Selma Blair, a bubbly, zany, irrepressible actress with a cult following – Legally Blonde, Cruel Intentions etc – is starring in a documentary about her struggles with multiple sclerosis, in the hope it helps other sufferers. She was diagnosed in 2018 but has been plagued by odd ailments all of her life – constant pain, fatigue and unpredictable mood swings which persisted into adulthood. After the birth of her son in 2011 she had problems with her vision and experienced involuntary muscle contractions in her neck. Despite a gruelling schedule of treatments she is insisting on publicising her condition.
She was born 23 June 1972 at 8.45 am Southfield, Michigan, and has a friendly 11th house Cancer Sun in an expansive opposition to Jupiter in her entertaining 5th house square a controlling and influential Pluto. She’s also got a 12th house Mars in Cancer exactly conjunct her South Node in a Half Grand Sextile to Pluto and a Scorpio Moon conjunct Neptune.
Mars, Scorpio Moon, Pluto is quite a heavy combination especially with Neptune tied in – and they would seem to be the driving planets of her chart. The North Node in her 6th would suggest health as an issue that would be an integral part of her path in life.
Her victim/healer 12th Harmonic is particularly strong with a Grand Trine and a Grand Square of planets. She’s making the best of a rough deal from the fates.
My daughter died at 29 after 10 years of relentlessly progressing MS. I was never skilled enough in astrology to make astrological connections. It is a dreadful disease. I will look carefully at any possible links between Selma and my daughter’s charts
Thank you Marjorie. I hope very much that this documentry raises awareness of MS, in particular how it can lurk early on as a series of odd symptoms, often dismissed by the GP at the time. I’ve known quite a number of highly creative people with MS, and had a very close friend who died with it in 2019. It is a mysterious and hideous affliction, and needs much more research.
Curiously, my friend had Saturn conjunct her South Node, square Venus conjunct Chiron. There was another t square of Mercury opposing Uranus, squaring onto that Saturn/SN too. In Munkasey’s Midpoints book, the interpretation for Saturn/Node for “Body or Mind” says:
‘The constriction of tubes or passageways in the body, blocked or constricted bowels, blocked throat or air passages, weak connecting muscles.’
Reading tubes or passageways as the nervous system that is so ruined by MS, my friend struggled with all these symptoms.