India – sons of the soil make their voices heard

Farmers in India have shut down swathes of the country’s transport, shops and markets as they ramped up their protests against new agriculture laws which they say will only help large corporations. Agriculture employs more than 40% of India’s workforce and is an industry plagued by poverty, underdevelopment and suffering. India has one of the highest rates of farmer suicides in the world. Over 450 farmer’s unions and organisations supported the nationwide strike on Tuesday. One leader said the protests were the culmination of “40 years of anger and disenchantment at a broken system that has bankrupted farmers, destroyed food security and led to an ecological crisis in India.”

  The India 15 August 1947 midnight chart has Saturn Pluto in Leo on the IC and Venus Sun in Leo in the 4th, which area of the chart traditionally rules agriculture and farming and a country’s roots. The economically-challenging and jangled tr Uranus square tr Saturn of 2021 will shake up the India Saturn Pluto and in 2022 the Venus Sun – so farming will continue to be a foreground issue with high tensions erupting. Domestic discontent is rife at the moment with tr Saturn just off the opposition to the India Cancer Moon and the Solar Arc Moon conjunct a discontented Neptune. Tr Uranus is moving to square the India Mercury from late this month through January 2021 which will bring outbursts of strong opinions.

  The India Midheaven at 14 degrees Aquarius is also in the line of fire of tr Uranus in square from the 12th and tr Saturn in opposition so there will be a tussle to decide what direction the country should take as plans are knocked off track. The disruptive and unsettled domestic mood will continue with the Solar Arc Midheaven square the India Moon in late 2021/22 and then the Solar Arc deprived/hardship Saturn Pluto will square the Moon in 2022/23. So there will be considerable aggravation and protests for several years ahead.

  Narendra Modi’s Term chart, 30 May 2019 7.04pm Delhi, had an over-hopeful, impractical and unrealistic Mercury opposition Jupiter squaring and focussing onto a 4th house Neptune – tr Neptune will bring the aspects to exact from February 2021 onwards for a year, so it’s be dither and drift time.

  If his birthdate is accurate at 17 September 1950 then tr Neptune will oppose his Virgo Sun, Mercury, Saturn throughout 2021 making for a panicky, undermining and uncertain time.  

 “The nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself.” – Franklin D Roosevelt,

Coronation Street – streaking towards its old age pension

Coronation Street, the world’s longest running TV soap opera celebrates 60 years on air this week. In February of this year it aired its 10,000th episode. Noted for its depiction of a down-to-earth, working-class community, combined with light-hearted humour and strong characters, it has become imbedded in British culture and although down from its early stratospheric ratings of 20 million or so still tops the ratings.

   The first episode aired 9 December 1960 7.30pm from Manchester, which produced an attention-grabbing and colourful Sagittarius Sun in the entertaining 5th house. There was a Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Capricorn in a confident and gritty opposition to Mars in Cancer which tied into Pluto conjunct the North Node in Virgo.

  There’s no indication of it grinding to a halt but late 2021 will be mired in confusion and disappointment when the Solar Arc Pluto is conjunct the Neptune; and even before then the Solar Arc Mars square the Sun will create a setback or two in about six months’ time.

  Actor William Roache, now 88, is still featuring as Ken Barlow in the series as he has since the start. Born 25 April 1932 7.30am Ilkeston, England, he was educated in a Steiner School in his freemason grandfather’s garden and Roache appears to be a proficient astrologer himself. He was charged in 2013 with under-age historic rape and five counts of indecent assault and found not guilty on all charges.

  He has an Earth Grand Trine of a Taurus Sun trine an 8th house Capricorn Moon trine Neptune. His Sun is on the focal point of a Fixed T Square to Jupiter in Leo opposition Midheaven Saturn in Aquarius, so he’ll be stubborn; and up and down in mood.  His Earth Grand Trine will give him talent though also a tendency to get stuck in the same comfortable rut. He also has a volatile Uranus, Mars, Mercury in Aries square Pluto, so will not always be good at compromise or fitting in.

The brave ship Brexit – unhappy mariners ++ yet another

How fare the fervid Brexiteers? As negotiations teeter on the brink of – yes, no, maybe and why don’t we postpone the agony by stretching the deadline – it seemed worth looking at Rees Mogg, Liam Fox and the Tory ERG leading members (European Research Group which despite its name is virulently anti-EU and does no fact-finding investigations).

