Keith Raniere – dominating for his pleasure


Keith Raniere, who moved from marketing, to running a pyramid scheme to setting up a personal development organisation using sex slaves has been found guilty of sex trafficking and conspiracy to commit forced labor, amongst other offences. He had recruited members of the influential Bronfman family, heirs to the billion-dollar Seagrams fortune to become involved in his cult. He faces a mandatory minimum of 15 years and a possible life sentence.

Born August 26 1960, he’s a controlling Sun Pluto conjunction in a tough-minded trine to Saturn, sextile Neptune – not short of ambition and Neptune Pluto can lean towards megalomania. He also has an opportunistic (chancer’s) Mars in Gemini opposition Jupiter square Venus in Virgo – superficially charming, self-centred from Venus Mars, lacking emotional depth.

What’s astrologically interesting is the strength of his 5th Harmonic, which can be creative and make for good business sense but has tendencies towards domination, forcing others to fit in with his life ideal. His not-always-well-balanced 7H is also marked and cruel. Even more so is his 18th harmonic which being a double of the pleasure-seeking 9H can go very bad.

Tr Neptune is moving in hard aspect round his Mars, Venus, Jupiter T square this year and on for several years which will undermine his ebullience, bringing a panicky sense of failure and dashed hopes.

Nicholas Sarkozy – brickbats coming from all directions

Nicolas Sarkozy, former French president, doesn’t have his woes to seek with another prosecution looming on charges of corruption and abuse of power.  He is accused of trying to bribe a magistrate by offering a prestigious job in Monaco in return for information about a criminal inquiry into alleged illicit payments from the L’Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt for his 2007 presidential campaign. He is also separately standing trial over allegations that his 2012 presidential campaign issued fake invoices to conceal €18.5m worth of overspending. All hotly denied.

His astrology does not look good ahead, indeed is seriously logjammed. He was born 28 January 1955 10 pm Paris, France and has an adventurous Uranus Jupiter in his 10th square a slippery Neptune in his financial 2nd house and trine Saturn in obsessive Scorpio with his Saturn in an unyielding square to Pluto. And a fiery Moon Mars in Aries in his 7th.

At the moment he has his Solar Arc Saturn is a jolting opposition to his Uranus causing high-tension disruptions for the next few weeks. Plus his Progressed Moon is exactly now in an intense conjunction with his Pluto as he loses his final bid to stop the prosecution.  Tr Neptune is moving back to square his Mars/Pluto midpoint from mid August and then on and off into early 2020 which is completely squashed.

But the real whammy is his Progressed Mars now conjunct the Fixed Star Algol and moving to a trapped, scary and deeply frustrating square to his Pluto, hanging around from now onwards, intensifying through next year until early 2021. With his Progressed Moon going through his 12th until 2022 – it’ll be a marathon test of his nerves and morale.

James Bond 25 – all shook up


The shooting of the 25th James Bond movie lurches from one mishap to another with an injured Daniel Craig needing ankle surgery after an accident; an explosion which blew up part of the Pinewood set; and this after Danny Boyle pulled out late in the day as director after creative differences over the script. The script is now being written and rewritten by several people which never bodes well. And the new director Cary Fukunaga, from media reports, has caused aggro with the crew by turning up late.  All in all not a happy ship.

Fukunaga was born 10 July 1977 5.33 pm Alameda, California. He was much awarded for directing the first season of HBO’s True Detective and highly praised for his Beasts of No Nation with Idris Elba. He has an intense 8th house Cancer Sun in a controlling square to Pluto; with an ultra-determined Mars Moon in Taurus is an impatient though disciplined square to Saturn – not the easiest personality.

His Cancer Sun is a reasonable match with Daniel Craig’s Pisces Sun but there’s a ratchety crossover between Craig’s hard-edged Mars in Aries which opposes his Pluto and squares his Sun.

Producer Barbara Broccoli, 18 June 1960 9.55 am Santa Monica, California, again has a reasonably light hearted and friendly mix of her Sun Venus in Gemini conjunct his Jupiter; but her Saturn opposes his Sun and her Uranus is conjunct his Saturn and square his Mars which is definitely gritty.

Fukunaga is having a discouraging year ahead with tr Saturn opposing his Sun recently and again in the autumn; an undermining tr Neptune opposing his Saturn/Node exactly now and repeating on and off till late 2020. Plus a run of jolting, accident and catastrophe-prone Uranus transits to midpoints from mid November till early March 2020 – presumably through editing since it’s due for release in April 2020 – though that may well slide back.

Daniel Craig must be wishing he’d stuck to his guns and refused to do this one – he’s slipping and sliding through a very Neptunian patch right into and through 2020 – lack lustre and rather dissatisfied. Certainly he’s looking deflated in April 2020 and across the summer of next year when it may launch.

