Pierrepoint and other Lord High Executioners

Albert Pierrepoint, the UK’s most notable executioner who hanged several hundred serial killers, Nazi criminals and murderers over a 25 year career started his vocation early on life following in his father’s footstep.  “In my [youthful] imagination,” he wrote in his memoir, “Death was an adventure . . . and Execution was romance.” At the end of his working life he wrote: “All the men and women whom I have faced at that final moment convince me that . . . I have not prevented a single murder. Capital punishment, in my view, achieved nothing except revenge.”

  His execution diary has recently been sold at auction and may result in an updated memoir coming out.

  He was born 30 March 1905, London and was a Sun Aries square a Uranus Neptune opposition.  His Mars in Scorpio opposed Algol and squared Saturn which makes sense of a state assassin.

 His father Henry, 30 November 1877, a Sun Sagittarius had his Pluto conjunct Algol square Uranus, sextile Mars. His uncle Thomas Pierrepoint, 6 October 1870, a Sun Libra had his Mars in Leo in a ruthless square to Pluto and trine Saturn trine Neptune.

Charles Henri-Sanson, 15 February 1739, high executioner of France who beheaded Louis XVI by guillotine, and another three thousand people during the French Revolution including Robespierre, some of them in a gruesome fashion, had an afflicted Mars conjunct Chiron on the focal point of a yod inconjunct a revolutionary Uranus sextile Pluto; with his late Taurus Moon probably conjunct Algol.  

Giovanni Battista Bugatti, the Official executioner for the Papal States. With a tally of 514 kills, 6 March 1779, had a cruel Mars Saturn in Scorpio sextile Jupiter with Mars opposition Algol; and a Pisces Sun square Uranus.

  All too ghoulish but noteworthy the presence of Algol in nearly all the charts as well as an afflicted Mars.

Continuing on from the previous post of the recent US nitrogen gas execution, see post January 26th 2024.

  One of my objections to the death penalty apart from it not being a deterrent, is that it contaminates not only society but those who are tasked with carrying out the executions.  Though admittedly the forms of execution nowadays are nowhere as sadistically stomach turning as the methods of centuries ago. Civilization has crawled forwards an inch or two.

Tucker Carlson – faced the tiger, got bored

The interview of the century between right-wing commentator Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin turned out to be a very long damp squib as the Russian leader excavated Russian history back to the 8th Century to legitimize his invasion of Ukraine. Even Carlson wilted as his noble attempt as he saw it to better inform clueless English-speaking audiences who had been misled by their corrupt media outlets, fell in its face.

  ‘It marked a new level of infamy for Carlson, who has frequently criticized US support for Ukraine, has referred to Volodymyr Zelenskiy, the president of Ukraine, as a “Ukrainian pimp” and “rat-like”.

  The interview was aired on Tucker Carlson Tonight, a streaming service which Carlson launched in December 2023 after he was  fired by Fox News for getting “too big for his boots”, a book later claimed. Hillary Clinton said Carlson was a “useful idiot” for Putin.

  Born 16 May 1969 10.07 am San Francisco, Carlson is a New Moon in Taurus opposition a creative, evasive Neptune and trine a super-confident Jupiter Pluto in Virgo in his journalistic 3rd house which makes him a communicator on steroids. His Pluto is also in an ultra-determined, ruthless square to Mars in outspoken Sagittarius in his performing 5th house – not a shrinking violet.

 He is having an uncomfortable, jarring year with tr Uranus conjunct his Sun and opposition Neptune from mid June onwards into 2025 at which point tr Uranus picks up the conjunction to his Moon. He also has a confidence-sapping tr Neptune opposition his Jupiter exactly now till early March. Plus a disruptive tr Pluto trine his Uranus now and on and off till late 2024; and a discouraging tr Pluto square his 10th house Saturn in 2024/25. Not his best of times.

  Moscow may be a possibility for him since relocating his chart there puts his pushily-confident Jupiter Pluto on the Midheaven with his evasive Neptune in his 1st and his New Moon in his 7th making him yearn for support and a strong partner.

  If Putin’s October 1952 birth date is accurate then Carlson’s Taurus New Moon will warm to Putin’s Jupiter in Taurus. Carlson shares Mars in Sagittarius with Putin so there may be a resonance of a dominating childhood father drawing him to the Russian strongman.  But the relationship chart also has a uncommitted and slippery composite Sun Mercury square Neptune and a stressed Mars.  

  Carlson’s astrocartography is the only interesting aspect of this non event.

