion; school exam grading; and the latest Brexit shambles which attracted near international condemnation – have left his supporters horrified.

  This is a rehash of previous astrology but worth noting his Progressed Moon moving through his 2nd for the past few months which will bring up financial worries and continue to do so for another year. His income has been slashed by more than a half since he became PM; he is evidently still supporting, to different degrees, four out of his six children and his recent divorce would cost him.

  Persistent stories about his post-Covid droop could well be pointed up by tr Neptune conjunct his Chiron in his 6th till late January 2021. And even more so by the high-stress Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Scorpio Moon, exact in four months, but almost certainly in effect before then. With tr Saturn also square his Moon from December 19th – admittedly at the same time as tr Jupiter square his Moon which complicates interpretations. But there will be pressure on his Moon from several sources. His Solar Arc Midheaven (dependent on birth time being exactly accurate) is also conjunct his Uranus, hinting that he really wants to change career direction, but may not know how.

  Dominic Cummings’ father-in-law, Humphrey Wakefield, indicated Boris would quit in six months, immediately after Brexit was done, for health reasons, though it was hotly denied. [I hadn’t realised that Cummings who looks like a total anorak had married into the aristocracy with a father-in-law, who lives in a proper castle and is unashamedly elitist about intelligence and talent.]

  The Times piece also suggested that his recently divorced wife Marina Wheeler gave him “grounding” in a way that Carrie Symonds doesn’t.  Marina ….” was his intellectual match and in terms of his view everything was run by her or through her.” Born 18 August 1964, she is a Sun Leo square Jupiter in Taurus; and her Mars Venus in Cancer is conjunct Boris’s Midheaven so she would throw her enthusiasm behind his ambitions.

   Carrie, born 17 March 1988, is a Sun and Moon in Pisces with a tumultuous Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Mars in Capricorn which sits on his IC, uprooting him and disturbing his sense of stability. Her Mars in his 4th also suggests a fairly argumentative domestic force. By all accounts a restrictive No 10 Downing Street is no Elysee Palace when it comes to accommodating a family with children. She also has her Pluto conjunct his 2nd house Neptune which does suggest she’ll make a significant and perhaps devastating impact on his finances.

   It is notable that both Marina Wheeler and Carrie have several Cardinal planets in their chart where he has none. Cardinal planets give initiative, the ability to dream up new projects and get them moving.

  His Term chart is showing confusion, wishful thinking and evasion through this month and next – and deteriorating to a marked degree from October 2nd till late January 2021 with the addition of tr Neptune square the ‘catastrophic’ Mars/Pluto midpoint. So nothing that indicates getting a grip and making competent decisions.

  I suppose the same goes for the UK as for the US – Boris represents the non-leadership which for some obscure reason is needed at this point to set the country on the trajectory it was going to go – except there isn’t even a Pluto Return to blame for it. Just a series of financial disasters running on for several years ahead from next spring.

Supreme Court battle – a black swan ++ Lindsay Graham

Ruth Bader Ginsberg, a liberal voice on the Supreme Court, has died which has thrown a fireball into the run up to the US Presidential election. The process of selecting her replacement is likely to raise rancour considerably with the Republicans aiming to railroad the Senate vote through quickly in contrast to 2016 when they stonewalled Obama’s choice until after Trump was elected. Though they could hold back if they thought they’d lose or if it might persuade more GOP supporters to go to the polls.

   Mitch McCcnnell, Senate Majority Leader, has pledged there will be a Senate vote for Trump’s nomination which could even happen after the election in the ‘dead’ period before the inauguration.

  McConnell, 20 February 1942, will be under great pressure and feeling discouraged with tr Pluto trine his Saturn now till late November, but he’s temperamentally super-determined and stubborn to the nth degree with a Mars, Saturn, Uranus conjunction in Taurus, plus Pluto in Leo and Venus Mercury in Aquarius – very Fixed and won’t budge easy. He’s rattling through a few crises from late November right through till late January after which he’s on a panicky downhill slide.

  He’s very locked into the USA 1776 chart with a composite Sun Mercury opposition Pluto, so power and control are significant issues. What shows up as a flash point on various SCOTUS-related charts, and McConnell’s own, and his relationship chart with the USA, is Uranus at 7 degrees from 21 November to 21 December this year (and again in February 2021). That may not be a new nomination but could be a post-messy election result battle. But it will be a high tension four weeks for sure.