  The ERG was launched appropriately enough in July 1993 (no date) on the exact can-be-fanatical Uranus Neptune conjunction in Capricorn; with Saturn in Aquarius in an unyielding square to Pluto.

  I’ll skip much of the predictive astro-explanations since there are too many charts. But Rees Mogg, a flighty Sun, Mercury in Gemini opposition Mars in Sagittarius maybe square a Virgo Moon with Pluto Uranus Jupiter also in Virgo, is certainly being rattled up by the present Eclipses especially his Mars, so insecurity and bad-temper running high. Plus he has a seriously stuck Saturn Pluto Solar Arc around now. 2021 will be up and down with his influence receding but perhaps his finances prospering since his finance house deals off-shore.  2022 looks like a dead-halt setback which appears on the charts of several of his political BFFs.

  Mark Francois, 14 August 1965, a vague/slippery Leo Sun square Neptune, with a Mutable T Square of six of his planets is another scattergun. He looks deeply frustrated, blocked and enraged from February 2021 onwards for two years with tr Pluto square his Mars; plus he has a sprinkling of Neptunian disappointments moving ahead.

  Steve Baker, 6 June 1971, a Sun Gemini is panicking until late this December, jangled across New Year, is up and down in 2021 and hits a catastrophic road block come 2022 courtesy of three unhelpful Solar Arcs.

Liam Fox, 22 September 1961, a Sun Virgo trine Saturn Jupiter in Capricorn, looks furious and fit to explode across this month and through January; with career losses through from January 2021 to late 2022; and his nadir is again 2022.

  Daniel Hannan,1 September 1971, a journalist and early ERG member, A Sun Venus in Virgo square Saturn in Gemini opposition Neptune – yet another jitterbug – is similarly being rattled up by the eclipses, especially the recent Lunar on his Saturn, bringing a reality check. He’s also panicking wildly through this month; and being tossed hither and thither by aggravations and setbacks in 2021.

  Relationships between all of the above and Boris look discontented and aggravated in 2021 – which may or may not mean much.

  Not sure what this all adds up to except that none of them look in a celebratory mood now – and several will be holding their head in their hands in 2022.

Add On: David Jones MP is Deputy Chairman of ERG, has held several Tory ministerial posts and is on the advisory board advisory board of Leave Means Leave. He’s also on the board of Eco Central, a climate change denial group, which uses Facebook adverts to spread false and misleading information. He voted against same-sex marriage and against Marcus Rashford’s scheme to off free school meals to poor kids in holiday periods.

 Born 22 March 1952, he has his Sun in Aries with Mercury, Jupiter also in Aries in a confident trine to Pluto and oppo9sition Saturn Neptune; with his Pluto in a hostile, angry and determined square to Mars in Scorpio. His Pluto may oppose an Aquarius Moon squaring onto Mars; and his Sun squares Uranus. Quite a ratchet, contrary and awkward-squad personality. The Mars square Pluto is often found in shock-jocks charts or members of the tribe who are AGAINST whatever. They need a focus for their hatred.

  Anyways, not an amiable bloke. He’s not remotely happy ahead either, with a fraught February 2021 raising his blood pressure to dangerous levels and that runs on and off till late 2022. Plus considerable disappointments through February to June 2021 and beyond into 2022.

Jerrold M Post – an unsung trailblazer in profiling

Jerrold Post, a psychological profiler for the CIA, whose expertise about the mental illness of foreign leaders made him much in demand in the White House, has died. Latterly he published “Dangerous Charisma” on Trump defying the APA’s ‘Goldwater Rule’ about publishing analytical critiques of individuals without their consent.

  Born 8 February 1934 in Connecticut, he put himself through Yale and Harvard and went onto an action-packed life marrying his triple passions of psychiatry, history and politics. In his spare time he was an accomplished improvisational jazz pianist and a competitive backgammon player. After his stint at the CIA, he founded a consulting firm that specialized in industrial espionage and counterterrorism, lectured as a professor at George Washington University, wrote 14 books and saw patients in a private practice. His daughter said he “was kind of a whirling dervish. . . . He was the kind of person who would think, ‘There are 24 hours in a day. Can we fill 23 of them?”

