13 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Max Verstappen has been voted by fans as most popular driver currently in F1 and is now 12 points clear of Sir Lewis with 5 races to go. How’s he looking for the remainder of this year and beyond Marjorie?

  2. Marjorie, please would you look at the chart of Nick D’Aloisio (dob 1.11.95) a computer programmer/internet entrepreneur who has just made a second multi million pound sale of an app.
    He is also currently a D.Phil student at Oxford University, having just graduated with a B.Phil. He’s already written several peer reviewed academic papers.

  3. Hi Marjorie,
    Candace Owens, April 29, 1989, Stamford, CT, USA. Is she delusional or just a savvy, cynical money, power or fame whore?
    Her latest is that the US should invade Australia (!) to free an “oppressed” people. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/22/rightwing-pundit-candace-owens-suggests-us-invade-australia-to-free-an-oppressed-people
    Her comments, of course, relate to Covid mandates. Australia has relatively low Covid death and disease rates, and the overwhelming majority of the population appears to approve of the government’s handling of the pandemic.
    Thank you, Marjorie

    • I did have a look at the time and there wasn’t a great deal to say astrologically. However the CPS has turned up the killer’s dob – so will do the chemistry and synastry tomorrow.

  4. Hi Marjorie,

    Thank you so much about the post on Judge Judy. I just came across it today and read it.

    Lately, I’ve been trying to avoid getting too involved in negative world events. However, I can’t help but notice all of the news notifications I’ve been getting about the sudden escalation of religious violence that currently happening in Bangladesh.

    One news article I read mob attacks against the Bangladesh’s Hindu minority have been ongoing since the Durga Puja celebrations last week. It’s very disturbing.

    I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind taking a look at Bangladesh and discussing any astrological information that might suggest why this is happening at this given time.

    How do things appear to be shaping up for Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina? I know she’s been calling for peace and she’s habitually reminded the Bengali people that Bangladesh is a secular nation.

  5. Hi, I’m curious about Matt Hancock’s future… everything he tries or touches immediately turns against him. I just read your previous post on his resignation. There you said he was in for a shockingly bad few months. I wonder if you could be more specific? Will he return to politics? Many thanks! E.

  6. Dems are apparently having kittens about the noise generated by the VA Governor race. And of course the media amplifies it as if Dems are on the back foot. Well here’s my prediction based on history. McAuliffe by a 6 to 8 point victory; as in 53-54 and Youngkin 45-46. Besides gubernatorial history, Biden won the state by 10 points! So regardless of his slip in polls it’s irrational to think VA is gonna be tight. But Dems getting nervous is a good thing for turnout so…..Lol

    • Hi I had a brief look and frankly neither look that happy – so maybe a close result and then a delay. Virginia state is due for a major upheaval but not until spring 2022 onwards.

      • Much obliged Marjorie. I think had Youngkin won he would be beaming regardless of the margin. Terry likely set his expectations too high so a smaller margin than his soon to be predecessor or Biden might be a downer. Trump is not there as a motivator like 2017 and 2020 which were a 9 and 10 point margin respectively(typical complacent Dems). But I’d still be surprised if it’s under 6 this time.
        As to a 2022 upheaval, it could be Trump’s monkeys last hurrah as the paradigm shift is ploughing ahead.

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