Birth Control – the early pioneers

Birth control may have been practised by the ancient Greeks and throughout history with variable success but it was still a scandalous subject in Victorian England in the 19th Century. Annie Besant, a free-thinking early campaigner for women’s rights, and an early advocate for birth control, ended up on trial on charges of obscenity for publishing a pamphlet that provided instructions of how best to avoid conception, though she was acquitted.  A new book about her by Michael Meyer described her as a “a badass, a battering ram, a woman who inspired the next generation of social reformers”. Unlike Margaret Sanger and Marie Stopes who followed she was not a eugenicist but had a simple desire to see women not worn out by child-bearing.

 Besant, 1 October 1847 5.29pm London, was a Sun, North Node, Venus, Mercury and Chiron in Libra with Uranus and Pluto in Aries, born just before the mid century triple conjunction. She also had an ultra-determined Mars in Taurus.  She was assisted by Charles Bradlaugh, an MP, atheist, political activist and founder of the Secular Society, 26 September 1833, another Sun, in Libra conjunct Saturn and Mars with Chiron conjunct Algol in late Taurus.

 The two names most associated with pioneering birth control were born within a year of each other with Pluto in late Taurus and Chiron in Taurus.

 Margaret Sanger, 14 September 1879 2.30am New York, one of 11 children herself, the founder of the American Birth Control League, the forerunner of Planned Parenthood Federation, was a redoubtable Sun Virgo trine Mars Pluto Algol conjunction in Taurus. She was supported financially and in other ways by Katherine McCormick, 27 August 1875, a Sun Mercury in Virgo with Pluto and Neptune in Taurus.

 Marie Stopes, 15 October 1889 4.10 am Edinburgh, Scotland, the key UK sex reformer and promoter of birth control, had her Sun conjunct Mars in Libra opposition Saturn in Aries; with Pluto and Neptune in Taurus. She was helped by her second husband Humphrey Roe, 18 April 1878 who also had a clutch of Taurus planets and was an Aries Sun.

  Of the reformers Sun Libra and Virgo seem favoured and definitely the mid 19th Century Pluto in Taurus helped. Annie Besant of them all looks the most determined social reformer.

Pakistan – debt, violence and a dodgy election

Pakistan is going to the polls in the least credible election yet with Imran Khan, the most popular politician jailed on multiple  charges and his party suppressed, in what insiders say is a sign that the military are taking control. Mobile calls and the internet have been suspended.  

  Khan as prime minister until 2022 favoured the military until he fell out with them for which sin this is assumed to be the backlash. The 500,000-strong army has historically  been Pakistan’s power broker not only in defence but also in politics, economic policy and even business. But the indications are that the attempt to crush Khan has aroused resentment among swathes of the population especially the young. He may need to be released from jail to calm unrest though presumably after the election has been held.

  Pakistan’s economy is in crisis, with inflation at 30 per cent in December, and the country narrowly averted default in June thanks to a $3bn IMF bailout. They will need to return to the fund for immediate support to avoid another near-repeat of ‘a bankruptcy that could become one of the biggest burdens on the global debt restructuring architecture since the Covid-19 pandemic. At about $100bn, Pakistan has more foreign debt than Zambia, Sri Lanka and Ghana combined, according to IMF data.’ In addition, the country must tackle a resurgence of extremist violence, with an increase in Islamic militancy spilling over from Taliban-ruled Afghanistan.

   Pakistan, 14 August 1947 9.30am Karachi, does look rudderless and confused over the next three years with tr Neptune square Uranus, then the Midheaven, then Mars through till 2026, joined half way through by tr Saturn square Uranus, MC, Mars in 2025/26 – so the country will be blown around by indecision and chaotic, undermining events.  Tr Uranus will square the Pak Leo Sun for the final time late March/early April which may be connected to the next IMF negotiations.

  The Solar Arc North Node is conjunct the Pak Saturn Pluto now which suggests a history changing moment, maybe not in a spectacular way, but it may come to be seen historically as a significant marker.

 Nawaz Sharif, 25 December 1949, back from a self-imposed exile after the Panama Papers expose, is expected to do well in the election. If he does take over he’s in for a fairly calamitous three years ahead with tr Neptune opposing his Mars and squaring his Capricorn Sun and Uranus.

  Imran Khan, 5 October 1952, has been through a disappointing slump in recent months with tr Neptune square his Mars but that finishes just after the election and with tr Uranus square his Pluto late April to mid May his fortunes may change  – or at the very least his circumstances will change significantly. He did inspire the country though he became increasingly authoritarian and did little to halt the economic slide.