  In his last book he described Trump as a destructive charismatic leader with the traits of a classic narcissist — such as grandiosity, lack of empathy, hypersensitivity to criticism and no constraints of conscience. And he probed Trump’s symbiotic relationship with his followers, and theirs with him. “The dangerous, destructive charismatic leader polarizes and identifies an outside enemy and pulls his followers together by manipulating their common feelings of victimization,” he said in a recent interview.

  He had his Sun and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius, descriptive of his scientific prowess and interest; both were trine/sextile Jupiter and Uranus for a confident and risk-taking temperament. He also had a powerfully aspected Pluto on the focal point of a Cardinal T Square to Jupiter opposition Uranus. Such a Pluto can give penetrating insight, a researcher who plumbs the depths with a knack of turning up knowledge that is before its time and thus runs into resistance. Good in crises situations and drawn to power figures.

  His North Node was in Aquarius exactly conjunct his Sun which finds its metier in pursuing a humanitarian cause with vigour.

  An interesting man though like many Plutonic personalities did not get the acclaim he should have in his lifetime.

Sydney Powell – howling into the void ++ Mercury Pluto

Sydney Powell, the former prosecutor and now attorney who has been out-Trumping Trump in wild claims of election fraud is still on the rampage spouting QAnon and other crazed theories despite having been officially cut loose by the White House. She’s now unnerving even Republicans like Newt Gingrich with her request for voters to abstain in the Georgia runoff election in January, based on conspiracy theories that the communists will overturn it anyway.

  Born 1 May 1955 in North Carolina, she was respected as a young prosecutor and lawyer but somewhere along the way she flipped.

  She’s a Sun Taurus with Mercury also in Taurus opposition Saturn in obsessive Scorpio square Pluto in Leo. A focal point Pluto tends to have a one-tracked mind, endless staying power, and a desperate need to control. With Mercury involved and in a fixed sign she’s stubborn to the nth degree and also underneath all the hot air got a depressive streak.

   Her very central Mercury square Pluto will also incline her towards what Ebertin describes as ‘fraudulent misrepresentation’ and he also associates it with demagogues and plagiarists. My impression of Mercury Pluto is that it puts excessive pressure on the thinking function which can be at risk of collapse so it invokes a desperation to prop up a shaky mental edifice. Fending off any threat to the rigid mindset from dissenting opinions becomes a life or death battle. That’s the extreme version. In moderation it can give penetrating insight but there is always a driving and defensive need to control everyone else’s thinking.    

   She’s also got a lucky Jupiter Uranus square Neptune, trine Saturn. Uranus square Neptune can be fanatical. Her Uranus Jupiter hook into the USA Mercury opposition Pluto so she will have a knack of exacerbating the worst of the country’s tendency to manic and paranoid thinking.

  Her relationship with Trump is love all the way with a composite Sun Venus in a lucky and amiable square to Jupiter; with Mercury trine Neptune sextile Jupiter adding a layer of illusion and delusion to the warmly supportive feelings.

  Her focal point Pluto is conjunct his Mars which could have been hostile, but she clearly decided if you can’t beat him, join him, so she has subsumed her relentless drive to control any narrative in his favour. Her Taurus Sun is exactly square his Pluto which again could be a struggle for dominance but instead he’s got her hooked.

  She’s disappointed in her connection with Trump throughout 2021 with tr Neptune opposing the composite Saturn. Her own chart will be shaken by tr Uranus conjunct her Sun from mid year with tr Saturn square her Sun – so she’ll be buffeted around.

Macron flying the French flag in defiance ++ Ursula von Leyen

Emmanuel Macron appears to have thrown a spanner in the works as the Brexit negotiations crawl painfully to the witching hour. [Or not as the case may be since there’s a suggestion that a No Deal is being seen as a perhaps-temporary phase to teach le Rosbifs a sharp lesson about the economic and logistical nightmare of a summary exit without agreement.]

  Anyways in the context of the present stand-off, which I confess I glaze over as it lurches from ‘definite deal within days’ to ‘no agreement ever’, Macron has back tracked and tightened his stance on fishing agreements and state aid, saying he’ll do nothing that cuts across French interests. To the dismay of the Irish, who will be tangled up in border issues and Angela Merkel, with German carmakers in mind, who clearly wants a deal before she exits the political stage.