Principal Photography kicked off on 28 April which was when there was a limp, directionless Neptune square Mars and Jupiter; with a disruptive Sun Uranus in Taurus. If it does stick to its release date tr Jupiter will be conjunct the Pluto which may help to give it some uplift.

See also post April 25 2019.

Boris and Carrie – new love on the stump * Updated – Oops

Carrie Symonds, the woman credited with calming down Boris Johnson’s hairstyle and squiring him as he reverses out of his second marriage and aims for No 10, has an intriguing family lineage which may track back to an illegitimate daughter of Herbert Asquith, prime minister in the early 20th Century.

Down the line there were other illegitimate offspring of journalists until Carrie herself was born out of wedlock on 17 March 1988 (Daily Mail).

She’s a Sun, Moon and Mercury in Pisces; with an indulgent Jupiter and Venus in Taurus with Venus in a passionate opposition to Pluto; and a tumultuous collection of Uranus, Saturn, Neptune and Mars in Capricorn.

Her Jupiter falls in Boris’s 7th house which is a supportive connection; with her Venus in his 8th deepening the bond.  But both are Mutable signs so will tend to be overly scattered. Her Pluto is conjunct his Neptune and opposition his Jupiter, so she’ll try to control him which, after the initial flush has passed, may prove irksome. And her unpredictable, quite autocratic Uranus Saturn opposes his Sun Venus which will also cause problems down the line.

Their relationship chart does have a tied-together Grand Trine of Venus in a passionate trine to Pluto and a workmanlike trine to Saturn; with a successful and confident-together Sun Jupiter conjunction; and also an illusory Venus opposition Neptune. It could work but given his track record with women, the question is for how long?

The main point of interest given the present election is how encouraged she looks when it comes to a climax presumably in July. The answer is not very, or more accurately, she looks set back on her heels and irritated with tr Saturn conjunct her Mars from July 12th which is when his chart runs into a really sticky phase.

It’s not over till ‘Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells’ casts their vote.

See post Boris – June 13 2019.

Add On June 22nd: Police were called to the flat he shares with Carrie Symonds following reports of a ‘plate-smashing, screaming row.’  During the bust-up, which took place in the early hours of Friday morning at Ms Symonds’ flat in Camberwell, south London, she could be heard shouting ‘get off me’ and ‘get out of my flat’.

News of the row emerged after a neighbour handed a recording of the altercation to the Guardian. In the recording Mr Johnson can be heard shouting ‘get off my f***ing laptop’ before a loud crashing noise is heard. A next-door neighbour said: ‘There was a lot of shouting, a lady was screaming and I could hear glasses or plates being thrown quite a few times. The man was shouting back. I could hear it through my walls. I was watching TV and muted it because I was so worried. It lasted for about ten minutes. I have never heard anything like that before. ‘You could hear glass being smashed and other things. It was obvious the lady was angry, she was screaming hysterically. My walls were shaking from all the noise and things that were being thrown around.’

His personal chart and their relationship chart look highly aggravated until the final day of this month so it’ll take time for tempers to calm. He has tr Saturn square his Mars/Saturn midpoint which is highly impatient and accident-prone. Together they have tr Saturn hitting two inflammatory composite Mars midpoints and the intensely argumentative Mercury/Pluto.

From July 13th their relationship chart has an enthusiasm-denting, deflating tr Saturn square the Mars/Jupiter midpoint until late month.

His Mars in Gemini on the focal point of an exceptionally volcanic Mutable T Square to Saturn opposition Uranus Pluto is wildly disorganized, overly impulsive, self-centred and confrontational. While her collection of Capricorn planets including Mars will be fairly hair-trigger as well.

Trump 2020 bid – lies and bullying hide the wound


Trump announced his bid for 2020 around 8pm in Orlando last night which was when a mid degree Capricorn Moon was approaching a conjunction to Saturn Pluto and opposition Mars – not an auspicious kick off. His 2016 launch on 16 June was on an exact Jupiter in Leo trine Uranus, sextile Mars Sun Mercury in Gemini – not spectacularly definitive of a win but certainly indicative of good luck.

This time round he has lost the heavy emphasis on his natal Jupiter that was there in 2016/17 from transiting and Solar Arc Pluto which was definitely a bringer of good fortune and success.

As this next election approaches the tr Saturn Pluto is opposing his Saturn Venus in Cancer, this year and next, which the Mountain Astrologer in a useful piece suggests will open up his emotional wound of being unloved and under-nurtured.

Birth time being accurate he does also have tr Pluto trine his midheaven from early 2020 to late 2021 which is generally helpful on the career front; though at the same time he has tr Pluto opposition his Sun/Mars midpoint which points to extraordinary stresses, maybe cardiac issues and considerable frustrating obstacles.