[The outraged Trumpistatists are bracketing the the attempt to ban Trump from the election because of his multiple malfeasances with Khan’s imprisonment. The dark state against the people’s choice. Sigh.]

Yoko Ono – walks her own road

Yoko Ono acclaimed as an avant-garde artist and controversial as John Lennon’s muse, blamed for the Beatles’ split, is having a retrospective at Tate Modern as she nears her 91st birthday.

  She was well known in the New York art world before she met Lennon in the late 1960s, staying with him till his death in 1980, recording experimental music with him and campaigning for peace.

 She was born 18 February 1933 8.30pm Tokyo into a wealthy family with a childhood spent in New York and in Tokyo during the war which fuelled her later pacifist activism. Her creative tastes always ran to the outre and surreal in music and art. She has her Sun in final degree Aquarius as well as Venus in Aquarius conjunct Saturn all in her performing 5th house so will be attention grabbing as well as good at organising entertainment events. Her Sagittarius Moon squares Neptune Mars Jupiter in Virgo in her 12th giving her a colourful, exuberant streak to counter-balance the chill of Saturn in Aquarius. What sets the mark on her revolutionary, rebellious, mould-breaking streak is Pluto square Uranus which is strategically placed in her career 10th and relationship 7th. She likes upsetting convention and stirring up a reaction. Her Chiron in Taurus in her 8th has a hint of ‘the heart of darkness’ about her, whether consciously or unconsciously attracting her to destructive situations. Being forever known as the widow of a murdered John Lennon may be part of it.

  What is delightful is that on her astrocartography Liverpool, John’s birthplace puts Venus within a degree of being conjunct the relocated Midheaven with her Sun in his 10th. A place that boosted her status.

 With Pluto in her 10th she will be influential and also controlling, perhaps fulfilling John Lennon’s early pattern of a possessive mother figure with his Moon opposition Pluto. Yoko’s Uranus in her 7th hints at her need for an unconventional relationship where she could still be a strong individual.

 Their relationship chart describes a complicated chemistry – tightly bound together with undercurrents of resentment. There was a Grand Trine of a power couple Pluto Jupiter trine Venus trine Saturn, with Saturn opposition Mars Neptune squaring onto the composite Sun. Power-struggling, passionate, aggravating, unfair even cruel at times as one stifled the assertiveness of the other. Quite a powder keg.

  John Lennon, 9 October 1940 6.30pm Liverpool, England, had a Libra Sun conjunct his Descendant and a creative, attention-grabbing 5th house Pluto in an emotionally intense and possessive opposition to an Aquarius Moon. With a Saturn Jupiter conjunction in Taurus in his 1st and Uranus also in Taurus. He came to fame aged 20 on the next Jupiter Saturn conjunction and died 20 years after that when the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Libra was in place. Jupiter throws a few too high and then Saturn steps in to cut them down.

 New York was not his easiest place since it put a trapped Pluto in his 8th.

  When he was shot Yoko had a devastating SA Pluto conjunct Neptune and the transiting Jupiter Saturn conjunction crossing her Ascendant. A moment in cultural history.

King Charles – an unwelcome distraction

King Charles no sooner across the threshold of his long awaited reign than he is sidelined with a cancer diagnosis must be dejected at the timing no matter how sanguine a face he puts on publicly.

  The Royals are on the whole famously long lived with his beloved grandmother surviving colon cancer in 1966 and ambling on for another 35 years.

 Tr Pluto square Charles’ 10th house Moon this year and next was always going to put a strain on him career-wise with the possibility of health issues since the Moon also rules the body. His Solar Arc Midheaven is exactly conjunct his Uranus now which does suggest a jolt and disruption in his life’s direction.  With his SA Saturn conjunct his Sun, exact in 8 months which will slow him down for a while; with some disappointments in 2025 as tr Neptune squares his adventurous Jupiter opposition Uranus and SA MC.  His Solar return for November 2025 onwards has Jupiter in the 6th which augurs well on the health front.

   Prince William does have tr Pluto square his Jupiter and then Midheaven from this year until late 2026 so will be pushing ahead confidently on the career front as he is forced to shoulder heavier responsibilities. Though he is looking shaken, no doubt because of his wife’s health problems as well, with his SA Saturn opposition his Venus exact in four months and tr Uranus conjunct his Venus from this June on and off into early 2025. His Venus is particularly sensitive since it is the apex planet of a yod – and heavy influences on it are likely to push his life onto a different track. His Progressed Mars will conjunct his Jupiter by 2026 which will boost his status even more.