   Macron with a raft of domestic disturbances to quell may well be trying to embellish his credentials at home, fighting for the Brittany fishermen, although paying them compensation would overcome the problem with less fuss, since the sums of money in macroeconomic terms are small. And there’s a suggestion that a NO Deal might suit him only too well since it would persuade many financial service businesses to move from London to Paris.

He’s certainly not in a successful phase of his life with tr Saturn now heading below his Ascendant into his lower-profile First Quadrant for several years ahead, so his arrogance may be shivering in anticipation leading to desperate reactions. Though tr Jupiter will help to keep him buoyant through 2021. He does have the Eclipses now and across 2021 rattling his Sagittarius planets, bringing more than several crises.

   He also has the high-tension and jolting tr Uranus square tr Saturn hitting his uncompromising volatile Mars in Leo square Uranus in 2021 from late spring onwards as well. With a couple of disruptive Solar Arcs in 2022. His Term chart has the destabilising tr Pluto square Uranus from next February for two years, so he’s in for a rocky ride.

  Tr Saturn will be causing chilly differences between Macron and several EU leaders including Merkel, Mark Rutte of the Netherlands, and Coveney, the Irish foreign minister as well as the Irish premier before it exits Capricorn later this month. So the aggravated, trapped, road-blocked tr Mars square tr Pluto running into the 23rd of this month may well see this impasse run on. Macron’s relationship with Boris Johnson isn’t good at the best of times with a power-struggling composite Sun opposition Pluto and that’s also under a damp cloud.

  Boris himself is at the mercy of the Eclipses this month and through 2021 with his Sun, Venus, Mercury in Gemini all getting rattled.

  France and the UK have always been at odds through centuries with a hostile composite Sun square Mars Pluto in the relationship chart so no surprises that this should be the stumbling block. But oddly the France/Germany relationship chart is under even more stress this month and ahead. And Macron’s interface with the EU is looking bleak and discouraged over late this December and through January, and onto late 2021, so whatever he’s doing isn’t making him popular.

 Add on: Boris and the EU Commission President, Ursula von Leyen, are trying to break the deadlock though her hands will be tied since the French could exert a veto on anything she proposes.

She’s no pushover in any event with a do-or-die determined Mars in Gemini square Pluto in Virgo, which coincidentally mirrors and collides with Boris’s Mars in Gemini square Pluto Uranus opposition Saturn – so neither will be inclined to retreat.  Her seemingly easy going Jupiter Neptune in Scorpio is conjunct his Moon which may help slightly but her Saturn in Sagittarius opposes his Mercury for a defensive interface on top of all the extras.

  Their relationship chart has a needs-space, differing-agendas composite Sun Uranus conjunction and the hostile, power-struggling Mars square Pluto, so not sympatico.

A plague on both their houses – it’s not easy to work out who is worse. The pillocks in the UK government v protectionist Macron.

Ugur Sahin – bringing hope of normality ++ updated

Ugur Sahin who along with his wife is credited with developing the new Covid vaccine for his German company BioNTech in coordination with Pfizer, hopes it will get life back to normal by next winter. He’s a billionaire entrepreneur and physician oncologist of Turkish origin who came to Europe as a four year old.

He was born 19 September 1965 and is a Sun Virgo in a confident square to Jupiter; a super determined Venus and Neptune, Mars in Scorpio; and most significantly his Sun and Mercury conjunct the Uranus Pluto conjunction in Virgo.  Uranus Pluto is a ground-breaker and trailblazer and in Virgo, it was guaranteed to push back the frontiers in medicine.

   Obviously there are other vaccine developers but his is the prominent name at present.

  Looking back over the history of vaccination, starting with Edward Jenner, 17 May 1749 GC Berkeley, England, who pioneered the concept of vaccination and developed the world’s first – the smallpox vaccine – he was a Sun, Mercury, Venus in Taurus opposition Saturn in an innovative, experimental and self-willed square to Uranus in Aquarius; with his Uranus inconjunct Neptune.

   Then there was microbiologist Louis Pasteur, 27 December 1822 2am Dole, France, Uranus who had his Sun, Neptune, Venus, Uranus all conjunct in Capricorn.