He’s also got tr Uranus square his Solar Arc Midheaven this year and early next which will force him in a new direction, followed by the upheaval of tr Uranus square his Pluto from mid 2020 onwards for a year. And he has a nerve-wracked tr Neptune square his 10th house Uranus this year and next; moving on to undermining, confused squares  to his Moon and Sun in 2021/22.

Where his chart runs into worse headaches is from late 2021 till 2023 with a neurotic, panicky Solar Arc Saturn conjunct his financial Neptune at the same time as a nerve-stretched Solar Arc Neptune opposition his Uranus; with worse in 2022/23 from Solar Arc Mars square Pluto and Solar Arc Pluto square Saturn when he’ll feel completely walled in.

I looked back to the point in the late 1980s and early 1990s where his finances hit the deck heading to the verge of insolvency despite his boasts at the time of being worth $3.5 billion. Starting in the mid 1980s his Solar Arc Saturn moved across his Ascendant; and his Solar Arc Pluto squared his 10th house Uranus with tr Uranus in opposition starting an earthquake in his career; and his Solar Arc Uranus was conjunct his Venus in Cancer which is emotional and financial shocks and again hitting on his wound which equates being loved with being obscenely wealthy. And his Solar Arc Mars hit a panicky-failure conjunction to his financial Neptune.

Over the 1989/early 1990s the Saturn Uranus Neptune in Capricorn were square his natal Neptune and Jupiter in his financial 2nd house.

What’s around now and in the next few years is not quite as disruptive as that period though in many ways is more destructive with Pluto Saturn Mars. And several of the same key areas of his chart are being highlighted – his 2nd house Neptune, his defensive Venus Saturn and his maverick 10th house Uranus.

What is sickening, teeth-grittingly so, are the stories now emerging of how he cowed reporters into silence over the reality of his situation as he veered towards bankruptcy. Joshua Greenberg, who was an evaluator for Forbes rich list wrote in the Washington Post: ‘Journalists told me how he’d tried to block their reporting on his empire — by making up ethical scandals about them, furnishing fake documents and, in one case, threatening to expose the private life of a closeted media executive. Wall Street analysts witnessed a campaign of intimidation that began when Trump got one of them fired for (correctly) doubting his casinos’ ability to pay off their debts.’  Greenberg asked ‘How did Donald Trump, a self-serving promoter who lost billions of dollars for his investors, convince the world that he is a financial genius? It wasn’t just by fabricating tales of his success. It was also by bullying and silencing people who could have stopped those deceits — particularly reporters and Wall Street analysts — forcing all but a very few into a conspiracy of silence.’

Not much changes and the old slash and burn technique clearly still has traction.

Sam Heughan – a high-octane personality


Scots actor Sam Heughan is going from strength to strength co-producing as well as playing the lead in Starz TV’s Outlander now in its 5th and 6th season; and he’s also been recently cast as lead in an upcoming SAS movie based on an Andy McNab novel.

He was born 30 April 1980 in New Galloway, Scotland (so there should be a birth time for him if anyone has it). He’s been acting since he left school on stage as well as in TV and films with several awards to his credit.

He is a Sun Taurus almost certainly opposition a Scorpio Moon so an earthy and heavyweight personality. Add to that Mars in entertaining and determined Leo conjunct confident, lucky Jupiter squaring onto a high-adrenaline Uranus and he’s custom built for an exciting life. He has a creative and exceptionally hard-working though emotionally scattered Venus in Gemini opposition Neptune square Saturn in Virgo. Plus an inspirational and entrepreneurial Fire Grand Trine of Mars and a leadership North Node in Leo trine Mercury trine Neptune, formed into an even more talented Kite by Mercury in upfront Aries opposition Pluto. He will be influential and outspoken as well as fairly controlling. His love life seems varied which is to be expected from a Full Moon (can’t decide) and a changeable Venus in Gemini.

2020/21 will be years of major change with tr Uranus conjunct his Sun and tr Pluto sextile his Uranus.

Michael Platini – Qatar 2022 still under the scope


Michael Platini, a France football legend and former Uefa president at present banned for ethics violations has been detained in connection with a criminal investigation into alleged corruption relating to Fifa’s decision to host the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. He denies all outside influence in the vote he made for Qatar, though focus will be turned on a lunch he attended in Paris just days before the controversial vote in 2010, with the Qatar Head of State and the then French president Nicolas Sarkozy who was lobbying for an important bilateral trade deals between the two nations. Qatar subsequently took over the Paris St-Germain team. There’s little prospect that this latest development will affect Qatar’s status as hosts, even if Platini is charged.