   The Supreme Court chart (SCOTUS) 2 February 1790, is nervy and panicked this year and highly uncertain in 2021. Tr Saturn squares the SCOTUS Neptune now till late October over Ruth Ginsberg’s death and vacancy; with a jolting Solar Arc Uranus conjunct the Saturn this year; and tr Pluto square the Neptune from early 2021 to late 2022 which will at least be exceedingly confused if not devastated; and tr Neptune will conjunct the SCOTUS Saturn from late March 2021 on and off for a year for protracted concerns. Tr Uranus will square the SCOTUS Uranus for the second time this late November to late December, which will shake up its security considerably.

  That 7 degree transiting Uranus also shows up on John Roberts’ chart with his Sun hovering between 6 and 7 degrees depending on his birth time. It’ll certainly be a time of sudden changes and upsets for him. He looks exceptionally stressed in the second week of December but much relieved from late month onwards.

  I’m not sure if William Barr, the AG, will end up embroiled in this but more than likely. He’s facing, like McConnell, a fairly mountainous struggle between now and late November; but worse than that from this October 2nd to late January 2021 he’s facing rolling disasters which he won’t have the will or capability to overcome.   

   Taking the long astrological view, there was always going to be anguish and gnashing of teeth through and after this election with tr Pluto continuing to oppose the USA Mercury across this New Year and through till late 2021, followed by the Pluto Return in 2022/23. Whatever events precipitate the outbursts of intense hostility the angst will run on.

Add On: Another key figure will be Lindsay Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee charged with processing Supreme Court nominees. In 2016 he was clear that if a Supreme Court vacancy occurs in the final year of the term it should wait for the next president to decide. He’s now changed his tune and is pushing for an immediate replacement.

Born 9 July 1955, he has spread through Cancer his Venus, Sun, Uranus and Mars – with Mars Uranus square Neptune being blocked by tr Saturn hard aspects until early December; with a frustrated/trapped tr Pluto opposition his Sun/Mars midpoint running till late November as well.  Plus at some point his Solar Arc Pluto blocking his Uranus and Mars – through this year and maybe next depending on his birth time. He’ll have some cheer from March 2021 with tr Pluto opposition his Sun/Jupiter midpoint but that runs alongside a whole raft of undermining, disappointing and downright disastrous transits to mid points from late March onwards for a year or so.  

No clear indicators of what refers to the SCOTUS vote but he’s generally speaking not doing well.

Amy Dorris – speaking out for her daughters

The 26th woman to make accusations of sexual misconduct against Donald Trump (ranging from harassment to sexual assault and rape) is former model and magazine columnist Amy Dorris. She alleges that at the US Open in 1997 when a guest of Trump, he forced his tongue down her throat and assaulted her all over her body and holding her in a grip she was unable to escape from. This happened outside Trump’s VIP box and she subsequently told her mother, friends and therapist about the incident which she said made her feel “ sick, violated.” She says she would have spoken out in 2016 but was scared for her family. Now she feels she owes it to her daughters to show them that standing up is the right thing to do.

  Trump as per usual has denied the allegation as with all the others. Only last week in a highly unusual development, the justice department, led by the attorney general, William Barr, announced it was intervening in the Jean E. Carroll defamation lawsuit to protect the president – although the alleged sexual assault predates Trump’s presidency by two decades.

  Amy Dorris, 1 October 1972, is a Sun Libra conjunct Mars Pluto square Jupiter; with Uranus Mercury also in Libra. Her Saturn in Gemini is conjunct Trump’s Sun, North Node, Uranus and opposition his Moon, so she will have the ability to cast a Saturnine shadow across his identity and reputation. Jean E Carroll’s Saturn is also in late Gemini and will have the same effect. (See previous post 22 June 2019 on Carroll.)

Amy Dorris’s Venus in Leo is conjunct Trump’s Mars which would evoke a spark of attraction.  Their relationship chart has a nix of a sociable Sun, Venus close to needs-space Uranus with a dominating/ruthless composite Mars Pluto conjunction.