  In the 20th Century American virologist Jonas Salk, 28 October 1914 7.30 am New York, was amongst the first to develop the polio vaccine. He had a marked Neptune opposition Uranus square a Scorpio Sun.  Uranus is known as the torchbearer shining a light on new paths and Uranus Neptune is inspired, brings ‘eureka’ like epiphanies leading to new discoveries.  

  Salk like Sahin had the ultra-determined Mars in Scorpio so perseverance and the never-say-die spirit helps. Pasteur had similar with his Pluto sextile Mars.

Tony Hsieh – a soaring meteor who crashed

Tony Hsieh, the visionary entrepreneur, who created and sold multi-million dollar companies, and revitalized downtown Las Vegas, has died in what appears to be a tragic accident. Since standing down from Zappos this August, his drug abuse, misuse of nitrous oxide and alcohol appear to have escalated and is likely to have contributed to his death.

  Born 12 December 1973 in Chicago, the son of Taiwan immigrants, he was an adventurous Sun Sagittarius trine Mars in go-ahead Aries which in turn was in an uncompromising and risk-taking opposition to Uranus. He also had a confident and charming Pluto trine Venus Jupiter in Aquarius. And a wide stressed Yod of Saturn square Mars inconjunct Mercury in Sagittarius; with a stubborn and depressive Saturn square Pluto. The Yod focal point Mercury would make him a quick-thinker, though also highly-strung with a tendency to be scattered as well as a good communicator.

   Tr Neptune has been squaring his Sun earlier this year and would have continued to do so throughout 2021 which would lower his energy and ambition, giving him a desire to drift and dream. That was emphasised with several midpoints also catching tr Neptune. Plus a key tr Uranus opposition his Neptune/Pluto midpoint which would have intensified his desire for mystical or supernatural experiences.

  What would be the clincher really – though death is often not marked in a chart – is two of his major configurations approaching a collision by Solar Arc. His Solar Arc Neptune (conjunct his natal Mercury) was almost on the square to his Uranus which would shake his natal Mars Uranus Sun wedge – and was the forerunner to the Yod moving by Solar Arc to do the same. Usually when two such configurations move to meet it brings a crucial turning point in life with often a good going crisis to overcome. Tr Pluto was also heading to square the Uranus from early 2021 turning his life upside down.

 His creative, businessman’s get-it-together 5th harmonic was strong as was his creative though can be addictive 7H; and his unorthodox, breakthrough-genius 13H.

  So much talent, so much money and yet all he wanted at the end was to space out into another reality.

Elliot Page – taking a brave step

The Canadian actor/producer Elliot Page, Oscar nominated for Juno in 2008, formerly Ellen, has announced he is transitioning and wishes to be known by he or they. He came out as gay in 2014, when still identifying as a woman, and married dancer Emma Portner in 2018.

  He is currently due to commence filming on the third season of the hit Netflix series Umbrella Academy, and will continue to play the role of female violinist Vanya Hargreeves, one of seven siblings with extraordinary abilities who are adopted by an eccentric billionaire and turned into a crime-fighting team.  

  Born 21 February 1987 Halifax, Canada, no time sadly, he is a talented Sun Pisces with a Half Grand Sextile from Mars in Taurus opposition Pluto, sextile Sun sextile Neptune – so not a conflict-free temperament. Mars Pluto gives rise to intense frustrations and anger issues. He’s also got Jupiter in Pisces square Uranus Saturn in Sagittarius – so a contradictory mix of moody and adventurous.

  His Mars opposition Pluto has been triggered over the past two years first with his Solar Arc Neptune square his Pluto and last year his Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Mars.  Tr Uranus moving into Taurus in 2018 would also loosen up the rigidities of his Mars in Taurus though not without some qualms and fears. And tr Uranus has now moved on to oppose his Pluto turning his life upside down from June of this year, on and off into early 2021. His tr Neptune is also square his Saturn, from earlier this year, and repeating on and off till January 2022 which can be unsure and uncertain so it will be a winding path ahead.

  His wife Emma Portner, 26 November 1994, will be a steadying influence with five Fixed planets to counter-balance his six Mutable ones. Her Sagittarius Sun is conjunct his Moon which is an ideal crossover; her Venus in Scorpio is conjunct his Pluto for a spark of passion; and her confident Jupiter Pluto in Scorpio is trine his Jupiter.  But it isn’t the easiest of relationships and will have its ups and down.