The Brexit marathon has been stretched another six months to 31 October – and maybe longer as the finishing line recedes into the far distance. The Halloween date lands on Mercury’s station to retrograde which isn’t inspiring. There’s admittedly a direction-change, potential separation from Uranus in the 10th opposition Sun; but there’s also a mega-aggravated, hugely frustrated, argumentative and stuck Mars square Saturn Pluto.
The clamour for Theresa May’s departure is growing ever louder to all except herself. In typically obdurate fashion she marches blithely on down a slope that offers no semblance of optimism that she’s going to win anything this year. Tr Pluto squares her Jupiter/Saturn midpoint till the final week of May which is career loss-making; then she’s got the blocked, frustrating and irritating tr Pluto conjunct her Mars/Node till early July. After which she picks up the catastrophic-setback tr Pluto conjunct her Mars/Saturn till late August and again November/December this year.
Tr Neptune is also sapping her motivation and undermining her power base in May to mid August as it opposes her Sun/Pluto midpoint at the same time as it has a dissolving action on her Government chart. Mid August to late September tr Neptune is back opposing her Jupiter for dashed hopes; and into November, after the supposed deadline, she’s back in deep sh** with Pluto on her Mars/Saturn again.
Late May to early June are the only two ripples of a suggestion that she might alter her status with the Tory Party and UK. But nothing too definite.