 Queen Camilla does look anxious, not surprisingly, with her SA Saturn square her Sun now and her SA Sun conjunct her Neptune exact after mid 2024. She’ll soldier on as normal through a testing couple of years with better news in 2025.

 Prince Harry is flying back to visit his father perhaps regretting having burnt his bridges behind him as his role as spare suddenly shows its value.   He does have his Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Uranus, exact within a few months, which will change his long term outlook radically. He also has his SA Saturn square his Sun, exact in fifteen months; plus tr Uranus is conjunct his 4th house Taurus Moon mid March to mid April which will have resonances for his childhood family and father being 4th house. This usually brings family upsets and even house moves. Tr Pluto is square his Pluto in 2024/25 which is part of his mid-life crisis (= last chance to grow up!) His Progressed Moon is also conjunct his 9th house Saturn in 3 months which will be downbeat.

   There is no real indication of a truce with his family. His relations with his father look less strained than with the rest of the senior Royals. Anne, Edward, Camilla are all in separating/critical mode. Will may grit his teeth but it will be an uphill struggle not to let fly.

 Harry’s relationship with Meghan is also under strain as of now with tr Pluto conjunct their composite Midheaven and trines the composite Venus in 2024/25; and tr Uranus is square the composite Sun and opposite Uranus in 2025. Not only is their joint career floundering, the tug of Harry’s family/father can’t sit comfortably with Meghan’s scorched earth policy towards her own father/family.

 Both King Charles’ Accession and Coronation charts have strong Uranus elements built in so were always going to bring a changeable reign.

See post January 20 2024: UK Royals – braving the blast of Pluto in Aquarius

Truman Capote – friendship and betrayal

The tawdry world of high society gossip is the centrepiece of the tv docu-drama series “Feud: Capote vs. the Swans.” Truman Capote, a feted writer of Breakfast at Tiffany’s and the true crime novel In Cold Blood which brought him fame, fortune and friendships with high-society female friends, the wives of New York’s richest and most powerful men whom he nicknamed his “swans”. He lunched with them for two decades; yachted with them, heard their secrets and gossiped constantly.  

  As his career faltered he had the bright idea of turning what he knew into a novel, revealing their ‘dirty laundry’ which proved to be an act of social suicide. Indeed one of his subjects did commit suicide having seen an early version.  The fallout from his betrayal saw him ostracized from New York society and he retreated into an alcoholic and druggy final few years dying less than a decade later.

 Hamartia is the Greek word for the hero’s tragic flaw though Capote was hardly heroic in the first place with later analysis of his In Cold Blood pointing up fabrications and mistakes.

 He was born 30 September 1924 3pm New Orleans and had a fractured childhood, being abandoned to relatives for several years after his parents’ divorce. He wanted to become a writer from early on.  He had a deeply buried 8th house Libra Sun square Pluto, so would be predisposed to unearth other people’s secrets – the 8th house giving him an instinct for what lay below the surface. His Moon Saturn in Scorpio in the publishing 9th house hints at his motherless, unhappy childhood focusing his energy on writing and no doubt giving him an acerbic slant as Scorpio’s sting was unveiled.

   His Neptune Venus in Leo in his 7th opposition a 1st house Mars would attract him to glamour, superficiality and frivolity though with hints at a lack of solid commitment in relationships, amplified by his North Node also in the 7th. Jupiter in his 10th guaranteed success for a time.  Chiron in Aries in his 3rd house suggests a lack of a strong sense of identity and a tendency for childhood hurts to impact on his way of thinking and communicating.

 He grew up near writer Harper Lee who helped him with In Cold Blood though they drifted apart afterwards. Although a Sun Taurus, she had some similarities having a Moon Saturn in Scorpio close to his Midheaven and her Jupiter Mars in Aquarius opposition Neptune.

 Gore Vidal, another Sun Libra with Venus Saturn in Scorpio,  with whom Capote is sometimes linked though they disliked each other and the more intellectual Vidal had gravitas where Capote seemed obsessed with superficial appearances.  

Capote’s 5th harmonic was strong – good at building a successful life but with a tendency to be irresponsible,  self-indulgent, deceitful. More significantly his 10th harmonic is heavily aspected – the wheel of fortune, reaching the heights and then tumbling down.