He was born 21 June 1955 9am Joeuf, France, and is a Sun and Mercury in Gemini opposition North Node in sporting Sagittarius, trine Neptune and sextile Pluto – so not short of ambition, influence or the ability to slide round obstacles. He’s also got an adventurous Uranus conjunct Jupiter in a highly-strung square to Neptune. Plus a gritty Saturn in Scorpio trine Mars (Moon) in Cancer.

He’s not looking too cheerful at the moment with tr Saturn coming up to oppose his Mars from the last day of this month into July which is usually a setback and enraging; and it repeats later in the year. But where he runs into real trouble  is in 2021/22 with his Solar Arc Mercury conjunct Pluto which is depressing; and tr Pluto opposing his Uranus and square his Neptune which will be a considerable upheaval and fairly devastating and confusing.

Katie Hopkins – Trump twinlet venting her spleen * Add On

Katie Hopkins is the nearest thing the UK has to a right-wing, shock-jock with rancidly extreme views which have got her fired from most media outlets, even when they hired her for as a controversialist. She’s been reduced to a Canadian website on which Tommy Robinson of the English Defence League is also a contributor; and has recently filed for bankruptcy as a consequence of legal cases which went against her. She has suffered badly from epilepsy. She’s anti-Islam and anti-multicultural and Trump is a fan.

Born 13 February 1975 she has an unaspected Aquarius Sun which will make it difficult for her to modulate her ego. She’ll tend to be an island unto herself, holding herself in high esteem, and not being much affected by feedback. She does have what should be a relatively pleasant and sensitive Moon, Venus and Jupiter in Pisces but that is completely swamped by an aggressive and afflicted Mars in Capricorn opposition Saturn square Pluto – fuelling inner rage, grievance and hatred. Saturn Pluto makes her unyielding and resistant to change.

Her Jupiter and Venus square Trump’s Gemini Sun and Sagittarius Moon for an emollient cross over. But that apart they wouldn’t make a great pair with her Sun in an argumentative and competitive opposition to his Mars; her Mercury opposition his Pluto and her controlling Pluto square his Mercury.  Their relationship chart has a cool, business-like composite Sun square Saturn and trine Uranus; with Uranus square Venus. And a ramped-up Jupiter trine Pluto sextile Mars Neptune which will do well as they work together to attract publicity for each. But if they ever got close and fell out it would turn nasty since neither are supportive types.  There would be a fight for supremacy. Indeed all is not well in that heated corner especially from this July onwards into 2020.

She looks pretty much flattened this year with Solar Arc Pluto square her Sun and Solar Arc Sun opposition her Pluto which will block her every which way, no doubt because of financial problems – and an emotionally upsetting Solar Arc Venus opposition her Uranus. Plus several aggravated and insecure Uranus transits to midpoints plus a swampy Neptune; and setbacks from tr Saturn conjunct her Mars till late this year.  Not her finest hour.

Add ON: There’s no suggestion that Katie Hopkins is in any way associated with the following but it popped up today and has an astro-slant. Two teen Neo-Nazis have been jailed for terrorism offences in the UK, promoting online material that encouraged an attack on Prince Harry for marrying a woman of mixed race, suggested targeting non-white and Jewish people and glorified the Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik. Their UK Sonnenkrieg organisation takes after the USA Atomwaffen which is led by James Mason, 25 July 1952. Both are seen as extreme even within the alt-right movement.

Mason has Mars in vengeful Scorpio opposition Jupiter and square Pluto in Leo (which is opposition the North Node in Aquarius). Mars Pluto is a running theme through a great many of these hate organisation individuals; and an emphasised/afflicted Pluto which in its efforts to exert control needs to stamp what is considers lesser persons under foot.

Gloria Vanderbilt – she lived life to the full

Gloria Vanderbilt, heiress, fabulously wealthy socialite, fashion designer and writer, has died aged 95. She was the subject of an infamous custody case as a child as her aunt sought successfully to remove her and thus her fortune from the hands of her extravagant mother after her father’s death.

Born 20 February 1924 9.55 am New York, she went on to marry four times, once to director Sydney Lumet and had four sons, one of them, Anderson Cooper, from her final marriage.

She was born on the exact Full Moon with a Pisces Sun opposition a 5th house performing/entertaining Virgo Moon, so would never know quite what she wanted emotionally. She had a strong Mars Jupiter in the 8th as might be expected having inherited vast sums of money; with both in a showbizzy and creative trine to Neptune. Her Venus in upfront Aries was in a passionate square to Pluto which would contribute to the variety of relationships she enjoyed through her life, including Marlon Brando, Frank Sinatra, Howard Hughes and Roald Dahl amongst others.

She was also renowned as a writer with a 10th house Mercury in Aquarius square Saturn.

A lady who lived life to the full and worked until late on in years.