   Mars Pluto is one of the astro-signatures for rape since it merges Mars which can be libidinous with power-hungry Pluto. The negative pole is brutal and ruthless. It’s a tricky energy in a personal chart for women to handle since they grow up with a dominating male figure and often remain submissive in their adult life. Since the Mars Pluto strand in their personality remains unconscious and isn’t lived out in an assertive way, they tend to attract bullies and control freaks who have a ‘nose’ for a victim.

  Christine Blasey Ford who gave evidence against Brett Kavanaugh has a Mars Pluto Uranus conjunction opposition Saturn; and Jean E Carroll has Mars Uranus trine Neptune sextile Pluto.  That’s in no way to suggest that what happened to them is their fault, but it is an echo of Jung’s thought – that what we do not live out meets us on the outside as if it were fate.

  The positive side of Mars Pluto which needs to be lived out is courageous, determined to the nth degree with a capacity to handle crises well.

   In August 1997 at the time of this alleged assault, Trump’s Solar Arc Moon was exactly opposition his 12th house Pluto with his Solar Arc Node moving to conjunct his Pluto as well – so he’d be pretty ramped up about women.  Though his misdemeanours seem to happen so often they are much more to do with his innate temperament – and probably didn’t require much of a trigger.

  His midpoints have a fair smattering of aggressive Mars crossovers with a streak of cruelty from Saturn; and over-confidence from Jupiter.

  That a president should have had this litany of complaints against him and still be sitting in situ is a staggering indictment of the Republican Party and those who still unbelievably say they will vote for him. The US is supposed to be a country that upholds family and religious values, more so than other places.    

Israel – a peace deal that ramps up the arms race

The Israel Bahrain and UAE deal has been hailed as a “new dawn of peace” in the Middle East which, according to Trump, will change the course of history. The portentously named Abraham Accords has met a mixed reception though with less raucous laughter than Jared Kushner’s first effort. Trump, Netanyahu, Kushner and Tony Blair are being credited though it was the United Arab Emirates who first suggested the deal to forestall Israel annexing chunks of the West Bank. Critics say it will mainly serve the three signatories, plus the US, and offers nothing to end tensions between Israel and Palestine.

  Israel, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates have never been in conflict, have had back channel political and commercial connections for years, so it changes little but it will pave the way for the UAE to buy advanced F-35 stealth fighter jets from the US.  Netanyahu was keen because he wanted a distraction from his bungling of the pandemic and the corruption charges against him.

  Apart from the leaders’ personal ulterior motives there is a united front against the threat of Iran and while being accused of throwing the Palestinians under the bus, they point to their “feckless and corrupt leadership that has served its people poorly.” Some said it should be co-branded the anti-Iran Axis, since it resembled an arms deal as much as a peace deal and the risk is that it will intensify ongoing arms races in the region.

  The next hurdle would be to get Saudi Arabia to join the accord which could be trickier. They are apparently well on the road to achieving their own nuclear ambitions.

   Israel does not look peaceful ahead, indeed is moving into an exceptionally fraught, explosive and fast-changing few years with tr Uranus square tr Saturn in 2021 shaking up the Israel 10th house Pluto, undermining or at least substantially challenging its sense of control.

  Tr Pluto will oppose the Midheaven in 2021/22 which will be exceptionally pressured in terms of direction with significant internal domestic resentment thereafter for many years. The Israel MC is conjunct the Fixed Star Procyon of sudden rise-and-fall.  Then 2022 will be downbeat, littered with setbacks, as tr Saturn moves to square the Israel Taurus Sun and oppose the Mars in Leo through till 2025. Along the way tr Neptune squaring the adventurous Uranus opposition Jupiter between 2022 and 2024 will damp enthusiasm; and there follows a dead-halt, high-risk Solar Arc Mars square Pluto in 2025 with another two high-stress Solar Arc towards 2028/29.  Part of that may be economic with tr Uranus moving through the 8th house of business/international finances from 2023 to 2030 which will be financially unstable.

  The Israel/Saudi Arabia relationship isn’t exactly shouting out friendliness and co-operation in the next four years. There’s an undermining and disappointing tr Neptune opposition the composite Uranus and conjunct the composite Sun in 2021/22; followed by a jolting, co-operation-upsetting, insecure and bad-tempered tr Uranus opposition Mars and square Neptune in 2023/24.

  Whatever this Accord does it hardly looks like ushering in a shining new era of tranquillity ahead.