Middle East tensions reaching crisis point

   The temperature gauge is over-heating in the Middle East with fears of a flash point coming as US and UK forces have retaliated against Houthi shipping attacks in the Red Sea and a drone attack which killed three US soldiers. There were joint strikes on 36 Houthi targets in Yemen; and the US hit 85 targets in Syria and Iraq.

 Jeremy Bowen, BBC International editor writes: “I don’t think anybody is in control over the rate at which this happens. Don’t forget: war is messy, things happen.” To date the conflicts have been with Iran-funded proxies and Biden is clearly cautious about engaging Iran directly. As indeed is Iran who have internal problems with a restive younger population. The leaders were not best pleased about the Hamas October assault since it blocked millions that was to be released by the US for a prisoner exchange. But they will have been happy enough to see the rupture between Israel and Saudi Arabia. A ceasefire in Gaza might be enough to cool tensions down pro tem.

  There are two astro-warning flags ahead – one is imminent, with Mars entering Aquarius on February 13th to conjunct with Pluto. The other is July 2024 when many of the political ‘players’ on both sides have planets affected by the Mars, Uranus, Algol conjunction at 26 Taurus. The Hamas attack in October started on a Mars square Pluto; the Gaza Invasion of 2008 started on a Mars Pluto conjunction.

  This has been covered in previous posts. But to recap. The alarming nature of Biden’s presidency with its explosive Mars Uranus square Sun Saturn Jupiter was always going to throw up trouble at some point. The past few months with the Solar Arc Saturn closing the square to Mars Uranus in October 2023 exactly, brought matters to a head with the Hamas Attack. The SA Sun is conjunct the Saturn exactly now and by this June the Solar Arc Saturn will conjunct the Jupiter exactly. So there is a convergence of a really tricky combination of planetary influences – high tensions leading to eruptions and violence. Plus the midpoints on his Inauguration chart will be rattled severely from June, mounting in anxiety in July and aggravated in August and onwards.

  Biden’s personal chart has tr Uranus opposition his Scorpio Sun from August this year for jolts and unwelcome surprises.  

  The USA chart has the SA Saturn conjunct the Mars exactly this July which has military associations and will be a risky collision of sorts.  

 Anthony Blinken, Secretary of State, 16 April 1962, has one lucky influence in June this year and then tr Uranus square his Uranus at 26 Leo in July plus a panicky-failure tr Neptune conjunct his Mars mid May to late August this year (and further on).

  One might wonder why UK forces are involved given the parlously rundown state of the army and navy. Though disruption of shipping through the Red Sea with goods from Asia to Europe could send consumer costs soaring and affect the Chancellor’s ability to make tax cuts.

  David Cameron, the Foreign Secretary, 9 October 1966 5.30 am London, looks ominously over confident this year, no doubt grasping a chance to strut the world stage. He has tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter this year and next and has his Jupiter MC lines through the Red Sea. Usually this is successful but it could send him over the top and tempt him to imagine himself as omnipotent and incapable of failing – upon which rock of hubris many a career has perished. His Mars at 26 Leo will be on high alert in July; along with tr Uranus in aspect to two of his Jupiter midpoints, again boosting his confidence.

 The UK chart is not showing much in the way of risk from violence this year, though in 2025 the SA Uranus conjunct the Mars might.  This year and on it has swampy influences around money and the economic situation.

Michael J Fox – a Chiron of a journey

Michael J Fox, whose documentary Still made by Davis Guggenheim (Apple TV) has won several Emmys is now up for a BAFTA. It tells the tale of his stratospheric rise to success, moving from Canada to dumpster-diving for food in Los Angeles, becoming a yuppie teen on a smash TV sitcom Family Ties, followed by movie hits and soon he is the celebrity of the moment. Until a year after his marriage he notices his finger developing a twitch. At 29 he is diagnosed with Parkinson’s and a shortened lifespan. After an alcoholic interlude, he pulls himself together with the help of his wife and sets up the Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research which to date has distributed £2bn.

  Remarkably upbeat considering the constant pain he suffers, he is keen to dispense with any heroic notions.  He says: “It just is what it is. It didn’t defeat me. I wish it was a heroic thing. I’m not saying: ‘Yeah! Bring it, bring it!’ I hate it. It sucks. It’s a piece of shit. It’s tough to get up in the morning and keep going. But I have a beautiful family and this office with trophies.” He also thinks within the next 10, 15 years, there will be a viable solution to Parkinsons.

  Born 9 June 1961 12.15 am Edmonton, Canada, he has a 4th house Gemini Sun sextile a lively Mars Uranus in Leo. His 12th house Saturn in final degree Capricorn conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius in on the focal point of a T square to an 8th house Neptune opposition Moon Venus in Taurus does suggest a capacity to find inner peace and maintain enthusiasm with Jupiter in the 12th.

  His Pluto is conjunct the North Node opposition Chiron. Pluto connecting to Chiron does bring profound experiences and can for some  allow them to live out transformative or regenerative experiences in their lives which help others. Tied into the Pisces South Node may hint at his escape into alcohol to cope with a potentially life threatening diagnosis – but his remedy was then aimed towards the Virgo North Node which tied into influential Pluto could motivate him towards make a difference in the medical area.

  He evidently used to talk to Muhammad Ali, another Parkinson’s sufferer, 17 January 1942 6.35pm Louisville, Kentucky, whose condition was probably caused by boxing injuries. He was diagnosed when he was around 40 and died in his mid 70s. He had a 6th house late Capricorn Sun and Moon Mercury in Aquarius; with a heavyweight 10th house Uranus Saturn in Taurus. His Moon was in a difficult T square opposition Chiron Pluto square Mars in Taurus. His chart more obviously reflects the potential for health issues. And again Pluto conjunct Chiron.

 Billy Connolly, the Scots comedian, also has Parkinsons, 24 November 1942 4.30 am Glasgow, Scotland. He has a 2nd house Sun Venus in Sagittarius opposition Uranus Saturn in Gemini – colourful, adventurous, mischievous, chaotic. He has a lucky, successful Jupiter in his 10th trine Sun Venus, sextile Neptune. A living-abroad 9th house Gemini Moon. And an influential Pluto in his 10th which squares an intense Mars in Scorpio.  His Chiron in Leo is conjunct his North Node.  

  I am not a great believer in using astrology as a diagnostic tool and there are no startling similarities on the charts as is, or in the midpoints. Though there may be Fixed star connections which others may see. Recently more and more on celeb/political charts, I see Chiron tied into the Nodes. It is clearly worth keeping an eye on.

Patrick Macnee – a messed up childhood

The actor Patrick Macnee, best known as Steed in the Avengers, had a confusing childhood after his socialite mother in an open marriage with his father had a younger illegitimate half-sibling and then contracted a lesbian relationship. He stayed with his mother and ‘Uncle Evelyn’, as his mother’s partner was, known in a house where no men were allowed with his mother insisting he wore women’s clothes. He refused but did wear a kilt. Evelyn paid his way to Eton, where he developed his acting skills before being expelled for running a gambling operation and selling erotic pictures to his schoolmates. He later said “that he had been socially and sexually confused by his upbringing and schooling” and moved to the USA which he found a less repressed environment. He was married three times.

 While serving in the Navy in WW11 a bout of bronchitis saved his life as his boat was sunk with him in hospital. He started his acting career in Canada in small roles. By his late 30s he had not had a break and was smoking 80 cigarettes and drinking a bottle of whisky a day at which point the Avenger role came along.

  He was born 6 February 1922 1am London and had a quick witted and charming 3rd house Sun Venus in Aquarius opposition a creative, escapist Neptune in the 9th square Mars in Scorpio in his 1st house which in turn was opposition a 7th house Taurus Moon.  His Moon aspects are confused with Mars and Neptune as well as the Sun Venus all tangled up. Moon Mars would certainly spark off his anger and make alcohol an escape route away from troublesome feelings.

His mother Dorothea, 30 October 1896, was a Sun Scorpio trine Mars in late Gemini with an obsessive and high-handed Saturn Uranus in Scorpio which opposed Patrick’s Moon and was conjunct his Mars – an aggravated chemistry.  Her Neptune Pluto in Gemini also fell in his 8th house of sexuality so no wonder he was muddled.

  Their relationship chart had a controlling, possessive composite Sun opposition Pluto which was in a power-struggling square to Jupiter and a steady sextile/trine Saturn; with a needs-space Venus Uranus in a highly strung opposition to Neptune. Poor kid, he wouldn’t know whether he was coming or going. But at least he escaped after the war. She died in 1984.

 His Chiron in his 5th would damage his spontaneity as he learned early on not to express who he really was. Though oddly it may have contributed to his later success as the cool, dapper Steed.

  He had a noteworthy combination of Saturn conjunct North Node in Libra opposition Chiron which suggests that his wounded self-image, generating guilt and shame impacted greatly on his Libran North Node, which urged him to form healthy relationships.

  I had never realised all this.  The damage some parents do is horrific. Still he made it to 93.